.TH XvQueryAdaptors __libmansuffix__ __vendorversion__ .\" $XFree86: xc/doc/man/Xv/XvQueryAdaptors.man,v 1.5 2001/01/27 18:20:36 dawes Exp $ .SH Name XvQueryAdaptors \- return adaptor information for a screen .\" .SH Syntax .B #include .br .sp 1l .B XvQueryAdaptors(\fIdpy, win, p_num_adaptors, pp_adaptor_info\fR) .sp 1l \fBDisplay \fI*dpy;\fR .br \fBDrawable \fI draw;\fR .br \fBint \fI*p_num_adaptors\fR; .br \fBXvAdaptorInfo \fI**pp_adaptor_info\fR; .br .\" .SH Arguments .\" .IP \fIdpy\fR 8 Specifies the connection to the X server. .IP \fIdraw\fR 8 Specifies a drawable of the screen for which the adaptor information is desired. .IP \fIp_num_adaptors\fR 8 A pointer to where the number of adaptors for the specified screen is returned. .IP \fIpp_adaptor_info\fR 8 A pointer to where the list of returned adaptor information is returned. .\" .SH Description .\" XvQueryAdaptors(__libmansuffix__) returns an video adaptor information for the screen of the specified drawable. The XvAdaptorInfo structure has the following organization: .EX typedef struct { XvPortID base_id; unsigned long num_ports; char type; char *name; unsigned long num_formats; XvFormat *formats; unsigned long num_adaptors; } XvAdaptorInfo; .EE .IP \fIbase_id\fR 8 The resource ID of the first adaptor port. .IP \fInum_ports\fR 8 The number of ports supported by the adaptor. .IP \fItype\fR 8 A bit mask with the value XvInputMask asserted if the adaptor supports video input, and value XvOutputMask asserted if the adaptor supports video output. .IP \fIname\fR 8 A vendor specific name that identifies the adaptor. .IP \fInum_formats\fR 8 The number of depth/visual id formats supported by the adaptor. .IP \fIformats\fR 8 A pointer to an array of XvFormat structures. .PP The XvFormat structure has the following organization: .EX typedef struct { char depth; unsigned long visual_id; } XvFormat; .EE .IP \fIdepth\fR 8 A drawable depth supported by the adaptor. .IP \fIvisual_id\fR 8 A visual-id supported for the given depth by the adaptor. .\" .SH Returned Values .IP [Success] 8 Returned if XvQueryAdaptors(__libmansuffix__) completed successfully. .IP [XvBadExtension] 8 Returned if the Xv extension is unavailable. .IP [XvBadAlloc] 8 Returned if XvQueryAdaptors(__libmansuffix__) failed to allocate memory to process the request. .SH Diagnostics .IP [Drawable] 8 Returned if the requested drawable does not exist. .SH See Also XvFreeAdaptorInfo(__libmansuffix__) .\"