" Functions about view shared by several tests " Only load this script once. if exists('*Screenline') finish endif " Get line "lnum" as displayed on the screen. " Trailing white space is trimmed. func Screenline(lnum) let chars = [] for c in range(1, winwidth(0)) call add(chars, nr2char(screenchar(a:lnum, c))) endfor let line = join(chars, '') return matchstr(line, '^.\{-}\ze\s*$') endfunc " Get text on the screen, including composing characters. " ScreenLines(lnum, width) or " ScreenLines([start, end], width) function! ScreenLines(lnum, width) abort redraw! if type(a:lnum) == v:t_list let start = a:lnum[0] let end = a:lnum[1] else let start = a:lnum let end = a:lnum endif let lines = [] for l in range(start, end) let lines += [join(map(range(1, a:width), 'screenstring(l, v:val)'), '')] endfor return lines endfunction function! ScreenAttrs(lnum, width) abort redraw! if type(a:lnum) == v:t_list let start = a:lnum[0] let end = a:lnum[1] else let start = a:lnum let end = a:lnum endif let attrs = [] for l in range(start, end) let attrs += [map(range(1, a:width), 'screenattr(l, v:val)')] endfor return attrs endfunction function! NewWindow(height, width) abort exe a:height . 'new' exe a:width . 'vsp' redraw! endfunction function! CloseWindow() abort bw! redraw! endfunction