/* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet: * * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar * * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions. * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed. * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code. */ /* * vim9instr.c: Dealing with instructions of a compiled function */ #define USING_FLOAT_STUFF #include "vim.h" #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO) // When not generating protos this is included in proto.h #ifdef PROTO # include "vim9.h" #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Following generate_ functions expect the caller to call ga_grow(). #define RETURN_NULL_IF_SKIP(cctx) if (cctx->ctx_skip == SKIP_YES) return NULL #define RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx) if (cctx->ctx_skip == SKIP_YES) return OK /* * Generate an instruction without arguments. * Returns a pointer to the new instruction, NULL if failed. */ isn_T * generate_instr(cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type) { garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr; isn_T *isn; RETURN_NULL_IF_SKIP(cctx); if (GA_GROW_FAILS(instr, 1)) return NULL; isn = ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data) + instr->ga_len; isn->isn_type = isn_type; isn->isn_lnum = cctx->ctx_lnum + 1; ++instr->ga_len; return isn; } /* * Generate an instruction without arguments. * "drop" will be removed from the stack. * Returns a pointer to the new instruction, NULL if failed. */ isn_T * generate_instr_drop(cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, int drop) { RETURN_NULL_IF_SKIP(cctx); cctx->ctx_type_stack.ga_len -= drop; return generate_instr(cctx, isn_type); } /* * Generate instruction "isn_type" and put "type" on the type stack, * use "decl_type" for the declared type. */ static isn_T * generate_instr_type2( cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, type_T *type, type_T *decl_type) { isn_T *isn; if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, isn_type)) == NULL) return NULL; if (push_type_stack2(cctx, type == NULL ? &t_any : type, decl_type == NULL ? &t_any : decl_type) == FAIL) return NULL; return isn; } /* * Generate instruction "isn_type" and put "type" on the type stack. * Uses "any" for the declared type, which works for constants. For declared * variables use generate_instr_type2(). */ isn_T * generate_instr_type(cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, type_T *type) { return generate_instr_type2(cctx, isn_type, type, &t_any); } /* * Generate an ISN_DEBUG instruction. */ isn_T * generate_instr_debug(cctx_T *cctx) { isn_T *isn; dfunc_T *dfunc = ((dfunc_T *)def_functions.ga_data) + cctx->ctx_ufunc->uf_dfunc_idx; if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_DEBUG)) == NULL) return NULL; isn->isn_arg.debug.dbg_var_names_len = dfunc->df_var_names.ga_len; isn->isn_arg.debug.dbg_break_lnum = cctx->ctx_prev_lnum; return isn; } /* * If type at "offset" isn't already VAR_STRING then generate ISN_2STRING. * But only for simple types. * When "tolerant" is TRUE convert most types to string, e.g. a List. */ int may_generate_2STRING(int offset, int tolerant, cctx_T *cctx) { isn_T *isn; isntype_T isntype = ISN_2STRING; type_T *type; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); type = get_type_on_stack(cctx, -1 - offset); switch (type->tt_type) { // nothing to be done case VAR_STRING: return OK; // conversion possible case VAR_SPECIAL: case VAR_BOOL: case VAR_NUMBER: case VAR_FLOAT: break; // conversion possible (with runtime check) case VAR_ANY: case VAR_UNKNOWN: isntype = ISN_2STRING_ANY; break; // conversion possible when tolerant case VAR_LIST: if (tolerant) { isntype = ISN_2STRING_ANY; break; } // FALLTHROUGH // conversion not possible case VAR_VOID: case VAR_BLOB: case VAR_FUNC: case VAR_PARTIAL: case VAR_DICT: case VAR_JOB: case VAR_CHANNEL: case VAR_INSTR: to_string_error(type->tt_type); return FAIL; } set_type_on_stack(cctx, &t_string, -1 - offset); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, isntype)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.tostring.offset = offset; isn->isn_arg.tostring.tolerant = tolerant; return OK; } static int check_number_or_float(vartype_T type1, vartype_T type2, char_u *op) { if (!((type1 == VAR_NUMBER || type1 == VAR_FLOAT || type1 == VAR_ANY || type1 == VAR_UNKNOWN) && (type2 == VAR_NUMBER || type2 == VAR_FLOAT || type2 == VAR_ANY || type2 == VAR_UNKNOWN))) { if (*op == '+') emsg(_(e_wrong_argument_type_for_plus)); else semsg(_(e_char_requires_number_or_float_arguments), *op); return FAIL; } return OK; } /* * Generate instruction for "+". For a list this creates a new list. */ int generate_add_instr( cctx_T *cctx, vartype_T vartype, type_T *type1, type_T *type2, exprtype_T expr_type) { isn_T *isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, vartype == VAR_NUMBER ? ISN_OPNR : vartype == VAR_LIST ? ISN_ADDLIST : vartype == VAR_BLOB ? ISN_ADDBLOB #ifdef FEAT_FLOAT : vartype == VAR_FLOAT ? ISN_OPFLOAT #endif : ISN_OPANY, 1); if (vartype != VAR_LIST && vartype != VAR_BLOB && type1->tt_type != VAR_ANY && type1->tt_type != VAR_UNKNOWN && type2->tt_type != VAR_ANY && type2->tt_type != VAR_UNKNOWN && check_number_or_float( type1->tt_type, type2->tt_type, (char_u *)"+") == FAIL) return FAIL; if (isn != NULL) { if (isn->isn_type == ISN_ADDLIST) isn->isn_arg.op.op_type = expr_type; else isn->isn_arg.op.op_type = EXPR_ADD; } // When concatenating two lists with different member types the member type // becomes "any". if (vartype == VAR_LIST && type1->tt_type == VAR_LIST && type2->tt_type == VAR_LIST && type1->tt_member != type2->tt_member) set_type_on_stack(cctx, &t_list_any, 0); return isn == NULL ? FAIL : OK; } /* * Get the type to use for an instruction for an operation on "type1" and * "type2". If they are matching use a type-specific instruction. Otherwise * fall back to runtime type checking. */ vartype_T operator_type(type_T *type1, type_T *type2) { if (type1->tt_type == type2->tt_type && (type1->tt_type == VAR_NUMBER || type1->tt_type == VAR_LIST #ifdef FEAT_FLOAT || type1->tt_type == VAR_FLOAT #endif || type1->tt_type == VAR_BLOB)) return type1->tt_type; return VAR_ANY; } /* * Generate an instruction with two arguments. The instruction depends on the * type of the arguments. */ int generate_two_op(cctx_T *cctx, char_u *op) { type_T *type1; type_T *type2; vartype_T vartype; isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); // Get the known type of the two items on the stack. type1 = get_type_on_stack(cctx, 1); type2 = get_type_on_stack(cctx, 0); vartype = operator_type(type1, type2); switch (*op) { case '+': if (generate_add_instr(cctx, vartype, type1, type2, EXPR_COPY) == FAIL) return FAIL; break; case '-': case '*': case '/': if (check_number_or_float(type1->tt_type, type2->tt_type, op) == FAIL) return FAIL; if (vartype == VAR_NUMBER) isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_OPNR, 1); #ifdef FEAT_FLOAT else if (vartype == VAR_FLOAT) isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_OPFLOAT, 1); #endif else isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_OPANY, 1); if (isn != NULL) isn->isn_arg.op.op_type = *op == '*' ? EXPR_MULT : *op == '/'? EXPR_DIV : EXPR_SUB; break; case '%': if ((type1->tt_type != VAR_ANY && type1->tt_type != VAR_UNKNOWN && type1->tt_type != VAR_NUMBER) || (type2->tt_type != VAR_ANY && type2->tt_type != VAR_UNKNOWN && type2->tt_type != VAR_NUMBER)) { emsg(_(e_percent_requires_number_arguments)); return FAIL; } isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, vartype == VAR_NUMBER ? ISN_OPNR : ISN_OPANY, 1); if (isn != NULL) isn->isn_arg.op.op_type = EXPR_REM; break; } // correct type of result if (vartype == VAR_ANY) { type_T *type = &t_any; #ifdef FEAT_FLOAT // float+number and number+float results in float if ((type1->tt_type == VAR_NUMBER || type1->tt_type == VAR_FLOAT) && (type2->tt_type == VAR_NUMBER || type2->tt_type == VAR_FLOAT)) type = &t_float; #endif set_type_on_stack(cctx, type, 0); } return OK; } /* * Get the instruction to use for comparing "type1" with "type2" * Return ISN_DROP when failed. */ static isntype_T get_compare_isn(exprtype_T exprtype, vartype_T type1, vartype_T type2) { isntype_T isntype = ISN_DROP; if (type1 == VAR_UNKNOWN) type1 = VAR_ANY; if (type2 == VAR_UNKNOWN) type2 = VAR_ANY; if (type1 == type2) { switch (type1) { case VAR_BOOL: isntype = ISN_COMPAREBOOL; break; case VAR_SPECIAL: isntype = ISN_COMPARESPECIAL; break; case VAR_NUMBER: isntype = ISN_COMPARENR; break; case VAR_FLOAT: isntype = ISN_COMPAREFLOAT; break; case VAR_STRING: isntype = ISN_COMPARESTRING; break; case VAR_BLOB: isntype = ISN_COMPAREBLOB; break; case VAR_LIST: isntype = ISN_COMPARELIST; break; case VAR_DICT: isntype = ISN_COMPAREDICT; break; case VAR_FUNC: isntype = ISN_COMPAREFUNC; break; default: isntype = ISN_COMPAREANY; break; } } else if (type1 == VAR_ANY || type2 == VAR_ANY || ((type1 == VAR_NUMBER || type1 == VAR_FLOAT) && (type2 == VAR_NUMBER || type2 == VAR_FLOAT))) isntype = ISN_COMPAREANY; if ((exprtype == EXPR_IS || exprtype == EXPR_ISNOT) && (isntype == ISN_COMPAREBOOL || isntype == ISN_COMPARESPECIAL || isntype == ISN_COMPARENR || isntype == ISN_COMPAREFLOAT)) { semsg(_(e_cannot_use_str_with_str), exprtype == EXPR_IS ? "is" : "isnot" , vartype_name(type1)); return ISN_DROP; } if (isntype == ISN_DROP || ((exprtype != EXPR_EQUAL && exprtype != EXPR_NEQUAL && (type1 == VAR_BOOL || type1 == VAR_SPECIAL || type2 == VAR_BOOL || type2 == VAR_SPECIAL))) || ((exprtype != EXPR_EQUAL && exprtype != EXPR_NEQUAL && exprtype != EXPR_IS && exprtype != EXPR_ISNOT && (type1 == VAR_BLOB || type2 == VAR_BLOB || type1 == VAR_LIST || type2 == VAR_LIST)))) { semsg(_(e_cannot_compare_str_with_str), vartype_name(type1), vartype_name(type2)); return ISN_DROP; } return isntype; } int check_compare_types(exprtype_T type, typval_T *tv1, typval_T *tv2) { if (get_compare_isn(type, tv1->v_type, tv2->v_type) == ISN_DROP) return FAIL; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_COMPARE* instruction with a boolean result. */ int generate_COMPARE(cctx_T *cctx, exprtype_T exprtype, int ic) { isntype_T isntype; isn_T *isn; garray_T *stack = &cctx->ctx_type_stack; vartype_T type1; vartype_T type2; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); // Get the known type of the two items on the stack. If they are matching // use a type-specific instruction. Otherwise fall back to runtime type // checking. type1 = get_type_on_stack(cctx, 1)->tt_type; type2 = get_type_on_stack(cctx, 0)->tt_type; isntype = get_compare_isn(exprtype, type1, type2); if (isntype == ISN_DROP) return FAIL; if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, isntype)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.op.op_type = exprtype; isn->isn_arg.op.op_ic = ic; // takes two arguments, puts one bool back if (stack->ga_len >= 2) { --stack->ga_len; set_type_on_stack(cctx, &t_bool, 0); } return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_2BOOL instruction. * "offset" is the offset in the type stack. */ int generate_2BOOL(cctx_T *cctx, int invert, int offset) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_2BOOL)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.tobool.invert = invert; isn->isn_arg.tobool.offset = offset; // type becomes bool set_type_on_stack(cctx, &t_bool, -1 - offset); return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_COND2BOOL instruction. */ int generate_COND2BOOL(cctx_T *cctx) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_COND2BOOL)) == NULL) return FAIL; // type becomes bool set_type_on_stack(cctx, &t_bool, 0); return OK; } int generate_TYPECHECK( cctx_T *cctx, type_T *expected, int offset, int argidx) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_CHECKTYPE)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.type.ct_type = alloc_type(expected); isn->isn_arg.type.ct_off = (int8_T)offset; isn->isn_arg.type.ct_arg_idx = (int8_T)argidx; // type becomes expected set_type_on_stack(cctx, expected, -1 - offset); return OK; } int generate_SETTYPE( cctx_T *cctx, type_T *expected) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_SETTYPE)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.type.ct_type = alloc_type(expected); return OK; } /* * Generate a PUSH instruction for "tv". * "tv" will be consumed or cleared. * Nothing happens if "tv" is NULL or of type VAR_UNKNOWN; */ int generate_tv_PUSH(cctx_T *cctx, typval_T *tv) { if (tv != NULL) { switch (tv->v_type) { case VAR_UNKNOWN: break; case VAR_BOOL: generate_PUSHBOOL(cctx, tv->vval.v_number); break; case VAR_SPECIAL: generate_PUSHSPEC(cctx, tv->vval.v_number); break; case VAR_NUMBER: generate_PUSHNR(cctx, tv->vval.v_number); break; #ifdef FEAT_FLOAT case VAR_FLOAT: generate_PUSHF(cctx, tv->vval.v_float); break; #endif case VAR_BLOB: generate_PUSHBLOB(cctx, tv->vval.v_blob); tv->vval.v_blob = NULL; break; case VAR_STRING: generate_PUSHS(cctx, &tv->vval.v_string); tv->vval.v_string = NULL; break; default: iemsg("constant type not supported"); clear_tv(tv); return FAIL; } tv->v_type = VAR_UNKNOWN; } return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_PUSHNR instruction. */ int generate_PUSHNR(cctx_T *cctx, varnumber_T number) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHNR, &t_number)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.number = number; if (number == 0 || number == 1) // A 0 or 1 number can also be used as a bool. set_type_on_stack(cctx, &t_number_bool, 0); return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_PUSHBOOL instruction. */ int generate_PUSHBOOL(cctx_T *cctx, varnumber_T number) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHBOOL, &t_bool)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.number = number; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_PUSHSPEC instruction. */ int generate_PUSHSPEC(cctx_T *cctx, varnumber_T number) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHSPEC, &t_special)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.number = number; return OK; } #if defined(FEAT_FLOAT) || defined(PROTO) /* * Generate an ISN_PUSHF instruction. */ int generate_PUSHF(cctx_T *cctx, float_T fnumber) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHF, &t_float)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.fnumber = fnumber; return OK; } #endif /* * Generate an ISN_PUSHS instruction. * Consumes "*str". When freed *str is set to NULL, unless "str" is NULL. */ int generate_PUSHS(cctx_T *cctx, char_u **str) { isn_T *isn; if (cctx->ctx_skip == SKIP_YES) { if (str != NULL) VIM_CLEAR(*str); return OK; } if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHS, &t_string)) == NULL) { if (str != NULL) VIM_CLEAR(*str); return FAIL; } isn->isn_arg.string = str == NULL ? NULL : *str; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_PUSHCHANNEL instruction. * Consumes "channel". */ int generate_PUSHCHANNEL(cctx_T *cctx, channel_T *channel) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHCHANNEL, &t_channel)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.channel = channel; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_PUSHJOB instruction. * Consumes "job". */ int generate_PUSHJOB(cctx_T *cctx, job_T *job) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHJOB, &t_channel)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.job = job; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_PUSHBLOB instruction. * Consumes "blob". */ int generate_PUSHBLOB(cctx_T *cctx, blob_T *blob) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHBLOB, &t_blob)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.blob = blob; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_PUSHFUNC instruction with name "name". */ int generate_PUSHFUNC(cctx_T *cctx, char_u *name, type_T *type) { isn_T *isn; char_u *funcname; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_PUSHFUNC, type)) == NULL) return FAIL; if (name == NULL) funcname = NULL; else if (*name == K_SPECIAL // script-local || vim_strchr(name, AUTOLOAD_CHAR) != NULL) // autoload funcname = vim_strsave(name); else { funcname = alloc(STRLEN(name) + 3); if (funcname != NULL) { STRCPY(funcname, "g:"); STRCPY(funcname + 2, name); } } isn->isn_arg.string = funcname; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_AUTOLOAD instruction. */ int generate_AUTOLOAD(cctx_T *cctx, char_u *name, type_T *type) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, ISN_AUTOLOAD, type)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.string = vim_strsave(name); if (isn->isn_arg.string == NULL) return FAIL; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_GETITEM instruction with "index". * "with_op" is TRUE for "+=" and other operators, the stack has the current * value below the list with values. */ int generate_GETITEM(cctx_T *cctx, int index, int with_op) { isn_T *isn; type_T *type = get_type_on_stack(cctx, with_op ? 1 : 0); type_T *item_type = &t_any; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if (type->tt_type != VAR_LIST) { // cannot happen, caller has checked the type emsg(_(e_list_required)); return FAIL; } item_type = type->tt_member; if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_GETITEM)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.getitem.gi_index = index; isn->isn_arg.getitem.gi_with_op = with_op; // add the item type to the type stack return push_type_stack(cctx, item_type); } /* * Generate an ISN_SLICE instruction with "count". */ int generate_SLICE(cctx_T *cctx, int count) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_SLICE)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.number = count; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_CHECKLEN instruction with "min_len". */ int generate_CHECKLEN(cctx_T *cctx, int min_len, int more_OK) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_CHECKLEN)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.checklen.cl_min_len = min_len; isn->isn_arg.checklen.cl_more_OK = more_OK; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_STORE instruction. */ int generate_STORE(cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, int idx, char_u *name) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, isn_type, 1)) == NULL) return FAIL; if (name != NULL) isn->isn_arg.string = vim_strsave(name); else isn->isn_arg.number = idx; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_STOREOUTER instruction. */ static int generate_STOREOUTER(cctx_T *cctx, int idx, int level) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_STOREOUTER, 1)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.outer.outer_idx = idx; isn->isn_arg.outer.outer_depth = level; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_STORENR instruction (short for ISN_PUSHNR + ISN_STORE) */ int generate_STORENR(cctx_T *cctx, int idx, varnumber_T value) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_STORENR)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.storenr.stnr_idx = idx; isn->isn_arg.storenr.stnr_val = value; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_STOREOPT or ISN_STOREFUNCOPT instruction */ static int generate_STOREOPT( cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, char_u *name, int opt_flags) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, isn_type, 1)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.storeopt.so_name = vim_strsave(name); isn->isn_arg.storeopt.so_flags = opt_flags; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_LOAD or similar instruction. */ int generate_LOAD( cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, int idx, char_u *name, type_T *type) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type2(cctx, isn_type, type, type)) == NULL) return FAIL; if (name != NULL) isn->isn_arg.string = vim_strsave(name); else isn->isn_arg.number = idx; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_LOADOUTER instruction */ int generate_LOADOUTER( cctx_T *cctx, int idx, int nesting, type_T *type) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_type2(cctx, ISN_LOADOUTER, type, type)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.outer.outer_idx = idx; isn->isn_arg.outer.outer_depth = nesting; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_LOADV instruction for v:var. */ int generate_LOADV( cctx_T *cctx, char_u *name, int error) { int di_flags; int vidx = find_vim_var(name, &di_flags); type_T *type; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if (vidx < 0) { if (error) semsg(_(e_variable_not_found_str), name); return FAIL; } type = get_vim_var_type(vidx, cctx->ctx_type_list); return generate_LOAD(cctx, ISN_LOADV, vidx, NULL, type); } /* * Generate an ISN_UNLET instruction. */ int generate_UNLET(cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, char_u *name, int forceit) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, isn_type)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.unlet.ul_name = vim_strsave(name); isn->isn_arg.unlet.ul_forceit = forceit; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_LOCKCONST instruction. */ int generate_LOCKCONST(cctx_T *cctx) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_LOCKCONST)) == NULL) return FAIL; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_LOADS instruction. */ int generate_OLDSCRIPT( cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, char_u *name, int sid, type_T *type) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if (isn_type == ISN_LOADS) isn = generate_instr_type(cctx, isn_type, type); else isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, isn_type, 1); if (isn == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.loadstore.ls_name = vim_strsave(name); isn->isn_arg.loadstore.ls_sid = sid; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_LOADSCRIPT or ISN_STORESCRIPT instruction. */ int generate_VIM9SCRIPT( cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, int sid, int idx, type_T *type) { isn_T *isn; scriptref_T *sref; scriptitem_T *si = SCRIPT_ITEM(sid); RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if (isn_type == ISN_LOADSCRIPT) isn = generate_instr_type2(cctx, isn_type, type, type); else isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, isn_type, 1); if (isn == NULL) return FAIL; // This requires three arguments, which doesn't fit in an instruction, thus // we need to allocate a struct for this. sref = ALLOC_ONE(scriptref_T); if (sref == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.script.scriptref = sref; sref->sref_sid = sid; sref->sref_idx = idx; sref->sref_seq = si->sn_script_seq; sref->sref_type = type; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_NEWLIST instruction. */ int generate_NEWLIST(cctx_T *cctx, int count) { isn_T *isn; type_T *member_type; type_T *type; type_T *decl_type; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_NEWLIST)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.number = count; // Get the member type and the declared member type from all the items on // the stack. member_type = get_member_type_from_stack(count, 1, cctx); type = get_list_type(member_type, cctx->ctx_type_list); decl_type = get_list_type(&t_any, cctx->ctx_type_list); // drop the value types cctx->ctx_type_stack.ga_len -= count; // add the list type to the type stack return push_type_stack2(cctx, type, decl_type); } /* * Generate an ISN_NEWDICT instruction. */ int generate_NEWDICT(cctx_T *cctx, int count) { isn_T *isn; type_T *member_type; type_T *type; type_T *decl_type; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_NEWDICT)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.number = count; member_type = get_member_type_from_stack(count, 2, cctx); type = get_dict_type(member_type, cctx->ctx_type_list); decl_type = get_dict_type(&t_any, cctx->ctx_type_list); // drop the key and value types cctx->ctx_type_stack.ga_len -= 2 * count; // add the dict type to the type stack return push_type_stack2(cctx, type, decl_type); } /* * Generate an ISN_FUNCREF instruction. */ int generate_FUNCREF(cctx_T *cctx, ufunc_T *ufunc) { isn_T *isn; type_T *type; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_FUNCREF)) == NULL) return FAIL; if (ufunc->uf_def_status == UF_NOT_COMPILED) isn->isn_arg.funcref.fr_func_name = vim_strsave(ufunc->uf_name); else isn->isn_arg.funcref.fr_dfunc_idx = ufunc->uf_dfunc_idx; cctx->ctx_has_closure = 1; // If the referenced function is a closure, it may use items further up in // the nested context, including this one. if (ufunc->uf_flags & FC_CLOSURE) cctx->ctx_ufunc->uf_flags |= FC_CLOSURE; type = ufunc->uf_func_type == NULL ? &t_func_any : ufunc->uf_func_type; return push_type_stack(cctx, type); } /* * Generate an ISN_NEWFUNC instruction. * "lambda_name" and "func_name" must be in allocated memory and will be * consumed. */ int generate_NEWFUNC(cctx_T *cctx, char_u *lambda_name, char_u *func_name) { isn_T *isn; if (cctx->ctx_skip == SKIP_YES) { vim_free(lambda_name); vim_free(func_name); return OK; } if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_NEWFUNC)) == NULL) { vim_free(lambda_name); vim_free(func_name); return FAIL; } isn->isn_arg.newfunc.nf_lambda = lambda_name; isn->isn_arg.newfunc.nf_global = func_name; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_DEF instruction: list functions */ int generate_DEF(cctx_T *cctx, char_u *name, size_t len) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_DEF)) == NULL) return FAIL; if (len > 0) { isn->isn_arg.string = vim_strnsave(name, len); if (isn->isn_arg.string == NULL) return FAIL; } return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_JUMP instruction. */ int generate_JUMP(cctx_T *cctx, jumpwhen_T when, int where) { isn_T *isn; garray_T *stack = &cctx->ctx_type_stack; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_JUMP)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.jump.jump_when = when; isn->isn_arg.jump.jump_where = where; if (when != JUMP_ALWAYS && stack->ga_len > 0) --stack->ga_len; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_JUMP_IF_ARG_SET instruction. */ int generate_JUMP_IF_ARG_SET(cctx_T *cctx, int arg_off) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_JUMP_IF_ARG_SET)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.jumparg.jump_arg_off = arg_off; // jump_where is set later return OK; } int generate_FOR(cctx_T *cctx, int loop_idx) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_FOR)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.forloop.for_idx = loop_idx; // type doesn't matter, will be stored next return push_type_stack(cctx, &t_any); } /* * Generate an ISN_TRYCONT instruction. */ int generate_TRYCONT(cctx_T *cctx, int levels, int where) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_TRYCONT)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.trycont.tct_levels = levels; isn->isn_arg.trycont.tct_where = where; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_BCALL instruction. * "method_call" is TRUE for "value->method()" * Return FAIL if the number of arguments is wrong. */ int generate_BCALL(cctx_T *cctx, int func_idx, int argcount, int method_call) { isn_T *isn; garray_T *stack = &cctx->ctx_type_stack; int argoff; type2_T *typep; type2_T *argtypes = NULL; type2_T shuffled_argtypes[MAX_FUNC_ARGS]; type2_T *maptype = NULL; type_T *type; type_T *decl_type; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); argoff = check_internal_func(func_idx, argcount); if (argoff < 0) return FAIL; if (method_call && argoff > 1) { if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_SHUFFLE)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.shuffle.shfl_item = argcount; isn->isn_arg.shuffle.shfl_up = argoff - 1; } if (argcount > 0) { // Check the types of the arguments. typep = ((type2_T *)stack->ga_data) + stack->ga_len - argcount; if (method_call && argoff > 1) { int i; for (i = 0; i < argcount; ++i) shuffled_argtypes[i] = (i < argoff - 1) ? typep[i + 1] : (i == argoff - 1) ? typep[0] : typep[i]; argtypes = shuffled_argtypes; } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < argcount; ++i) shuffled_argtypes[i] = typep[i]; argtypes = shuffled_argtypes; } if (internal_func_check_arg_types(argtypes, func_idx, argcount, cctx) == FAIL) return FAIL; if (internal_func_is_map(func_idx)) maptype = argtypes; } if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_BCALL)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.bfunc.cbf_idx = func_idx; isn->isn_arg.bfunc.cbf_argcount = argcount; // Drop the argument types and push the return type. stack->ga_len -= argcount; type = internal_func_ret_type(func_idx, argcount, argtypes, &decl_type); if (push_type_stack2(cctx, type, decl_type) == FAIL) return FAIL; if (maptype != NULL && maptype[0].type_decl->tt_member != NULL && maptype[0].type_decl->tt_member != &t_any) // Check that map() didn't change the item types. generate_TYPECHECK(cctx, maptype[0].type_decl, -1, 1); return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_LISTAPPEND instruction. Works like add(). * Argument count is already checked. */ int generate_LISTAPPEND(cctx_T *cctx) { type_T *list_type; type_T *item_type; type_T *expected; // Caller already checked that list_type is a list. // For checking the item type we use the declared type of the list and the // current type of the added item, adding a string to [1, 2] is OK. list_type = get_decl_type_on_stack(cctx, 1); item_type = get_type_on_stack(cctx, 0); expected = list_type->tt_member; if (need_type(item_type, expected, -1, 0, cctx, FALSE, FALSE) == FAIL) return FAIL; if (generate_instr(cctx, ISN_LISTAPPEND) == NULL) return FAIL; --cctx->ctx_type_stack.ga_len; // drop the argument return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_BLOBAPPEND instruction. Works like add(). * Argument count is already checked. */ int generate_BLOBAPPEND(cctx_T *cctx) { type_T *item_type; // Caller already checked that blob_type is a blob. item_type = get_type_on_stack(cctx, 0); if (need_type(item_type, &t_number, -1, 0, cctx, FALSE, FALSE) == FAIL) return FAIL; if (generate_instr(cctx, ISN_BLOBAPPEND) == NULL) return FAIL; --cctx->ctx_type_stack.ga_len; // drop the argument return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_DCALL or ISN_UCALL instruction. * Return FAIL if the number of arguments is wrong. */ int generate_CALL(cctx_T *cctx, ufunc_T *ufunc, int pushed_argcount) { isn_T *isn; int regular_args = ufunc->uf_args.ga_len; int argcount = pushed_argcount; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if (argcount > regular_args && !has_varargs(ufunc)) { semsg(_(e_too_many_arguments_for_function_str), printable_func_name(ufunc)); return FAIL; } if (argcount < regular_args - ufunc->uf_def_args.ga_len) { semsg(_(e_not_enough_arguments_for_function_str), printable_func_name(ufunc)); return FAIL; } if (ufunc->uf_def_status != UF_NOT_COMPILED && ufunc->uf_def_status != UF_COMPILE_ERROR) { int i; for (i = 0; i < argcount; ++i) { type_T *expected; type_T *actual; actual = get_type_on_stack(cctx, argcount - i - 1); if (actual == &t_special && i >= regular_args - ufunc->uf_def_args.ga_len) { // assume v:none used for default argument value continue; } if (i < regular_args) { if (ufunc->uf_arg_types == NULL) continue; expected = ufunc->uf_arg_types[i]; } else if (ufunc->uf_va_type == NULL || ufunc->uf_va_type == &t_list_any) // possibly a lambda or "...: any" expected = &t_any; else expected = ufunc->uf_va_type->tt_member; if (need_type(actual, expected, -argcount + i, i + 1, cctx, TRUE, FALSE) == FAIL) { arg_type_mismatch(expected, actual, i + 1); return FAIL; } } if (func_needs_compiling(ufunc, COMPILE_TYPE(ufunc)) && compile_def_function(ufunc, ufunc->uf_ret_type == NULL, COMPILE_TYPE(ufunc), NULL) == FAIL) return FAIL; } if (ufunc->uf_def_status == UF_COMPILE_ERROR) { emsg_funcname(_(e_call_to_function_that_failed_to_compile_str), ufunc->uf_name); return FAIL; } if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ufunc->uf_def_status != UF_NOT_COMPILED ? ISN_DCALL : ISN_UCALL)) == NULL) return FAIL; if (isn->isn_type == ISN_DCALL) { isn->isn_arg.dfunc.cdf_idx = ufunc->uf_dfunc_idx; isn->isn_arg.dfunc.cdf_argcount = argcount; } else { // A user function may be deleted and redefined later, can't use the // ufunc pointer, need to look it up again at runtime. isn->isn_arg.ufunc.cuf_name = vim_strsave(ufunc->uf_name); isn->isn_arg.ufunc.cuf_argcount = argcount; } // drop the argument types cctx->ctx_type_stack.ga_len -= argcount; // add return type return push_type_stack(cctx, ufunc->uf_ret_type); } /* * Generate an ISN_UCALL instruction when the function isn't defined yet. */ int generate_UCALL(cctx_T *cctx, char_u *name, int argcount) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_UCALL)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.ufunc.cuf_name = vim_strsave(name); isn->isn_arg.ufunc.cuf_argcount = argcount; // drop the argument types cctx->ctx_type_stack.ga_len -= argcount; // add return value return push_type_stack(cctx, &t_any); } /* * Generate an ISN_PCALL instruction. * "type" is the type of the FuncRef. */ int generate_PCALL( cctx_T *cctx, int argcount, char_u *name, type_T *type, int at_top) { isn_T *isn; type_T *ret_type; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if (type->tt_type == VAR_ANY || type->tt_type == VAR_UNKNOWN) ret_type = &t_any; else if (type->tt_type == VAR_FUNC || type->tt_type == VAR_PARTIAL) { if (type->tt_argcount != -1) { int varargs = (type->tt_flags & TTFLAG_VARARGS) ? 1 : 0; if (argcount < type->tt_min_argcount - varargs) { semsg(_(e_not_enough_arguments_for_function_str), name); return FAIL; } if (!varargs && argcount > type->tt_argcount) { semsg(_(e_too_many_arguments_for_function_str), name); return FAIL; } if (type->tt_args != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < argcount; ++i) { int offset = -argcount + i - (at_top ? 0 : 1); type_T *actual = get_type_on_stack(cctx, -1 - offset); type_T *expected; if (varargs && i >= type->tt_argcount - 1) expected = type->tt_args[ type->tt_argcount - 1]->tt_member; else if (i >= type->tt_min_argcount && actual == &t_special) expected = &t_any; else expected = type->tt_args[i]; if (need_type(actual, expected, offset, i + 1, cctx, TRUE, FALSE) == FAIL) { arg_type_mismatch(expected, actual, i + 1); return FAIL; } } } } ret_type = type->tt_member; if (ret_type == &t_unknown) // return type not known yet, use a runtime check ret_type = &t_any; } else { semsg(_(e_not_callable_type_str), name); return FAIL; } if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_PCALL)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.pfunc.cpf_top = at_top; isn->isn_arg.pfunc.cpf_argcount = argcount; // drop the arguments and the funcref/partial cctx->ctx_type_stack.ga_len -= argcount + 1; // push the return value push_type_stack(cctx, ret_type); // If partial is above the arguments it must be cleared and replaced with // the return value. if (at_top && generate_instr(cctx, ISN_PCALL_END) == NULL) return FAIL; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_STRINGMEMBER instruction. */ int generate_STRINGMEMBER(cctx_T *cctx, char_u *name, size_t len) { isn_T *isn; type_T *type; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_STRINGMEMBER)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.string = vim_strnsave(name, len); // check for dict type type = get_type_on_stack(cctx, 0); if (type->tt_type != VAR_DICT && type != &t_any && type != &t_unknown) { char *tofree; semsg(_(e_expected_dictionary_for_using_key_str_but_got_str), name, type_name(type, &tofree)); vim_free(tofree); return FAIL; } // change dict type to dict member type if (type->tt_type == VAR_DICT) { type_T *ntype = type->tt_member == &t_unknown ? &t_any : type->tt_member; set_type_on_stack(cctx, ntype, 0); } return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_ECHO instruction. */ int generate_ECHO(cctx_T *cctx, int with_white, int count) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_ECHO, count)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.echo.echo_with_white = with_white; isn->isn_arg.echo.echo_count = count; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_EXECUTE/ISN_ECHOMSG/ISN_ECHOERR instruction. */ int generate_MULT_EXPR(cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isn_type, int count) { isn_T *isn; if ((isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, isn_type, count)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.number = count; return OK; } /* * Generate an ISN_PUT instruction. */ int generate_PUT(cctx_T *cctx, int regname, linenr_T lnum) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_PUT)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.put.put_regname = regname; isn->isn_arg.put.put_lnum = lnum; return OK; } /* * Generate an EXEC instruction that takes a string argument. * A copy is made of "line". */ int generate_EXEC_copy(cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isntype, char_u *line) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, isntype)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.string = vim_strsave(line); return OK; } /* * Generate an EXEC instruction that takes a string argument. * "str" must be allocated, it is consumed. */ int generate_EXEC(cctx_T *cctx, isntype_T isntype, char_u *str) { isn_T *isn; if (cctx->ctx_skip == SKIP_YES) { vim_free(str); return OK; } if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, isntype)) == NULL) { vim_free(str); return FAIL; } isn->isn_arg.string = str; return OK; } int generate_LEGACY_EVAL(cctx_T *cctx, char_u *line) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_LEGACY_EVAL)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.string = vim_strsave(line); return push_type_stack(cctx, &t_any); } int generate_EXECCONCAT(cctx_T *cctx, int count) { isn_T *isn; if ((isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_EXECCONCAT, count)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.number = count; return OK; } /* * Generate ISN_RANGE. Consumes "range". Return OK/FAIL. */ int generate_RANGE(cctx_T *cctx, char_u *range) { isn_T *isn; if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_RANGE)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.string = range; return push_type_stack(cctx, &t_number); } int generate_UNPACK(cctx_T *cctx, int var_count, int semicolon) { isn_T *isn; RETURN_OK_IF_SKIP(cctx); if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_UNPACK)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.unpack.unp_count = var_count; isn->isn_arg.unpack.unp_semicolon = semicolon; return OK; } /* * Generate an instruction for any command modifiers. */ int generate_cmdmods(cctx_T *cctx, cmdmod_T *cmod) { isn_T *isn; if (has_cmdmod(cmod, FALSE)) { cctx->ctx_has_cmdmod = TRUE; if ((isn = generate_instr(cctx, ISN_CMDMOD)) == NULL) return FAIL; isn->isn_arg.cmdmod.cf_cmdmod = ALLOC_ONE(cmdmod_T); if (isn->isn_arg.cmdmod.cf_cmdmod == NULL) return FAIL; mch_memmove(isn->isn_arg.cmdmod.cf_cmdmod, cmod, sizeof(cmdmod_T)); // filter program now belongs to the instruction cmod->cmod_filter_regmatch.regprog = NULL; } return OK; } int generate_undo_cmdmods(cctx_T *cctx) { if (cctx->ctx_has_cmdmod && generate_instr(cctx, ISN_CMDMOD_REV) == NULL) return FAIL; cctx->ctx_has_cmdmod = FALSE; return OK; } /* * Generate a STORE instruction for "dest", not being "dest_local". * Return FAIL when out of memory. */ int generate_store_var( cctx_T *cctx, assign_dest_T dest, int opt_flags, int vimvaridx, int scriptvar_idx, int scriptvar_sid, type_T *type, char_u *name) { switch (dest) { case dest_option: return generate_STOREOPT(cctx, ISN_STOREOPT, skip_option_env_lead(name), opt_flags); case dest_func_option: return generate_STOREOPT(cctx, ISN_STOREFUNCOPT, skip_option_env_lead(name), opt_flags); case dest_global: // include g: with the name, easier to execute that way return generate_STORE(cctx, vim_strchr(name, AUTOLOAD_CHAR) == NULL ? ISN_STOREG : ISN_STOREAUTO, 0, name); case dest_buffer: // include b: with the name, easier to execute that way return generate_STORE(cctx, ISN_STOREB, 0, name); case dest_window: // include w: with the name, easier to execute that way return generate_STORE(cctx, ISN_STOREW, 0, name); case dest_tab: // include t: with the name, easier to execute that way return generate_STORE(cctx, ISN_STORET, 0, name); case dest_env: return generate_STORE(cctx, ISN_STOREENV, 0, name + 1); case dest_reg: return generate_STORE(cctx, ISN_STOREREG, name[1] == '@' ? '"' : name[1], NULL); case dest_vimvar: return generate_STORE(cctx, ISN_STOREV, vimvaridx, NULL); case dest_script: if (scriptvar_idx < 0) // "s:" may be included in the name. return generate_OLDSCRIPT(cctx, ISN_STORES, name, scriptvar_sid, type); return generate_VIM9SCRIPT(cctx, ISN_STORESCRIPT, scriptvar_sid, scriptvar_idx, type); case dest_local: case dest_expr: // cannot happen break; } return FAIL; } /* * Return TRUE when inside a "for" or "while" loop. */ int inside_loop_scope(cctx_T *cctx) { scope_T *scope = cctx->ctx_scope; for (;;) { if (scope == NULL) break; if (scope->se_type == FOR_SCOPE || scope->se_type == WHILE_SCOPE) return TRUE; scope = scope->se_outer; } return FALSE; } int generate_store_lhs(cctx_T *cctx, lhs_T *lhs, int instr_count, int is_decl) { if (lhs->lhs_dest != dest_local) return generate_store_var(cctx, lhs->lhs_dest, lhs->lhs_opt_flags, lhs->lhs_vimvaridx, lhs->lhs_scriptvar_idx, lhs->lhs_scriptvar_sid, lhs->lhs_type, lhs->lhs_name); if (lhs->lhs_lvar != NULL) { garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr; isn_T *isn = ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data) + instr->ga_len - 1; // Optimization: turn "var = 123" from ISN_PUSHNR + ISN_STORE into // ISN_STORENR. // And "var = 0" does not need any instruction. if (lhs->lhs_lvar->lv_from_outer == 0 && instr->ga_len == instr_count + 1 && isn->isn_type == ISN_PUSHNR) { varnumber_T val = isn->isn_arg.number; garray_T *stack = &cctx->ctx_type_stack; if (val == 0 && is_decl && !inside_loop_scope(cctx)) { // zero is the default value, no need to do anything --instr->ga_len; } else { isn->isn_type = ISN_STORENR; isn->isn_arg.storenr.stnr_idx = lhs->lhs_lvar->lv_idx; isn->isn_arg.storenr.stnr_val = val; } if (stack->ga_len > 0) --stack->ga_len; } else if (lhs->lhs_lvar->lv_from_outer > 0) generate_STOREOUTER(cctx, lhs->lhs_lvar->lv_idx, lhs->lhs_lvar->lv_from_outer); else generate_STORE(cctx, ISN_STORE, lhs->lhs_lvar->lv_idx, NULL); } return OK; } #if defined(FEAT_PROFILE) || defined(PROTO) void may_generate_prof_end(cctx_T *cctx, int prof_lnum) { if (cctx->ctx_compile_type == CT_PROFILE && prof_lnum >= 0) generate_instr(cctx, ISN_PROF_END); } #endif /* * Delete an instruction, free what it contains. */ void delete_instr(isn_T *isn) { switch (isn->isn_type) { case ISN_AUTOLOAD: case ISN_DEF: case ISN_EXEC: case ISN_EXECRANGE: case ISN_EXEC_SPLIT: case ISN_LEGACY_EVAL: case ISN_LOADAUTO: case ISN_LOADB: case ISN_LOADENV: case ISN_LOADG: case ISN_LOADOPT: case ISN_LOADT: case ISN_LOADW: case ISN_LOCKUNLOCK: case ISN_PUSHEXC: case ISN_PUSHFUNC: case ISN_PUSHS: case ISN_RANGE: case ISN_STOREAUTO: case ISN_STOREB: case ISN_STOREENV: case ISN_STOREG: case ISN_STORET: case ISN_STOREW: case ISN_STRINGMEMBER: vim_free(isn->isn_arg.string); break; case ISN_SUBSTITUTE: { int idx; isn_T *list = isn->isn_arg.subs.subs_instr; vim_free(isn->isn_arg.subs.subs_cmd); for (idx = 0; list[idx].isn_type != ISN_FINISH; ++idx) delete_instr(list + idx); vim_free(list); } break; case ISN_INSTR: { int idx; isn_T *list = isn->isn_arg.instr; for (idx = 0; list[idx].isn_type != ISN_FINISH; ++idx) delete_instr(list + idx); vim_free(list); } break; case ISN_LOADS: case ISN_STORES: vim_free(isn->isn_arg.loadstore.ls_name); break; case ISN_UNLET: case ISN_UNLETENV: vim_free(isn->isn_arg.unlet.ul_name); break; case ISN_STOREOPT: case ISN_STOREFUNCOPT: vim_free(isn->isn_arg.storeopt.so_name); break; case ISN_PUSHBLOB: // push blob isn_arg.blob blob_unref(isn->isn_arg.blob); break; case ISN_PUSHJOB: #ifdef FEAT_JOB_CHANNEL job_unref(isn->isn_arg.job); #endif break; case ISN_PUSHCHANNEL: #ifdef FEAT_JOB_CHANNEL channel_unref(isn->isn_arg.channel); #endif break; case ISN_UCALL: vim_free(isn->isn_arg.ufunc.cuf_name); break; case ISN_FUNCREF: { if (isn->isn_arg.funcref.fr_func_name == NULL) { dfunc_T *dfunc = ((dfunc_T *)def_functions.ga_data) + isn->isn_arg.funcref.fr_dfunc_idx; ufunc_T *ufunc = dfunc->df_ufunc; if (ufunc != NULL && func_name_refcount(ufunc->uf_name)) func_ptr_unref(ufunc); } else { char_u *name = isn->isn_arg.funcref.fr_func_name; if (name != NULL) func_unref(name); vim_free(isn->isn_arg.funcref.fr_func_name); } } break; case ISN_DCALL: { dfunc_T *dfunc = ((dfunc_T *)def_functions.ga_data) + isn->isn_arg.dfunc.cdf_idx; if (dfunc->df_ufunc != NULL && func_name_refcount(dfunc->df_ufunc->uf_name)) func_ptr_unref(dfunc->df_ufunc); } break; case ISN_NEWFUNC: { char_u *lambda = isn->isn_arg.newfunc.nf_lambda; ufunc_T *ufunc = find_func_even_dead(lambda, FFED_IS_GLOBAL); if (ufunc != NULL) { unlink_def_function(ufunc); func_ptr_unref(ufunc); } vim_free(lambda); vim_free(isn->isn_arg.newfunc.nf_global); } break; case ISN_CHECKTYPE: case ISN_SETTYPE: free_type(isn->isn_arg.type.ct_type); break; case ISN_CMDMOD: vim_regfree(isn->isn_arg.cmdmod.cf_cmdmod ->cmod_filter_regmatch.regprog); vim_free(isn->isn_arg.cmdmod.cf_cmdmod); break; case ISN_LOADSCRIPT: case ISN_STORESCRIPT: vim_free(isn->isn_arg.script.scriptref); break; case ISN_TRY: vim_free(isn->isn_arg.tryref.try_ref); break; case ISN_CEXPR_CORE: vim_free(isn->isn_arg.cexpr.cexpr_ref->cer_cmdline); vim_free(isn->isn_arg.cexpr.cexpr_ref); break; case ISN_2BOOL: case ISN_2STRING: case ISN_2STRING_ANY: case ISN_ADDBLOB: case ISN_ADDLIST: case ISN_ANYINDEX: case ISN_ANYSLICE: case ISN_BCALL: case ISN_BLOBAPPEND: case ISN_BLOBINDEX: case ISN_BLOBSLICE: case ISN_CATCH: case ISN_CEXPR_AUCMD: case ISN_CHECKLEN: case ISN_CHECKNR: case ISN_CLEARDICT: case ISN_CMDMOD_REV: case ISN_COMPAREANY: case ISN_COMPAREBLOB: case ISN_COMPAREBOOL: case ISN_COMPAREDICT: case ISN_COMPAREFLOAT: case ISN_COMPAREFUNC: case ISN_COMPARELIST: case ISN_COMPARENR: case ISN_COMPARESPECIAL: case ISN_COMPARESTRING: case ISN_CONCAT: case ISN_COND2BOOL: case ISN_DEBUG: case ISN_DROP: case ISN_ECHO: case ISN_ECHOCONSOLE: case ISN_ECHOERR: case ISN_ECHOMSG: case ISN_ENDTRY: case ISN_EXECCONCAT: case ISN_EXECUTE: case ISN_FINALLY: case ISN_FINISH: case ISN_FOR: case ISN_GETITEM: case ISN_JUMP: case ISN_JUMP_IF_ARG_SET: case ISN_LISTAPPEND: case ISN_LISTINDEX: case ISN_LISTSLICE: case ISN_LOAD: case ISN_LOADBDICT: case ISN_LOADGDICT: case ISN_LOADOUTER: case ISN_LOADREG: case ISN_LOADTDICT: case ISN_LOADV: case ISN_LOADWDICT: case ISN_LOCKCONST: case ISN_MEMBER: case ISN_NEGATENR: case ISN_NEWDICT: case ISN_NEWLIST: case ISN_OPANY: case ISN_OPFLOAT: case ISN_OPNR: case ISN_PCALL: case ISN_PCALL_END: case ISN_PROF_END: case ISN_PROF_START: case ISN_PUSHBOOL: case ISN_PUSHF: case ISN_PUSHNR: case ISN_PUSHSPEC: case ISN_PUT: case ISN_REDIREND: case ISN_REDIRSTART: case ISN_RETURN: case ISN_RETURN_VOID: case ISN_SHUFFLE: case ISN_SLICE: case ISN_STORE: case ISN_STOREINDEX: case ISN_STORENR: case ISN_STOREOUTER: case ISN_STORERANGE: case ISN_STOREREG: case ISN_STOREV: case ISN_STRINDEX: case ISN_STRSLICE: case ISN_THROW: case ISN_TRYCONT: case ISN_UNLETINDEX: case ISN_UNLETRANGE: case ISN_UNPACK: case ISN_USEDICT: // nothing allocated break; } } void clear_instr_ga(garray_T *gap) { int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < gap->ga_len; ++idx) delete_instr(((isn_T *)gap->ga_data) + idx); ga_clear(gap); } #endif // defined(FEAT_EVAL)