# Copyright(c) FUJITSU Limited 2007. # # This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. import argparse import sys from . import cli from .cli import fail, print_stdout, print_stderr from .cloner import Cloner def _process_src(options): src_name = options.src_name src_xml = None if options.original_xml: src_xml = open(options.original_xml).read() elif not src_name: fail(_("An original machine name is required," " use '--original src_name' and try again.")) return src_name, src_xml def _process_macs(options, cloner): new_macs = options.new_mac if not new_macs or new_macs[0] == "RANDOM": return for mac in new_macs: cli.validate_mac(cloner.conn, mac) for iface in cloner.new_guest.devices.interface[:]: iface.macaddr = new_macs.pop(0) def _process_disks(options, cloner): newpaths = (options.new_diskfile or [])[:] diskinfos = cloner.get_nonshare_diskinfos() for diskinfo in diskinfos: origpath = diskinfo.disk.get_source_path() newpath = None if newpaths: newpath = newpaths.pop(0) elif options.auto_clone: break if origpath is None: newpath = None diskinfo.set_new_path(newpath, options.sparse) diskinfo.raise_error() def _validate_disks(cloner): # Extra CLI validation for specified disks for diskinfo in cloner.get_diskinfos(): diskinfo.raise_error() if not diskinfo.new_disk: continue warn_overwrite = not diskinfo.is_preserve_requested() cli.validate_disk(diskinfo.new_disk, warn_overwrite=warn_overwrite) def parse_args(): desc = _("Duplicate a virtual machine, changing all the unique " "host side configuration like MAC address, name, etc. \n\n" "The VM contents are NOT altered: virt-clone does not change " "anything _inside_ the guest OS, it only duplicates disks and " "does host side changes. So things like changing passwords, " "changing static IP address, etc are outside the scope of " "this tool. For these types of changes, please see virt-sysprep(1).") parser = cli.setupParser("%(prog)s --original [NAME] ...", desc) cli.add_connect_option(parser) geng = parser.add_argument_group(_("General Options")) geng.add_argument("-o", "--original", dest="src_name", help=_("Name of the original guest to clone.")) geng.add_argument("--original-xml", help=_("XML file to use as the original guest.")) geng.add_argument("--auto-clone", action="store_true", help=_("Auto generate clone name and storage paths from" " the original guest configuration.")) geng.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="new_name", help=_("Name for the new guest")) geng.add_argument("-u", "--uuid", dest="new_uuid", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) geng.add_argument("--reflink", action="store_true", help=_("use btrfs COW lightweight copy")) stog = parser.add_argument_group(_("Storage Configuration")) stog.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="new_diskfile", action="append", help=_("New file to use as the disk image for the " "new guest")) stog.add_argument("--force-copy", dest="target", action="append", help=_("Force to copy devices (eg, if 'hdc' is a " "readonly cdrom device, --force-copy=hdc)")) stog.add_argument("--skip-copy", action="append", help=_("Skip copy of the device target. (eg, if 'vda' is a " "disk you don't want to copy and use the same path " "in the new VM, use --skip-copy=vda)")) stog.add_argument("--nonsparse", action="store_false", dest="sparse", default=True, help=_("Do not use a sparse file for the clone's " "disk image")) stog.add_argument("--preserve-data", dest="preserve", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("Do not clone storage contents to specified file paths, " "their contents will be left untouched. " "This requires specifying existing paths for " "every cloneable disk image.")) stog.add_argument("--nvram", dest="new_nvram", help=_("New file to use as storage for nvram VARS")) netg = parser.add_argument_group(_("Networking Configuration")) netg.add_argument("-m", "--mac", dest="new_mac", action="append", help=_("New fixed MAC address for the clone guest. " "Default is a randomly generated MAC")) misc = parser.add_argument_group(_("Miscellaneous Options")) # Just used for clone tests misc.add_argument("--__test-nodry", action="store_true", dest="test_nodry", default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) cli.add_misc_options(misc, prompt=True, replace=True, printxml=True) cli.autocomplete(parser) return parser.parse_args() def main(conn=None): cli.earlyLogging() options = parse_args() options.quiet = options.quiet or options.xmlonly cli.setupLogging("virt-clone", options.debug, options.quiet) cli.convert_old_force(options) cli.parse_check(options.check) cli.set_prompt(options.prompt) conn = cli.getConnection(options.connect, conn=conn) if (options.new_diskfile is None and options.auto_clone is False): fail(_("Either --auto-clone or --file is required," " use '--auto-clone or --file' and try again.")) src_name, src_xml = _process_src(options) cloner = Cloner(conn, src_name, src_xml) cloner.set_replace(bool(options.replace)) cloner.set_reflink(bool(options.reflink)) cloner.set_sparse(bool(options.sparse)) if options.new_uuid is not None: cloner.set_clone_uuid(options.new_uuid) if options.new_nvram: cloner.set_nvram_path(options.new_nvram) force_targets = options.target or [] skip_targets = options.skip_copy or [] for diskinfo in cloner.get_diskinfos(): if diskinfo.disk.target in force_targets: diskinfo.set_clone_requested() if diskinfo.disk.target in skip_targets: diskinfo.set_share_requested() if options.preserve: for diskinfo in cloner.get_nonshare_diskinfos(): diskinfo.set_preserve_requested() if cloner.nvram_diskinfo: cloner.nvram_diskinfo.set_preserve_requested() if options.new_name: cloner.set_clone_name(options.new_name) elif not options.auto_clone: fail(_("A name is required for the new virtual machine," " use '--name NEW_VM_NAME' to specify one.")) _process_macs(options, cloner) _process_disks(options, cloner) cloner.prepare() _validate_disks(cloner) run = True if options.xmlonly: run = options.test_nodry print_stdout(cloner.new_guest.get_xml(), do_force=True) if run: cloner.start_duplicate(cli.get_meter()) print_stdout("") print_stdout(_("Clone '%s' created successfully.") % cloner.new_guest.name) return 0 def runcli(): # pragma: no cover try: sys.exit(main()) except SystemExit as sys_e: sys.exit(sys_e.code) except KeyboardInterrupt: print_stderr(_("Installation aborted at user request")) except Exception as main_e: fail(main_e)