@ducktype/1.0 [-] yelp-tmpl-desc Lists or tables of information for quick lookup = {{TITLE}} [topic .reference version=1.1] {{INCLUDE info.ducktype.include}} Optionally provide introductory text. Use terms lists, tables, and bullet lists for reference material. [terms] . Example terms list (title optional) - Term 1 * Description - Term 2 * Terms can have multiple paragraphs. [screen] Or any other block element. - Term 3.1 - Term 3.2 * Terms can also have multiple titles. [table] . Example table (title optional) [thead] [tr] - Column 1 - Column 2 [tbody] [tr] * Row 1, column 1 * Row 1, column 2 [tr] * Row 2, column 1 * Row 2, column 2 [list] . Example list (title optional) * Item 1 * Item 2 * Subitem 2.1 * Subitem 2.2 * Item 3