The Xfce session manager supports the KIOSK mode introduced with libxfce4util 4.1.13. It provides the following KIOSK capabilities: CustomizeSplash whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen. CustomizeChooser whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings CustomizeLogout whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings CustomizeCompatibility whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat) CustomizeSecurity whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most IMPORTANT settings, since it prevents users (actually libICE) from binding to a TCP port. Shutdown whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out. SaveSession whether or not the user is allowed to save the session on logout. If a user lacks this capability the "Save session for future logins" checkbox in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out. So a sample xfce4-session section in your kioskrc might look like this: --- snip --- [xfce4-session] CustomizeSplash=ALL CustomizeChooser=ALL CustomizeLogout=ALL CustomizeCompatibility=%wheel CustomizeSecurity=NONE Shutdown=%wheel SaveSession=%admin --- snip --- This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group wheel to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system, and only users in the group admin to save the session on logout. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings.