Session manager FAQ: -------------------- 1) Question: xfce4-session complains about /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root. What should I do? Answer: This is just a security warning. You can either ignore, or change the owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix to root. For example, I execute the following commands on system startup: test -d /tmp/.ICE-unix || mkdir /tmp/.ICE-unix chown root /tmp/.ICE-unix chmod 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix 2) Question: What do I need to do in order to use xfce4-session as session manager with Xfce4? Answer: If you have a recent xfce-utils (post 20030708) then xfce4-session is automatically started by startxfce4 as long as you don't have a file ~/.xfce4/xinitrc in your home directory. Alternatively you can copy the file $sysconfdir/xfce4/xinitrc.xfce4-session to ~/.xfce4/xinitrc and start your X session using the startxfce4 script.