ivi-shell addon: ivi-shell proposes two features - Common layout library for surface, which allow ivi-shell developer to develop own shell, linking Common layout library. For the time being, the library refers Genivi ilm interface. http://projects.genivi.org/ivi-layer-management/ - Extension protocal; ivi-application to tie wl_surface and a given ID. With this ID, shell can identify which wl_surface is drawn by which application. In in-vehicle infortainment system, a shell has to update a property of a wl_surface. E.g. there may be a use case when vehicle starts to move, the wl_surface drawn by Car navigation is expected to move top of surfaces. How to compile: same as weston. To disable, use option: --disable-ivi-shell for configure. How to configure weston.ini: reference ini file will be generated in /ivi-shell. How to run: same as weston. exec weston. How to use UI: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/wayland-devel/attachments/20140625/abbfc064/attachment-0001.png ----------------------------- Weston Weston is the reference implementation of a Wayland compositor, and a useful compositor in its own right. Weston has various backends that lets it run on Linux kernel modesetting and evdev input as well as under X11. Weston ships with a few example clients, from simple clients that demonstrate certain aspects of the protocol to more complete clients and a simplistic toolkit. There is also a quite capable terminal emulator (weston-terminal) and an toy/example desktop shell. Finally, weston also provides integration with the Xorg server and can pull X clients into the Wayland desktop and act as a X window manager. Refer to http://wayland.freedesktop.org/building.html for building weston and its dependencies. The test suite can be invoked via `make check`; see http://wayland.freedesktop.org/testing.html for additional details.