# # Utility functions for the command line drivers # # Copyright 2006-2007, 2013, 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. import argparse import collections import os import re import shlex import shutil import sys import traceback import types import libvirt from . import xmlutil from .buildconfig import BuildConfig from .connection import VirtinstConnection from .devices import (Device, DeviceController, DeviceDisk, DeviceGraphics, DeviceInterface, DevicePanic) from .logger import log, reset_logging from .nodedev import NodeDevice from .osdict import OSDB from .storage import StoragePool, StorageVolume from .install.unattended import UnattendedData from .install.cloudinit import CloudInitData HAS_VIRTVIEWER = shutil.which("virt-viewer") ########################## # Global option handling # ########################## class _GlobalState(object): def __init__(self): self.quiet = False self.all_checks = None self._validation_checks = {} def set_validation_check(self, checkname, val): self._validation_checks[checkname] = val def get_validation_check(self, checkname): if self.all_checks is not None: return self.all_checks # Default to True for all checks return self._validation_checks.get(checkname, True) _globalstate = None def get_global_state(): return _globalstate def _reset_global_state(): global _globalstate _globalstate = _GlobalState() VIRT_PARSERS = [] #################### # CLI init helpers # #################### class VirtHelpFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter): ''' Subclass the default help formatter to allow printing newline characters in --help output. The way we do this is a huge hack :( Inspiration: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/6df6e6b541a15bc2/09f28e26af0699b1 ''' oldwrap = None # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def _split_lines(self, *args, **kwargs): def return_default(): return argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter._split_lines( self, *args, **kwargs) if len(kwargs) != 0 and len(args) != 2: return return_default() # pragma: no cover try: text = args[0] if "\n" in text: return text.splitlines() return return_default() except Exception: # pragma: no cover return return_default() def setupParser(usage, description, introspection_epilog=False): epilog = _("See man page for examples and full option syntax.") if introspection_epilog: epilog = _("Use '--option=?' or '--option help' to see " "available suboptions") + "\n" + epilog parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage=usage, description=description, formatter_class=VirtHelpFormatter, epilog=epilog) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=BuildConfig.version) return parser def earlyLogging(): reset_logging() import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s') def setupLogging(appname, debug_stdout, do_quiet, cli_app=True): _reset_global_state() get_global_state().quiet = do_quiet vi_dir = VirtinstConnection.get_app_cache_dir() logfile = os.path.join(vi_dir, appname + ".log") if in_testsuite(): vi_dir = None logfile = None try: # pragma: no cover if vi_dir and not os.access(vi_dir, os.W_OK): if os.path.exists(vi_dir): raise RuntimeError("No write access to directory %s" % vi_dir) try: os.makedirs(vi_dir, 0o751) except IOError as e: raise RuntimeError("Could not create directory %s: %s" % (vi_dir, e)) if (logfile and os.path.exists(logfile) and not os.access(logfile, os.W_OK)): raise RuntimeError("No write access to logfile %s" % logfile) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover log.warning("Error setting up logfile: %s", e) logfile = None dateFormat = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" fileFormat = ("[%(asctime)s " + appname + " %(process)d] " "%(levelname)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s") streamErrorFormat = "%(levelname)-8s %(message)s" import logging import logging.handlers reset_logging() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if logfile: fileHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( logfile, "ae", 1024 * 1024, 5) fileHandler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter(fileFormat, dateFormat)) log.addHandler(fileHandler) streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) if debug_stdout: streamHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) streamHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fileFormat, dateFormat)) elif cli_app or not logfile: # Have cli tools show WARN/ERROR by default if get_global_state().quiet: level = logging.ERROR else: level = logging.WARN streamHandler.setLevel(level) streamHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(streamErrorFormat)) else: # pragma: no cover streamHandler = None if streamHandler: log.addHandler(streamHandler) # Log uncaught exceptions def exception_log(typ, val, tb): # pragma: no cover log.debug("Uncaught exception:\n%s", "".join(traceback.format_exception(typ, val, tb))) if not debug_stdout: # If we are already logging to stdout, don't double print # the backtrace sys.__excepthook__(typ, val, tb) sys.excepthook = exception_log # Log the app command string log.debug("Launched with command line: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) def in_testsuite(): return "VIRTINST_TEST_SUITE" in os.environ ############################## # Libvirt connection helpers # ############################## def getConnection(uri, conn=None): if conn: # preopened connection passed in via test suite return conn log.debug("Requesting libvirt URI %s", (uri or "default")) conn = VirtinstConnection(uri) conn.open(_openauth_cb, None) log.debug("Received libvirt URI %s", conn.uri) return conn def _openauth_cb(creds, _cbdata): # pragma: no cover for cred in creds: # Libvirt virConnectCredential credtype, prompt, _challenge, _defresult, _result = cred noecho = credtype in [ libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE, libvirt.VIR_CRED_NOECHOPROMPT] if not prompt: log.error("No prompt for auth credtype=%s", credtype) return -1 log.debug("openauth_cb prompt=%s", prompt) prompt += ": " if noecho: import getpass res = getpass.getpass(prompt) else: res = input(prompt) # Overwriting 'result' is how we return values to libvirt cred[-1] = res return 0 ############################## # Misc CLI utility functions # ############################## def fail(msg, do_exit=True): """ Convenience function when failing in cli app """ log.debug("".join(traceback.format_stack())) log.error(msg) if sys.exc_info()[0] is not None: log.debug("", exc_info=True) if do_exit: _fail_exit() def print_stdout(msg, do_force=False, do_log=True): if do_log: log.debug(msg) if do_force or not get_global_state().quiet or not do_log: print(msg) def print_stderr(msg): log.debug(msg) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) def _fail_exit(): sys.exit(1) def virsh_start_cmd(guest): return ("virsh --connect %s start %s" % (guest.conn.uri, guest.name)) def install_fail(guest): virshcmd = virsh_start_cmd(guest) print_stderr( _("Domain installation does not appear to have been successful.\n" "If it was, you can restart your domain by running:\n" " %s\n" "otherwise, please restart your installation.") % virshcmd) sys.exit(1) def set_prompt(prompt): # Set whether we allow prompts, or fail if a prompt pops up if prompt: log.warning("--prompt mode is no longer supported.") def check_path_search(conn, path): searchdata = DeviceDisk.check_path_search(conn, path) if not searchdata.fixlist: return log.warning(_("%s may not be accessible by the hypervisor. " "You will need to grant the '%s' user search permissions for " "the following directories: %s"), path, searchdata.user, searchdata.fixlist) # pragma: no cover def validate_disk(dev, warn_overwrite=False): def _optional_fail(msg, checkname, warn_on_skip=True): do_check = get_global_state().get_validation_check(checkname) if do_check: fail(msg + (_(" (Use --check %s=off or " "--check all=off to override)") % checkname)) log.debug("Skipping --check %s error condition '%s'", checkname, msg) if warn_on_skip: log.warning(msg) def check_path_exists(dev): """ Prompt if disk file already exists and preserve mode is not used """ if not warn_overwrite: return if not DeviceDisk.path_definitely_exists(dev.conn, dev.path): return _optional_fail( _("This will overwrite the existing path '%s'") % dev.path, "path_exists") def check_inuse_conflict(dev): """ Check if disk is inuse by another guest """ names = dev.is_conflict_disk() if not names: return _optional_fail(_("Disk %s is already in use by other guests %s." % (dev.path, names)), "path_in_use") def check_size_conflict(dev): """ Check if specified size exceeds available storage """ isfatal, errmsg = dev.is_size_conflict() # The isfatal case should have already caused us to fail if not isfatal and errmsg: _optional_fail(errmsg, "disk_size", warn_on_skip=False) check_path_exists(dev) check_inuse_conflict(dev) check_size_conflict(dev) check_path_search(dev.conn, dev.path) def _run_console(domain, args): ignore = domain log.debug("Running: %s", " ".join(args)) if in_testsuite(): print_stdout("testsuite console command: %s" % args) args = ["/bin/test"] child = os.fork() if child: return child # pylint: disable=protected-access try: # pragma: no cover os.execvp(args[0], args) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover print("Error launching %s: %s" % (args, e)) finally: os._exit(1) # pragma: no cover def _gfx_console(guest, domain): args = ["virt-viewer", "--connect", guest.conn.uri, "--wait", guest.name] # Currently virt-viewer needs attaching to the local display while # spice gl is enabled or listen type none is used. if guest.has_gl() or guest.has_listen_none(): args.append("--attach") return _run_console(domain, args) def _txt_console(guest, domain): args = ["virsh", "--connect", guest.conn.uri, "console", guest.name] return _run_console(domain, args) def connect_console(guest, domain, consolecb, wait, destroy_on_exit): """ Launched the passed console callback for the already defined domain. If domain isn't running, return an error. """ child = None if consolecb: child = consolecb(guest, domain) if not child or not wait: return # If we connected the console, wait for it to finish try: os.waitpid(child, 0) except OSError as e: # pragma: no cover log.debug("waitpid error: %s", e) if destroy_on_exit and domain.isActive(): log.debug("console exited and destroy_on_exit passed, destroying") domain.destroy() def get_meter(): import virtinst.progress quiet = (get_global_state().quiet or in_testsuite()) return virtinst.progress.make_meter(quiet=quiet) ########################### # bash completion helpers # ########################### def _get_completer_parsers(): return VIRT_PARSERS + [ParserCheck, ParserLocation, ParserUnattended, ParserInstall, ParserCloudInit] def _virtparser_completer(prefix, **kwargs): sub_options = [] for parserclass in _get_completer_parsers(): if kwargs['action'].dest == parserclass.cli_arg_name: # pylint: disable=protected-access for virtarg in sorted(parserclass._virtargs, key=lambda p: p.nonregex_cliname()): sub_options.append(virtarg.nonregex_cliname() + "=") entered_options = prefix.split(",") for option in entered_options: pos = option.find("=") if pos > 0 and option[: pos + 1] in sub_options: sub_options.remove(option[: pos + 1]) return sub_options def _completer_validator(suboption, current_input): """ :param suboption: The virtarg.cliname we are checking for a match :param current_input: The user typed string we are checking against. So if the user types '--disk path=foo,dev', current_input=='path=foo,dev' For debugging here, 'export _ARC_DEBUG=1'. Now exceptions/printing will be shown on stderr """ # e.g. for: --disk (return all suboptions) if current_input == "": return True # e.g. for: --disk path=foo, (return all suboptions) # or: --disk path=foo,deTAB> (return all 'de*' options) current_option = current_input.rsplit(",", 1)[-1] return suboption.startswith(current_option) def autocomplete(parser): if "_ARGCOMPLETE" not in os.environ: return import argcomplete parsernames = [pclass.cli_flag_name() for pclass in _get_completer_parsers()] # pylint: disable=protected-access for action in parser._actions: for opt in action.option_strings: if opt in parsernames: action.completer = _virtparser_completer break kwargs = {"validator": _completer_validator} if in_testsuite(): import io kwargs["output_stream"] = io.BytesIO() kwargs["exit_method"] = sys.exit try: argcomplete.autocomplete(parser, **kwargs) except SystemExit: if in_testsuite(): output = kwargs["output_stream"].getvalue().decode("utf-8") print(output) raise ########################### # Common CLI option/group # ########################### def add_connect_option(parser, invoker=None): if invoker == "virt-xml": parser.add_argument("-c", "--connect", metavar="URI", help=_("Connect to hypervisor with libvirt URI")) else: parser.add_argument("--connect", metavar="URI", help=_("Connect to hypervisor with libvirt URI")) def add_misc_options(grp, prompt=False, replace=False, printxml=False, printstep=False, noreboot=False, dryrun=False, noautoconsole=False): if prompt: grp.add_argument("--prompt", action="store_true", default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) grp.add_argument("--force", action="store_true", default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) if noautoconsole: grp.add_argument("--autoconsole", default="default", help=_("Configure guest console auto connect. Example:\n" "--autoconsole text\n" "--autoconsole graphical\n" "--autoconsole none")) grp.add_argument("--noautoconsole", dest="autoconsole", action="store_const", const="none", help=_("Don't automatically try to connect to the guest console")) if noreboot: grp.add_argument("--noreboot", action="store_true", help=_("Don't boot guest after completing install.")) if replace: grp.add_argument("--replace", action="store_true", help=_("Don't check name collision, overwrite any guest " "with the same name.")) if printxml: print_kwargs = { "dest": "xmlonly", "default": False, "help": _("Print the generated domain XML rather than create " "the guest."), } if printstep: print_kwargs["nargs"] = "?" print_kwargs["const"] = "all" else: print_kwargs["action"] = "store_true" grp.add_argument("--print-xml", **print_kwargs) if printstep: # Back compat, argparse allows us to use --print-xml # for everything. grp.add_argument("--print-step", dest="xmlstep", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) if dryrun: grp.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dry", help=_("Run through install process, but do not " "create devices or define the guest.")) if prompt: grp.add_argument("--check", action="append", help=_("Enable or disable validation checks. Example:\n" "--check path_in_use=off\n" "--check all=off")) grp.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help=_("Suppress non-error output")) grp.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help=_("Print debugging information")) def add_metadata_option(grp): ParserMetadata.register() grp.add_argument("--metadata", action="append", help=_("Configure guest metadata. Ex:\n" "--metadata name=foo,title=\"My pretty title\",uuid=...\n" "--metadata description=\"My nice long description\"")) def add_memory_option(grp, backcompat=False): ParserMemory.register() grp.add_argument("--memory", action="append", help=_("Configure guest memory allocation. Ex:\n" "--memory 1024 (in MiB)\n" "--memory memory=1024,currentMemory=512\n")) if backcompat: grp.add_argument("-r", "--ram", type=int, dest="oldmemory", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) def vcpu_cli_options(grp, backcompat=True, editexample=False): # The order of the parser registration is important here! ParserCPU.register() ParserVCPU.register() grp.add_argument("--vcpus", action="append", help=_("Number of vcpus to configure for your guest. Ex:\n" "--vcpus 5\n" "--vcpus 5,maxvcpus=10,cpuset=1-4,6,8\n" "--vcpus sockets=2,cores=4,threads=2")) extramsg = "--cpu host" if editexample: extramsg = "--cpu host-model,clearxml=yes" grp.add_argument("--cpu", action="append", help=_("CPU model and features. Ex:\n" "--cpu coreduo,+x2apic\n" "--cpu host-passthrough\n") + extramsg) if backcompat: grp.add_argument("--check-cpu", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) grp.add_argument("--cpuset", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) def add_gfx_option(devg): ParserGraphics.register() devg.add_argument("--graphics", action="append", help=_("Configure guest display settings. Ex:\n" "--graphics spice\n" "--graphics vnc,port=5901,listen=\n" "--graphics none\n")) def add_net_option(devg): ParserNetwork.register() devg.add_argument("-w", "--network", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest network interface. Ex:\n" "--network bridge=mybr0\n" "--network network=my_libvirt_virtual_net\n" "--network network=mynet,model=virtio,mac=00:11...\n" "--network none\n" "--network help")) def add_device_options(devg, sound_back_compat=False): ParserController.register() devg.add_argument("--controller", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest controller device. Ex:\n" "--controller type=usb,model=qemu-xhci\n" "--controller virtio-scsi\n")) ParserInput.register() devg.add_argument("--input", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest input device. Ex:\n" "--input tablet\n" "--input keyboard,bus=usb")) ParserSerial.register() devg.add_argument("--serial", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest serial device")) ParserParallel.register() devg.add_argument("--parallel", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest parallel device")) ParserChannel.register() devg.add_argument("--channel", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest communication channel")) ParserConsole.register() devg.add_argument("--console", action="append", help=_("Configure a text console connection between " "the guest and host")) ParserHostdev.register() devg.add_argument("--hostdev", action="append", help=_("Configure physical USB/PCI/etc host devices " "to be shared with the guest")) # Back compat name devg.add_argument("--host-device", action="append", dest="hostdev", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) ParserFilesystem.register() devg.add_argument("--filesystem", action="append", help=_("Pass host directory to the guest. Ex: \n" "--filesystem /my/source/dir,/dir/in/guest\n" "--filesystem template_name,/,type=template")) ParserSound.register() # --sound used to be a boolean option, hence the nargs handling sound_kwargs = { "action": "append", "help": _("Configure guest sound device emulation"), } if sound_back_compat: sound_kwargs["nargs"] = '?' devg.add_argument("--sound", **sound_kwargs) if sound_back_compat: devg.add_argument("--soundhw", action="append", dest="sound", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) ParserWatchdog.register() devg.add_argument("--watchdog", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest watchdog device")) ParserVideo.register() devg.add_argument("--video", action="append", help=_("Configure guest video hardware.")) ParserSmartcard.register() devg.add_argument("--smartcard", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest smartcard device. Ex:\n" "--smartcard mode=passthrough")) ParserRedir.register() devg.add_argument("--redirdev", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest redirection device. Ex:\n" "--redirdev usb,type=tcp,server=")) ParserMemballoon.register() devg.add_argument("--memballoon", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest memballoon device. Ex:\n" "--memballoon model=virtio")) ParserTPM.register() devg.add_argument("--tpm", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest TPM device. Ex:\n" "--tpm /dev/tpm")) ParserRNG.register() devg.add_argument("--rng", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest RNG device. Ex:\n" "--rng /dev/urandom")) ParserPanic.register() devg.add_argument("--panic", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest panic device. Ex:\n" "--panic default")) ParserMemdev.register() devg.add_argument("--memdev", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest memory device. Ex:\n" "--memdev dimm,target.size=1024")) ParserVsock.register() devg.add_argument("--vsock", action="append", help=_("Configure guest vsock sockets. Ex:\n" "--vsock cid.auto=yes\n" "--vsock cid.address=7")) def add_guest_xml_options(geng): ParserIOThreads.register() geng.add_argument("--iothreads", action="append", help=_("Set domain and configuration.")) ParserSeclabel.register() geng.add_argument("--seclabel", "--security", action="append", help=_("Set domain seclabel configuration.")) ParserKeyWrap.register() geng.add_argument("--keywrap", action="append", help=_("Set guest to perform the S390 cryptographic " "key management operations.")) ParserCputune.register() geng.add_argument("--cputune", action="append", help=_("Tune CPU parameters for the domain process.")) ParserNumatune.register() geng.add_argument("--numatune", action="append", help=_("Tune NUMA policy for the domain process.")) ParserMemtune.register() geng.add_argument("--memtune", action="append", help=_("Tune memory policy for the domain process.")) ParserBlkiotune.register() geng.add_argument("--blkiotune", action="append", help=_("Tune blkio policy for the domain process.")) ParserMemoryBacking.register() geng.add_argument("--memorybacking", action="append", help=_("Set memory backing policy for the domain process. Ex:\n" "--memorybacking hugepages=on")) ParserFeatures.register() geng.add_argument("--features", action="append", help=_("Set domain XML. Ex:\n" "--features acpi=off\n" "--features apic=on,apic.eoi=on")) ParserClock.register() geng.add_argument("--clock", action="append", help=_("Set domain XML. Ex:\n" "--clock offset=localtime,rtc_tickpolicy=catchup")) ParserPM.register() geng.add_argument("--pm", action="append", help=_("Configure VM power management features")) ParserEvents.register() geng.add_argument("--events", action="append", help=_("Configure VM lifecycle management policy")) ParserResource.register() geng.add_argument("--resource", action="append", help=_("Configure VM resource partitioning (cgroups)")) ParserSysinfo.register() geng.add_argument("--sysinfo", action="append", help=_("Configure SMBIOS System Information. Ex:\n" "--sysinfo host\n" "--sysinfo bios.vendor=MyVendor,bios.version=1.2.3,...\n")) ParserQemuCLI.register() geng.add_argument("--qemu-commandline", action="append", help=_("Pass arguments directly to the qemu emulator. Ex:\n" "--qemu-commandline='-display gtk,gl=on'\n" "--qemu-commandline env=DISPLAY=:0.1")) ParserLaunchSecurity.register() geng.add_argument("--launchSecurity", "--launchsecurity", action="append", help=_("Configure VM launch security (e.g. SEV memory encryption). Ex:\n" "--launchSecurity type=sev,cbitpos=47,reducedPhysBits=1,policy=0x0001,dhCert=BASE64CERT\n" "--launchSecurity sev")) def add_boot_options(insg): ParserBoot.register() insg.add_argument("--boot", action="append", help=_("Configure guest boot settings. Ex:\n" "--boot hd,cdrom,menu=on\n" "--boot init=/sbin/init (for containers)")) ParserIdmap.register() insg.add_argument("--idmap", action="append", help=_("Enable user namespace for LXC container. Ex:\n" "--idmap uid.start=0,uid.target=1000,uid.count=10")) def add_disk_option(stog, editexample=False): ParserDisk.register() editmsg = "" if editexample: editmsg += "\n--disk cache= (unset cache)" stog.add_argument("--disk", action="append", help=_("Specify storage with various options. Ex.\n" "--disk size=10 (new 10GiB image in default location)\n" "--disk /my/existing/disk,cache=none\n" "--disk device=cdrom,bus=scsi\n" "--disk=?") + editmsg) def add_os_variant_option(parser, virtinstall): osg = parser.add_argument_group(_("OS options")) if virtinstall: msg = _("The OS being installed in the guest.") else: msg = _("The OS installed in the guest.") msg += "\n" msg += _("This is used for deciding optimal defaults like virtio.\n" "Example values: fedora29, rhel7.0, win10, ...\n" "See 'osinfo-query os' for a full list.") osg.add_argument("--os-variant", help=msg) return osg ############################################# # CLI complex parsing helpers # # (for options like --disk, --network, etc. # ############################################# def _raw_on_off_convert(s): tvalues = ["y", "yes", "1", "true", "t", "on"] fvalues = ["n", "no", "0", "false", "f", "off"] s = (s or "").lower() if s in tvalues: return True elif s in fvalues: return False return None def _on_off_convert(key, val): if val is None: return None val = _raw_on_off_convert(val) if val is not None: return val raise fail(_("%(key)s must be 'yes' or 'no'") % {"key": key}) class _SuboptCheckerClass: """ Used by the test suite to ensure we actually test all cli suboptions """ def __init__(self): self._all = set() self._seen = set() def add_all(self, name): self._all.add(name) def add_seen(self, name): self._seen.add(name) def get_unseen(self): return self._all - self._seen _SuboptChecker = _SuboptCheckerClass() class _VirtCLIArgumentStatic(object): """ Helper class to hold all of the static data we need for knowing how to parse a cli subargument, like --disk path=, or --network mac=. @cliname: The command line option name, 'path' for path=FOO @propname: The virtinst API attribute name the cliargument maps to. @cb: Rather than set a virtinst object property directly, use this callback instead. It should have the signature: cb(parser, inst, val, virtarg) @ignore_default: If the value passed on the cli is 'default', don't do anything. @can_comma: If True, this option is expected to have embedded commas. After the parser sees this option, it will iterate over the option string until it finds another known argument name: everything prior to that argument name is considered part of the value of this option, '=' included. Should be used sparingly. @is_onoff: The value expected on the cli is on/off or yes/no, convert it to true/false. @lookup_cb: If specified, use this function for performing match lookups. @find_inst_cb: If specified, this can be used to return a different 'inst' to check and set attributes against. For example, DeviceDisk has multiple seclabel children, this provides a hook to lookup the specified child object. """ def __init__(self, cliname, propname, parent_cliname, cb=None, can_comma=None, ignore_default=False, is_onoff=False, lookup_cb=-1, find_inst_cb=None): self.cliname = cliname self.propname = propname self.cb = cb self.can_comma = can_comma self.ignore_default = ignore_default self.is_onoff = is_onoff self.lookup_cb = lookup_cb self.find_inst_cb = find_inst_cb self._parent_cliname = parent_cliname self._aliases = [] if not self.propname and not self.cb: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "programming error: propname or cb must be specified.") if not self.propname and self.lookup_cb == -1: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "programming error: " "cliname=%s propname is None but lookup_cb is not specified. " "Even if a 'cb' is passed, 'propname' is still used for " "device lookup for virt-xml --edit.\n\nIf cb is just " "a converter function for a single propname, then set " "both propname and cb. If this cliname is truly " "not backed by a single propname, set lookup_cb=None or " "better yet implement a lookup_cb. This message is here " "to ensure propname isn't omitted without understanding " "the distinction." % self.cliname) if self.lookup_cb == -1: self.lookup_cb = None _SuboptChecker.add_all(self._testsuite_argcheck_name(self.cliname)) def _testsuite_argcheck_name(self, cliname): if not self._parent_cliname: return "sharedoption %s" % cliname return "--%s %s" % (self._parent_cliname, cliname) def set_aliases(self, aliases): self._aliases = aliases for alias in self._aliases: _SuboptChecker.add_all(self._testsuite_argcheck_name(alias)) def nonregex_cliname(self): return self.cliname.replace("[0-9]*", "") def match_name(self, userstr): """ Return True if the passed user string matches this VirtCLIArgument. So for an option like --foo bar=X, this checks if we are the parser for 'bar' """ for cliname in [self.cliname] + xmlutil.listify(self._aliases): if "[" in cliname: ret = re.match("^%s$" % cliname.replace(".", r"\."), userstr) else: ret = (cliname == userstr) if ret: _SuboptChecker.add_seen(self._testsuite_argcheck_name(cliname)) return True return False class _VirtCLIArgument(object): """ A class that combines the static parsing data _VirtCLIArgumentStatic with actual values passed on the command line. """ def __init__(self, virtarg, key, val): """ Instantiate a VirtCLIArgument with the actual key=val pair from the command line. """ if val is None: # When a command line tuple option has no value set, say # --network bridge=br0,model=virtio # is instead called # --network bridge=br0,model # We error that 'model' didn't have a value raise RuntimeError("Option '%s' had no value set." % key) if val == "": val = None if virtarg.is_onoff: val = _on_off_convert(key, val) self.val = val self.key = key self._virtarg = virtarg # For convenience self.propname = virtarg.propname self.cliname = virtarg.cliname def parse_param(self, parser, inst): """ Process the cli param against the pass inst. So if we are VirtCLIArgument for --disk device=, and the user specified --disk device=foo, we were instantiated with key=device val=foo, so set inst.device = foo """ if self.val == "default" and self._virtarg.ignore_default: return if self._virtarg.find_inst_cb: inst = self._virtarg.find_inst_cb(parser, inst, self.val, self, can_edit=True) try: if self.propname: xmlutil.get_prop_path(inst, self.propname) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("programming error: obj=%s does not have " "member=%s" % (inst, self.propname)) if self._virtarg.cb: self._virtarg.cb(parser, inst, self.val, self) else: xmlutil.set_prop_path(inst, self.propname, self.val) def lookup_param(self, parser, inst): """ See if the passed value matches our Argument, like via virt-xml So if this Argument is for --disk device=, and the user specified virt-xml --edit device=floppy --disk ..., we were instantiated with key=device val=floppy, so return 'inst.device == floppy' """ if not self.propname and not self._virtarg.lookup_cb: raise RuntimeError( _("Don't know how to match device type '%(device_type)s' " "property '%(property_name)s'") % {"device_type": getattr(inst, "DEVICE_TYPE", ""), "property_name": self.key}) if self._virtarg.find_inst_cb: inst = self._virtarg.find_inst_cb(parser, inst, self.val, self, can_edit=False) if not inst: return False if self._virtarg.lookup_cb: return self._virtarg.lookup_cb(parser, inst, self.val, self) else: return xmlutil.get_prop_path(inst, self.propname) == self.val def parse_optstr_tuples(optstr): """ Parse the command string into an ordered list of tuples. So a string like --disk path=foo,size=5,path=bar will end up like [("path", "foo"), ("size", "5"), ("path", "bar")] """ argsplitter = shlex.shlex(optstr or "", posix=True) argsplitter.commenters = "" argsplitter.whitespace = "," argsplitter.whitespace_split = True ret = [] for opt in list(argsplitter): if "=" in opt: cliname, val = opt.split("=", 1) else: cliname = opt val = None ret.append((cliname, val)) return ret def _parse_optstr_to_dict(optstr, virtargs, remove_first): """ Parse the passed argument string into an OrderedDict WRT the passed list of VirtCLIArguments and their special handling. So for --disk path=foo,size=5, optstr is 'path=foo,size=5', and we return {"path": "foo", "size": "5"} """ optdict = collections.OrderedDict() opttuples = parse_optstr_tuples(optstr) def _lookup_virtarg(cliname): for virtarg in virtargs: if virtarg.match_name(cliname): return virtarg def _consume_comma_arg(commaopt): while opttuples: cliname, val = opttuples[0] if _lookup_virtarg(cliname): # Next tuple is for an actual virtarg break # Next tuple is a continuation of the comma argument, # sum it up opttuples.pop(0) commaopt[1] += "," + cliname if val: commaopt[1] += "=" + val return commaopt # Splice in remove_first names upfront for idx, (cliname, val) in enumerate(opttuples): if val is not None or not remove_first: break opttuples[idx] = (remove_first.pop(0), cliname) while opttuples: cliname, val = opttuples.pop(0) virtarg = _lookup_virtarg(cliname) if not virtarg: optdict[cliname] = val continue if virtarg.can_comma: commaopt = _consume_comma_arg([cliname, val]) cliname = commaopt[0] val = commaopt[1] optdict[cliname] = val return optdict class _InitClass(type): """Metaclass for providing the _init_class function. This allows the customisation of class creation. Similar to '__init_subclass__' (see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0487/), but without giving us an explicit dep on python 3.6 """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) != 3: return super().__new__(cls, *args) # pragma: no cover name, bases, ns = args init = ns.get('_init_class') if isinstance(init, types.FunctionType): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "_init_class must be a @classmethod") self = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, ns) self._init_class(**kwargs) # pylint: disable=protected-access # Check for leftover aliases if self.aliases: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "programming error: class=%s " "leftover aliases=%s" % (self, self.aliases)) return self class VirtCLIParser(metaclass=_InitClass): """ Parse a compound arg string like --option foo=bar,baz=12. This is the desired interface to VirtCLIArgument and VirtCLIOptionString. A command line argument like --disk just extends this interface and calls add_arg a bunch to register subarguments like path=, size=, etc. See existing impls examples of how to do all sorts of crazy stuff. Class parameters: @guest_propname: The property name in the Guest class that tracks the object type that backs this parser. For example, the --sound option maps to DeviceSound, which on the guest class is at guest.devices.sound, so guest_propname = "devices.sound" @remove_first: List of parameters to peel off the front of the option string, and store in the optdict. So: remove_first=["char_type"] for --serial pty,foo=bar maps to {"char_type", "pty", "foo": "bar"} @stub_none: If the parsed option string is just 'none', make it a no-op. This helps us be backwards compatible: for example, --rng none is a no-op, but one day we decide to add an rng device by default to certain VMs, and --rng none is extended to handle that. --rng none can be added to users command lines and it will give the expected results regardless of the virt-install version. @cli_arg_name: The command line argument this maps to, so "hostdev" for --hostdev """ guest_propname = None remove_first = None stub_none = True cli_arg_name = None _virtargs = [] aliases = {} supports_clearxml = True @classmethod def add_arg(cls, cliname, propname, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a VirtCLIArgument for this class. :param skip_testsuite_tracking: Special argument handled here. If True, if means the argument is shared among multiple cli commands. Don't insist that each instance has full testsuite coverage. """ if not cls._virtargs: cls._virtargs = [] if cls.supports_clearxml: clearxmlvirtarg = _VirtCLIArgumentStatic( "clearxml", None, None, cb=cls._clearxml_cb, lookup_cb=None, is_onoff=True) cls._virtargs.append(clearxmlvirtarg) parent_cliname = cls.cli_arg_name if kwargs.pop("skip_testsuite_tracking", False): parent_cliname = None virtarg = _VirtCLIArgumentStatic(cliname, propname, parent_cliname, *args, **kwargs) if virtarg.cliname in cls.aliases: virtarg.set_aliases(xmlutil.listify(cls.aliases.pop(virtarg.cliname))) cls._virtargs.append(virtarg) @classmethod def cli_flag_name(cls): return "--" + cls.cli_arg_name.replace("_", "-") @classmethod def print_introspection(cls): """ Print out all _param names, triggered via ex. --disk help """ def _sortkey(virtarg): prefix = "" if virtarg.cliname == "clearxml": prefix = "0" if virtarg.cliname.startswith("address."): prefix = "1" return prefix + virtarg.cliname print("%s options:" % cls.cli_flag_name()) for arg in sorted(cls._virtargs, key=_sortkey): print(" %s" % arg.cliname) print("") @classmethod def lookup_prop(cls, obj): """ For the passed obj, return the equivalent of getattr(obj, cls.guest_propname), but handle '.' in the guest_propname """ if not cls.guest_propname: return None # pragma: no cover return xmlutil.get_prop_path(obj, cls.guest_propname) @classmethod def prop_is_list(cls, obj): inst = cls.lookup_prop(obj) return isinstance(inst, list) @classmethod def register(cls): # register the parser class only once if cls not in VIRT_PARSERS: VIRT_PARSERS.append(cls) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): """This method also terminates the super() chain""" def __init__(self, optstr, guest=None, editing=None): self.optstr = optstr self.guest = guest self.editing = editing self.optdict = _parse_optstr_to_dict(self.optstr, self._virtargs, xmlutil.listify(self.remove_first)[:]) def _clearxml_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): """ Callback that handles virt-xml clearxml=yes|no magic """ if not self.guest_propname: raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to clearxml for %s" % self.cli_flag_name()) if val is not True: return # If there's any opts remaining, leave the root stub element # in place with leave_stub=True, so virt-xml updates are done # in place. # # Example: --edit --cpu clearxml=yes should remove the # block. But --edit --cpu clearxml=yes,model=foo should leave # a stub in place, so that it gets model=foo in place, # otherwise the newly created cpu block gets appended to the # end of the domain XML, which gives an ugly diff inst.clear(leave_stub=("," in self.optstr)) def _make_find_inst_cb(self, cliarg, list_propname): """ Create a callback used for find_inst_cb command line lookup. :param cliarg: The cliarg string that is followed by an index. Example, for --disk seclabel[0-9]* mapping, this is 'seclabel' :param list_propname: The property name on the virtinst object that this parameter maps too. For the seclabel example, we want disk.seclabels, so this value is 'seclabels' """ def cb(inst, val, virtarg, can_edit): ignore = val num = 0 reg = re.search(r"%s(\d+)" % cliarg, virtarg.key) if reg: num = int(reg.groups()[0]) if can_edit: while len(xmlutil.get_prop_path(inst, list_propname)) < (num + 1): xmlutil.get_prop_path(inst, list_propname).add_new() try: return xmlutil.get_prop_path(inst, list_propname)[num] except IndexError: if not can_edit: return None raise # pragma: no cover return cb def _optdict_to_param_list(self, optdict): """ Convert the passed optdict to a list of instantiated VirtCLIArguments to actually interact with """ ret = [] for virtargstatic in self._virtargs: for key in list(optdict.keys()): if virtargstatic.match_name(key): arginst = _VirtCLIArgument(virtargstatic, key, optdict.pop(key)) ret.append(arginst) return ret def _check_leftover_opts(self, optdict): """ Used to check if there were any unprocessed entries in the optdict after we should have emptied it. Like if the user passed an invalid argument such as --disk idontexist=foo """ if optdict: fail(_("Unknown %s options: %s") % (self.cli_flag_name(), list(optdict.keys()))) def _parse(self, inst): """ Subclasses can hook into this to do any pre/post processing of the inst, or self.optdict """ optdict = self.optdict.copy() for param in self._optdict_to_param_list(optdict): param.parse_param(self, inst) self._check_leftover_opts(optdict) return inst def parse(self, inst): """ Main entry point. Iterate over self._virtargs, and serialize self.optdict into 'inst'. For virt-xml, 'inst' is the virtinst object we are editing, ex. a DeviceDisk from a parsed Guest object. For virt-install, 'inst' is None, and we will create a new inst for self.guest_propname, or edit a singleton object in place like Guest.features/DomainFeatures """ if not self.optstr: return None if self.stub_none and self.optstr == "none": return None new_object = False if self.guest_propname and not inst: inst = self.lookup_prop(self.guest) new_object = self.prop_is_list(self.guest) if new_object: inst = inst.new() ret = [] try: objs = self._parse(inst is None and self.guest or inst) for obj in xmlutil.listify(objs): if not self.editing and hasattr(obj, "validate"): obj.validate() if not new_object: continue if isinstance(obj, Device): self.guest.add_device(obj) else: self.guest.add_child(obj) ret += xmlutil.listify(objs) except Exception as e: log.debug("Exception parsing inst=%s optstr=%s", inst, self.optstr, exc_info=True) fail(_("Error: %(cli_flag_name)s %(options)s: %(err)s") % {"cli_flag_name": self.cli_flag_name(), "options": self.optstr, "err": str(e)}) return ret def lookup_child_from_option_string(self): """ Given a passed option string, search the guests' child list for all objects which match the passed options. Used only by virt-xml --edit lookups """ ret = [] objlist = xmlutil.listify(self.lookup_prop(self.guest)) try: for inst in objlist: optdict = self.optdict.copy() valid = True for param in self._optdict_to_param_list(optdict): paramret = param.lookup_param(self, inst) if paramret is False: valid = False break if valid: ret.append(inst) self._check_leftover_opts(optdict) except Exception as e: log.debug("Exception parsing inst=%s optstr=%s", inst, self.optstr, exc_info=True) fail(_("Error: %(cli_flag_name)s %(options)s: %(err)s") % {"cli_flag_name": self.cli_flag_name(), "options": self.optstr, "err": str(e)}) return ret def noset_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): """Do nothing callback""" ######################## # --unattended parsing # ######################## class ParserUnattended(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "unattended" supports_clearxml = False @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("profile", "profile") cls.add_arg("admin-password-file", "admin_password_file") cls.add_arg("user-login", "user_login") cls.add_arg("user-password-file", "user_password_file") cls.add_arg("product-key", "product_key") cls.add_arg("reg-login", "reg_login") def parse_unattended(optstr): ret = UnattendedData() if optstr == 1: # This means bare --unattended, so there's nothing to parse return ret parser = ParserUnattended(optstr) if parser.parse(ret): return ret ################### # --check parsing # ################### def convert_old_force(options): if options.force: if not options.check: options.check = "all=off" del(options.force) class ParserCheck(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "check" supports_clearxml = False @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("path_in_use", None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_cb, lookup_cb=None) cls.add_arg("disk_size", None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_cb, lookup_cb=None) cls.add_arg("path_exists", None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_cb, lookup_cb=None) cls.add_arg("all", "all_checks", is_onoff=True) def set_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): # This sets properties on the _GlobalState objects inst.set_validation_check(virtarg.cliname, val) def parse_check(checks): # Overwrite this for each parse for optstr in xmlutil.listify(checks): parser = ParserCheck(optstr) parser.parse(get_global_state()) ##################### # --install parsing # ##################### class ParserInstall(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "install" remove_first = "os" supports_clearxml = False @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("bootdev", "bootdev", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("kernel", "kernel", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("initrd", "initrd", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("kernel_args", "kernel_args", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("kernel_args_overwrite", "kernel_args_overwrite", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("os", "os") cls.add_arg("no_install", "no_install", is_onoff=True) class InstallData: def __init__(self): self.bootdev = None self.kernel = None self.initrd = None self.kernel_args = None self.kernel_args_overwrite = None self.os = None self.is_set = False self.no_install = None def parse_install(optstr): installdata = InstallData() installdata.is_set = bool(optstr) parser = ParserInstall(optstr or None) parser.parse(installdata) return installdata ######################## # --cloud-init parsing # ######################## class ParserCloudInit(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "cloud_init" supports_clearxml = False @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("root-password-generate", "root_password_generate", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("root-password-file", "root_password_file") cls.add_arg("disable", "disable", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("ssh-key", "ssh_key") cls.add_arg("user-data", "user_data") cls.add_arg("meta-data", "meta_data") def parse_cloud_init(optstr): ret = CloudInitData() if optstr == 1: # This means bare --cloud-init, so there's nothing to parse. log.warning("Defaulting to --cloud-init root-password-generate=yes,disable=yes") ret.root_password_generate = True ret.disable = True return ret parser = ParserCloudInit(optstr) if parser.parse(ret): return ret ###################### # --location parsing # ###################### class ParserLocation(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "location" remove_first = "location" supports_clearxml = False @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("location", "location", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("kernel", "kernel", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("initrd", "initrd", can_comma=True) def parse_location(optstr): class LocationData: def __init__(self): self.location = None self.kernel = None self.initrd = None parsedata = LocationData() parser = ParserLocation(optstr or None) parser.parse(parsedata) return parsedata.location, parsedata.kernel, parsedata.initrd ######################## # --os-variant parsing # ######################## class OSVariantData(object): def __init__(self, os_variant): self._rawstr = os_variant self._default_auto = True self._name = None if not self._rawstr: return self._default_auto = False if self.is_none or self.is_auto: return if "://" in self._rawstr: osobj = OSDB.lookup_os_by_full_id(self._rawstr, raise_error=True) else: osobj = OSDB.lookup_os(self._rawstr, raise_error=True) self._name = osobj.name def set_installdata_name(self, name): # osname set via --install os=X, but if --os-variant also # explicitly set, we don't want to overwrite it if self._default_auto: self._default_auto = False self._name = name @property def is_none(self): return self._rawstr == "none" @property def is_auto(self): return self._rawstr == "auto" or self._default_auto @property def name(self): return self._name def parse_os_variant(optstr): return OSVariantData(optstr) ########################### # --noautoconsole parsing # ########################### def _determine_default_autoconsole_type(guest, installer): """ Determine the default console for the passed guest config :returns: 'text', 'graphical', or None """ if installer.has_cloudinit(): log.info("--cloud-init specified, defaulting to --autoconsole text") return "text" gdevs = guest.devices.graphics if not gdevs: return "text" gtype = gdevs[0].type if gtype not in ["default", DeviceGraphics.TYPE_VNC, DeviceGraphics.TYPE_SPICE]: log.debug("No viewer to launch for graphics type '%s'", gtype) return None if not HAS_VIRTVIEWER and not in_testsuite(): # pragma: no cover log.warning(_("Unable to connect to graphical console: " "virt-viewer not installed. Please install " "the 'virt-viewer' package.")) return None if (not os.environ.get("DISPLAY", "") and not in_testsuite()): # pragma: no cover log.warning(_("Graphics requested but DISPLAY is not set. " "Not running virt-viewer.")) return None return "graphical" class _AutoconsoleData(object): def __init__(self, autoconsole, guest, installer): self._autoconsole = autoconsole if self._autoconsole not in ["none", "default", "text", "graphical"]: fail(_("Unknown autoconsole type '%s'") % self._autoconsole) self._is_default = self._autoconsole == "default" if self._is_default: default = _determine_default_autoconsole_type(guest, installer) self._autoconsole = default or "none" def is_text(self): return self._autoconsole == "text" def is_graphical(self): return self._autoconsole == "graphical" def is_default(self): return self._is_default def get_console_cb(self): if self.is_graphical(): return _gfx_console if self.is_text(): return _txt_console return None def parse_autoconsole(options, guest, installer): return _AutoconsoleData(options.autoconsole, guest, installer) ###################### # --metadata parsing # ###################### class ParserMetadata(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "metadata" @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("name", "name", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("title", "title", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("uuid", "uuid") cls.add_arg("genid", "genid") cls.add_arg("genid_enable", "genid_enable", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("description", "description", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("os_name", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_os_name_cb) cls.add_arg("os_full_id", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_os_full_id_cb) def set_os_name_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): inst.set_os_name(val) def set_os_full_id_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): osobj = OSDB.lookup_os_by_full_id(val, raise_error=True) inst.set_os_name(osobj.name) #################### # --events parsing # #################### class ParserEvents(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "events" @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("on_poweroff", "on_poweroff") cls.add_arg("on_reboot", "on_reboot") cls.add_arg("on_crash", "on_crash") cls.add_arg("on_lockfailure", "on_lockfailure") ###################### # --resource parsing # ###################### class ParserResource(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "resource" guest_propname = "resource" remove_first = "partition" @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("partition", "partition") ###################### # --numatune parsing # ###################### class ParserNumatune(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "numatune" guest_propname = "numatune" remove_first = "nodeset" aliases = { "memory.mode": "mode", "memory.nodeset": "nodeset", } def memnode_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "memnode" # memnode[0-9]* list_propname = "memnode" cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("memory.nodeset", "memory_nodeset", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("memory.mode", "memory_mode") cls.add_arg("memory.placement", "memory_placement") cls.add_arg("memnode[0-9]*.cellid", "cellid", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=cls.memnode_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("memnode[0-9]*.mode", "mode", find_inst_cb=cls.memnode_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("memnode[0-9]*.nodeset", "nodeset", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=cls.memnode_find_inst_cb) #################### # --memory parsing # #################### class ParserMemory(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "memory" remove_first = "memory" aliases = { "maxMemory.slots": "hotplugmemoryslots", "maxMemory": "hotplugmemorymax", } def _convert_old_memory_options(self): """ Historically the cli had: memory -> ./currentMemory maxmemory -> ./memory Then later libvirt gained ./maxMemory. So things are quite a mess. Try to convert the back compat cases. Basically if new style option currentMemory is specified, interpret currentMemory and memory as the XML values. Otherwise treat memory and maxmemory as the old swapped names. """ havecur = "currentMemory" in self.optdict havemax = "maxmemory" in self.optdict havemem = "memory" in self.optdict if havecur: if havemax: self.optdict["memory"] = self.optdict.pop("maxmemory", None) elif havemax: if havemem: self.optdict["currentMemory"] = self.optdict.pop("memory") self.optdict["memory"] = self.optdict.pop("maxmemory") elif havemem: self.optdict["currentMemory"] = self.optdict.pop("memory") def _parse(self, inst): self._convert_old_memory_options() return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def set_memory_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): xmlutil.set_prop_path(inst, virtarg.propname, int(val) * 1024) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): cls.add_arg("memory", "memory", cb=cls.set_memory_cb) cls.add_arg("currentMemory", "currentMemory", cb=cls.set_memory_cb) cls.add_arg("maxMemory", "maxMemory", cb=cls.set_memory_cb) cls.add_arg("maxMemory.slots", "maxMemorySlots") # This is converted into either memory or currentMemory cls.add_arg("maxmemory", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) # New memoryBacking properties should be added to the --memorybacking cls.add_arg("hugepages", "memoryBacking.hugepages", is_onoff=True) ##################### # --memtune parsing # ##################### class ParserMemtune(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "memtune" guest_propname = "memtune" remove_first = "soft_limit" @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("hard_limit", "hard_limit") cls.add_arg("soft_limit", "soft_limit") cls.add_arg("swap_hard_limit", "swap_hard_limit") cls.add_arg("min_guarantee", "min_guarantee") ####################### # --blkiotune parsing # ####################### class ParserBlkiotune(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "blkiotune" guest_propname = "blkiotune" remove_first = "weight" aliases = { "device[0-9]*.path": "device_path", "device[0-9]*.weight": "device_weight", "device[0-9]*.read_bytes_sec": "read_bytes_sec", "device[0-9]*.write_bytes_sec": "write_bytes_sec", "device[0-9]*.read_iops_sec": "read_iops_sec", "device[0-9]*.write_iops_sec": "write_iops_sec", } def device_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "device" # device[0-9]* list_propname = "devices" # blkiotune.devices cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("weight", "weight") cls.add_arg("device[0-9]*.path", "path", find_inst_cb=cls.device_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("device[0-9]*.weight", "weight", find_inst_cb=cls.device_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("device[0-9]*.read_bytes_sec", "read_bytes_sec", find_inst_cb=cls.device_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("device[0-9]*.write_bytes_sec", "write_bytes_sec", find_inst_cb=cls.device_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("device[0-9]*.read_iops_sec", "read_iops_sec", find_inst_cb=cls.device_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("device[0-9]*.write_iops_sec", "write_iops_sec", find_inst_cb=cls.device_find_inst_cb) ########################### # --memorybacking parsing # ########################### class ParserMemoryBacking(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "memorybacking" guest_propname = "memoryBacking" aliases = { "hugepages.page[0-9]*.size": "size", "hugepages.page[0-9]*.unit": "unit", "hugepages.page[0-9]*.nodeset": "nodeset", "access.mode": "access_mode", "source.type": "source_type", } def page_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "page" # page[0-9]* list_propname = "pages" # memoryBacking.pages cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("hugepages", "hugepages", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("hugepages.page[0-9]*.size", "size", find_inst_cb=cls.page_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("hugepages.page[0-9]*.unit", "unit", find_inst_cb=cls.page_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("hugepages.page[0-9]*.nodeset", "nodeset", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=cls.page_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("nosharepages", "nosharepages", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("locked", "locked", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("access.mode", "access_mode") cls.add_arg("source.type", "source_type") cls.add_arg("discard", "discard", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("allocation.mode", "allocation_mode") ################# # --cpu parsing # ################# class ParserCPU(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "cpu" guest_propname = "cpu" remove_first = "model" stub_none = False aliases = { "numa.cell[0-9]*.distances.sibling[0-9]*.id": "cell[0-9]*.distances.sibling[0-9]*.id", "numa.cell[0-9]*.distances.sibling[0-9]*.value": "cell[0-9]*.distances.sibling[0-9]*.value", "numa.cell[0-9]*.id": "cell[0-9]*.id", "numa.cell[0-9]*.cpus": "cell[0-9]*.cpus", "numa.cell[0-9]*.memory": "cell[0-9]*.memory", } def _convert_old_feature_options(self): # For old CLI compat, --cpu force=foo,force=bar should force # enable 'foo' and 'bar' features, but that doesn't fit with the # CLI parser infrastructure very well. converted = collections.defaultdict(list) for key, value in parse_optstr_tuples(self.optstr): if key in ["force", "require", "optional", "disable", "forbid"]: converted[key].append(value) # Convert +feature, -feature into expected format for key, value in list(self.optdict.items()): policy = None if value or len(key) == 1: # We definitely hit this case, but coverage doesn't notice # for some reason continue # pragma: no cover if key.startswith("+"): policy = "force" elif key.startswith("-"): policy = "disable" if policy: del(self.optdict[key]) converted[policy].append(key[1:]) self.optdict.update(converted) def _parse(self, inst): self._convert_old_feature_options() return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def cell_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "cell" # cell[0-9]* list_propname = "cells" # cpu.cells cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) def sibling_find_inst_cb(self, inst, *args, **kwargs): cell = self.cell_find_inst_cb(inst, *args, **kwargs) inst = cell cliarg = "sibling" # cell[0-9]*.distances.sibling[0-9]* list_propname = "siblings" # cell.siblings cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(inst, *args, **kwargs) def set_model_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if val == "host": val = inst.SPECIAL_MODE_HOST_MODEL if val == "none": val = inst.SPECIAL_MODE_CLEAR if val in inst.SPECIAL_MODES: inst.set_special_mode(self.guest, val) else: inst.set_model(self.guest, val) def set_feature_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): policy = virtarg.cliname for feature_name in xmlutil.listify(val): featureobj = None for f in inst.features: if f.name == feature_name: featureobj = f break if featureobj: featureobj.policy = policy else: inst.add_feature(feature_name, policy) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) # 'secure' needs to be parsed before 'model' cls.add_arg("secure", "secure", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("model", "model", cb=cls.set_model_cb) cls.add_arg("mode", "mode") cls.add_arg("match", "match") cls.add_arg("vendor", "vendor") cls.add_arg("cache.mode", "cache.mode") cls.add_arg("cache.level", "cache.level") # These are handled specially in _parse cls.add_arg("force", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_feature_cb) cls.add_arg("require", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_feature_cb) cls.add_arg("optional", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_feature_cb) cls.add_arg("disable", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_feature_cb) cls.add_arg("forbid", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_feature_cb) cls.add_arg("topology.sockets", "sockets") cls.add_arg("topology.cores", "cores") cls.add_arg("topology.threads", "threads") # Options for CPU.cells config cls.add_arg("numa.cell[0-9]*.id", "id", find_inst_cb=cls.cell_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("numa.cell[0-9]*.cpus", "cpus", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=cls.cell_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("numa.cell[0-9]*.memory", "memory", find_inst_cb=cls.cell_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("numa.cell[0-9]*.distances.sibling[0-9]*.id", "id", find_inst_cb=cls.sibling_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("numa.cell[0-9]*.distances.sibling[0-9]*.value", "value", find_inst_cb=cls.sibling_find_inst_cb) ##################### # --cputune parsing # ##################### class ParserCputune(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "cputune" guest_propname = "cputune" remove_first = "model" stub_none = False def vcpu_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "vcpupin" # vcpupin[0-9]* list_propname = "vcpus" cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) def cachetune_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "cachetune" # cachetune[0-9]* list_propname = "cachetune" cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) def cache_find_inst_cb(self, inst, *args, **kwargs): cachetune = self.cachetune_find_inst_cb(inst, *args, **kwargs) inst = cachetune cliarg = "cache" # cachetune[0-9]*.cache[0-9]* list_propname = "caches" # cachetune.caches cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(inst, *args, **kwargs) def memorytune_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "memorytune" # memorytune[0-9]* list_propname = "memorytune" cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) def node_find_inst_cb(self, inst, *args, **kwargs): memorytune = self.memorytune_find_inst_cb(inst, *args, **kwargs) inst = memorytune cliarg = "node" # memorytune[0-9]*.node[0-9]* list_propname = "nodes" # memorytune.nodes cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(inst, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) # Options for CPU.vcpus config cls.add_arg("vcpupin[0-9]*.vcpu", "vcpu", find_inst_cb=cls.vcpu_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("vcpupin[0-9]*.cpuset", "cpuset", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=cls.vcpu_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("cachetune[0-9]*.vcpus", "vcpus", find_inst_cb=cls.cachetune_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("cachetune[0-9]*.cache[0-9]*.level", "level", find_inst_cb=cls.cache_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("cachetune[0-9]*.cache[0-9]*.id", "id", find_inst_cb=cls.cache_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("cachetune[0-9]*.cache[0-9]*.type", "type", find_inst_cb=cls.cache_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("cachetune[0-9]*.cache[0-9]*.size", "size", find_inst_cb=cls.cache_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("cachetune[0-9]*.cache[0-9]*.unit", "unit", find_inst_cb=cls.cache_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("memorytune[0-9]*.vcpus", "vcpus", find_inst_cb=cls.memorytune_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("memorytune[0-9]*.node[0-9]*.id", "id", find_inst_cb=cls.node_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("memorytune[0-9]*.node[0-9]*.bandwidth", "bandwidth", find_inst_cb=cls.node_find_inst_cb) ####################### # --iothreads parsing # ####################### class ParserIOThreads(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "iothreads" guest_propname = "iothreads" remove_first = "iothreads" def iothreads_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "iothread" # iothreads[0-9]* list_propname = "iothreadids" cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) # Options for IOThreads config cls.add_arg("iothreads", "iothreads") cls.add_arg("iothreadids.iothread[0-9]*.id", "id", find_inst_cb=cls.iothreads_find_inst_cb) ################### # --vcpus parsing # ################### class ParserVCPU(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "vcpus" remove_first = "vcpu" aliases = { "vcpu.placement": "placement", } def _convert_old_vcpu_opts(self): havemax = "maxvcpus" in self.optdict havecur = "vcpu.current" in self.optdict havevcp = "vcpu" in self.optdict if havecur: if havemax: self.optdict["vcpu"] = self.optdict.pop("maxvcpus") elif havemax: if havevcp: self.optdict["vcpu.current"] = self.optdict.pop("vcpu") self.optdict["vcpu"] = self.optdict.pop("maxvcpus") def _add_advertised_aliases(self): # These are essentially aliases for new style options, but we still # want to advertise them in --vcpus=help output because they are # historically commonly used. This should rarely, if ever, be extended if "cpuset" in self.optdict: self.optdict["vcpu.cpuset"] = self.optdict.pop("cpuset") if "vcpus" in self.optdict: self.optdict["vcpu"] = self.optdict.pop("vcpus") def _parse(self, inst): self._add_advertised_aliases() self._convert_old_vcpu_opts() return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def vcpu_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "vcpu" # vcpu[0-9]* list_propname = "vcpulist.vcpu" # guest.vcpulist.vcpu cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) def set_cpuset_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if val != "auto": inst.vcpu_cpuset = val return # Previously we did our own one-time cpuset placement # based on current NUMA memory availability, but that's # pretty dumb unless the conditions on the host never change. # So instead use newer vcpu placement= inst.vcpu_placement = "auto" @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) # This is converted into either vcpu.current or vcpu cls.add_arg("maxvcpus", "vcpus", cb=cls.noset_cb) # These are handled in _add_advertised_aliases cls.add_arg("cpuset", "vcpu_cpuset", can_comma=True, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("vcpus", "vcpus", cb=cls.noset_cb) # Further CPU options should be added to --cpu cls.add_arg("sockets", "cpu.sockets") cls.add_arg("cores", "cpu.cores") cls.add_arg("threads", "cpu.threads") # options cls.add_arg("vcpu", "vcpus") cls.add_arg("vcpu.current", "vcpu_current") cls.add_arg("vcpu.cpuset", "vcpu_cpuset", can_comma=True, cb=cls.set_cpuset_cb) cls.add_arg("vcpu.placement", "vcpu_placement") # options cls.add_arg("vcpus.vcpu[0-9]*.id", "id", find_inst_cb=cls.vcpu_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("vcpus.vcpu[0-9]*.enabled", "enabled", find_inst_cb=cls.vcpu_find_inst_cb, is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("vcpus.vcpu[0-9]*.hotpluggable", "hotpluggable", find_inst_cb=cls.vcpu_find_inst_cb, is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("vcpus.vcpu[0-9]*.order", "order", find_inst_cb=cls.vcpu_find_inst_cb) ################## # --boot parsing # ################## class ParserBoot(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "boot" guest_propname = "os" aliases = { "bios.rebootTimeout": "rebootTimeout", "bios.useserial": "useserial", "bootmenu.enable": "menu", "cmdline": ["extra_args", "kernel_args"], "loader.readonly": "loader_ro", "loader.type": "loader_type", "loader.secure": "loader_secure", "nvram.template": "nvram_template", "smbios.mode": "smbios_mode", } def _convert_boot_order(self, inst): # Build boot order boot_order = [] for cliname in list(self.optdict.keys()): if cliname not in inst.BOOT_DEVICES: continue del(self.optdict[cliname]) if cliname not in boot_order: boot_order.append(cliname) if boot_order: inst.bootorder = boot_order def _parse(self, inst): self._convert_boot_order(inst) # Back compat to allow uefi to have no cli value specified if "uefi" in self.optdict: self.optdict["uefi"] = True return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def set_uefi_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if not self.editing: # From virt-install, we just set this flag, and set_defaults() # will fill in everything for us, otherwise we have a circular # dep on determining arch/machine info self.guest.uefi_requested = True else: self.guest.set_uefi_path(self.guest.get_uefi_path()) self.guest.disable_hyperv_for_uefi() def set_initargs_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): inst.set_initargs_string(val) def set_bootloader_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): self.guest.bootloader = val def set_domain_type_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): self.guest.type = val def set_emulator_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): self.guest.emulator = val def boot_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "boot" # boot[0-9]* list_propname = "bootdevs" # os.bootdevs cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) def initarg_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "initarg" # initarg[0-9]* list_propname = "initargs" # os.initargs cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) # This is simply so the boot options are advertised with --boot help, # actual processing is handled by _parse cls.add_arg("hd", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("cdrom", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("fd", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("network", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) # UEFI depends on these bits, so set them first cls.add_arg("arch", "arch") cls.add_arg("bootloader", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_bootloader_cb) cls.add_arg("domain_type", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_domain_type_cb) cls.add_arg("emulator", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_emulator_cb) cls.add_arg("uefi", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_uefi_cb) cls.add_arg("os_type", "os_type") cls.add_arg("machine", "machine") cls.add_arg("kernel", "kernel") cls.add_arg("initrd", "initrd") cls.add_arg("dtb", "dtb") cls.add_arg("cmdline", "kernel_args", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("firmware", "firmware") cls.add_arg("boot[0-9]*.dev", "dev", find_inst_cb=cls.boot_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("bootmenu.enable", "enable_bootmenu", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("bios.useserial", "useserial", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("bios.rebootTimeout", "rebootTimeout") cls.add_arg("init", "init") cls.add_arg("initargs", "initargs", cb=cls.set_initargs_cb) cls.add_arg("initarg[0-9]*", "val", find_inst_cb=cls.initarg_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("initdir", "initdir") cls.add_arg("inituser", "inituser") cls.add_arg("initgroup", "initgroup") cls.add_arg("loader", "loader") cls.add_arg("loader.readonly", "loader_ro", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("loader.type", "loader_type") cls.add_arg("loader.secure", "loader_secure", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("nvram", "nvram") cls.add_arg("nvram.template", "nvram_template") cls.add_arg("smbios.mode", "smbios_mode") ################### # --idmap parsing # ################### class ParserIdmap(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "idmap" guest_propname = "idmap" aliases = { "uid.start": "uid_start", "uid.target": "uid_target", "uid.count": "uid_count", "gid.start": "gid_start", "gid.target": "gid_target", "gid.count": "gid_count", } @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("uid.start", "uid_start") cls.add_arg("uid.target", "uid_target") cls.add_arg("uid.count", "uid_count") cls.add_arg("gid.start", "gid_start") cls.add_arg("gid.target", "gid_target") cls.add_arg("gid.count", "gid_count") ###################### # --seclabel parsing # ###################### class ParserSeclabel(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "seclabel" guest_propname = "seclabels" @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("type", "type") cls.add_arg("model", "model") cls.add_arg("relabel", "relabel", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("label", "label", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("baselabel", "baselabel", can_comma=True) ###################### # --keywrap parsing # ###################### class ParserKeyWrap(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "keywrap" guest_propname = "keywrap" def cipher_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "cipher" # keywrap[0-9]* list_propname = "cipher" cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("cipher[0-9]*.name", "name", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=cls.cipher_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("cipher[0-9]*.state", "state", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=cls.cipher_find_inst_cb) ###################### # --features parsing # ###################### class ParserFeatures(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "features" guest_propname = "features" aliases = { "apic.eoi": "eoi", "pmu.state": "pmu", "vmport.state": "vmport", "kvm.hidden.state": "kvm_hidden", "gic.version": "gic_version", "smm.state": "smm", "vmcoreinfo.state": "vmcoreinfo", "hyperv.reset.state": "hyperv_reset", "hyperv.vapic.state": "hyperv_vapic", "hyperv.relaxed.state": "hyperv_relaxed", "hyperv.spinlocks.state": "hyperv_spinlocks", "hyperv.spinlocks.retries": "hyperv_spinlocks_retries", "hyperv.synic.state": "hyperv_synic", } @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("acpi", "acpi", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("apic", "apic", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("pae", "pae", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("privnet", "privnet", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("hap", "hap", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("viridian", "viridian", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("apic.eoi", "eoi", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("pmu.state", "pmu", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("hyperv.reset.state", "hyperv_reset", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("hyperv.vapic.state", "hyperv_vapic", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("hyperv.relaxed.state", "hyperv_relaxed", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("hyperv.spinlocks.state", "hyperv_spinlocks", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("hyperv.spinlocks.retries", "hyperv_spinlocks_retries") cls.add_arg("hyperv.synic.state", "hyperv_synic", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("vmport.state", "vmport", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("kvm.hidden.state", "kvm_hidden", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("kvm.hint-dedicated.state", "kvm_hint_dedicated", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("pvspinlock.state", "pvspinlock", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("gic.version", "gic_version") cls.add_arg("smm.state", "smm", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("vmcoreinfo.state", "vmcoreinfo", is_onoff=True) ################### # --clock parsing # ################### class ParserClock(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "clock" guest_propname = "clock" def _remove_old_options(self): # These _tickpolicy options have never had any effect in libvirt, # even though they aren't explicitly rejected. Make them no-ops. # Keep them unrolled so we can easily check for code coverage if "platform_tickpolicy" in self.optdict: self.optdict.pop("platform_tickpolicy") if "hpet_tickpolicy" in self.optdict: self.optdict.pop("hpet_tickpolicy") if "tsc_tickpolicy" in self.optdict: self.optdict.pop("tsc_tickpolicy") if "kvmclock_tickpolicy" in self.optdict: self.optdict.pop("kvmclock_tickpolicy") if "hypervclock_tickpolicy" in self.optdict: self.optdict.pop("hypervclock_tickpolicy") def _parse(self, inst): self._remove_old_options() return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def set_timer(self, inst, val, virtarg): tname, propname = virtarg.cliname.split("_") timerobj = None for t in inst.timers: if t.name == tname: timerobj = t break if not timerobj: timerobj = inst.timers.add_new() timerobj.name = tname xmlutil.set_prop_path(timerobj, propname, val) def timer_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "timer" # timer[0-9]* list_propname = "timers" # clock.timers cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) # Timer convenience helpers. It's unclear if we should continue # extending this pattern, or just push users to use finegrained # timer* config cls.add_arg("pit_tickpolicy", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_timer) cls.add_arg("rtc_tickpolicy", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_timer) cls.add_arg("platform_present", None, lookup_cb=None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_timer) cls.add_arg("pit_present", None, lookup_cb=None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_timer) cls.add_arg("rtc_present", None, lookup_cb=None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_timer) cls.add_arg("hpet_present", None, lookup_cb=None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_timer) cls.add_arg("tsc_present", None, lookup_cb=None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_timer) cls.add_arg("kvmclock_present", None, lookup_cb=None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_timer) cls.add_arg("hypervclock_present", None, lookup_cb=None, is_onoff=True, cb=cls.set_timer) # Standard XML options cls.add_arg("offset", "offset") cls.add_arg("timer[0-9]*.name", "name", find_inst_cb=cls.timer_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("timer[0-9]*.present", "present", is_onoff=True, find_inst_cb=cls.timer_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("timer[0-9]*.tickpolicy", "tickpolicy", find_inst_cb=cls.timer_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("timer[0-9]*.track", "track", find_inst_cb=cls.timer_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("timer[0-9]*.mode", "mode", find_inst_cb=cls.timer_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("timer[0-9]*.frequency", "frequency", find_inst_cb=cls.timer_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("timer[0-9]*.catchup.threshold", "threshold", find_inst_cb=cls.timer_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("timer[0-9]*.catchup.slew", "slew", find_inst_cb=cls.timer_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("timer[0-9]*.catchup.limit", "limit", find_inst_cb=cls.timer_find_inst_cb) ################ # --pm parsing # ################ class ParserPM(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "pm" guest_propname = "pm" aliases = { "suspend_to_mem.enabled": "suspend_to_mem", "suspend_to_disk.enabled": "suspend_to_disk", } @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("suspend_to_mem.enabled", "suspend_to_mem", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("suspend_to_disk.enabled", "suspend_to_disk", is_onoff=True) ##################### # --sysinfo parsing # ##################### class ParserSysinfo(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "sysinfo" guest_propname = "sysinfo" remove_first = "type" aliases = { "bios.vendor": "bios_vendor", "bios.version": "bios_version", "bios.date": "bios_date", "bios.release": "bios_release", "system.manufacturer": "system_manufacturer", "system.product": "system_product", "system.version": "system_version", "system.serial": "system_serial", "system.uuid": "system_uuid", "system.sku": "system_sku", "system.family": "system_family", "baseBoard.manufacturer": "baseBoard_manufacturer", "baseBoard.product": "baseBoard_product", "baseBoard.version": "baseBoard_version", "baseBoard.serial": "baseBoard_serial", "baseBoard.asset": "baseBoard_asset", "baseBoard.location": "baseBoard_location", } def _parse(self, inst): if self.optstr and 'type' not in self.optdict: # If any string specified, default to type=smbios otherwise # libvirt errors. User args can still override this though self.optdict['type'] = 'smbios' return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def set_type_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if val == "host" or val == "emulate": self.guest.os.smbios_mode = val return if val == "smbios": self.guest.os.smbios_mode = "sysinfo" inst.type = val def set_uuid_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): # If a uuid is supplied it must match the guest UUID. This would be # impossible to guess if the guest uuid is autogenerated so just # overwrite the guest uuid with what is passed in assuming it passes # the sanity checking below. inst.system_uuid = val self.guest.uuid = val def oem_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=protected-access cliarg = "entry" # oemStrings.entry[0-9]* list_propname = "oemStrings" # sysinfo.oemStrings cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) # cls.add_arg("type", "type", cb=cls.set_type_cb, can_comma=True) # type 0 BIOS Information cls.add_arg("bios.vendor", "bios_vendor") cls.add_arg("bios.version", "bios_version") cls.add_arg("bios.date", "bios_date") cls.add_arg("bios.release", "bios_release") # type 1 System Information cls.add_arg("system.manufacturer", "system_manufacturer") cls.add_arg("system.product", "system_product") cls.add_arg("system.version", "system_version") cls.add_arg("system.serial", "system_serial") cls.add_arg("system.uuid", "system_uuid", cb=cls.set_uuid_cb) cls.add_arg("system.sku", "system_sku") cls.add_arg("system.family", "system_family") # type 2 Baseboard (or Module) Information cls.add_arg("baseBoard.manufacturer", "baseBoard_manufacturer") cls.add_arg("baseBoard.product", "baseBoard_product") cls.add_arg("baseBoard.version", "baseBoard_version") cls.add_arg("baseBoard.serial", "baseBoard_serial") cls.add_arg("baseBoard.asset", "baseBoard_asset") cls.add_arg("baseBoard.location", "baseBoard_location") cls.add_arg("chassis.manufacturer", "chassis_manufacturer") cls.add_arg("chassis.version", "chassis_version") cls.add_arg("chassis.serial", "chassis_serial") cls.add_arg("chassis.asset", "chassis_asset") cls.add_arg("chassis.sku", "chassis_sku") cls.add_arg("oemStrings.entry[0-9]", "value", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=cls.oem_find_inst_cb) ############################## # --qemu-commandline parsing # ############################## class ParserQemuCLI(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "qemu_commandline" guest_propname = "xmlns_qemu" def args_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): for opt in shlex.split(val): obj = inst.args.add_new() obj.value = opt def env_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): name, envval = val.split("=", 1) obj = inst.envs.add_new() obj.name = name obj.value = envval def _parse(self, inst): self.optdict.clear() if self.optstr.startswith("env="): self.optdict["env"] = self.optstr.split("=", 1)[1] elif self.optstr.startswith("args="): self.optdict["args"] = self.optstr.split("=", 1)[1] elif self.optstr.startswith("clearxml="): self.optdict["clearxml"] = self.optstr.split("=", 1)[1] else: self.optdict["args"] = self.optstr return super()._parse(inst) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("args", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.args_cb, can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("env", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.env_cb, can_comma=True) ########################## # Guest parsing # ########################## def _add_common_device_args(cls, boot_order=False, boot_loadparm=False, virtio_options=False): """ Add common Device parameters, like address.* """ def _add_arg(*args, **kwargs): kwargs["skip_testsuite_tracking"] = True cls.add_arg(*args, **kwargs) _add_arg("address.type", "address.type") _add_arg("address.domain", "address.domain") _add_arg("address.bus", "address.bus") _add_arg("address.slot", "address.slot") _add_arg("address.multifunction", "address.multifunction", is_onoff=True) _add_arg("address.function", "address.function") _add_arg("address.controller", "address.controller") _add_arg("address.unit", "address.unit") _add_arg("address.port", "address.port") _add_arg("address.target", "address.target") _add_arg("address.reg", "address.reg") _add_arg("address.cssid", "address.cssid") _add_arg("address.ssid", "address.ssid") _add_arg("address.devno", "address.devno") _add_arg("address.iobase", "address.iobase") _add_arg("address.irq", "address.irq") _add_arg("address.base", "address.base") _add_arg("address.zpci.uid", "address.zpci_uid") _add_arg("address.zpci.fid", "address.zpci_fid") _add_arg("alias.name", "alias.name") def set_boot_order_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): val = int(val) self.guest.reorder_boot_order(inst, val) if boot_order: cls.aliases["boot.order"] = "boot_order" _add_arg("boot.order", "boot.order", cb=set_boot_order_cb) if boot_loadparm: _add_arg("boot.loadparm", "boot.loadparm") if virtio_options: _add_arg("driver.ats", "virtio_driver.ats", is_onoff=True) _add_arg("driver.iommu", "virtio_driver.iommu", is_onoff=True) def _add_device_seclabel_args(cls, list_propname, prefix=""): def seclabel_find_inst_cb(c, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=protected-access cliarg = "seclabel" # seclabel[0-9]* cb = c._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) def _add_arg(*args, **kwargs): kwargs["skip_testsuite_tracking"] = True cls.add_arg(*args, **kwargs) # DeviceDisk.seclabels properties _add_arg(prefix + "source.seclabel[0-9]*.model", "model", find_inst_cb=seclabel_find_inst_cb) _add_arg(prefix + "source.seclabel[0-9]*.relabel", "relabel", is_onoff=True, find_inst_cb=seclabel_find_inst_cb) _add_arg(prefix + "source.seclabel[0-9]*.label", "label", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=seclabel_find_inst_cb) def _add_char_source_args(cls, prefix=""): """ Add arguments that represent the CharSource object, which is shared among multiple device types """ def set_sourcehost_cb(c, inst, val, virtarg): inst.source.set_friendly_host(val) def set_bind_cb(c, inst, val, virtarg): inst.source.set_friendly_bind(val) def set_connect_cb(c, inst, val, virtarg): inst.source.set_friendly_connect(val) def _add_arg(cliname, propname, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["skip_testsuite_tracking"] = True cls.add_arg(prefix + cliname, propname, *args, **kwargs) _add_arg("source.path", "source.path") _add_arg("source.host", "source.host", cb=set_sourcehost_cb) _add_arg("source.service", "source.service") _add_arg("source.bind_host", "source.bind_host", cb=set_bind_cb) _add_arg("source.bind_service", "source.bind_service") _add_arg("source.connect_host", "source.connect_host", cb=set_connect_cb) _add_arg("source.connect_service", "source.connect_service") _add_arg("source.mode", "source.mode") _add_arg("source.master", "source.master") _add_arg("source.slave", "source.slave") _add_device_seclabel_args(cls, "source.seclabels", prefix=prefix) _add_arg("protocol.type", "source.protocol") _add_arg("log.file", "source.log_file") _add_arg("log.append", "source.log_append", is_onoff=True) ################## # --disk parsing # ################## def _default_image_file_format(conn): if conn.support.conn_default_qcow2(): return "qcow2" return "raw" # pragma: no cover def _get_default_image_format(conn, poolobj): tmpvol = StorageVolume(conn) tmpvol.pool = poolobj if tmpvol.file_type != StorageVolume.TYPE_FILE: return None return _default_image_file_format(conn) def _generate_new_volume_name(guest, poolobj, fmt): ext = StorageVolume.get_file_extension_for_format(fmt) return StorageVolume.find_free_name( guest.conn, poolobj, guest.name or "disk", suffix=ext, collideguest=guest) class ParserDisk(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "disk" guest_propname = "devices.disk" remove_first = "path" stub_none = False aliases = { "blockio.logical_block_size": "logical_block_size", "blockio.physical_block_size": "physical_block_size", "iotune.read_bytes_sec": "read_bytes_sec", "iotune.write_bytes_sec": "write_bytes_sec", "iotune.total_bytes_sec": "total_bytes_sec", "iotune.read_iops_sec": "read_iops_sec", "iotune.write_iops_sec": "write_iops_sec", "iotune.total_iops_sec": "total_iops_sec", "source.pool": "source_pool", "source.volume": "source_volume", "source.name": "source_name", "source.protocol": "source_protocol", "source.host[0-9]*.name": "source_host_name", "source.host[0-9]*.port": "source_host_port", "source.host[0-9]*.socket": "source_host_socket", "source.host[0-9]*.transport": "source_host_transport", "source.startupPolicy": "startup_policy", "source.seclabel[0-9]*.model": "seclabel[0-9]*.model", "source.seclabel[0-9]*.relabel": "seclabel[0-9]*.relabel", "source.seclabel[0-9]*.label": "seclabel[0-9]*.label", "source.reservations.managed": "reservations.managed", "source.reservations.source.type": "reservations.source.type", "source.reservations.source.path": "reservations.source.path", "source.reservations.source.mode": "reservations.source.mode", "snapshot": "snapshot_policy", "target.dev": "target", "target.removable": "removable", "driver.discard": "discard", "driver.detect_zeroes": "detect_zeroes", "driver.error_policy": "error_policy", "driver.io": "io", "driver.name": "driver_name", "driver.type": "driver_type", } def _add_advertised_aliases(self): # These are essentially aliases for new style options, but we still # want to advertise them in --disk=help output because they are # historically commonly used. This should rarely, if ever, be extended if "bus" in self.optdict: self.optdict["target.bus"] = self.optdict.pop("bus") if "cache" in self.optdict: self.optdict["driver.cache"] = self.optdict.pop("cache") def _parse(self, inst): self._add_advertised_aliases() if self.optstr == "none": return def parse_size(val): if val is None: return None try: return float(val) except Exception as e: fail(_("Improper value for 'size': %s") % str(e)) def convert_perms(val): if val is None: return if val == "ro": self.optdict["readonly"] = "on" elif val == "sh": self.optdict["shareable"] = "on" elif val == "rw": # It's default. Nothing to do. pass else: fail(_("Unknown '%s' value '%s'") % ("perms", val)) backing_store = self.optdict.pop("backing_store", None) backing_format = self.optdict.pop("backing_format", None) poolname = self.optdict.pop("pool", None) volname = self.optdict.pop("vol", None) size = parse_size(self.optdict.pop("size", None)) fmt = self.optdict.pop("format", None) sparse = _on_off_convert("sparse", self.optdict.pop("sparse", "yes")) convert_perms(self.optdict.pop("perms", None)) if volname: if volname.count("/") != 1: raise ValueError(_("Storage volume must be specified as " "vol=poolname/volname")) poolname, volname = volname.split("/") log.debug("Parsed --disk volume as: pool=%s vol=%s", poolname, volname) super()._parse(inst) if (size and not volname and not poolname and not inst.path and inst.type == inst.TYPE_FILE): # Saw something like --disk size=X, have it imply pool=default poolname = "default" # Generate and fill in the disk source info newvolname = None poolobj = None if poolname: if poolname == "default": poolxml = StoragePool.build_default_pool(self.guest.conn) if poolxml: poolname = poolxml.name poolobj = self.guest.conn.storagePoolLookupByName(poolname) StoragePool.ensure_pool_is_running(poolobj) if volname: vol_object = poolobj.storageVolLookupByName(volname) inst.set_vol_object(vol_object, poolobj) poolobj = None if ((poolobj or inst.wants_storage_creation()) and (fmt or size or sparse or backing_store)): if not poolobj: poolobj = inst.get_parent_pool() newvolname = os.path.basename(inst.path) if poolobj and not fmt: fmt = _get_default_image_format(self.guest.conn, poolobj) if newvolname is None: newvolname = _generate_new_volume_name(self.guest, poolobj, fmt) vol_install = DeviceDisk.build_vol_install( self.guest.conn, newvolname, poolobj, size, sparse, fmt=fmt, backing_store=backing_store, backing_format=backing_format) inst.set_vol_install(vol_install) return inst ################### # Option handling # ################### def host_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "listens" # host[0-9]* list_propname = "hosts" # disk.hosts cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, boot_order=True, boot_loadparm=True, virtio_options=True) # These are all handled specially in _parse cls.add_arg("backing_store", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("backing_format", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("pool", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("vol", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("size", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("format", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("sparse", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.noset_cb) # These are handled in _add_advertised_aliases cls.add_arg("bus", "bus", cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("cache", "driver_cache", cb=cls.noset_cb) # More standard XML props cls.add_arg("source.pool", "source_pool") cls.add_arg("source.volume", "source_volume") cls.add_arg("source.name", "source_name") cls.add_arg("source.protocol", "source_protocol") cls.add_arg("source.startupPolicy", "startup_policy") cls.add_arg("source.host[0-9]*.name", "name", find_inst_cb=cls.host_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("source.host[0-9]*.port", "port", find_inst_cb=cls.host_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("source.host[0-9]*.socket", "socket", find_inst_cb=cls.host_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("source.host[0-9]*.transport", "transport", find_inst_cb=cls.host_find_inst_cb) _add_device_seclabel_args(cls, "seclabels") cls.add_arg("path", "path") cls.add_arg("device", "device") cls.add_arg("snapshot", "snapshot_policy") cls.add_arg("sgio", "sgio") cls.add_arg("rawio", "rawio") cls.add_arg("serial", "serial") cls.add_arg("wwn", "wwn") cls.add_arg("readonly", "read_only", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("shareable", "shareable", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("target.bus", "bus") cls.add_arg("target.removable", "removable", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("target.dev", "target") cls.add_arg("driver.cache", "driver_cache") cls.add_arg("driver.discard", "driver_discard") cls.add_arg("driver.detect_zeroes", "driver_detect_zeroes") cls.add_arg("driver.name", "driver_name") cls.add_arg("driver.type", "driver_type") cls.add_arg("driver.copy_on_read", "driver_copy_on_read", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("driver.io", "driver_io") cls.add_arg("driver.iothread", "driver_iothread") cls.add_arg("driver.error_policy", "error_policy") cls.add_arg("iotune.read_bytes_sec", "iotune_rbs") cls.add_arg("iotune.write_bytes_sec", "iotune_wbs") cls.add_arg("iotune.total_bytes_sec", "iotune_tbs") cls.add_arg("iotune.read_iops_sec", "iotune_ris") cls.add_arg("iotune.write_iops_sec", "iotune_wis") cls.add_arg("iotune.total_iops_sec", "iotune_tis") cls.add_arg("blockio.logical_block_size", "logical_block_size") cls.add_arg("blockio.physical_block_size", "physical_block_size") cls.add_arg("geometry.cyls", "geometry_cyls") cls.add_arg("geometry.heads", "geometry_heads") cls.add_arg("geometry.secs", "geometry_secs") cls.add_arg("geometry.trans", "geometry_trans") cls.add_arg("source.reservations.managed", "reservations_managed") cls.add_arg("source.reservations.source.type", "reservations_source_type") cls.add_arg("source.reservations.source.path", "reservations_source_path") cls.add_arg("source.reservations.source.mode", "reservations_source_mode") ##################### # --network parsing # ##################### class ParserNetwork(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "network" guest_propname = "devices.interface" remove_first = "type" stub_none = False aliases = { "driver.name": "driver_name", "driver.queues": "driver_queues", "filterref.filter": "filterref", "link.state": "link_state", "mac.address": "mac", "model.type": "model", "rom.file": "rom_file", "rom.bar": "rom_bar", "target.dev": "target", "source.portgroup": "portgroup", "source.type": "source_type", "source.path": "source_path", "source.mode": "source_mode", "virtualport.type": "virtualport_type", "virtualport.parameters.managerid": "virtualport_managerid", "virtualport.parameters.typeid": "virtualport_typeid", "virtualport.parameters.typeidversion": "virtualport_typeidversion", "virtualport.parameters.instanceid": "virtualport_instanceid", "virtualport.parameters.profileid": "virtualport_profileid", "virtualport.parameters.interfaceid": "virtualport_interfaceid", } def _add_advertised_aliases(self): # These are essentially aliases for new style options, but we still # want to advertise them in --network=help output because they are # historically commonly used. This should rarely, if ever, be extended if "model" in self.optdict: self.optdict["model.type"] = self.optdict.pop("model") if "mac" in self.optdict: self.optdict["mac.address"] = self.optdict.pop("mac") # Back compat with old style network= and bridge= if "type" not in self.optdict: if "network" in self.optdict: self.optdict["type"] = DeviceInterface.TYPE_VIRTUAL self.optdict["source"] = self.optdict.pop("network") elif "bridge" in self.optdict: self.optdict["type"] = DeviceInterface.TYPE_BRIDGE self.optdict["source"] = self.optdict.pop("bridge") else: self.optdict.pop("network", None) self.optdict.pop("bridge", None) def _parse(self, inst): self._add_advertised_aliases() if self.optstr == "none": return return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def set_mac_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if val == "RANDOM": return None inst.macaddr = val return val def set_type_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if val == "default": inst.set_default_source() else: inst.type = val def set_link_state(self, inst, val, virtarg): ignore = virtarg if val in ["up", "down"]: inst.link_state = val return ret = _raw_on_off_convert(val) if ret is True: val = "up" elif ret is False: val = "down" inst.link_state = val @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, boot_order=True, boot_loadparm=True, virtio_options=True) # These are handled in _add_advertised_aliases cls.add_arg("model", "model", cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("mac", "macaddr", cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("network", "source", cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("bridge", "source", cb=cls.noset_cb) # Standard XML options cls.add_arg("type", "type", cb=cls.set_type_cb) cls.add_arg("trustGuestRxFilters", "trustGuestRxFilters", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("source", "source") cls.add_arg("source.mode", "source_mode") cls.add_arg("source.type", "source_type") cls.add_arg("source.path", "source_path") cls.add_arg("source.portgroup", "portgroup") cls.add_arg("target.dev", "target_dev") cls.add_arg("model.type", "model") cls.add_arg("mac.address", "macaddr", cb=cls.set_mac_cb) cls.add_arg("filterref.filter", "filterref") cls.add_arg("link.state", "link_state", cb=cls.set_link_state) cls.add_arg("driver.name", "driver_name") cls.add_arg("driver.queues", "driver_queues") cls.add_arg("rom.file", "rom_file") cls.add_arg("rom.bar", "rom_bar", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("mtu.size", "mtu_size") cls.add_arg("virtualport.type", "virtualport.type") cls.add_arg("virtualport.parameters.managerid", "virtualport.managerid") cls.add_arg("virtualport.parameters.typeid", "virtualport.typeid") cls.add_arg("virtualport.parameters.typeidversion", "virtualport.typeidversion") cls.add_arg("virtualport.parameters.instanceid", "virtualport.instanceid") cls.add_arg("virtualport.parameters.profileid", "virtualport.profileid") cls.add_arg("virtualport.parameters.interfaceid", "virtualport.interfaceid") ###################### # --graphics parsing # ###################### class ParserGraphics(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "graphics" guest_propname = "devices.graphics" remove_first = "type" stub_none = False aliases = { "tlsPort": "tlsport", "password": "passwd", "passwordValidTo": "passwdValidTo", "image.compression": "image_compression", "streaming.mode": "streaming_mode", "clipboard.copypaste": "clipboard_copypaste", "filetransfer.enable": "filetransfer_enable", "mouse.mode": "mouse_mode", "gl.enable": "gl", "gl.rendernode": "rendernode", } def _parse(self, inst): if self.optstr == "none": self.guest.skip_default_graphics = True return return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def set_keymap_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if not val: val = None elif val.lower() == "local": log.debug("keymap=local is no longer implemented. Using None.") val = None elif val.lower() == "none": val = None inst.keymap = val def set_type_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if val == "default": return inst.type = val def listens_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "listens" # listens[0-9]* list_propname = "listens" # graphics.listens cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls) cls.add_arg("type", "type", cb=cls.set_type_cb) cls.add_arg("port", "port") cls.add_arg("tlsPort", "tlsPort") cls.add_arg("listen", "listen") cls.add_arg("keymap", "keymap", cb=cls.set_keymap_cb) cls.add_arg("password", "passwd") cls.add_arg("passwordValidTo", "passwdValidTo") cls.add_arg("connected", "connected") cls.add_arg("defaultMode", "defaultMode") cls.add_arg("listens[0-9]*.type", "type", find_inst_cb=cls.listens_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("listens[0-9]*.address", "address", find_inst_cb=cls.listens_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("listens[0-9]*.network", "network", find_inst_cb=cls.listens_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("listens[0-9]*.socket", "socket", find_inst_cb=cls.listens_find_inst_cb) cls.add_arg("image.compression", "image_compression") cls.add_arg("streaming.mode", "streaming_mode") cls.add_arg("clipboard.copypaste", "clipboard_copypaste", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("mouse.mode", "mouse_mode") cls.add_arg("filetransfer.enable", "filetransfer_enable", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("zlib.compression", "zlib_compression") cls.add_arg("gl.enable", "gl", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("gl.rendernode", "rendernode") ######################## # --controller parsing # ######################## class ParserController(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "controller" guest_propname = "devices.controller" remove_first = "type" aliases = { "master.startport": "master", "driver.queues": "driver_queues", } def _parse(self, inst): if self.optstr == "usb2": return DeviceController.get_usb2_controllers(inst.conn) elif self.optstr == "usb3": return DeviceController.get_usb3_controller(inst.conn, self.guest) return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def set_address_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): # Convenience option for address= PCI parsing. This pattern should # not be extended IMO, make users manually specify the address # fields they need addrstr = val if addrstr.count(":") in [1, 2] and "." in addrstr: inst.address.type = inst.address.ADDRESS_TYPE_PCI addrstr, inst.address.function = addrstr.split(".", 1) addrstr, inst.address.slot = addrstr.rsplit(":", 1) inst.address.domain = "0" if ":" in addrstr: inst.address.domain, inst.address.bus = addrstr.split(":", 1) return raise ValueError( _("Expected PCI format string for '%s'") % addrstr) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, virtio_options=True) cls.add_arg("type", "type") cls.add_arg("model", "model") cls.add_arg("index", "index") cls.add_arg("maxGrantFrames", "maxGrantFrames") cls.add_arg("master.startport", "master_startport") cls.add_arg("driver.iothread", "driver_iothread") cls.add_arg("driver.queues", "driver_queues") cls.add_arg("address", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_address_cb) ################### # --input parsing # ################### class ParserInput(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "input" guest_propname = "devices.input" remove_first = "type" @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, virtio_options=True) cls.add_arg("type", "type", ignore_default=True) cls.add_arg("bus", "bus", ignore_default=True) ####################### # --smartcard parsing # ####################### class ParserSmartcard(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "smartcard" guest_propname = "devices.smartcard" remove_first = "mode" def certificate_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "certificate" # certificate[0-9]* list_propname = "certificates" cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls) cls.add_arg("mode", "mode", ignore_default=True) cls.add_arg("type", "type", ignore_default=True) _add_char_source_args(cls) cls.add_arg("database", "database", can_comma=True) cls.add_arg("certificate[0-9]*", "value", can_comma=True, find_inst_cb=cls.certificate_find_inst_cb) ###################### # --redirdev parsing # ###################### class ParserRedir(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "redirdev" guest_propname = "devices.redirdev" remove_first = "bus" stub_none = False def set_server_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): inst.source.set_friendly_host(val) def _parse(self, inst): if self.optstr == "none": self.guest.skip_default_usbredir = True return return super()._parse(inst) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, boot_order=True) cls.add_arg("bus", "bus", ignore_default=True) cls.add_arg("type", "type", ignore_default=True) cls.add_arg("server", None, lookup_cb=None, cb=cls.set_server_cb) _add_char_source_args(cls) ################# # --tpm parsing # ################# class ParserTPM(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "tpm" guest_propname = "devices.tpm" remove_first = "type" aliases = { "backend.type": "type", "backend.version": "version", "backend.device.path": "path", } def _parse(self, inst): if (self.optdict.get("type", "").startswith("/")): self.optdict["path"] = self.optdict.pop("type") return super()._parse(inst) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls) cls.add_arg("model", "model") cls.add_arg("backend.type", "type") cls.add_arg("backend.version", "version") cls.add_arg("backend.device.path", "device_path") cls.add_arg("backend.encryption.secret", "encryption_secret") ################# # --rng parsing # ################# class ParserRNG(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "rng" guest_propname = "devices.rng" remove_first = "backend.model" stub_none = False aliases = { "backend.type": "backend_type", "backend.source.mode": "backend_mode", "backend.source.host": "backend_host", "backend.source.service": "backend_service", "backend.source.connect_host": "backend_connect_host", "backend.source.connect_service": "backend_connect_service", "rate.bytes": "rate_bytes", "rate.period": "rate_period", } def _add_advertised_aliases(self): # These are essentially aliases for new style options, but we still # want to advertise them in --rng=help output because they are # historically commonly used. This should rarely, if ever, be extended if "type" in self.optdict: self.optdict["backend.model"] = self.optdict.pop("type") if "device" in self.optdict: self.optdict["backend"] = self.optdict.pop("device") def _parse(self, inst): if self.optstr == "none": self.guest.skip_default_rng = True return self._add_advertised_aliases() if self.optdict.get("backend.model", "").startswith("/"): # Handle --rng /path/to/dev self.optdict["backend"] = self.optdict.pop("backend.model") self.optdict["backend.model"] = "random" return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, virtio_options=True) # These are handled in _add_advertised_aliases cls.add_arg("type", "backend_model", cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("device", "device", cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("model", "model") cls.add_arg("backend", "device") cls.add_arg("backend.model", "backend_model") cls.add_arg("backend.type", "backend_type") _add_char_source_args(cls, prefix="backend.") cls.add_arg("rate.bytes", "rate_bytes") cls.add_arg("rate.period", "rate_period") ###################### # --watchdog parsing # ###################### class ParserWatchdog(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "watchdog" guest_propname = "devices.watchdog" remove_first = "model" @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls) cls.add_arg("model", "model", ignore_default=True) cls.add_arg("action", "action", ignore_default=True) #################### # --memdev parsing # #################### class ParserMemdev(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "memdev" guest_propname = "devices.memory" remove_first = "model" aliases = { "target.size": "target_size", "target.node": "target_node", "target.label_size": "target_label_size", "source.pagesize": "source_pagesize", "source.path": "source_path", "source.nodemask": "source_nodemask", } def set_target_size(self, inst, val, virtarg): xmlutil.set_prop_path(inst, virtarg.propname, int(val) * 1024) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls) cls.add_arg("model", "model") cls.add_arg("access", "access") cls.add_arg("target.size", "target.size", cb=cls.set_target_size) cls.add_arg("target.node", "target.node") cls.add_arg("target.label_size", "target.label_size", cb=cls.set_target_size) cls.add_arg("source.pagesize", "source.pagesize") cls.add_arg("source.path", "source.path") cls.add_arg("source.nodemask", "source.nodemask", can_comma=True) ######################## # --memballoon parsing # ######################## class ParserMemballoon(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "memballoon" guest_propname = "devices.memballoon" remove_first = "model" stub_none = False @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, virtio_options=True) cls.add_arg("model", "model", ignore_default=True) cls.add_arg("autodeflate", "autodeflate", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("stats.period", "stats_period") ################### # --panic parsing # ################### class ParserPanic(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "panic" guest_propname = "devices.panic" remove_first = "model" aliases = { "address.iobase": "iobase", } def _parse(self, inst): # Handle old style '--panic 0xFOO' to set the iobase value if (len(self.optdict) == 1 and self.optdict.get("model", "").startswith("0x")): self.optdict["address.iobase"] = self.optdict["model"] self.optdict["model"] = DevicePanic.MODEL_ISA return super()._parse(inst) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls) cls.add_arg("model", "model", ignore_default=True) ################### # --vsock parsing # ################### class ParserVsock(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "vsock" guest_propname = "devices.vsock" remove_first = "model" stub_none = False aliases = { "cid.auto": "auto_cid", "cid.address": "cid", } @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls) cls.add_arg("model", "model", ignore_default=True) cls.add_arg("cid.auto", "auto_cid", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("cid.address", "cid") ###################################################### # --serial, --parallel, --channel, --console parsing # ###################################################### class _ParserChar(VirtCLIParser): remove_first = "type" stub_none = False aliases = { "type": "char_type", "protocol.type": "protocol", "target.address": "target_address", "target.type": "target_type", "target.name": "name", } def _add_advertised_aliases(self): # These are essentially aliases for new style options, but we still # want to advertise them in --$OPT=help output because they are # historically commonly used. This should rarely, if ever, be extended if "path" in self.optdict: self.optdict["source.path"] = self.optdict.pop("path") if "mode" in self.optdict: self.optdict["source.mode"] = self.optdict.pop("mode") if "bind_host" in self.optdict: self.optdict["source.bind_host"] = self.optdict.pop("bind_host") def _parse(self, inst): if self.optstr == "none" and inst.DEVICE_TYPE == "console": self.guest.skip_default_console = True return if self.optstr == "none" and inst.DEVICE_TYPE == "channel": self.guest.skip_default_channel = True return self._add_advertised_aliases() return super()._parse(inst) ################### # Option handling # ################### def set_host_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if ("source.bind_host" not in self.optdict and self.optdict.get("source.mode", None) == "bind"): inst.source.set_friendly_bind(val) else: inst.source.set_friendly_connect(val) def set_target_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): inst.set_friendly_target(val) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): # _virtargs already populated via subclass creation, so # don't double register options if cls._virtargs: return VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls) cls.add_arg("type", "type") # These are handled in _add_advertised_aliases cls.add_arg("path", "source.path", cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("mode", "source.mode", cb=cls.noset_cb) cls.add_arg("bind_host", "source.bind_host", cb=cls.noset_cb) # Old backcompat argument cls.add_arg("host", "source.host", cb=cls.set_host_cb) _add_char_source_args(cls) cls.add_arg("target.address", "target_address", cb=cls.set_target_cb) cls.add_arg("target.type", "target_type") cls.add_arg("target.name", "target_name") cls.add_arg("target.port", "target_port") cls.add_arg("target.model.name", "target_model_name") class ParserSerial(_ParserChar): cli_arg_name = "serial" guest_propname = "devices.serial" class ParserParallel(_ParserChar): cli_arg_name = "parallel" guest_propname = "devices.parallel" class ParserChannel(_ParserChar): cli_arg_name = "channel" guest_propname = "devices.channel" class ParserConsole(_ParserChar): cli_arg_name = "console" guest_propname = "devices.console" ######################## # --filesystem parsing # ######################## class ParserFilesystem(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "filesystem" guest_propname = "devices.filesystem" remove_first = ["source", "target"] aliases = { "accessmode": "mode", } @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, virtio_options=True) cls.add_arg("type", "type") cls.add_arg("accessmode", "accessmode") cls.add_arg("source", "source") cls.add_arg("target", "target") ################### # --video parsing # ################### class ParserVideo(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "video" guest_propname = "devices.video" remove_first = "model.type" aliases = { "model.type": "model", "model.heads": "heads", "model.ram": "ram", "model.vram": "vram", "model.vram64": "vram64", "model.vgamem": "vgamem", "model.acceleration.accel3d": "accel3d", } @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, virtio_options=True) cls.add_arg("model.type", "model", ignore_default=True) cls.add_arg("model.acceleration.accel3d", "accel3d", is_onoff=True) cls.add_arg("model.heads", "heads") cls.add_arg("model.ram", "ram") cls.add_arg("model.vram", "vram") cls.add_arg("model.vram64", "vram64") cls.add_arg("model.vgamem", "vgamem") ################### # --sound parsing # ################### class ParserSound(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "sound" guest_propname = "devices.sound" remove_first = "model" stub_none = False def _parse(self, inst): if self.optstr == "none": self.guest.skip_default_sound = True return return super()._parse(inst) def codec_find_inst_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): cliarg = "codec" # codec[0-9]* list_propname = "codecs" cb = self._make_find_inst_cb(cliarg, list_propname) return cb(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls) cls.add_arg("model", "model", ignore_default=True) cls.add_arg("codec[0-9]*.type", "type", find_inst_cb=cls.codec_find_inst_cb) ##################### # --hostdev parsing # ##################### class ParserHostdev(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "hostdev" guest_propname = "devices.hostdev" remove_first = "name" aliases = { "driver.name": "driver_name", "rom.bar": "rom_bar", } def set_name_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): if inst.type == "net": inst.mode = "capabilities" inst.net_interface = val elif inst.type == "misc": inst.mode = "capabilities" inst.misc_char = val elif inst.type == "storage": inst.mode = "capabilities" inst.storage_block = val else: val = NodeDevice.lookupNodedevFromString(inst.conn, val) inst.set_from_nodedev(val) def name_lookup_cb(self, inst, val, virtarg): nodedev = NodeDevice.lookupNodedevFromString(inst.conn, val) return nodedev.compare_to_hostdev(inst) @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) _add_common_device_args(cls, boot_order=True) cls.add_arg("type", "type") cls.add_arg("name", None, cb=cls.set_name_cb, lookup_cb=cls.name_lookup_cb) cls.add_arg("driver.name", "driver_name") cls.add_arg("rom.bar", "rom_bar", is_onoff=True) ############################# # --launchSecurity parsing # ############################# class ParserLaunchSecurity(VirtCLIParser): cli_arg_name = "launchSecurity" guest_propname = "launchSecurity" remove_first = "type" @classmethod def _init_class(cls, **kwargs): VirtCLIParser._init_class(**kwargs) cls.add_arg("type", "type") cls.add_arg("cbitpos", "cbitpos") cls.add_arg("reducedPhysBits", "reducedPhysBits") cls.add_arg("policy", "policy") cls.add_arg("session", "session") cls.add_arg("dhCert", "dhCert") ########################### # Public virt parser APIs # ########################### def parse_option_strings(options, guest, instlist, editing=False): """ Iterate over VIRT_PARSERS, and launch the associated parser function for every value that was filled in on 'options', which came from argparse/the command line. @editing: If we are updating an existing guest, like from virt-xml """ instlist = xmlutil.listify(instlist) if not instlist: instlist = [None] ret = [] for parserclass in VIRT_PARSERS: optlist = xmlutil.listify(getattr(options, parserclass.cli_arg_name)) if not optlist: continue for inst in instlist: if inst and optlist: # If an object is passed in, we are updating it in place, and # only use the last command line occurrence, eg. from virt-xml optlist = [optlist[-1]] for optstr in optlist: parserobj = parserclass(optstr, guest=guest, editing=editing) parseret = parserobj.parse(inst) ret += xmlutil.listify(parseret) return ret def check_option_introspection(options): """ Check if the user requested option introspection with ex: '--disk=?' """ ret = False for parserclass in _get_completer_parsers(): if not hasattr(options, parserclass.cli_arg_name): continue optlist = xmlutil.listify(getattr(options, parserclass.cli_arg_name)) if not optlist: continue for optstr in optlist: if optstr == "?" or optstr == "help": parserclass.print_introspection() ret = True return ret