" Tests for various Visual modes. func Test_block_shift_multibyte() " Uses double-wide character. split call setline(1, ['xヹxxx', 'ヹxxx']) exe "normal 1G0l\jl>" call assert_equal('x ヹxxx', getline(1)) call assert_equal(' ヹxxx', getline(2)) q! endfunc func Test_block_shift_overflow() " This used to cause a multiplication overflow followed by a crash. new normal ii exe "normal \876543210>" q! endfunc func Test_dotregister_paste() new exe "norm! ihello world\" norm! 0ve".p call assert_equal('hello world world', getline(1)) q! endfunc func Test_Visual_ctrl_o() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) call cursor(1,2) set noshowmode set tw=0 call feedkeys("\jjlIa\\:set tw=88\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(['oane', 'tawo', 'tahree'], getline(1, 3)) call assert_equal(88, &tw) set tw& bw! endfu func Test_Visual_vapo() new normal oxx normal vapo bwipe! endfunc func Test_Visual_inner_quote() new normal oxX normal vki' bwipe! endfunc " Test for Visual mode not being reset causing E315 error. func TriggerTheProblem() " At this point there is no visual selection because :call reset it. " Let's restore the selection: normal gv '<,'>del _ try exe "normal \" catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E315/ echom 'Snap! E315 error!' let g:msg = 'Snap! E315 error!' endtry endfunc func Test_visual_mode_reset() enew let g:msg = "Everything's fine." enew setl buftype=nofile call append(line('$'), 'Delete this line.') " NOTE: this has to be done by a call to a function because executing :del " the ex-way will require the colon operator which resets the visual mode " thus preventing the problem: exe "normal! GV:call TriggerTheProblem()\" call assert_equal("Everything's fine.", g:msg) endfunc " Test for visual block shift and tab characters. func Test_block_shift_tab() enew! call append(0, repeat(['one two three'], 5)) call cursor(1,1) exe "normal i\u" exe "normal fe\4jR\ugvr1" call assert_equal('on1 two three', getline(1)) call assert_equal('on1 two three', getline(2)) call assert_equal('on1 two three', getline(5)) enew! call append(0, repeat(['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'], 5)) call cursor(1,1) exe "normal \4jI \j<<11|D" exe "normal j7|a\\" exe "normal j7|a\\ " exe "normal j7|a\ \\4k13|\4j<" call assert_equal(' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', getline(1)) call assert_equal('abcdefghij', getline(2)) call assert_equal(" abc\ defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(3)) call assert_equal(" abc\ defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(4)) call assert_equal(" abc\ defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(5)) %s/\s\+//g call cursor(1,1) exe "normal \4jI \j<<" exe "normal j7|a\\" exe "normal j7|a\\\\\" exe "normal j7|a\ \\\4k13|\4j3<" call assert_equal(' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', getline(1)) call assert_equal('abcdefghij', getline(2)) call assert_equal(" abc\ defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(3)) call assert_equal(" abc\\defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(4)) call assert_equal(" abc\ defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(5)) enew! endfunc " Tests Blockwise Visual when there are TABs before the text. func Test_blockwise_visual() enew! call append(0, ['123456', \ '234567', \ '345678', \ '', \ 'test text test tex start here', \ "\t\tsome text", \ "\t\ttest text", \ 'test text']) call cursor(1,1) exe "normal /start here$\" exe 'normal "by$' . "\jjlld" exe "normal /456$\" exe "normal \jj" . '"bP' call assert_equal(['123start here56', \ '234start here67', \ '345start here78', \ '', \ 'test text test tex rt here', \ "\t\tsomext", \ "\t\ttesext"], getline(1, 7)) enew! endfunc " Test swapping corners in blockwise visual mode with o and O func Test_blockwise_visual_o_O() enew! exe "norm! 10i.\Y4P3lj\4l2jr " exe "norm! gvO\ra" exe "norm! gvO\rb" exe "norm! gvo\rc" exe "norm! gvO\rd" set selection=exclusive exe "norm! gvOo\re" call assert_equal('...a be.', getline(4)) exe "norm! gvOO\rf" set selection& call assert_equal(['..........', \ '...c d..', \ '... ..', \ '...a bf.', \ '..........'], getline(1, '$')) enew! endfun " Test Virtual replace mode. func Test_virtual_replace() if exists('&t_kD') let save_t_kD = &t_kD endif if exists('&t_kb') let save_t_kb = &t_kb endif exe "set t_kD=\x7f t_kb=\x08" enew! exe "normal a\nabcdefghi\njk\tlmn\n opq rst\n\uvwxyz" call cursor(1,1) set ai bs=2 exe "normal gR0\ 1\nA\nBCDEFGHIJ\n\tKL\nMNO\nPQR" call assert_equal([' 1', \ ' A', \ ' BCDEFGHIJ', \ ' KL', \ ' MNO', \ ' PQR', \ ], getline(1, 6)) normal G mark a exe "normal o0\\nabcdefghi\njk\tlmn\n opq\trst\n\uvwxyz\n" exe "normal 'ajgR0\ 1\nA\nBCDEFGHIJ\n\tKL\nMNO\nPQR" . repeat("\", 29) call assert_equal([' 1', \ 'abcdefghi', \ 'jk lmn', \ ' opq rst', \ 'uvwxyz'], getline(7, 11)) normal G exe "normal iab\tcdefghi\tjkl" exe "normal 0gRAB......CDEFGHI.J\o" exe "normal iabcdefghijklmnopqrst\0gRAB\tIJKLMNO\tQR" call assert_equal(['AB......CDEFGHI.Jkl', \ 'AB IJKLMNO QRst'], getline(12, 13)) enew! set noai bs&vim if exists('save_t_kD') let &t_kD = save_t_kD endif if exists('save_t_kb') let &t_kb = save_t_kb endif endfunc " Test Virtual replace mode. func Test_virtual_replace2() enew! set bs=2 exe "normal a\nabcdefghi\njk\tlmn\n opq rst\n\uvwxyz" call cursor(1,1) " Test 1: Test that del deletes the newline exe "normal gR0\ 1\nA\nBCDEFGHIJ\n\tKL\nMNO\nPQR" call assert_equal(['0 1', \ 'A', \ 'BCDEFGHIJ', \ ' KL', \ 'MNO', \ 'PQR', \ ], getline(1, 6)) " Test 2: " a newline is not deleted, if no newline has been added in virtual replace mode %d_ call setline(1, ['abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl']) call cursor(2,1) exe "norm! gR1234\5\\\" call assert_equal(['abcd', \ '123h', \ 'ijkl'], getline(1, '$')) " Test 3: " a newline is deleted, if a newline has been inserted before in virtual replace mode %d_ call setline(1, ['abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl']) call cursor(2,1) exe "norm! gR1234\\56\\\" call assert_equal(['abcd', \ '1234', \ 'ijkl'], getline(1, '$')) " Test 4: " delete add a newline, delete it, add it again and check undo %d_ call setline(1, ['abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl']) call cursor(2,1) " break undo sequence explicitly let &ul = &ul exe "norm! gR1234\\\56\" let &ul = &ul call assert_equal(['abcd', \ '123456', \ ''], getline(1, '$')) norm! u call assert_equal(['abcd', \ 'efgh', \ 'ijkl'], getline(1, '$')) " Test for truncating spaces in a newly added line using 'autoindent' if " characters are not added to that line. %d_ call setline(1, [' app', ' bee', ' cat']) setlocal autoindent exe "normal gg$gRt\n\nr" call assert_equal([' apt', '', ' rat'], getline(1, '$')) " clean up %d_ set bs&vim endfunc func Test_Visual_word_textobject() new call setline(1, ['First sentence. Second sentence.']) " When start and end of visual area are identical, 'aw' or 'iw' select " the whole word. norm! 1go2fcvawy call assert_equal('Second ', @") norm! 1go2fcviwy call assert_equal('Second', @") " When start and end of visual area are not identical, 'aw' or 'iw' " extend the word in direction of the end of the visual area. norm! 1go2fcvlawy call assert_equal('cond ', @") norm! gv2awy call assert_equal('cond sentence.', @") norm! 1go2fcvliwy call assert_equal('cond', @") norm! gv2iwy call assert_equal('cond sentence', @") " Extend visual area in opposite direction. norm! 1go2fcvhawy call assert_equal(' Sec', @") norm! gv2awy call assert_equal(' sentence. Sec', @") norm! 1go2fcvhiwy call assert_equal('Sec', @") norm! gv2iwy call assert_equal('. Sec', @") bwipe! endfunc func Test_Visual_sentence_textobject() new call setline(1, ['First sentence. Second sentence. Third', 'sentence. Fourth sentence']) " When start and end of visual area are identical, 'as' or 'is' select " the whole sentence. norm! 1gofdvasy call assert_equal('Second sentence. ', @") norm! 1gofdvisy call assert_equal('Second sentence.', @") " When start and end of visual area are not identical, 'as' or 'is' " extend the sentence in direction of the end of the visual area. norm! 1gofdvlasy call assert_equal('d sentence. ', @") norm! gvasy call assert_equal("d sentence. Third\nsentence. ", @") norm! 1gofdvlisy call assert_equal('d sentence.', @") norm! gvisy call assert_equal('d sentence. ', @") norm! gvisy call assert_equal("d sentence. Third\nsentence.", @") " Extend visual area in opposite direction. norm! 1gofdvhasy call assert_equal(' Second', @") norm! gvasy call assert_equal("First sentence. Second", @") norm! 1gofdvhisy call assert_equal('Second', @") norm! gvisy call assert_equal(' Second', @") norm! gvisy call assert_equal('First sentence. Second', @") bwipe! endfunc func Test_Visual_paragraph_textobject() new call setline(1, ['First line.', \ '', \ 'Second line.', \ 'Third line.', \ 'Fourth line.', \ 'Fifth line.', \ '', \ 'Sixth line.']) " When start and end of visual area are identical, 'ap' or 'ip' select " the whole paragraph. norm! 4ggvapy call assert_equal("Second line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\n", @") norm! 4ggvipy call assert_equal("Second line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n", @") " When start and end of visual area are not identical, 'ap' or 'ip' " extend the sentence in direction of the end of the visual area. " FIXME: actually, it is not sufficient to have different start and " end of visual selection, the start line and end line have to differ, " which is not consistent with the documentation. norm! 4ggVjapy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\n", @") norm! gvapy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\nSixth line.\n", @") norm! 4ggVjipy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n", @") norm! gvipy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\n", @") norm! gvipy call assert_equal("Third line.\nFourth line.\nFifth line.\n\nSixth line.\n", @") " Extend visual area in opposite direction. norm! 5ggVkapy call assert_equal("\nSecond line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") norm! gvapy call assert_equal("First line.\n\nSecond line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") norm! 5ggVkipy call assert_equal("Second line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") norma gvipy call assert_equal("\nSecond line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") norm! gvipy call assert_equal("First line.\n\nSecond line.\nThird line.\nFourth line.\n", @") bwipe! endfunc func Test_curswant_not_changed() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two']) au InsertLeave * call getcurpos() call feedkeys("gg0\jI123 \j", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 2, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) bwipe! au! InsertLeave endfunc " Tests for "vaBiB", end could be wrong. func Test_Visual_Block() new a - Bug in "vPPPP" on this text: { cmd; { cmd;\t/* <-- Start cursor here */ { } } } . normal gg call search('Start cursor here') normal vaBiBD call assert_equal(['- Bug in "vPPPP" on this text:', \ "\t{", \ "\t}"], getline(1, '$')) close! endfunc " Test for 'p'ut in visual block mode func Test_visual_block_put() enew call append(0, ['One', 'Two', 'Three']) normal gg yank call feedkeys("jl\ljp", 'xt') call assert_equal(['One', 'T', 'Tee', 'One', ''], getline(1, '$')) enew! endfunc " Visual modes (v V CTRL-V) followed by an operator; count; repeating func Test_visual_mode_op() new call append(0, '') call setline(1, 'apple banana cherry') call cursor(1, 1) normal lvld.l3vd. call assert_equal('a y', getline(1)) call setline(1, ['line 1 line 1', 'line 2 line 2', 'line 3 line 3', \ 'line 4 line 4', 'line 5 line 5', 'line 6 line 6']) call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal Vcnewline\j.j2Vd." call assert_equal(['newline', 'newline'], getline(1, '$')) call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call setline(1, ['xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', \ 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx']) exe "normal \jlc \l.l2\c----\l." call assert_equal([' --------x', \ ' --------x', \ 'xxxx--------x', \ 'xxxx--------x'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! endfunc " Visual mode maps (movement and text object) " Visual mode maps; count; repeating " - Simple " - With an Ex command (custom text object) func Test_visual_mode_maps() new call append(0, '') func SelectInCaps() let [line1, col1] = searchpos('\u', 'bcnW') let [line2, col2] = searchpos('.\u', 'nW') call setpos("'<", [0, line1, col1, 0]) call setpos("'>", [0, line2, col2, 0]) normal! gv endfunction vnoremap W /\u/s-1 vnoremap iW :call SelectInCaps() call setline(1, 'KiwiRaspberryDateWatermelonPeach') call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal vWcNo\l.fD2vd." call assert_equal('NoNoberryach', getline(1)) call setline(1, 'JambuRambutanBananaTangerineMango') call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal llviWc-\l.l2vdl." call assert_equal('--ago', getline(1)) vunmap W vunmap iW bwipe! delfunc SelectInCaps endfunc " Operator-pending mode maps (movement and text object) " - Simple " - With Ex command moving the cursor " - With Ex command and Visual selection (custom text object) func Test_visual_oper_pending_mode_maps() new call append(0, '') func MoveToCap() call search('\u', 'W') endfunction func SelectInCaps() let [line1, col1] = searchpos('\u', 'bcnW') let [line2, col2] = searchpos('.\u', 'nW') call setpos("'<", [0, line1, col1, 0]) call setpos("'>", [0, line2, col2, 0]) normal! gv endfunction onoremap W /\u/ onoremap W :call MoveToCap() onoremap iW :call SelectInCaps() call setline(1, 'PineappleQuinceLoganberryOrangeGrapefruitKiwiZ') call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal cW-\l.l2.l." call assert_equal('----Z', getline(1)) call setline(1, 'JuniperDurianZ') call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal g?\WfD." call assert_equal('WhavcreQhevnaZ', getline(1)) call setline(1, 'LemonNectarineZ') call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal yiWPlciWNew\fr." call assert_equal('LemonNewNewZ', getline(1)) ounmap W ounmap W ounmap iW bwipe! delfunc MoveToCap delfunc SelectInCaps endfunc " Patch 7.3.879: Properly abort Operator-pending mode for "dv:" etc. func Test_op_pend_mode_abort() new call append(0, '') call setline(1, ['zzzz', 'zzzz']) call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal dV:\dv:\" call assert_equal(['zzz'], getline(1, 2)) set nomodifiable call assert_fails('exe "normal d:\"', 'E21:') set modifiable call feedkeys("dv:\dV:\", 'xt') call assert_equal(['zzz'], getline(1, 2)) set nomodifiable let v:errmsg = '' call feedkeys("d:\", 'xt') call assert_true(v:errmsg !~# '^E21:') set modifiable bwipe! endfunc func Test_characterwise_visual_mode() new " characterwise visual mode: replace last line $put ='a' let @" = 'x' normal v$p call assert_equal('x', getline('$')) " characterwise visual mode: delete middle line call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call append('$', ['a', 'b', 'c']) normal G normal kkv$d call assert_equal(['', 'b', 'c'], getline(1, '$')) " characterwise visual mode: delete middle two lines call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call append('$', ['a', 'b', 'c']) normal Gkkvj$d call assert_equal(['', 'c'], getline(1, '$')) " characterwise visual mode: delete last line call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call append('$', ['a', 'b', 'c']) normal Gv$d call assert_equal(['', 'a', 'b', ''], getline(1, '$')) " characterwise visual mode: delete last two lines call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call append('$', ['a', 'b', 'c']) normal Gkvj$d call assert_equal(['', 'a', ''], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! endfunc func Test_visual_mode_put() new " v_p: replace last character with line register at middle line call append('$', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']) normal G -2yank normal k$vp call assert_equal(['', 'aaa', 'bb', 'aaa', '', 'ccc'], getline(1, '$')) " v_p: replace last character with line register at middle line selecting " newline call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call append('$', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']) normal G -2yank normal k$v$p call assert_equal(['', 'aaa', 'bb', 'aaa', 'ccc'], getline(1, '$')) " v_p: replace last character with line register at last line call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call append('$', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']) normal G -2yank normal $vp call assert_equal(['', 'aaa', 'bbb', 'cc', 'aaa', ''], getline(1, '$')) " v_p: replace last character with line register at last line selecting " newline call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call append('$', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']) normal G -2yank normal $v$p call assert_equal(['', 'aaa', 'bbb', 'cc', 'aaa', ''], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! endfunc func Test_gv_with_exclusive_selection() new " gv with exclusive selection after an operation call append('$', ['zzz ', 'äà ']) set selection=exclusive normal Gkv3lyjv3lpgvcxxx call assert_equal(['', 'zzz ', 'xxx '], getline(1, '$')) " gv with exclusive selection without an operation call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call append('$', 'zzz ') set selection=exclusive exe "normal G0v3l\gvcxxx" call assert_equal(['', 'xxx '], getline(1, '$')) set selection&vim bwipe! endfunc " Tests for the visual block mode commands func Test_visual_block_mode() new call append(0, '') call setline(1, repeat(['abcdefghijklm'], 5)) call cursor(1, 1) " Test shift-right of a block exe "normal jllll\jj>wll\jlll>" " Test shift-left of a block exe "normal G$hhhh\kk<" " Test block-insert exe "normal Gkl\kkkIxyz" " Test block-replace exe "normal Gllll\kkklllrq" " Test block-change exe "normal G$khhh\hhkkcmno" call assert_equal(['axyzbcdefghijklm', \ 'axyzqqqq mno ghijklm', \ 'axyzqqqqef mno ghijklm', \ 'axyzqqqqefgmnoklm', \ 'abcdqqqqijklm'], getline(1, 5)) " Test 'C' to change till the end of the line call cursor(3, 4) exe "normal! \j3lCooo" call assert_equal(['axyooo', 'axyooo'], getline(3, 4)) " Test 'D' to delete till the end of the line call cursor(3, 3) exe "normal! \j2lD" call assert_equal(['ax', 'ax'], getline(3, 4)) bwipe! endfunc " Test block-insert using cursor keys for movement func Test_visual_block_insert_cursor_keys() new call append(0, ['aaaaaa', 'bbbbbb', 'cccccc', 'dddddd']) call cursor(1, 1) exe "norm! l\jjjlllI\\ \" call assert_equal(['aaa aaa', 'bbb bbb', 'ccc ccc', 'ddd ddd'], \ getline(1, 4)) call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call setline(1, ['xaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc', 'dddd']) call cursor(1, 1) exe "norm! \jjjI<>\p\" call assert_equal(['

xaaa', '

bbbb', '

cccc', '

dddd'], \ getline(1, 4)) bwipe! endfunc func Test_visual_block_create() new call append(0, '') " Test for Visual block was created with the last $ call setline(1, ['A23', '4567']) call cursor(1, 1) exe "norm! l\j$Aab\" call assert_equal(['A23ab', '4567ab'], getline(1, 2)) " Test for Visual block was created with the middle $ (1) call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call setline(1, ['B23', '4567']) call cursor(1, 1) exe "norm! l\j$hAab\" call assert_equal(['B23 ab', '4567ab'], getline(1, 2)) " Test for Visual block was created with the middle $ (2) call deletebufline('', 1, '$') call setline(1, ['C23', '4567']) call cursor(1, 1) exe "norm! l\j$hhAab\" call assert_equal(['C23ab', '456ab7'], getline(1, 2)) bwipe! endfunc " Test for Visual block insert when virtualedit=all func Test_virtualedit_visual_block() set ve=all new call append(0, ["\t\tline1", "\t\tline2", "\t\tline3"]) call cursor(1, 1) exe "norm! 07l\jjIx\" call assert_equal([" x \tline1", \ " x \tline2", \ " x \tline3"], getline(1, 3)) " Test for Visual block append when virtualedit=all exe "norm! 012l\jjAx\" call assert_equal([' x x line1', \ ' x x line2', \ ' x x line3'], getline(1, 3)) set ve= bwipe! endfunc " Test for changing case func Test_visual_change_case() new " gUe must uppercase a whole word, also when ß changes to SS exe "normal Gothe youtußeuu end\Ypk0wgUe\r" " gUfx must uppercase until x, inclusive. exe "normal O- youßtußexu -\0fogUfx\r" " VU must uppercase a whole line exe "normal YpkVU\r" " same, when it's the last line in the buffer exe "normal YPGi111\VUddP\r" " Uppercase two lines exe "normal Oblah di\rdoh dut\VkUj\r" " Uppercase part of two lines exe "normal ddppi333\k0i222\fyllvjfuUk" call assert_equal(['the YOUTUSSEUU end', '- yOUSSTUSSEXu -', \ 'THE YOUTUSSEUU END', '111THE YOUTUSSEUU END', 'BLAH DI', 'DOH DUT', \ '222the yoUTUSSEUU END', '333THE YOUTUßeuu end'], getline(2, '$')) bwipe! endfunc " Test for Visual replace using Enter or NL func Test_visual_replace_crnl() new exe "normal G3o123456789\e2k05l\2jr\r" exe "normal G3o98765\e2k02l\2jr\\r\n" exe "normal G3o123456789\e2k05l\2jr\n" exe "normal G3o98765\e2k02l\2jr\\n" call assert_equal(['12345', '789', '12345', '789', '12345', '789', "98\r65", \ "98\r65", "98\r65", '12345', '789', '12345', '789', '12345', '789', \ "98\n65", "98\n65", "98\n65"], getline(2, '$')) bwipe! endfunc func Test_ve_block_curpos() new " Test cursor position. When ve=block and Visual block mode and $gj call append(0, ['12345', '789']) call cursor(1, 3) set virtualedit=block exe "norm! \$gj\" call assert_equal([0, 2, 4, 0], getpos("'>")) set virtualedit= bwipe! endfunc " Test for block_insert when replacing spaces in front of the a with tabs func Test_block_insert_replace_tabs() new set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 call append(0, ["#define BO_ALL\t 0x0001", \ "#define BO_BS\t 0x0002", \ "#define BO_CRSR\t 0x0004"]) call cursor(1, 1) exe "norm! f0\2jI\\" call assert_equal([ \ "#define BO_ALL\t\t0x0001", \ "#define BO_BS\t \t0x0002", \ "#define BO_CRSR\t \t0x0004", ''], getline(1, '$')) set ts& sts& sw& bwipe! endfunc " Test for * register in : func Test_star_register() call assert_fails('*bfirst', 'E16:') new call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux']) exe "normal jVj\" *yank r call assert_equal("bar\nbaz\n", @r) delmarks < > call assert_fails('*yank', 'E20:') close! endfunc " Test for changing text in visual mode with 'exclusive' selection func Test_exclusive_selection() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two']) set selection=exclusive call feedkeys("vwcabc", 'xt') call assert_equal('abctwo', getline(1)) call setline(1, ["\tone"]) set virtualedit=all call feedkeys('0v2lcl', 'xt') call assert_equal('l one', getline(1)) set virtualedit& set selection& close! endfunc " Test for starting visual mode with a count. " This test should be run without any previous visual modes. So this should be " run as a first test. func Test_AAA_start_visual_mode_with_count() new call setline(1, ['aaaaaaa', 'aaaaaaa', 'aaaaaaa', 'aaaaaaa']) normal! gg2Vy call assert_equal("aaaaaaa\naaaaaaa\n", @") close! endfunc " Test for visually selecting an inner block (iB) func Test_visual_inner_block() new call setline(1, ['one', '{', 'two', '{', 'three', '}', 'four', '}', 'five']) call cursor(5, 1) " visually select all the lines in the block and then execute iB call feedkeys("ViB\", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 5, 1, 0], getpos("'<")) call assert_equal([0, 5, 6, 0], getpos("'>")) " visually select two inner blocks call feedkeys("ViBiB\", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 3, 1, 0], getpos("'<")) call assert_equal([0, 7, 5, 0], getpos("'>")) " try to select non-existing inner block call cursor(5, 1) call assert_beeps('normal ViBiBiB') " try to select a unclosed inner block 8,9d call cursor(5, 1) call assert_beeps('normal ViBiB') close! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab