" Tests for storing global variables in the .viminfo file vim: set ft=vim: STARTTEST :so small.vim :" Do all test in a separate window to avoid E211 when we recursively :" delete the Xfind directory during cleanup :" :" This will cause a few errors, do it silently. :set visualbell :set nocp viminfo+=!,nviminfo :let MY_GLOBAL_DICT={'foo': 1, 'bar': 0, 'longvarible': 1000} :" store a really long list, so line wrapping will occur in viminfo file :let MY_GLOBAL_LIST=range(1,100) :wv! Xviminfo :unlet MY_GLOBAL_DICT :unlet MY_GLOBAL_LIST :rv! Xviminfo :call delete('Xviminfo') :if exists("MY_GLOBAL_DICT") :redir >> test.out :echo MY_GLOBAL_DICT :redir end :endif :if exists("MY_GLOBAL_LIST") :redir >> test.out :echo MY_GLOBAL_LIST :redir end :endif :redir >> test.out :echo "foobar" :redir end :endif :qa! ENDTEST eof