/* * Copyright (c) 2008 Brian Tarricone * Copyright (c) 2008 Stephan Arts * Copyright (c) 2008 Jannis Pohlmann * Copyright (c) 2008 Mike Massonnet * Copyright (c) 2008 Olivier Fourdan * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef XFCONF_LEGACY #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "xfwm4-workspace-dialog_ui.h" #define WORKSPACES_CHANNEL "xfwm4" #define WORKSPACE_NAMES_PROP "/general/workspace_names" #define WORKSPACE_COUNT_PROP "/general/workspace_count" static Window opt_socket_id = 0; static gboolean opt_version = FALSE; enum { COL_NUMBER = 0, COL_NAME, N_COLS, }; static void workspace_names_update_xfconf(gint workspace, const gchar *new_name) { WnckScreen *screen = wnck_screen_get_default(); XfconfChannel *channel; gchar **names; gboolean do_update_xfconf = TRUE; channel = xfconf_channel_get(WORKSPACES_CHANNEL); names = xfconf_channel_get_string_list(channel, WORKSPACE_NAMES_PROP); if(!names) { /* the property doesn't exist; let's build one from scratch */ gint i, n_workspaces = wnck_screen_get_workspace_count(screen); names = g_new(gchar *, n_workspaces + 1); for(i = 0; i < n_workspaces; ++i) { if(G_LIKELY(i != workspace)) names[i] = g_strdup_printf(_("Workspace %d"), i + 1); else names[i] = g_strdup(new_name); } names[n_workspaces] = NULL; } else { gint i, prop_len = g_strv_length(names); gint n_workspaces = wnck_screen_get_workspace_count(screen); if(prop_len < n_workspaces) { /* the property exists, but it's smaller than the current * actual number of workspaces */ names = g_realloc(names, sizeof(gchar *) * (n_workspaces + 1)); for(i = prop_len; i < n_workspaces; ++i) { if(i != workspace) names[i] = g_strdup_printf(_("Workspace %d"), i + 1); else names[i] = g_strdup(new_name); } names[n_workspaces] = NULL; } else { /* here we may have a |names| array longer than the actual * number of workspaces, but that's fine. the user might * want to re-add a workspace or whatever, and may appreciate * that we remember the old name. */ if(strcmp(names[workspace], new_name)) { g_free(names[workspace]); names[workspace] = g_strdup(new_name); } else { /* nothing's actually changed, so don't update the xfconf * property. this saves us some trouble later. */ do_update_xfconf = FALSE; } } } if(do_update_xfconf) xfconf_channel_set_string_list(channel, WORKSPACE_NAMES_PROP, (const gchar **)names); g_strfreev(names); } static void treeview_ws_names_cell_edited (GtkCellRendererText *cell, const gchar *path_string, const gchar *new_name, gpointer user_data) { GtkTreeView *treeview; GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreePath *path; GtkTreeIter iter; gchar *old_name = NULL; gint ws_num = 1; treeview = (GtkTreeView *) user_data; model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(treeview); path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path_string); gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path); gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, COL_NUMBER, &ws_num, COL_NAME, &old_name, -1); if(strcmp(old_name, new_name)) { gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter, COL_NAME, new_name, -1); workspace_names_update_xfconf(ws_num - 1, new_name); } g_free(old_name); gtk_tree_path_free (path); } static void xfconf_workspace_names_update(GPtrArray *names, GtkTreeView *treeview) { GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(treeview); WnckScreen *screen = wnck_screen_get_default(); guint i, n_workspaces; GtkTreePath *path; GtkTreeIter iter; g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW(treeview)); n_workspaces = wnck_screen_get_workspace_count(screen); for(i = 0; i < n_workspaces && i < names->len; ++i) { GValue *val = g_ptr_array_index(names, i); const gchar *new_name; if(!G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING(val)) { g_warning("(workspace names) Expected string but got %s for item %d", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME(val), i); continue; } new_name = g_value_get_string(val); path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices(i, -1); if(gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, path)) { gchar *old_name = NULL; gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, COL_NAME, &old_name, -1); /* only update the names that have actually changed */ if(strcmp(old_name, new_name)) { gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter, COL_NAME, new_name, -1); } g_free(old_name); } else { /* must be a new workspace */ gtk_list_store_append(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter); gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter, COL_NUMBER, i + 1, COL_NAME, new_name, -1); } gtk_tree_path_free(path); } /* if workspaces got destroyed, we need to remove them from the treeview */ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices(n_workspaces, -1); while(gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, path)) gtk_list_store_remove(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter); gtk_tree_path_free(path); } static void xfconf_workspace_names_changed(XfconfChannel *channel, const gchar *property, const GValue *value, gpointer user_data) { GPtrArray *names; #ifdef XFCONF_LEGACY if(G_VALUE_TYPE(value) != dbus_g_type_get_collection("GPtrArray", G_TYPE_VALUE)) #else if(G_VALUE_TYPE(value) != G_TYPE_PTR_ARRAY) #endif { g_warning("(workspace names) Expected boxed GPtrArray property, got %s", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME(value)); return; } names = g_value_get_boxed(value); if(!names) return; xfconf_workspace_names_update(names, user_data); } static void workspace_dialog_count_changed(GtkTreeView *treeview) { GPtrArray *names; XfconfChannel *channel; channel = xfconf_channel_get(WORKSPACES_CHANNEL); names = xfconf_channel_get_arrayv (channel, WORKSPACE_NAMES_PROP); if(names != NULL) { xfconf_workspace_names_update(names, treeview); xfconf_array_free(names); } } static void workspace_dialog_setup_names_treeview(GtkBuilder *builder, XfconfChannel *channel) { GtkWidget *treeview; GtkListStore *ls; GtkCellRenderer *render; GtkTreeViewColumn *col; WnckScreen *screen; treeview = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object(builder, "treeview_ws_names")); ls = gtk_list_store_new(N_COLS, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING); gtk_tree_view_set_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeview), GTK_TREE_MODEL(ls)); render = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(); col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes("#", render, "text", COL_NUMBER, NULL); gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeview), col); render = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(render), "editable", TRUE, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, "ellipsize-set", TRUE, NULL); col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(_("Workspace Name"), render, "text", COL_NAME, NULL); g_signal_connect (render, "edited", G_CALLBACK (treeview_ws_names_cell_edited), treeview); gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeview), col); screen = wnck_screen_get_default(); wnck_screen_force_update (screen); workspace_dialog_count_changed (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview)); /* watch ws count changes */ g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(screen), "workspace-created", G_CALLBACK (workspace_dialog_count_changed), treeview); g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(screen), "workspace-destroyed", G_CALLBACK (workspace_dialog_count_changed), treeview); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(channel), "property-changed::" WORKSPACE_NAMES_PROP, G_CALLBACK(xfconf_workspace_names_changed), treeview); } static void workspace_dialog_configure_widgets (GtkBuilder *builder, XfconfChannel *channel) { GtkWidget *vbox; GdkPixbuf *monitor; GtkWidget *image; gint wmax, hmax; GtkWidget *workspace_count_spinbutton = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "workspace_count_spinbutton")); GtkWidget *margin_top_spinbutton = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "margin_top_spinbutton")); GtkWidget *margin_right_spinbutton = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "margin_right_spinbutton")); GtkWidget *margin_bottom_spinbutton = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "margin_bottom_spinbutton")); GtkWidget *margin_left_spinbutton = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "margin_left_spinbutton")); /* Set monitor icon */ monitor = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource ("/org/xfce/xfwm4/monitor-icon.pixdata", NULL); if(G_LIKELY (monitor != NULL)) { image = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "monitor_icon")); gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (GTK_IMAGE (image), monitor); g_object_unref (monitor); } /* Set max margins range */ xfwm_get_screen_dimensions (&wmax, &hmax); wmax /= 4; hmax /= 4; gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (margin_top_spinbutton), 0, hmax); gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (margin_right_spinbutton), 0, wmax); gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (margin_bottom_spinbutton), 0, hmax); gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (margin_left_spinbutton), 0, wmax); /* Bind easy properties */ xfconf_g_property_bind (channel, "/general/workspace_count", G_TYPE_INT, (GObject *)workspace_count_spinbutton, "value"); xfconf_g_property_bind (channel, "/general/margin_top", G_TYPE_INT, (GObject *)margin_top_spinbutton, "value"); xfconf_g_property_bind (channel, "/general/margin_right", G_TYPE_INT, (GObject *)margin_right_spinbutton, "value"); xfconf_g_property_bind (channel, "/general/margin_bottom", G_TYPE_INT, (GObject *)margin_bottom_spinbutton, "value"); xfconf_g_property_bind (channel, "/general/margin_left", G_TYPE_INT, (GObject *)margin_left_spinbutton, "value"); workspace_dialog_setup_names_treeview(builder, channel); vbox = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "main-vbox")); gtk_widget_show_all(vbox); } static void workspace_dialog_response (GtkWidget *dialog, gint response_id) { if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_HELP) { xfce_dialog_show_help (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), "xfwm4", "workspaces", NULL); } else { gtk_main_quit (); } } static GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "socket-id", 's', G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &opt_socket_id, N_("Settings manager socket"), N_("SOCKET ID") }, { "version", 'V', G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_version, N_("Version information"), NULL }, { NULL } }; int main(int argc, gchar **argv) { GtkBuilder *builder; GtkWidget *dialog; GtkWidget *plug; GtkWidget *plug_child; XfconfChannel *channel; GError *cli_error = NULL; xfce_textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR, "UTF-8"); if(!gtk_init_with_args(&argc, &argv, _("."), entries, PACKAGE, &cli_error)) { if (cli_error != NULL) { g_print (_("%s: %s\nTry %s --help to see a full list of available command line options.\n"), PACKAGE, cli_error->message, PACKAGE_NAME); g_error_free (cli_error); return 1; } } if(opt_version) { g_print("%s\n", PACKAGE_STRING); return 0; } if(!xfconf_init (&cli_error)) { g_critical ("Failed to contact xfconfd: %s", cli_error->message); g_error_free (cli_error); return 1; } channel = xfconf_channel_get(WORKSPACES_CHANNEL); if (xfce_titled_dialog_get_type () == 0) return 1; builder = gtk_builder_new(); gtk_builder_add_from_string(builder, workspace_dialog_ui, workspace_dialog_ui_length, NULL); if(builder) { workspace_dialog_configure_widgets (builder, channel); if(opt_socket_id == 0) { dialog = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "main-dialog")); gtk_widget_show (dialog); g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (workspace_dialog_response), NULL); /* To prevent the settings dialog to be saved in the session */ gdk_x11_set_sm_client_id ("FAKE ID"); gtk_main (); gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); } else { /* Create plug widget */ plug = gtk_plug_new (opt_socket_id); g_signal_connect (plug, "delete-event", G_CALLBACK (gtk_main_quit), NULL); gtk_widget_show (plug); /* Get plug child widget */ plug_child = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "plug-child")); xfwm_widget_reparent (plug_child, plug); gtk_widget_show (plug_child); /* To prevent the settings dialog to be saved in the session */ gdk_x11_set_sm_client_id ("FAKE ID"); /* Stop startup notification */ gdk_notify_startup_complete (); /* Enter main loop */ gtk_main (); } } xfconf_shutdown(); return 0; }