# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. # This file is part of urlgrabber, a high-level cross-protocol url-grabber # Copyright 2002-2004 Michael D. Stenner, Ryan Tomayko # This code is all straight from python-urlgrabber, which we historically # used the system installed version of. But since the project is in # maintenance mode upstream, and eventually we want to switch to python3, # we are just copying this for now. import fcntl import struct import sys import termios import time # Code from https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2000-May/033365.html def terminal_width(fd=1): """ Get the real terminal width """ try: buf = 'abcdefgh' buf = fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, buf) ret = struct.unpack('hhhh', buf)[1] # pragma: no cover return ret or 80 # pragma: no cover except IOError: return 80 _term_width_val = None _term_width_last = None def terminal_width_cached(fd=1, cache_timeout=1.000): """ Get the real terminal width, but cache it for a bit. """ global _term_width_val global _term_width_last now = time.time() if _term_width_val is None or (now - _term_width_last) > cache_timeout: _term_width_val = terminal_width(fd) _term_width_last = now return _term_width_val class TerminalLine: """ Help create dynamic progress bars, uses terminal_width_cached(). """ def __init__(self, min_rest=0, beg_len=None, fd=1, cache_timeout=1.000): if beg_len is None: beg_len = min_rest self._min_len = min_rest self.llen = max(terminal_width_cached(fd, cache_timeout), beg_len) self._fin = False def __len__(self): """ Usable length for elements. """ return self.llen - self._min_len def rest_split(self, fixed, elements=2): """ After a fixed length, split the rest of the line length among a number of different elements (default=2). """ return max(self.llen - fixed, 0) // elements def add(self, element, full_len=None): """ If there is room left in the line, above min_len, add element. Note that as soon as one add fails all the rest will fail too. """ if full_len is None: full_len = len(element) if len(self) < full_len: self._fin = True if self._fin: return '' self.llen -= len(element) return element def rest(self): """ Current rest of line, same as .rest_split(fixed=0, elements=1). """ return self.llen class BaseMeter: def __init__(self): self.update_period = 0.3 # seconds self.text = None self.size = None self.start_time = None self.last_amount_read = 0 self.last_update_time = None self.re = RateEstimator() def start(self, text, size): self.text = text self.size = size assert type(size) in [int, type(None)] assert self.text is not None now = time.time() self.start_time = now self.re.start(size, now) self.last_amount_read = 0 self.last_update_time = now def update(self, amount_read): # for a real gui, you probably want to override and put a call # to your mainloop iteration function here assert type(amount_read) is int now = time.time() if (not self.last_update_time or (now >= self.last_update_time + self.update_period)): self.re.update(amount_read, now) self.last_amount_read = amount_read self.last_update_time = now self._do_update(amount_read) def _do_update(self, amount_read): pass def end(self): self._do_end() def _do_end(self): pass # # update: No size (minimal: 17 chars) # ----------------------------------- # | # 8-48 1 8 3 6 1 9 5 # # Order: 1. + (17) # 2. + (10, total: 27) # 3. + ( 5, total: 32) # 4. + ( 9, total: 41) # # update: Size, Single file # ------------------------- # | ETA # 8-25 1 3-4 1 6-16 1 8 3 6 1 9 1 3 1 # # Order: 1. + (17) # 2. + (10, total: 27) # 3. +ETA ( 5, total: 32) # 4. + ( 4, total: 36) # 5. + ( 9, total: 45) # 6. + ( 7, total: 52) # # update: Size, All files # ----------------------- # | ETA # 8-22 1 5-7 1 3-4 1 6-12 1 8 3 6 1 9 1 3 1 # # Order: 1. + (17) # 2. + (10, total: 27) # 3. +ETA ( 5, total: 32) # 4. + ( 5, total: 37) # 4. + ( 4, total: 41) # 5. + ( 9, total: 50) # 6. + ( 7, total: 57) # # end # --- # | # 8-56 3 6 1 9 5 # # Order: 1. ( 8) # 2. + ( 9, total: 17) # 3. + (10, total: 27) # 4. + ( 5, total: 32) # def _term_add_bar(tl, bar_max_length, pc): bar_len = bar_max_length * pc ibar_len = int(bar_len) progressbar = '=' * ibar_len if (bar_len - ibar_len) >= 0.5: progressbar += '-' return tl.add(' [%-*.*s]' % (bar_max_length, bar_max_length, progressbar)) def _term_add_end(tl, osize, size): if osize: # osize should be None or >0, but that's been broken. if size > osize: # Is ??? better? Really need something to say < vs >. return tl.add(' !!! '), True elif size != osize: return tl.add(' ... '), True return tl.add(' ' * 5), False class TextMeter(BaseMeter): def __init__(self, output=sys.stderr): BaseMeter.__init__(self) self.output = output def _do_update(self, amount_read): etime = self.re.elapsed_time() fread = format_number(amount_read) ave_dl = format_number(self.re.average_rate()) # Include text + ui_rate in minimal tl = TerminalLine(8, 8 + 1 + 8) # For big screens, make it more readable. use_hours = bool(tl.llen > 80) ui_size = tl.add(' | %5sB' % fread) if self.size is None: ui_time = tl.add(' %s' % format_time(etime, use_hours)) ui_end = tl.add(' ' * 5) ui_rate = tl.add(' %5sB/s' % ave_dl) out = '%-*.*s%s%s%s%s\r' % (tl.rest(), tl.rest(), self.text, ui_rate, ui_size, ui_time, ui_end) else: rtime = self.re.remaining_time() frtime = format_time(rtime, use_hours) frac = self.re.fraction_read() ui_time = tl.add(' %s' % frtime) ui_end = tl.add(' ETA ') ui_pc = tl.add(' %2i%%' % (frac * 100)) ui_rate = tl.add(' %5sB/s' % ave_dl) # Make text grow a bit before we start growing the bar too blen = 4 + tl.rest_split(8 + 8 + 4) ui_bar = _term_add_bar(tl, blen, frac) out = '\r%-*.*s%s%s%s%s%s%s\r' % ( tl.rest(), tl.rest(), self.text, ui_pc, ui_bar, ui_rate, ui_size, ui_time, ui_end ) self.output.write(out) self.output.flush() def _do_end(self): amount_read = self.last_amount_read total_size = format_number(amount_read) tl = TerminalLine(8) # For big screens, make it more readable. use_hours = bool(tl.llen > 80) ui_size = tl.add(' | %5sB' % total_size) ui_time = tl.add(' %s' % format_time(self.re.elapsed_time(), use_hours)) ui_end, not_done = _term_add_end(tl, self.size, amount_read) dummy = not_done out = '\r%-*.*s%s%s%s\n' % (tl.rest(), tl.rest(), self.text, ui_size, ui_time, ui_end) self.output.write(out) self.output.flush() ###################################################################### # support classes and functions class RateEstimator: def __init__(self, timescale=5.0): self.timescale = timescale self.total = None self.start_time = None self.last_update_time = None self.last_amount_read = 0 self.ave_rate = None def start(self, total, now): self.total = total self.start_time = now self.last_update_time = now self.last_amount_read = 0 self.ave_rate = None def update(self, amount_read, now): if amount_read == 0 or amount_read < self.last_amount_read: # if we just started this file, all bets are off self.last_update_time = now self.last_amount_read = amount_read self.ave_rate = None return time_diff = now - self.last_update_time read_diff = amount_read - self.last_amount_read # First update, on reget is the file size if self.last_amount_read: self.last_update_time = now self.ave_rate = self._temporal_rolling_ave( time_diff, read_diff, self.ave_rate, self.timescale) self.last_amount_read = amount_read ##################################################################### # result methods def average_rate(self): "get the average transfer rate (in bytes/second)" return self.ave_rate def elapsed_time(self): "the time between the start of the transfer and the most recent update" return self.last_update_time - self.start_time def remaining_time(self): "estimated time remaining" if not self.ave_rate or not self.total: return None return (self.total - self.last_amount_read) / self.ave_rate def fraction_read(self): """the fraction of the data that has been read (can be None for unknown transfer size)""" if self.total is None: return None if self.total == 0: return 1.0 # pragma: no cover return float(self.last_amount_read) / self.total ######################################################################### # support methods def _temporal_rolling_ave(self, time_diff, read_diff, last_ave, timescale): """a temporal rolling average performs smooth averaging even when updates come at irregular intervals. This is performed by scaling the "epsilon" according to the time since the last update. Specifically, epsilon = time_diff / timescale As a general rule, the average will take on a completely new value after 'timescale' seconds.""" epsilon = min(time_diff / timescale, 1.0) return self._rolling_ave(time_diff, read_diff, last_ave, epsilon) def _rolling_ave(self, time_diff, read_diff, last_ave, epsilon): """perform a "rolling average" iteration a rolling average "folds" new data into an existing average with some weight, epsilon. epsilon must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive) a value of 0.0 means only the old value (initial value) counts, and a value of 1.0 means only the newest value is considered.""" try: recent_rate = read_diff / time_diff except ZeroDivisionError: # pragma: no cover recent_rate = None if last_ave is None: return recent_rate if recent_rate is None: return last_ave # pragma: no cover # at this point, both last_ave and recent_rate are numbers return epsilon * recent_rate + (1 - epsilon) * last_ave def format_time(seconds, use_hours=0): if seconds is None or seconds < 0: if use_hours: return '--:--:--' else: return '--:--' elif seconds == float('inf'): return 'Infinite' # pragma: no cover else: seconds = int(seconds) minutes = seconds // 60 seconds = seconds % 60 if use_hours: hours = minutes // 60 minutes = minutes % 60 return '%02i:%02i:%02i' % (hours, minutes, seconds) else: return '%02i:%02i' % (minutes, seconds) def format_number(number): """Turn numbers into human-readable metric-like numbers""" symbols = ['', # (none) 'k', # kilo 'M', # mega 'G', # giga 'T', # tera 'P', # peta 'E', # exa 'Z', # zetta 'Y'] # yotta step = 1024.0 thresh = 999 depth = 0 max_depth = len(symbols) - 1 number = number or 0 # we want numbers between 0 and thresh, but don't exceed the length # of our list. In that event, the formatting will be screwed up, # but it'll still show the right number. while number > thresh and depth < max_depth: depth = depth + 1 number = number / step if isinstance(number, int): # it's an int or a long, which means it didn't get divided, # which means it's already short enough fmt = '%i%s%s' elif number < 9.95: # must use 9.95 for proper sizing. For example, 9.99 will be # rounded to 10.0 with the .1f format string (which is too long) fmt = '%.1f%s%s' else: fmt = '%.0f%s%s' return fmt % (float(number or 0), " ", symbols[depth])