#!/bin/python3 # # yelp-check # Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Shaun McCance # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import configparser import lxml.etree import os import sys import urllib.request import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import textwrap DATADIR = '@DATADIR@' XML_ID = '{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}id' NAMESPACES = { 'mal': 'http://projectmallard.org/1.0/', 'cache': 'http://projectmallard.org/cache/1.0/', 'db': 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook', 'e': 'http://projectmallard.org/experimental/', 'ui': 'http://projectmallard.org/ui/1.0/', 'uix': 'http://projectmallard.org/experimental/ui/', 'xlink': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' } def _stringify(el): ret = el.text or '' for ch in el: ret = ret + _stringify(ch) if el.tail is not None: ret = ret + el.tail return ret def get_format(node): ns = lxml.etree.QName(node).namespace if ns in (NAMESPACES['mal'], NAMESPACES['cache']): return 'mallard' elif ns == NAMESPACES['db']: return 'docbook5' elif ns is None: # For now, just assume no ns means docbook4 return 'docbook4' else: return None class InputFile: def __init__(self, filepath, filename, sitedir=None): self.filepath = filepath self.filename = filename self.absfile = os.path.join(filepath, filename) self.absdir = os.path.dirname(self.absfile) self.sitedir = sitedir or '' self.sitefilename = self.sitedir + self.filename class Checker: name = None desc = None blurb = None formats = [] arguments = [] postblurb = None xinclude = True config = None def __init__(self, yelpcheck): self.yelpcheck = yelpcheck self.options = {} self.fileargs = [] self.tmpdir = None def __del__(self): if self.tmpdir is not None: shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) self.tmpdir = None def parse_args(self, args): while len(args) > 0: argdef = None if args[0].startswith('--'): for arg_ in self.arguments: if args[0] == '--' + arg_[0]: argdef = arg_ break if argdef is None: self.print_help() return 1 elif args[0].startswith('-'): for arg_ in self.arguments: if args[0] == arg_[1]: argdef = arg_ break if argdef is None: self.print_help() return 1 if argdef is not None: takesarg = (argdef[2] is not None) if takesarg: if len(args) < 2: self.print_help() return 1 self.options.setdefault(argdef[0], []) self.options[argdef[0]].append(args[1]) args = args[2:] else: self.options[argdef[0]] = True args = args[1:] else: self.fileargs.append(args[0]) args = args[1:] cfgfile = None if len(self.fileargs) > 0: cfgfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.fileargs[0]), '.yelp-tools.cfg') if not os.path.exists(cfgfile): cfgfile = None if cfgfile is None: cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.yelp-tools.cfg') if os.path.exists(cfgfile): self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: self.config.read(cfgfile) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return 0 def get_option_bool(self, arg): if arg in self.options: return self.options[arg] == True if self.config is not None: val = self.config.get('check:' + self.name, arg, fallback=None) if val is not None: return (val == 'true') val = self.config.get('check', arg, fallback=None) if val is not None: return (val == 'true') val = self.config.get('default', arg, fallback=None) if val is not None: return (val == 'true') return False def get_option_str(self, arg): if arg in self.options: if isinstance(self.options[arg], list): return self.options[arg][-1] if self.config is not None: val = self.config.get('check:' + self.name, arg, fallback=None) if val is not None: return val val = self.config.get('check', arg, fallback=None) if val is not None: return val val = self.config.get('default', arg, fallback=None) if val is not None: return val return None def get_option_list(self, arg): if arg in self.options: if isinstance(self.options[arg], list): ret = [] for opt in self.options[arg]: ret.extend(opt.replace(',', ' ').split()) return ret if self.config is not None: val = self.config.get('check:' + self.name, arg, fallback=None) if val is not None: return val.replace(',', ' ').split() val = self.config.get('check', arg, fallback=None) if val is not None: return val.replace(',', ' ').split() val = self.config.get('default', arg, fallback=None) if val is not None: return val.replace(',', ' ').split() return None def iter_files(self, sitedir=None): issite = self.get_option_bool('site') if len(self.fileargs) == 0: self.fileargs.append('.') for filearg in self.fileargs: if os.path.isdir(filearg): if issite: for infile in self.iter_site(filearg, '/'): yield infile else: for fname in os.listdir(filearg): if fname.endswith('.page'): yield InputFile(filearg, fname) else: if issite: # FIXME: should do some normalization here, I guess. # It's hard to get this perfect without a defined start dir yield InputFile(os.getcwd(), filearg, '/' + os.path.dirname(filearg)) else: yield InputFile(os.getcwd(), filearg) def iter_site(self, filepath, sitedir): for fname in os.listdir(filepath): newpath = os.path.join(filepath, fname) if os.path.isdir(newpath): # FIXME https://github.com/projectmallard/pintail/issues/36 if fname == '__pintail__': continue for infile in self.iter_site(newpath, sitedir + fname + '/'): yield infile elif fname.endswith('.page'): yield InputFile(filepath, fname, sitedir) def get_xml(self, xmlfile): # FIXME: we can cache these if we add a feature to run multiple # checkers at once tree = lxml.etree.parse(xmlfile.absfile) if self.xinclude: lxml.etree.XInclude()(tree.getroot()) return tree def create_tmpdir(self): if self.tmpdir is None: self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def print_help(self): print('Usage: yelp-check ' + self.name + ' [OPTIONS] [FILES]') print('Formats: ' + ' '.join(self.formats) + '\n') #FIXME: prettify names of formats if self.blurb is not None: print(self.blurb + '\n') elif self.desc is not None: print(self.desc + '\n') print('Options:') maxarglen = 2 args = [] for arg in self.arguments: argkey = '--' + arg[0] if arg[1] is not None: argkey = arg[1] + ', ' + argkey if arg[2] is not None: argkey = argkey + ' ' + arg[2] args.append((argkey, arg[3])) for arg in args: maxarglen = max(maxarglen, len(arg[0]) + 1) for arg in args: print(' ' + (arg[0]).ljust(maxarglen) + ' ' + arg[1]) if self.postblurb is not None: print(self.postblurb) def main(self, args): pass class HrefsChecker (Checker): name = 'hrefs' desc = 'Find broken external links in a document' blurb = ('Find broken href links in FILES in a Mallard document, or\n' + 'broken ulink or XLink links in FILES in a DocBook document.') formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'), ('allow', None, 'URL', 'Allow URL or list of URLs without checking') ] postblurb = 'URL may be a comma- and/or space-separated list, or specified\nmultiple times.' def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 # safelisting URLs that we use as identifiers hrefs = { 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/': True, 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/': True, 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/': True, 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/': True } allow = self.get_option_list('allow') if allow is not None: for url in allow: hrefs[url] = True retcode = 0 for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) for el in xml.xpath('//*[@href | @xlink:href | self::ulink/@url]', namespaces=NAMESPACES): href = el.get('href', None) if href is None: href = el.get('{www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href') if href is None: href = el.get('url') if href is None: continue if href.startswith('mailto:'): continue if href not in hrefs: try: req = urllib.request.urlopen(href) hrefs[href] = (req.status == 200) except Exception as e: hrefs[href] = False if not hrefs[href]: retcode = 1 print(infile.sitefilename + ': ' + href) return retcode class IdsChecker (Checker): name = 'ids' desc = 'Find Mallard page IDs that do not match file names' blurb = ('Find pages in a Mallard document whose page ID does not match\n' + 'the base file name of the page file.') formats = ['mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site') ] def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 retcode = 0 for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) isok = False pageid = None if infile.filename.endswith('.page'): try: pageid = xml.getroot().get('id') isok = (pageid == os.path.basename(infile.filename)[:-5]) except: isok = False if not isok: retcode = 1 print(infile.sitefilename + ': ' + (pageid or '')) return retcode class LinksChecker (Checker): name = 'links' desc = 'Find broken xref or linkend links in a document' blurb = ('Find broken xref links in FILES in a Mallard document,\n' + 'or broken linkend links in FILES in a DocBook document.') formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'), ('cache', '-c', 'CACHE', 'Use the existing Mallard cache CACHE'), ('ignore', '-i', None, 'Ignore xrefs where href is present') ] def __init__(self, yelpcheck): super().__init__(yelpcheck) self.idstoxrefs = {} self.idstolinkends = {} def _accumulate_mal(self, node, pageid, sectid, xrefs, sitedir=None): thisid = node.get('id') if thisid is not None: if node.tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}page': pageid = thisid else: sectid = thisid curid = pageid ignore = self.get_option_bool('ignore') if curid is not None: if sectid is not None: # id attrs in cache files are already fully formed if '#' in sectid: curid = sectid else: curid = curid + '#' + sectid if sitedir is not None: # id attrs in cache files already have sitedir prefixed if curid[0] != '/': curid = sitedir + curid self.idstoxrefs.setdefault(curid, []) if xrefs: xref = node.get('xref') if xref is not None: if not (ignore and (node.get('href') is not None)): self.idstoxrefs[curid].append(xref) for child in node: self._accumulate_mal(child, pageid, sectid, xrefs, sitedir) def _accumulate_db(self, node, nodeid): thisid = node.get('id') if thisid is None: thisid = node.get(XML_ID) if thisid is not None: nodeid = thisid self.idstolinkends.setdefault(nodeid, []) if nodeid is not None: linkend = node.get('linkend') if linkend is not None: self.idstolinkends[nodeid].append(linkend) for child in node: self._accumulate_db(child, nodeid) def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 retcode = 0 cachefile = self.get_option_str('cache') if cachefile is not None: xml = self.get_xml(InputFile(os.getcwd(), cachefile)) self._accumulate_mal(xml.getroot(), None, None, False) for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) format = get_format(xml.getroot()) if format == 'mallard': self._accumulate_mal(xml.getroot(), None, None, True, infile.sitedir) elif format in ('docbook4', 'docbook5'): # For DocBook, we assume each filearg is its own document, so # we reset the dict each time and only check within the file. # Note that XInclude and SYSTEM includes DO happen first. self.idstolinkends = {} self._accumulate_db(xml.getroot(), None) for curid in self.idstolinkends: for linkend in self.idstolinkends[curid]: if linkend not in self.idstolinkends: print(curid + ': ' + linkend) retcode = 1 for curid in self.idstoxrefs: for xref in self.idstoxrefs[curid]: checkref = xref if checkref[0] == '#': checkref = curid.split('#')[0] + checkref if curid[0] == '/' and checkref[0] != '/': checkref = curid[:curid.rfind('/')+1] + checkref if checkref not in self.idstoxrefs: print(curid + ': ' + xref) retcode = 1 return retcode class MediaChecker (Checker): name = 'media' desc = 'Find broken references to media files' blurb = ('Find broken references to media files. In Mallard, this\n' + 'checks media and thumb elements. In DocBook, this checks\n' + 'audiodata, imagedata, and videodata elements.') formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site') ] def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 retcode = 0 for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) format = get_format(xml.getroot()) srcs = [] if format == 'mallard': for el in xml.xpath('//mal:media[@src] | //uix:thumb | //ui:thumb | //e:mouseover', namespaces=NAMESPACES): srcs.append(el.get('src')) elif format == 'docbook5': # FIXME: do we care about entityref? for el in xml.xpath('//db:audiodata | //db:imagedata | //db:videodata', namespaces=NAMESPACES): srcs.append(el.get('fileref')) elif format == 'docbook4': for el in xml.xpath('//audiodata | //imagedata | //videodata'): srcs.append(el.get('fileref')) for src in srcs: fsrc = os.path.join(infile.absdir, src) if not os.path.exists(fsrc): print(infile.sitefilename + ': ' + src) retcode = 1 return retcode class OrphansChecker (Checker): name = 'orphans' desc = 'Find orphaned pages in a Mallard document' blurb = ('Locate orphaned pages among FILES in a Mallard document.\n' + 'Orphaned pages are any pages that cannot be reached by\n' + 'topic links alone from the index page.') formats = ['mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'), ('cache', '-c', 'CACHE', 'Use the existing Mallard cache CACHE') ] def __init__(self, yelpcheck): super().__init__(yelpcheck) self.guidelinks = {} self.sitesubdirs = set() def _collect_links(self, node, sitedir): pageid = node.get('id') if pageid[0] != '/': # id attrs in cache files already have sitedir prefixed pageid = sitedir + pageid else: sitedir = pageid[:pageid.rfind('/')+1] self.guidelinks.setdefault(pageid, set()) # For the purposes of finding orphans, we'll just pretend that # all links to or from sections are just to or from pages. for el in node.xpath('//mal:info/mal:link[@type="guide"]', namespaces=NAMESPACES): xref = el.get('xref') if xref is None or xref == '': continue if xref[0] == '#': continue if '#' in xref: xref = xref[:xref.find('#')] if sitedir is not None and sitedir != '': if xref[0] != '/': xref = sitedir + xref self.guidelinks[pageid].add(xref) for el in node.xpath('//mal:info/mal:link[@type="topic"]', namespaces=NAMESPACES): xref = el.get('xref') if xref is None or xref == '': continue if xref[0] == '#': continue if '#' in xref: xref = xref[:xref.find('#')] if sitedir is not None and sitedir != '': if xref[0] != '/': xref = sitedir + xref self.guidelinks.setdefault(xref, set()) self.guidelinks[xref].add(pageid) for el in node.xpath('//mal:links[@type="site-subdirs" or @type="site:subdirs"]', namespaces=NAMESPACES): self.sitesubdirs.add(pageid) def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 retcode = 0 cachefile = self.get_option_str('cache') if cachefile is not None: xml = self.get_xml(InputFile(os.getcwd(), cachefile)) for page in xml.getroot(): if page.tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}page': pageid = page.get('id') if pageid is None or pageid == '': continue self._collect_links(page, page.get('{http://projectmallard.org/site/1.0/}dir', '')) pageids = set() for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) pageid = xml.getroot().get('id') if pageid is None: continue pageids.add(infile.sitedir + pageid) self._collect_links(xml.getroot(), infile.sitedir) siteupdirs = {} for pageid in self.sitesubdirs: dirname = pageid[:pageid.rfind('/')+1] for subid in self.guidelinks: if subid.startswith(dirname): if subid.endswith('/index'): mid = subid[len(dirname):-6] if mid != '' and '/' not in mid: siteupdirs[subid] = pageid if self.get_option_bool('site'): okpages = set(['/index']) else: okpages = set(['index']) for pageid in sorted(pageids): if pageid in okpages: isok = True else: isok = False guides = [g for g in self.guidelinks[pageid]] if pageid in siteupdirs: updir = siteupdirs[pageid] if updir not in guides: guides.append(updir) cur = 0 while cur < len(guides): if guides[cur] in okpages: isok = True break if guides[cur] in self.guidelinks: for guide in self.guidelinks[guides[cur]]: if guide not in guides: guides.append(guide) cur += 1 if isok: okpages.add(pageid) else: print(pageid) retcode = 1 return retcode class ValidateChecker (Checker): name = 'validate' desc = 'Validate files against a DTD or RNG' blurb = ('Validate FILES against the appropriate DTD or RNG.\n' + 'For Mallard pages, perform automatic RNG merging\n' + 'based on the version attribute.') formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'), ('strict', None, None, 'Disallow unknown namespaces'), ('allow', None, 'NS', 'Explicitly allow namespace NS in strict mode'), ('jing', None, None, 'Use jing instead of xmllint for RNG validation') ] postblurb = 'NS may be a comma- and/or space-separated list, or specified\nmultiple times.' def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 retcode = 0 for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) format = get_format(xml.getroot()) command = None if format == 'mallard': version = xml.getroot().get('version') if version is None or version == '': tag = xml.getroot().tag if tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}stack': # 1.2 isn't final yet as of 2020-01-09. Stacks will # likely be in 1.2, so we can assume at least that. version = '1.2' elif tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['cache'] + '}cache': version = 'cache/1.0' else: version = '1.0' self.create_tmpdir() rng = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, version.replace('/', '__').replace(' ', '__')) if not os.path.exists(rng): strict = 'true()' if self.get_option_bool('strict') else 'false()' allow = self.get_option_list('allow') if allow is None: allow = '' else: allow = ' '.join(allow) subprocess.call(['xsltproc', '-o', rng, '--param', 'rng.strict', strict, '--stringparam', 'rng.strict.allow', allow, os.path.join(DATADIR, 'xslt', 'mal-rng.xsl'), infile.absfile]) if self.get_option_bool('jing'): command = ['jing', '-i', rng, infile.filename] else: command = ['xmllint', '--noout', '--xinclude', '--noent', '--relaxng', rng, infile.filename] elif format == 'docbook4': if xml.docinfo.doctype.startswith('' print('From: ' + name) date = ch.get('date') if date is not None: print('Date: ' + date) print('') for ch in el: if isinstance(ch, lxml.etree._ProcessingInstruction): continue elif ch.tag == '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}cite': continue elif ch.tag in ('{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}p', '{' + NAMESPACES['mal'] + '}title'): for s in _stringify(ch).strip().split('\n'): print(' ' + s.strip()) print('') else: name = lxml.etree.QName(ch).localname print(' <' + name + '>...\n') elif format in ('docbook4', 'docbook5'): if format == 'docbook4': dbxpath = '//remark' else: dbxpath = '//db:remark' for el in xml.xpath(dbxpath, namespaces=NAMESPACES): thisid = infile.filename par = el while par is not None: sectid = par.get('id') if sectid is None: sectid = par.get(XML_ID) if sectid is not None: thisid = thisid + '#' + sectid break par = par.getparent() print('Page: ' + thisid) flag = el.get('revisionflag') if flag is not None: print('Flag: ' + flag) print('') for s in _stringify(el).strip().split('\n'): print(' ' + s.strip()) print('') return 0 class LicenseChecker (Checker): name = 'license' desc = 'Report the license of Mallard pages' blurb = ('Report the license of the Mallard page files FILES. Each\n' + 'matching page is reporting along with its license, reported\n' + 'based on the href attribute of the license element. Common\n' + 'licenses use a shortened identifier. Pages with multiple\n' + 'licenses have the identifiers separated by spaces. Pages\n' + 'with no license element report \'none\'. Licenses with no\n' + 'href attribute are reported as \'unknown\'') formats = ['mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'), ('only', None, 'LICENSES', 'Only show pages whose license is in LICENSES'), ('except', None, 'LICENSES', 'Exclude pages whose license is in LICENSES'), ('totals', None, None, 'Show total counts for each license') ] postblurb = 'LICENSES may be a comma- and/or space-separated list, or specified\nmultiple times.' def get_license(self, href): if href is None: return 'unknown' elif (href.startswith('http://creativecommons.org/licenses/') or href.startswith('https://creativecommons.org/licenses/')): return 'cc-' + '-'.join([x for x in href.split('/') if x][3:]) elif (href.startswith('http://www.gnu.org/licenses/') or href.startswith('https://www.gnu.org/licenses/')): return href.split('/')[-1].replace('.html', '') else: return 'unknown' def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 totals = {} for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) thisid = xml.getroot().get('id') or infile.filename licenses = [] for el in xml.xpath('/mal:page/mal:info/mal:license', namespaces=NAMESPACES): licenses.append(self.get_license(el.get('href'))) if len(licenses) == 0: licenses.append('none') only = self.get_option_list('only') if only is not None: skip = True for lic in licenses: if lic in only: skip = False if skip: continue cept = self.get_option_list('except') if cept is not None: skip = False for lic in licenses: if lic in cept: skip = True if skip: continue if self.get_option_bool('totals'): for lic in licenses: totals.setdefault(lic, 0) totals[lic] += 1 else: print(infile.sitedir + thisid + ': ' + ' '.join(licenses)) if self.get_option_bool('totals'): for lic in sorted(totals): print(lic + ': ' + str(totals[lic])) return 0 class StatusChecker (Checker): name = 'status' desc = 'Report the status of Mallard pages' blurb = ('Report the status of the Mallard page files FILES. Each\n' + 'matching page is reporting along with its status.') formats = ['mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'), ('version', None, 'VER', 'Select revisions with the version attribute VER'), ('docversion', None, 'VER', 'Select revisions with the docversion attribute VER'), ('pkgversion', None, 'VER', 'Select revisions with the pkgversion attribute VER'), ('older', None, 'DATE', 'Only show pages older than DATE'), ('newer', None, 'DATE', 'Only show pages newer than DATE'), ('only', None, 'STATUSES', 'Only show pages whose status is in STATUSES'), ('except', None, 'STATUSES', 'Exclude pages whose status is in STATUSES'), ('totals', None, None, 'Show total counts for each status') ] postblurb = 'VER and STATUSES may be comma- and/or space-separated lists, or specified\nmultiple times.' def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 totals = {} checks = [] ver = self.get_option_list('version') if ver is not None: checks.append(ver) ver = self.get_option_list('docversion') if ver is not None: checks.append(['doc:' + v for v in ver]) ver = self.get_option_list('pkgversion') if ver is not None: checks.append(['pkg:' + v for v in ver]) for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) pageid = xml.getroot().get('id') bestrev = None for rev in xml.xpath('/mal:page/mal:info/mal:revision', namespaces=NAMESPACES): revversion = (rev.get('version') or '').split() docversion = rev.get('docversion') if docversion is not None: revversion.append('doc:' + docversion) pkgversion = rev.get('pkgversion') if pkgversion is not None: revversion.append('pkg:' + pkgversion) revok = True for check in checks: checkok = False for v in check: if v in revversion: checkok = True break if not checkok: revok = False break if revok: if bestrev is None: bestrev = rev continue bestdate = bestrev.get('date') thisdate = rev.get('date') if bestdate is None: bestrev = rev elif thisdate is None: pass elif thisdate >= bestdate: bestrev = rev if bestrev is not None: status = bestrev.get('status') or 'none' date = bestrev.get('date') or None else: status = 'none' date = None older = self.get_option_str('older') if older is not None: if date is None or date >= older: continue newer = self.get_option_str('newer') if newer is not None: if date is None or date <= newer: continue only = self.get_option_list('only') if only is not None: if status not in only: continue cept = self.get_option_list('except') if cept is not None: if status in cept: continue if self.get_option_bool('totals'): totals.setdefault(status, 0) totals[status] += 1 else: print(infile.sitedir + pageid + ': ' + status) if self.get_option_bool('totals'): for st in sorted(totals): print(st + ': ' + str(totals[st])) return 0 class StyleChecker (Checker): name = 'style' desc = 'Report the style attribute of Mallard pages' blurb = ('Report the page style attribute of the Mallard page files\n' + 'FILES. Each matching page is reporting along with its status.') formats = ['mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site'), ('only', None, 'STYLES', 'Only show pages whose style is in STATUSES'), ('except', None, 'STYLES', 'Exclude pages whose style is in STATUSES'), ('totals', None, None, 'Show total counts for each style') ] postblurb = 'STYLES may be comma- and/or space-separated lists, or specified\nmultiple times.' def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 totals = {} for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) thisid = xml.getroot().get('id') style = xml.getroot().get('style') if style is None: style = 'none' styles = style.split() # We'll set style to None if it doesn't meat the criteria only = self.get_option_list('only') if only is not None: if len(only) == 0: # We treat a blank --only as requesting pages with no style if style != 'none': style = None else: allow = False for st in styles: if st in only: allow = True break if not allow: style = None cept = self.get_option_list('except') if cept is not None: for st in styles: if st in cept: style = None break if self.get_option_bool('totals'): if style is not None: for st in styles: totals.setdefault(st, 0) totals[st] += 1 else: if style is not None: print(infile.sitedir + thisid + ': ' + style) if self.get_option_bool('totals'): for st in sorted(totals): print(st + ': ' + str(totals[st])) return 0 class CustomChecker(Checker): formats = ['docbook4', 'docbook5', 'mallard'] arguments = [ ('help', '-h', None, 'Show this help and exit'), ('site', '-s', None, 'Treat pages as belonging to a Mallard site') ] def __init__(self, name, yelpcheck): super().__init__(yelpcheck) self.name = name def main(self, args): if self.parse_args(args) != 0: return 1 sect = 'check:' + self.name if self.config is None or (sect not in self.config.sections()): print('Unrecognized command: ' + self.name, file=sys.stderr) return 1 self.desc = self.config.get(sect, 'desc', fallback=None) self.blurb = self.config.get(sect, 'blurb', fallback=None) if self.blurb is not None: self.blurb = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(self.blurb)) if 'help' in self.options: self.print_help() return 0 assertexpr = self.config.get(sect, 'assert', fallback=None) if assertexpr is not None: return self.run_assert(assertexpr) print('No action found for command: ' + self.name, file=sys.stderr) return 1 def run_assert(self, assertexpr): sect = 'check:' + self.name selectexpr = self.config.get(sect, 'select', fallback='/') message = self.config.get(sect, 'message', fallback='Assertion failed') self.xinclude = self.config.get(sect, 'xinclude', fallback='true') != 'false' namespaces = {} if 'namespaces' in self.config.sections(): for ns in self.config.options('namespaces'): namespaces[ns] = self.config.get('namespaces', ns) for infile in self.iter_files(): xml = self.get_xml(infile) thisid = xml.getroot().get('id') or infile.filename # FIXME check these expressions and give better errors for root in xml.xpath(selectexpr, namespaces=namespaces): if not bool(root.xpath(assertexpr, namespaces=namespaces)): print(infile.sitedir + thisid + ': ' + message) # FIXME are these comments outdated? remove? # check if self.config has section check:self.name # check if section has select, assert, message class YelpCheck: def __init__(self): pass def main(self): if len(sys.argv) < 2: self.print_usage() return 1 checker = None for cls in Checker.__subclasses__(): if sys.argv[1] == cls.name: checker = cls(self) if checker is None: checker = CustomChecker(sys.argv[1], self) return checker.main(sys.argv[2:]) def print_usage(self): print('Usage: yelp-check [OPTIONS] [FILES]') namelen = 2 checks = [] reports = [] others = [] for cls in sorted(Checker.__subclasses__(), key=(lambda cls: cls.name or '')): if cls is CustomChecker: continue namelen = max(namelen, len(cls.name) + 2) if cls in (HrefsChecker, IdsChecker, LinksChecker, MediaChecker, OrphansChecker, ValidateChecker): checks.append(cls) elif cls in (CommentsChecker, LicenseChecker, StatusChecker, StyleChecker): reports.append(cls) else: others.append(cls) if len(checks) > 0: print('\nCheck commands:') for cls in checks: print(' ' + cls.name.ljust(namelen) + cls.desc) if len(reports) > 0: print('\nReport commands:') for cls in reports: print(' ' + cls.name.ljust(namelen) + cls.desc) if len(others) > 0: print('\nOther commands:') for cls in others: print(' ' + cls.name.ljust(namelen) + cls.desc) config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: config.read('.yelp-tools.cfg') except: return customs = [] for sect in config.sections(): if sect.startswith('check:'): name = sect[6:] skip = False for cls in Checker.__subclasses__(): if name == cls.name: skip = True break if skip: continue if config.get(sect, 'assert', fallback=None) == None: continue desc = config.get(sect, 'desc', fallback='') namelen = max(namelen, len(name) + 2) customs.append((name, desc)) if len(customs) > 0: print('\nCustom commands:') for name, desc in customs: print(' ' + name.ljust(namelen) + desc) if __name__ == '__main__': try: sys.exit(YelpCheck().main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1)