Tests for completefunc/omnifunc. vim: set ft=vim : STARTTEST :"Test that nothing happens if the 'completefunc' opens :"a new window (no completion, no crash) :so small.vim :function! DummyCompleteOne(findstart, base) : if a:findstart : return 0 : else : wincmd n : return ['onedef', 'oneDEF'] : endif :endfunction :setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteOne /^one A:q! :function! DummyCompleteTwo(findstart, base) : if a:findstart : wincmd n : return 0 : else : return ['twodef', 'twoDEF'] : endif :endfunction :setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteTwo /^two A:q! :"Test that 'completefunc' works when it's OK. :function! DummyCompleteThree(findstart, base) : if a:findstart : return 0 : else : return ['threedef', 'threeDEF'] : endif :endfunction :setlocal completefunc=DummyCompleteThree /^three A:/^+++/,/^three/w! test.out :qa! ENDTEST +++ one two three