" Tests for the writefile() function. func Test_writefile() let f = tempname() call writefile(["over","written"], f, "b") call writefile(["hello","world"], f, "b") call writefile(["!", "good"], f, "a") call writefile(["morning"], f, "ab") call writefile(["", "vimmers"], f, "ab") let l = readfile(f) call assert_equal("hello", l[0]) call assert_equal("world!", l[1]) call assert_equal("good", l[2]) call assert_equal("morning", l[3]) call assert_equal("vimmers", l[4]) call delete(f) endfunc func Test_writefile_fails_gently() call assert_fails('call writefile(["test"], "Xfile", [])', 'E730:') call assert_false(filereadable("Xfile")) call delete("Xfile") call assert_fails('call writefile(["test", [], [], [], "tset"], "Xfile")', 'E730:') call assert_false(filereadable("Xfile")) call delete("Xfile") call assert_fails('call writefile([], "Xfile", [])', 'E730:') call assert_false(filereadable("Xfile")) call delete("Xfile") call assert_fails('call writefile([], [])', 'E730:') endfunc func Test_writefile_fails_conversion() if !has('iconv') || has('sun') return endif " Without a backup file the write won't happen if there is a conversion " error. set nobackup nowritebackup backupdir=. backupskip= new let contents = ["line one", "line two"] call writefile(contents, 'Xfile') edit Xfile call setline(1, ["first line", "cannot convert \u010b", "third line"]) call assert_fails('write ++enc=cp932', 'E513:') call assert_equal(contents, readfile('Xfile')) call delete('Xfile') bwipe! set backup& writebackup& backupdir&vim backupskip&vim endfunc func Test_writefile_fails_conversion2() if !has('iconv') || has('sun') return endif " With a backup file the write happens even if there is a conversion error, " but then the backup file must remain set nobackup writebackup backupdir=. backupskip= let contents = ["line one", "line two"] call writefile(contents, 'Xfile_conversion_err') edit Xfile_conversion_err call setline(1, ["first line", "cannot convert \u010b", "third line"]) set fileencoding=latin1 let output = execute('write') call assert_match('CONVERSION ERROR', output) call assert_equal(contents, readfile('Xfile_conversion_err~')) call delete('Xfile_conversion_err') call delete('Xfile_conversion_err~') bwipe! set backup& writebackup& backupdir&vim backupskip&vim endfunc func SetFlag(timer) let g:flag = 1 endfunc func Test_write_quit_split() " Prevent exiting by splitting window on file write. augroup testgroup autocmd BufWritePre * split augroup END e! Xfile call setline(1, 'nothing') wq if has('timers') " timer will not run if "exiting" is still set let g:flag = 0 call timer_start(1, 'SetFlag') sleep 50m call assert_equal(1, g:flag) unlet g:flag endif au! testgroup bwipe Xfile call delete('Xfile') endfunc func Test_nowrite_quit_split() " Prevent exiting by opening a help window. e! Xfile help wincmd w exe winnr() . 'q' if has('timers') " timer will not run if "exiting" is still set let g:flag = 0 call timer_start(1, 'SetFlag') sleep 50m call assert_equal(1, g:flag) unlet g:flag endif bwipe Xfile endfunc func Test_writefile_sync_arg() " This doesn't check if fsync() works, only that the argument is accepted. call writefile(['one'], 'Xtest', 's') call writefile(['two'], 'Xtest', 'S') call delete('Xtest') endfunc func Test_writefile_sync_dev_stdout() if !has('unix') return endif if filewritable('/dev/stdout') " Just check that this doesn't cause an error. call writefile(['one'], '/dev/stdout') else throw 'Skipped: /dev/stdout is not writable' endif endfunc func Test_writefile_autowrite() set autowrite new next Xa Xb Xc call setline(1, 'aaa') next call assert_equal(['aaa'], readfile('Xa')) call setline(1, 'bbb') call assert_fails('edit XX') call assert_false(filereadable('Xb')) set autowriteall edit XX call assert_equal(['bbb'], readfile('Xb')) bwipe! call delete('Xa') call delete('Xb') set noautowrite endfunc func Test_writefile_autowrite_nowrite() set autowrite new next Xa Xb Xc set buftype=nowrite call setline(1, 'aaa') let buf = bufnr('%') " buffer contents silently lost edit XX call assert_false(filereadable('Xa')) rewind call assert_equal('', getline(1)) bwipe! set noautowrite endfunc