" Tests for window cmd (:wincmd, :split, :vsplit, :resize and etc...) func Test_window_cmd_ls0_with_split() set ls=0 set splitbelow split quit call assert_equal(0, &lines - &cmdheight - winheight(0)) new | only! " set splitbelow&vim botright split quit call assert_equal(0, &lines - &cmdheight - winheight(0)) new | only! set ls&vim endfunc func Test_window_cmd_cmdwin_with_vsp() let efmt = 'Expected 0 but got %d (in ls=%d, %s window)' for v in range(0, 2) exec "set ls=" . v vsplit call feedkeys("q:\") let ac = &lines - (&cmdheight + winheight(0) + !!v) let emsg = printf(efmt, ac, v, 'left') call assert_equal(0, ac, emsg) wincmd w let ac = &lines - (&cmdheight + winheight(0) + !!v) let emsg = printf(efmt, ac, v, 'right') call assert_equal(0, ac, emsg) new | only! endfor set ls&vim endfunc function Test_window_cmd_wincmd_gf() let fname = 'test_gf.txt' let swp_fname = '.' . fname . '.swp' call writefile([], fname) call writefile([], swp_fname) function s:swap_exists() let v:swapchoice = s:swap_choice endfunc " Remove the catch-all that runtest.vim adds au! SwapExists augroup test_window_cmd_wincmd_gf autocmd! exec "autocmd SwapExists " . fname . " call s:swap_exists()" augroup END call setline(1, fname) " (E)dit anyway let s:swap_choice = 'e' wincmd gf call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr()) call assert_equal(fname, bufname("%")) quit! " (Q)uit let s:swap_choice = 'q' wincmd gf call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr()) call assert_notequal(fname, bufname("%")) new | only! call delete(fname) call delete(swp_fname) augroup! test_window_cmd_wincmd_gf endfunc func Test_window_quit() e Xa split Xb call assert_equal(2, '$'->winnr()) call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(2))) wincmd q call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(1))) bw Xa Xb endfunc func Test_window_horizontal_split() call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) 3wincmd s call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(3, winheight(0)) call assert_equal(winwidth(1), 2->winwidth()) call assert_fails('botright topleft wincmd s', 'E442:') bw endfunc func Test_window_vertical_split() call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) 3wincmd v call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(3, winwidth(0)) call assert_equal(winheight(1), winheight(2)) call assert_fails('botright topleft wincmd v', 'E442:') bw endfunc " Test the ":wincmd ^" and "^" commands. func Test_window_split_edit_alternate() " Test for failure when the alternate buffer/file no longer exists. edit Xfoo | %bw call assert_fails(':wincmd ^', 'E23') " Test for the expected behavior when we have two named buffers. edit Xfoo | edit Xbar wincmd ^ call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xbar', bufname(winbufnr(2))) only " Test for the expected behavior when the alternate buffer is not named. enew | let l:nr1 = bufnr('%') edit Xfoo | let l:nr2 = bufnr('%') wincmd ^ call assert_equal(l:nr1, winbufnr(1)) call assert_equal(l:nr2, winbufnr(2)) only " FIXME: this currently fails on AppVeyor, but passes locally if !has('win32') " Test the Normal mode command. call feedkeys("\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(l:nr2, winbufnr(1)) call assert_equal(l:nr1, winbufnr(2)) endif %bw! endfunc " Test the ":[count]wincmd ^" and "[count]^" commands. func Test_window_split_edit_bufnr() %bwipeout let l:nr = bufnr('%') + 1 call assert_fails(':execute "normal! ' . l:nr . '\\"', 'E92') call assert_fails(':' . l:nr . 'wincmd ^', 'E16') call assert_fails(':0wincmd ^', 'E16') edit Xfoo | edit Xbar | edit Xbaz let l:foo_nr = bufnr('Xfoo') let l:bar_nr = bufnr('Xbar') let l:baz_nr = bufnr('Xbaz') " FIXME: this currently fails on AppVeyor, but passes locally if !has('win32') call feedkeys(l:foo_nr . "\\", 'tx') call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xbaz', bufname(winbufnr(2))) only call feedkeys(l:bar_nr . "\\", 'tx') call assert_equal('Xbar', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xfoo', bufname(winbufnr(2))) only execute l:baz_nr . 'wincmd ^' call assert_equal('Xbaz', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xbar', bufname(winbufnr(2))) endif %bw! endfunc func Test_window_preview() " Open a preview window pedit Xa call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(0, &previewwindow) " Go to the preview window wincmd P call assert_equal(1, &previewwindow) " Close preview window wincmd z call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(0, &previewwindow) call assert_fails('wincmd P', 'E441:') endfunc func Test_window_preview_from_help() filetype on call writefile(['/* some C code */'], 'Xpreview.c') help pedit Xpreview.c wincmd P call assert_equal(1, &previewwindow) call assert_equal('c', &filetype) wincmd z filetype off close call delete('Xpreview.c') endfunc func Test_window_exchange() e Xa " Nothing happens with window exchange when there is 1 window wincmd x call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) split Xb split Xc call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3))) " Exchange current window 1 with window 3 3wincmd x call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(3))) " Exchange window with next when at the top window wincmd x call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(3))) " Exchange window with next when at the middle window wincmd j wincmd x call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3))) " Exchange window with next when at the bottom window. " When there is no next window, it exchanges with the previous window. wincmd j wincmd x call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(3))) bw Xa Xb Xc endfunc func Test_window_rotate() e Xa split Xb split Xc call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3))) " Rotate downwards wincmd r call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(3))) 2wincmd r call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3))) " Rotate upwards wincmd R call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(3))) 2wincmd R call assert_equal('Xc', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('Xb', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_equal('Xa', bufname(winbufnr(3))) bot vsplit call assert_fails('wincmd R', 'E443:') bw Xa Xb Xc endfunc func Test_window_height() e Xa split Xb let [wh1, wh2] = [winheight(1), winheight(2)] " Active window (1) should have the same height or 1 more " than the other window. call assert_inrange(wh2, wh2 + 1, wh1) wincmd - call assert_equal(wh1 - 1, winheight(1)) call assert_equal(wh2 + 1, winheight(2)) wincmd + call assert_equal(wh1, winheight(1)) call assert_equal(wh2, 2->winheight()) 2wincmd _ call assert_equal(2, winheight(1)) call assert_equal(wh1 + wh2 - 2, winheight(2)) wincmd = call assert_equal(wh1, winheight(1)) call assert_equal(wh2, winheight(2)) 2wincmd _ set winfixheight split Xc let [wh1, wh2, wh3] = [winheight(1), winheight(2), winheight(3)] call assert_equal(2, winheight(2)) call assert_inrange(wh3, wh3 + 1, wh1) 3wincmd + call assert_equal(2, winheight(2)) call assert_equal(wh1 + 3, winheight(1)) call assert_equal(wh3 - 3, winheight(3)) wincmd = call assert_equal(2, winheight(2)) call assert_equal(wh1, winheight(1)) call assert_equal(wh3, winheight(3)) wincmd j set winfixheight& wincmd = let [wh1, wh2, wh3] = [winheight(1), winheight(2), winheight(3)] " Current window (2) should have the same height or 1 more " than the other windows. call assert_inrange(wh1, wh1 + 1, wh2) call assert_inrange(wh3, wh3 + 1, wh2) bw Xa Xb Xc endfunc func Test_window_width() e Xa vsplit Xb let [ww1, ww2] = [winwidth(1), winwidth(2)] " Active window (1) should have the same width or 1 more " than the other window. call assert_inrange(ww2, ww2 + 1, ww1) wincmd < call assert_equal(ww1 - 1, winwidth(1)) call assert_equal(ww2 + 1, winwidth(2)) wincmd > call assert_equal(ww1, winwidth(1)) call assert_equal(ww2, winwidth(2)) 2wincmd | call assert_equal(2, winwidth(1)) call assert_equal(ww1 + ww2 - 2, winwidth(2)) wincmd = call assert_equal(ww1, winwidth(1)) call assert_equal(ww2, winwidth(2)) 2wincmd | set winfixwidth vsplit Xc let [ww1, ww2, ww3] = [winwidth(1), winwidth(2), winwidth(3)] call assert_equal(2, winwidth(2)) call assert_inrange(ww3, ww3 + 1, ww1) 3wincmd > call assert_equal(2, winwidth(2)) call assert_equal(ww1 + 3, winwidth(1)) call assert_equal(ww3 - 3, winwidth(3)) wincmd = call assert_equal(2, winwidth(2)) call assert_equal(ww1, winwidth(1)) call assert_equal(ww3, winwidth(3)) wincmd l set winfixwidth& wincmd = let [ww1, ww2, ww3] = [winwidth(1), winwidth(2), winwidth(3)] " Current window (2) should have the same width or 1 more " than the other windows. call assert_inrange(ww1, ww1 + 1, ww2) call assert_inrange(ww3, ww3 + 1, ww2) bw Xa Xb Xc endfunc func Test_equalalways_on_close() set equalalways vsplit windo split split wincmd J " now we have a frame top-left with two windows, a frame top-right with two " windows and a frame at the bottom, full-width. let height_1 = winheight(1) let height_2 = winheight(2) let height_3 = winheight(3) let height_4 = winheight(4) " closing the bottom window causes all windows to be resized. close call assert_notequal(height_1, winheight(1)) call assert_notequal(height_2, winheight(2)) call assert_notequal(height_3, winheight(3)) call assert_notequal(height_4, winheight(4)) call assert_equal(winheight(1), winheight(3)) call assert_equal(winheight(2), winheight(4)) 1wincmd w split 4wincmd w resize + 5 " left column has three windows, equalized heights. " right column has two windows, top one a bit higher let height_1 = winheight(1) let height_2 = winheight(2) let height_4 = winheight(4) let height_5 = winheight(5) 3wincmd w " closing window in left column equalizes heights in left column but not in " the right column close call assert_notequal(height_1, winheight(1)) call assert_notequal(height_2, winheight(2)) call assert_equal(height_4, winheight(3)) call assert_equal(height_5, winheight(4)) only set equalalways& endfunc func Test_win_screenpos() call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) split vsplit 10wincmd _ 30wincmd | call assert_equal([1, 1], win_screenpos(1)) call assert_equal([1, 32], win_screenpos(2)) call assert_equal([12, 1], win_screenpos(3)) call assert_equal([0, 0], win_screenpos(4)) only endfunc func Test_window_jump_tag() help /iccf call assert_match('^|iccf|', getline('.')) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) 2wincmd } call assert_equal(3, winnr('$')) call assert_match('^|iccf|', getline('.')) wincmd k call assert_match('\*iccf\*', getline('.')) call assert_equal(2, winheight(0)) wincmd z set previewheight=4 help /bugs wincmd } wincmd k call assert_match('\*bugs\*', getline('.')) call assert_equal(4, winheight(0)) set previewheight& %bw! endfunc func Test_window_newtab() e Xa call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr('$')) call assert_equal("\nAlready only one window", execute('wincmd T')) split Xb split Xc wincmd T call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$')) call assert_equal(['Xb', 'Xa'], map(tabpagebuflist(1), 'bufname(v:val)')) call assert_equal(['Xc' ], map(2->tabpagebuflist(), 'bufname(v:val)')) %bw! endfunc func Test_next_split_all() " This was causing an illegal memory access. n x norm axxx split split s/x s/x all bwipe! endfunc " Tests for adjusting window and contents func GetScreenStr(row) let str = "" for c in range(1,3) let str .= nr2char(screenchar(a:row, c)) endfor return str endfunc func Test_window_contents() enew! | only | new call setline(1, range(1,256)) exe "norm! \t\=1Gzt\w\+" redraw let s3 = GetScreenStr(1) wincmd p call assert_equal(1, line("w0")) call assert_equal('1 ', s3) exe "norm! \t\=50Gzt\w\+" redraw let s3 = GetScreenStr(1) wincmd p call assert_equal(50, line("w0")) call assert_equal('50 ', s3) exe "norm! \t\=59Gzt\w\+" redraw let s3 = GetScreenStr(1) wincmd p call assert_equal(59, line("w0")) call assert_equal('59 ', s3) bwipeout! call test_garbagecollect_now() endfunc func Test_window_colon_command() " This was reading invalid memory. exe "norm! v\:\echo v:version" endfunc func Test_access_freed_mem() call assert_equal(&columns, winwidth(0)) " This was accessing freed memory au * 0 vs xxx arg 0 argadd call assert_fails("all", "E249:") au! bwipe xxx call assert_equal(&columns, winwidth(0)) endfunc func Test_visual_cleared_after_window_split() new | only! let smd_save = &showmode set showmode let ls_save = &laststatus set laststatus=1 call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', '']) norm! G exe "norm! kkvk" redraw exe "norm! \v" redraw " check if '-- VISUAL --' disappeared from command line let columns = range(1, &columns) let cmdlinechars = map(columns, 'nr2char(screenchar(&lines, v:val))') let cmdline = join(cmdlinechars, '') let cmdline_ltrim = substitute(cmdline, '^\s*', "", "") let mode_shown = substitute(cmdline_ltrim, '\s*$', "", "") call assert_equal('', mode_shown) let &showmode = smd_save let &laststatus = ls_save bwipe! endfunc func Test_winrestcmd() 2split 3vsplit let a = winrestcmd() call assert_equal(2, winheight(0)) call assert_equal(3, winwidth(0)) wincmd = call assert_notequal(2, winheight(0)) call assert_notequal(3, winwidth(0)) exe a call assert_equal(2, winheight(0)) call assert_equal(3, winwidth(0)) only endfunc func Fun_RenewFile() " Need to wait a bit for the timestamp to be older. let old_ftime = getftime("tmp.txt") while getftime("tmp.txt") == old_ftime sleep 100m silent execute '!echo "1" > tmp.txt' endwhile sp wincmd p edit! tmp.txt endfunc func Test_window_prevwin() " Can we make this work on MS-Windows? if !has('unix') return endif set hidden autoread call writefile(['2'], 'tmp.txt') new tmp.txt q call Fun_RenewFile() call assert_equal(2, winnr()) wincmd p call assert_equal(1, winnr()) wincmd p q call Fun_RenewFile() call assert_equal(2, winnr()) wincmd p call assert_equal(1, winnr()) wincmd p " reset q call delete('tmp.txt') set hidden&vim autoread&vim delfunc Fun_RenewFile endfunc func Test_relative_cursor_position_in_one_line_window() new only call setline(1, range(1, 10000)) normal 50% let lnum = getcurpos()[1] split split " make third window take as many lines as possible, other windows will " become one line 3wincmd w for i in range(1, &lines - 6) wincmd + redraw! endfor " first and second window should show cursor line let wininfo = getwininfo() call assert_equal(lnum, wininfo[0].topline) call assert_equal(lnum, wininfo[1].topline) only! bwipe! endfunc func Test_relative_cursor_position_after_move_and_resize() let so_save = &so set so=0 enew call setline(1, range(1, 10000)) normal 50% split 1wincmd w " Move cursor to first line in window normal H redraw! " Reduce window height to two lines let height = winheight(0) while winheight(0) > 2 wincmd - redraw! endwhile " move cursor to second/last line in window normal j " restore previous height while winheight(0) < height wincmd + redraw! endwhile " make window two lines again while winheight(0) > 2 wincmd - redraw! endwhile " cursor should be at bottom line let info = getwininfo(win_getid())[0] call assert_equal(info.topline + 1, getcurpos()[1]) only! bwipe! let &so = so_save endfunc func Test_relative_cursor_position_after_resize() let so_save = &so set so=0 enew call setline(1, range(1, 10000)) normal 50% split 1wincmd w let winid1 = win_getid() let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0] " Move cursor to second line in window exe "normal " . (info.topline + 1) . "G" redraw! let lnum = getcurpos()[1] " Make the window only two lines high, cursor should end up in top line 2wincmd w exe (info.height - 2) . "wincmd +" redraw! let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0] call assert_equal(lnum, info.topline) only! bwipe! let &so = so_save endfunc func Test_relative_cursor_second_line_after_resize() let so_save = &so set so=0 enew call setline(1, range(1, 10000)) normal 50% split 1wincmd w let winid1 = win_getid() let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0] " Make the window only two lines high 2wincmd _ " Move cursor to second line in window normal H normal j " Make window size bigger, then back to 2 lines for i in range(1, 10) wincmd + redraw! endfor for i in range(1, 10) wincmd - redraw! endfor " cursor should end up in bottom line let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0] call assert_equal(info.topline + 1, getcurpos()[1]) only! bwipe! let &so = so_save endfunc func Test_split_noscroll() let so_save = &so enew call setline(1, range(1, 8)) normal 100% split 1wincmd w let winid1 = win_getid() let info1 = getwininfo(winid1)[0] 2wincmd w let winid2 = win_getid() let info2 = getwininfo(winid2)[0] call assert_equal(1, info1.topline) call assert_equal(1, info2.topline) " window that fits all lines by itself, but not when split: closing other " window should restore fraction. only! call setline(1, range(1, &lines - 10)) exe &lines / 4 let winid1 = win_getid() let info1 = getwininfo(winid1)[0] call assert_equal(1, info1.topline) new redraw close let info1 = getwininfo(winid1)[0] call assert_equal(1, info1.topline) bwipe! let &so = so_save endfunc " Tests for the winnr() function func Test_winnr() only | tabonly call assert_equal(1, winnr('j')) call assert_equal(1, winnr('k')) call assert_equal(1, winnr('h')) call assert_equal(1, winnr('l')) " create a set of horizontally and vertically split windows leftabove new | wincmd p leftabove new | wincmd p rightbelow new | wincmd p rightbelow new | wincmd p leftabove vnew | wincmd p leftabove vnew | wincmd p rightbelow vnew | wincmd p rightbelow vnew | wincmd p call assert_equal(8, winnr('j')) call assert_equal(2, winnr('k')) call assert_equal(4, winnr('h')) call assert_equal(6, winnr('l')) call assert_equal(9, winnr('2j')) call assert_equal(1, winnr('2k')) call assert_equal(3, winnr('2h')) call assert_equal(7, winnr('2l')) " Error cases call assert_fails("echo winnr('0.2k')", 'E15:') call assert_equal(2, winnr('-2k')) call assert_fails("echo winnr('-2xj')", 'E15:') call assert_fails("echo winnr('j2j')", 'E15:') call assert_fails("echo winnr('ll')", 'E15:') call assert_fails("echo winnr('5')", 'E15:') call assert_equal(4, winnr('0h')) tabnew call assert_equal(8, tabpagewinnr(1, 'j')) call assert_equal(2, 1->tabpagewinnr('k')) call assert_equal(4, tabpagewinnr(1, 'h')) call assert_equal(6, tabpagewinnr(1, 'l')) only | tabonly endfunc func Test_winrestview() split runtest.vim normal 50% let view = winsaveview() close split runtest.vim eval view->winrestview() call assert_equal(view, winsaveview()) bwipe! endfunc func Test_win_splitmove() edit a leftabove split b leftabove vsplit c leftabove split d call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('l'))) call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(1)), 'c') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(2)), 'd') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(3)), 'b') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(4)), 'a') call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('j'), {'vertical': 1})) call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('j'), {'vertical': 1})) call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(1)), 'c') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(2)), 'b') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(3)), 'd') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(4)), 'a') call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('k'), {'vertical': 1})) call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(1)), 'd') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(2)), 'c') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(3)), 'b') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(4)), 'a') call assert_equal(0, win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr('j'), {'rightbelow': v:true})) call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(1)), 'c') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(2)), 'b') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(3)), 'a') call assert_equal(bufname(winbufnr(4)), 'd') only | bd call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(winnr(), 123)', 'E957:') call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(123, winnr())', 'E957:') call assert_fails('call win_splitmove(winnr(), winnr())', 'E957:') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab