# # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. import unittest import time import logging import re import platform import sys from tests import utils import virtinst import virtinst.OSDistro as OSDistro from virtinst.OSDistro import FedoraDistro from virtinst.OSDistro import SuseDistro from virtinst.OSDistro import DebianDistro from virtinst.OSDistro import CentOSDistro from virtinst.OSDistro import SLDistro from virtinst.OSDistro import UbuntuDistro from virtinst.OSDistro import MandrivaDistro import urlgrabber.progress # pylint: disable=W0212 # Access to protected member, needed to unittest stuff # Filters for including/excluding certain distros. MATCH_FILTER = ".*" # Variable used to store a local iso or dir path to check for a distro # Specified via 'python setup.py test_urls --path" LOCAL_MEDIA = [] # GeoIP/managed URLs FEDORA_BASEURL = "http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/%s/Fedora/%s/os/" OPENSUSE_BASEURL = "http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/%s/repo/oss/" OLD_OPENSUSE_BASEURL = "http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/discontinued/distribution/%s/repo/oss" # ISO Code specific URLs UBUNTU_BASEURL = "http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/%s/main/installer-%s" DEBIAN_BASEURL = "http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/%s/main/installer-%s/" # Static URLs CURCENTOS_BASEURL = "http://ftp.linux.ncsu.edu/pub/CentOS/%s/os/%s/" OLDCENTOS_BASEURL = "http://vault.centos.org/%s/os/%s" MANDRIVA_BASEURL = "http://ftp.uwsg.indiana.edu/linux/mandrake/official/%s/%s/" SCIENTIFIC_BASEURL = "http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/%s/%s/" # Doesn't appear to be a simple boot iso in newer suse trees NOBOOTISO_FILTER = ".*opensuse12.*|.*opensuse11.*|.*opensuse10.3.*|.*opensuse10.0.*" # Opensuse < 10.3 (and some sles) require crazy rpm hacking to get a bootable # kernel. We expect failure in this case since our test harness doesn't # actually fetch anything EXPECT_XEN_FAIL = ".*opensuse10.2.*|.*opensuse10.0.*" # Return the expected Distro class for the passed distro label def distroClass(distname): if re.match(r".*fedora.*", distname): return FedoraDistro elif re.match(r".*suse.*", distname): return SuseDistro elif re.match(r".*debian.*", distname): return DebianDistro elif re.match(r".*centos.*", distname): return CentOSDistro elif re.match(r".*ubuntu.*", distname): return UbuntuDistro elif re.match(r".*mandriva.*", distname): return MandrivaDistro elif re.match(r".*scientific.*", distname): return SLDistro raise RuntimeError("distroClass: no distro registered for '%s'" % distname) # Dictionary with all the test data urls = { # Fedora Distros "fedora15" : { 'x86_64': FEDORA_BASEURL % ("15", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", "fedora15") }, "fedora16" : { 'x86_64': FEDORA_BASEURL % ("16", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", "fedora16") }, # SUSE Distros "opensuse10.0" : { 'i386' : "http://ftp.hosteurope.de/mirror/ftp.opensuse.org/discontinued/10.0/", 'x86_64': "http://ftp.hosteurope.de/mirror/ftp.opensuse.org/discontinued/10.0/", }, "opensuse10.2" : { 'x86_64': OLD_OPENSUSE_BASEURL % ("10.2") }, "opensuse10.3" : { 'x86_64': OLD_OPENSUSE_BASEURL % ("10.3") }, "opensuse11.4" : { 'i386' : OPENSUSE_BASEURL % ("11.4"), 'x86_64': OPENSUSE_BASEURL % ("11.4") }, "opensuse12.1" : { 'i386' : OPENSUSE_BASEURL % ("12.1"), 'x86_64': OPENSUSE_BASEURL % ("12.1") }, # Debian Distros "debian-lenny-64" : { "noxen": True, 'x86_64': DEBIAN_BASEURL % ("lenny", "amd64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "debian-squeeze" : { 'i386' : DEBIAN_BASEURL % ("squeeze", "i386"), 'x86_64': DEBIAN_BASEURL % ("squeeze", "amd64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "debian-wheezy" : { 'x86_64': DEBIAN_BASEURL % ("wheezy", "amd64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "debian-sid" : { 'x86_64': DEBIAN_BASEURL % ("sid", "amd64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "debian-daily" : { 'i386' : "http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/amd64/", 'distro': ("linux", None) }, # CentOS Distros "centos-5-latest" : { 'i386' : CURCENTOS_BASEURL % ("5", "i386"), 'x86_64' : CURCENTOS_BASEURL % ("5", "x86_64"), # No .treeinfo 'distro': ("linux", "rhel5.4") }, "centos-4.9" : { 'i386' : CURCENTOS_BASEURL % ("4.9", "i386"), 'x86_64' : CURCENTOS_BASEURL % ("4.9", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "centos-5.0" : { 'x86_64' : OLDCENTOS_BASEURL % ("5.0", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "centos-4.0" : { "noxen": True, 'x86_64' : OLDCENTOS_BASEURL % ("4.0", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, # Scientific Linux "scientific-5.4" : { 'x86_64': SCIENTIFIC_BASEURL % ("54", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", "rhel5.4") }, "scientific-5.2" : { 'x86_64': SCIENTIFIC_BASEURL % ("52", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", "rhel5") }, "scientific-5.0" : { 'x86_64': SCIENTIFIC_BASEURL % ("50", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, # Ubuntu "ubuntu-hardy" : { "noxen": True, 'i386': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("hardy", "i386"), 'x86_64': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("hardy", "amd64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "ubuntu-maverick" : { 'i386': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("maverick", "i386"), 'x86_64': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("maverick", "amd64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "ubuntu-natty" : { 'i386': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("natty", "i386"), 'x86_64': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("natty", "amd64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "ubuntu-oneiric" : { 'i386': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("oneiric", "i386"), 'x86_64': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("oneiric", "amd64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "ubuntu-precise" : { 'i386': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("precise", "i386"), 'x86_64': UBUNTU_BASEURL % ("precise", "amd64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, # Mandriva "mandriva-2009.1" : { "noxen": True, 'i586': MANDRIVA_BASEURL % ("2009.1", "i586"), 'x86_64': MANDRIVA_BASEURL % ("2009.1", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, "mandriva-2010.2" : { "noxen": True, 'i586': MANDRIVA_BASEURL % ("2010.2", "i586"), 'x86_64': MANDRIVA_BASEURL % ("2010.2", "x86_64"), 'distro': ("linux", None) }, } testconn = utils.open_testdefault() testguest = virtinst.Guest(testconn, installer=virtinst.DistroInstaller()) class TestURLFetch(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.meter = urlgrabber.progress.BaseMeter() if utils.get_debug(): self.meter = urlgrabber.progress.TextMeter(fo=sys.stdout) def _fetchLocalMedia(self, mediapath): arch = platform.machine() fetcher = OSDistro._fetcherForURI(mediapath, "/tmp") try: fetcher.prepareLocation() # Make sure we detect _a_ distro hvmstore = self._getStore(fetcher, mediapath, "hvm", arch) logging.debug("Local distro detected as: %s", hvmstore) finally: fetcher.cleanupLocation() def _fetchFromURLDict(self, distname, url, arch, distro_info, check_xen): logging.debug("\nDistro='%s' arch='%s' url=%s", distname, arch, url) fetcher = OSDistro._fetcherForURI(url, "/tmp") try: fetcher.prepareLocation() except Exception, e: # Don't raise an error here: the site might be down atm logging.error("%s-%s: Couldn't access url %s: %s. Skipping.", distname, arch, fetcher.location, str(e)) fetcher.cleanupLocation() return try: self._grabURLMedia(fetcher, distname, url, arch, distro_info, check_xen) finally: fetcher.cleanupLocation() def _checkDistroReporting(self, stores, distro_info): if distro_info is None: return dtype, dvariant = distro_info for store in stores: if not store: continue t, v = store.os_type, store.os_variant if dtype != t or dvariant != v: raise RuntimeError("Store distro/variant did not match " "expected values: %s (%s, %s) != (%s, %s)" % (store, t, v, dtype, dvariant)) # Verify the values are valid if t: testguest.os_type = t if v: testguest.os_variant = v def _grabURLMedia(self, fetcher, distname, url, arch, distro_info, check_xen): hvmstore = self._getStore(fetcher, url, "hvm", arch) if check_xen: xenstore = self._getStore(fetcher, url, "xen", arch) else: xenstore = None exp_store = distroClass(distname) for s in [hvmstore, xenstore]: if s and not isinstance(s, exp_store): logging.error("(%s): expected store %s, was %s", distname, exp_store, s) self.fail() # Make sure the stores are reporting correct distro name/variant try: self._checkDistroReporting([hvmstore, xenstore], distro_info) except: logging.exception("Distro detection failed.") self.fail() def fakeAcquireFile(filename, meter): if not isinstance(meter, urlgrabber.progress.BaseMeter): raise ValueError("passed meter is '%s' not an" " actual meter." % meter) logging.debug("Fake acquiring %s", filename) return fetcher.hasFile(filename) # Replace acquireFile with hasFile, so we don't actually have to fetch # 1000 kernels fetcher.acquireFile = fakeAcquireFile # Fetch boot iso try: if re.match(r"%s" % NOBOOTISO_FILTER, distname): logging.debug("Known lack of boot.iso in %s tree. Skipping.", distname) else: boot = hvmstore.acquireBootDisk(testguest, fetcher, self.meter) logging.debug("acquireBootDisk: %s", str(boot)) if boot is not True: raise RuntimeError("Didn't fetch any boot iso.") except Exception, e: logging.exception("%s-%s: bootdisk fetching: %s", distname, arch, str(e)) self.fail() # Fetch regular kernel try: kern = hvmstore.acquireKernel(testguest, fetcher, self.meter) logging.debug("acquireKernel (hvm): %s", str(kern)) if kern[0] is not True or kern[1] is not True: raise RuntimeError("Didn't fetch any hvm kernel.") except Exception, e: logging.exception("%s-%s: hvm kernel fetching: %s", distname, arch, str(e)) self.fail() # Fetch xen kernel try: if xenstore and check_xen: kern = xenstore.acquireKernel(testguest, fetcher, self.meter) logging.debug("acquireKernel (xen): %s", str(kern)) if kern[0] is not True or kern[1] is not True: raise RuntimeError("Didn't fetch any xen kernel.") else: logging.debug("acquireKernel (xen): Hardcoded skipping.") except Exception, e: if re.match(r"%s" % EXPECT_XEN_FAIL, distname): logging.debug("%s: anticipated xen failure.", distname) else: logging.exception("%s-%s: xen kernel fetching: %s", distname, arch, str(e)) self.fail() def _getStore(self, fetcher, url, _type, arch): for ignore in range(0, 10): try: return OSDistro._storeForDistro(fetcher=fetcher, baseuri=url, progresscb=self.meter, arch=arch, typ=_type) except Exception, e: if str(e).count("502"): logging.debug("Caught proxy error: %s", str(e)) time.sleep(.5) continue raise raise def testURLFetch(self): if LOCAL_MEDIA: logging.debug("Skipping URL tests since local path is specified.") return keys = urls.keys() keys.sort() assertions = 0 for label in keys: distro_info = None if MATCH_FILTER and not re.match(r"%s" % MATCH_FILTER, label): logging.debug("Excluding '%s' from exclude filter.", label) continue check_xen = not bool(urls[label].get("noxen")) if "distro" in urls[label]: distro_info = urls[label]["distro"] for arch, url in urls[label].items(): if arch == "distro" or arch == "noxen": continue try: print "Testing %s-%s : %s" % (label, arch, url) self._fetchFromURLDict(label, url, arch, distro_info, check_xen) except AssertionError: print "%s-%s FAILED." % (label, arch) assertions += 1 except Exception: print "%s-%s ERROR." % (label, arch) assertions += 1 if assertions != 0: raise AssertionError("Found %d errors in URL suite." % assertions) def testLocalMedia(self): assertions = 0 if LOCAL_MEDIA: for p in LOCAL_MEDIA: print "Checking local path: %s" % p try: self._fetchLocalMedia(p) except Exception, e: logging.exception("Local path '%s' failed: %s", p, e) print "Local path FAILED." assertions += 1 if assertions != 0: raise AssertionError("Found %d errors in local fetch utils." % assertions)