" Test for reading and writing .viminfo source check.vim function Test_viminfo_read_and_write() " First clear 'history', so that "hislen" is zero. Then set it again, " simulating Vim starting up. set history=0 wviminfo Xviminfo set history=1000 call histdel(':') let lines = [ \ '# comment line', \ '*encoding=utf-8', \ '~MSle0~/asdf', \ '|copied as-is', \ '|and one more', \ ] call writefile(lines, 'Xviminfo') rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal('asdf', @/) wviminfo Xviminfo let lines = readfile('Xviminfo') let done = 0 for line in lines if line[0] == '|' && line !~ '^|[234],' && line !~ '^|<' if done == 0 call assert_equal('|1,4', line) elseif done == 1 call assert_equal('|copied as-is', line) elseif done == 2 call assert_equal('|and one more', line) endif let done += 1 endif endfor call assert_equal(3, done) call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc func Test_global_vars() let g:MY_GLOBAL_STRING = "Vim Editor" let g:MY_GLOBAL_NUM = 345 let g:MY_GLOBAL_FLOAT = 3.14 let test_dict = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 0, 'longvarible': 1000} let g:MY_GLOBAL_DICT = test_dict " store a really long list, so line wrapping will occur in viminfo file let test_list = range(1,100) let g:MY_GLOBAL_LIST = test_list let test_blob = 0z00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff let g:MY_GLOBAL_BLOB = test_blob let test_false = v:false let g:MY_GLOBAL_FALSE = test_false let test_true = v:true let g:MY_GLOBAL_TRUE = test_true let test_null = v:null let g:MY_GLOBAL_NULL = test_null let test_none = v:none let g:MY_GLOBAL_NONE = test_none set viminfo='100,<50,s10,h,!,nviminfo wv! Xviminfo unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_STRING unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_NUM unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_FLOAT unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_DICT unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_LIST unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_BLOB unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_FALSE unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_TRUE unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_NULL unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_NONE rv! Xviminfo call assert_equal("Vim Editor", g:MY_GLOBAL_STRING) call assert_equal(345, g:MY_GLOBAL_NUM) call assert_equal(3.14, g:MY_GLOBAL_FLOAT) call assert_equal(test_dict, g:MY_GLOBAL_DICT) call assert_equal(test_list, g:MY_GLOBAL_LIST) call assert_equal(test_blob, g:MY_GLOBAL_BLOB) call assert_equal(test_false, g:MY_GLOBAL_FALSE) call assert_equal(test_true, g:MY_GLOBAL_TRUE) call assert_equal(test_null, g:MY_GLOBAL_NULL) call assert_equal(test_none, g:MY_GLOBAL_NONE) call delete('Xviminfo') set viminfo-=! endfunc func Test_cmdline_history() call histdel(':') call test_settime(11) call histadd(':', "echo 'one'") call test_settime(12) " split into two lines let long800 = repeat(" 'eight'", 100) call histadd(':', "echo " . long800) call test_settime(13) " split into three lines let long1400 = repeat(" 'fourteeeeen'", 100) call histadd(':', "echo " . long1400) wviminfo Xviminfo let lines = readfile('Xviminfo') let done_colon = 0 let done_bar = 0 let lnum = 0 while lnum < len(lines) let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1 if line[0] == ':' if done_colon == 0 call assert_equal(":\x161408", line) let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1 call assert_equal('1407", line) let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1 call assert_equal('|<"echo ' . long1400[0:484], line) let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1 call assert_equal('|<' . long1400[485:974], line) let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1 call assert_equal('|<' . long1400[975:] . '"', line) elseif done_bar == 1 call assert_equal('|2,0,12,,>807', line) let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1 call assert_equal('|<"echo ' . long800[0:484], line) let line = lines[lnum] | let lnum += 1 call assert_equal('|<' . long800[485:] . '"', line) elseif done_bar == 2 call assert_equal("|2,0,11,,\"echo 'one'\"", line) endif let done_bar += 1 endif endwhile call assert_equal(3, done_colon) call assert_equal(3, done_bar) call histdel(':') rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal("echo " . long1400, histget(':', -1)) call assert_equal("echo " . long800, histget(':', -2)) call assert_equal("echo 'one'", histget(':', -3)) call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc func Test_cmdline_history_order() call histdel(':') call test_settime(11) call histadd(':', "echo '11'") call test_settime(22) call histadd(':', "echo '22'") call test_settime(33) call histadd(':', "echo '33'") wviminfo Xviminfo call histdel(':') " items go in between call test_settime(15) call histadd(':', "echo '15'") call test_settime(27) call histadd(':', "echo '27'") rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal("echo '33'", histget(':', -1)) call assert_equal("echo '27'", histget(':', -2)) call assert_equal("echo '22'", histget(':', -3)) call assert_equal("echo '15'", histget(':', -4)) call assert_equal("echo '11'", histget(':', -5)) call histdel(':') " items go before and after eval 8->test_settime() call histadd(':', "echo '8'") call test_settime(39) call histadd(':', "echo '39'") rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal("echo '39'", histget(':', -1)) call assert_equal("echo '33'", histget(':', -2)) call assert_equal("echo '22'", histget(':', -3)) call assert_equal("echo '11'", histget(':', -4)) call assert_equal("echo '8'", histget(':', -5)) " Check sorting works when writing with merge. call histdel(':') call test_settime(8) call histadd(':', "echo '8'") call test_settime(15) call histadd(':', "echo '15'") call test_settime(27) call histadd(':', "echo '27'") call test_settime(39) call histadd(':', "echo '39'") wviminfo Xviminfo call histdel(':') rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal("echo '39'", histget(':', -1)) call assert_equal("echo '33'", histget(':', -2)) call assert_equal("echo '27'", histget(':', -3)) call assert_equal("echo '22'", histget(':', -4)) call assert_equal("echo '15'", histget(':', -5)) call assert_equal("echo '11'", histget(':', -6)) call assert_equal("echo '8'", histget(':', -7)) call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc func Test_viminfo_registers() call test_settime(8) call setreg('a', "eight", 'c') call test_settime(20) call setreg('b', ["twenty", "again"], 'l') call test_settime(40) call setreg('c', ["four", "agai"], 'b4') let l = [] set viminfo='100,<600,s10,h,!,nviminfo for i in range(500) call add(l, 'something') endfor call setreg('d', l, 'l') call setreg('e', "abc\xyz") wviminfo Xviminfo call test_settime(10) call setreg('a', '', 'b10') call test_settime(15) call setreg('b', 'drop') call test_settime(50) call setreg('c', 'keep', 'l') call test_settime(30) call setreg('d', 'drop', 'l') call setreg('e', 'drop') rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal("", getreg('a')) call assert_equal("\10", getregtype('a')) call assert_equal("twenty\nagain\n", getreg('b')) call assert_equal("V", getregtype('b')) call assert_equal("keep\n", getreg('c')) call assert_equal("V", getregtype('c')) call assert_equal(l, getreg('d', 1, 1)) call assert_equal("V", getregtype('d')) call assert_equal("abc\xyz", getreg('e')) " Length around 440 switches to line continuation. let len = 434 while len < 445 let s = repeat('a', len) call setreg('"', s) wviminfo Xviminfo call setreg('"', '') rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal(s, getreg('"'), 'wrong register at length: ' . len) let len += 1 endwhile call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc func Test_viminfo_marks() sp bufa let bufa = bufnr('%') sp bufb let bufb = bufnr('%') call test_settime(8) call setpos("'A", [bufa, 1, 1, 0]) call test_settime(20) call setpos("'B", [bufb, 9, 1, 0]) call setpos("'C", [bufa, 7, 1, 0]) delmark 0-9 call test_settime(25) call setpos("'1", [bufb, 12, 1, 0]) call test_settime(35) call setpos("'0", [bufa, 11, 1, 0]) call test_settime(45) wviminfo Xviminfo " Writing viminfo inserts the '0 mark. call assert_equal([bufb, 1, 1, 0], getpos("'0")) call assert_equal([bufa, 11, 1, 0], getpos("'1")) call assert_equal([bufb, 12, 1, 0], getpos("'2")) call test_settime(4) call setpos("'A", [bufa, 9, 1, 0]) call test_settime(30) call setpos("'B", [bufb, 2, 3, 0]) delmark C delmark 0-9 call test_settime(30) call setpos("'1", [bufb, 22, 1, 0]) call test_settime(55) call setpos("'0", [bufa, 21, 1, 0]) rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal([bufa, 1, 1, 0], getpos("'A")) call assert_equal([bufb, 2, 3, 0], getpos("'B")) call assert_equal([bufa, 7, 1, 0], getpos("'C")) " numbered marks are merged call assert_equal([bufa, 21, 1, 0], getpos("'0")) " time 55 call assert_equal([bufb, 1, 1, 0], getpos("'1")) " time 45 call assert_equal([bufa, 11, 1, 0], getpos("'2")) " time 35 call assert_equal([bufb, 22, 1, 0], getpos("'3")) " time 30 call assert_equal([bufb, 12, 1, 0], getpos("'4")) " time 25 " deleted file marks are removed from viminfo delmark C wviminfo Xviminfo rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0], getpos("'C")) " deleted file marks stay in viminfo if defined in another vim later call test_settime(70) call setpos("'D", [bufb, 8, 1, 0]) wviminfo Xviminfo call test_settime(65) delmark D call assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0], getpos("'D")) call test_settime(75) rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal([bufb, 8, 1, 0], getpos("'D")) call delete('Xviminfo') exe 'bwipe ' . bufa exe 'bwipe ' . bufb endfunc func Test_viminfo_jumplist() split testbuf clearjumps call setline(1, ['time 05', 'time 10', 'time 15', 'time 20', 'time 30', 'last pos']) call cursor(2, 1) call test_settime(10) exe "normal /20\r" call test_settime(20) exe "normal /30\r" call test_settime(30) exe "normal /last pos\r" wviminfo Xviminfo clearjumps call cursor(1, 1) call test_settime(5) exe "normal /15\r" call test_settime(15) exe "normal /last pos\r" call test_settime(40) exe "normal ?30\r" rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal('time 30', getline('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal('last pos', getline('.')) exe "normal \" " duplicate for 'time 30' was removed call assert_equal('time 20', getline('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal('time 15', getline('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal('time 10', getline('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal('time 05', getline('.')) clearjumps call cursor(1, 1) call test_settime(5) exe "normal /15\r" call test_settime(15) exe "normal /last pos\r" call test_settime(40) exe "normal ?30\r" " Test merge when writing wviminfo Xviminfo clearjumps rviminfo Xviminfo let last_line = line('.') exe "normal \" call assert_equal('time 30', getline('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal('last pos', getline('.')) exe "normal \" " duplicate for 'time 30' was removed call assert_equal('time 20', getline('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal('time 15', getline('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal('time 10', getline('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal('time 05', getline('.')) " Test with jumplist full. clearjumps call setline(1, repeat(['match here'], 101)) call cursor(1, 1) call test_settime(10) for i in range(100) exe "normal /here\r" endfor rviminfo Xviminfo " must be newest mark that comes from viminfo. exe "normal \" call assert_equal(last_line, line('.')) bwipe! call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc func Test_viminfo_encoding() set enc=latin1 call histdel(':') call histadd(':', "echo '\xe9'") wviminfo Xviminfo set fencs=utf-8,latin1 set enc=utf-8 sp Xviminfo call assert_equal('latin1', &fenc) close call histdel(':') rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal("echo 'é'", histget(':', -1)) call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc func Test_viminfo_bad_syntax() let lines = [] call add(lines, '|<') " empty continuation line call add(lines, '|234234234234234324,nothing') call add(lines, '|1+"no comma"') call add(lines, '|1,2,3,4,5,6,7') " too many items call add(lines, '|1,"string version"') call add(lines, '|1,>x') " bad continuation line call add(lines, '|1,"x') " missing quote call add(lines, '|1,"x\') " trailing backslash call add(lines, '|1,,,,') "trailing comma call add(lines, '|1,>234') " trailing continuation line call writefile(lines, 'Xviminfo') rviminfo Xviminfo call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc func Test_viminfo_file_marks() silent! bwipe test_viminfo.vim silent! bwipe Xviminfo call test_settime(10) edit ten call test_settime(25) edit again call test_settime(30) edit thirty wviminfo Xviminfo call test_settime(20) edit twenty call test_settime(35) edit again call test_settime(40) edit fourty wviminfo Xviminfo sp Xviminfo 1 for name in ['fourty', 'again', 'thirty', 'twenty', 'ten'] /^> call assert_equal(name, substitute(getline('.'), '.*/', '', '')) endfor close call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc func Test_viminfo_file_mark_tabclose() tabnew Xtestfileintab call setline(1, ['a','b','c','d','e']) 4 q! wviminfo Xviminfo sp Xviminfo /^> .*Xtestfileintab let lnum = line('.') while 1 if lnum == line('$') call assert_report('mark not found in Xtestfileintab') break endif let lnum += 1 let line = getline(lnum) if line == '' call assert_report('mark not found in Xtestfileintab') break endif if line =~ "^\t\"" call assert_equal('4', substitute(line, ".*\"\t\\(\\d\\).*", '\1', '')) break endif endwhile call delete('Xviminfo') silent! bwipe Xtestfileintab endfunc func Test_viminfo_file_mark_zero_time() let lines = [ \ '# Viminfo version', \ '|1,4', \ '', \ '*encoding=utf-8', \ '', \ '# File marks:', \ "'B 1 0 /tmp/nothing", \ '|4,66,1,0,0,"/tmp/nothing"', \ "", \ ] call writefile(lines, 'Xviminfo') delmark B rviminfo Xviminfo call delete('Xviminfo') call assert_equal(1, line("'B")) delmark B endfunc " Test for saving and restoring file marks in unloaded buffers func Test_viminfo_file_mark_unloaded_buf() let save_viminfo = &viminfo set viminfo&vim call writefile(repeat(['vim'], 10), 'Xfile1') %bwipe edit! Xfile1 call setpos("'u", [0, 3, 1, 0]) call setpos("'v", [0, 5, 1, 0]) enew wviminfo Xviminfo %bwipe edit Xfile1 rviminfo! Xviminfo call assert_equal([0, 3, 1, 0], getpos("'u")) call assert_equal([0, 5, 1, 0], getpos("'v")) %bwipe call delete('Xfile1') call delete('Xviminfo') let &viminfo = save_viminfo endfunc func Test_viminfo_oldfiles() let v:oldfiles = [] let lines = [ \ '# comment line', \ '*encoding=utf-8', \ '', \ ':h viminfo', \ '?/session', \ '=myvar', \ '@123', \ '', \ "'E 2 0 /tmp/nothing", \ '', \ "> /tmp/file_one.txt", \ "\t\"\t11\t0", \ "", \ "> /tmp/file_two.txt", \ "\t\"\t11\t0", \ "", \ "> /tmp/another.txt", \ "\t\"\t11\t0", \ "", \ ] call writefile(lines, 'Xviminfo') delmark E rviminfo! Xviminfo call delete('Xviminfo') call assert_equal('h viminfo', histget(':')) call assert_equal('session', histget('/')) call assert_equal('myvar', histget('=')) call assert_equal('123', histget('@')) call assert_equal(2, line("'E")) call assert_equal(['1: /tmp/file_one.txt', '2: /tmp/file_two.txt', '3: /tmp/another.txt'], filter(split(execute('oldfiles'), "\n"), {i, v -> v =~ '/tmp/'})) call assert_equal(['1: /tmp/file_one.txt', '2: /tmp/file_two.txt'], filter(split(execute('filter file_ oldfiles'), "\n"), {i, v -> v =~ '/tmp/'})) call assert_equal(['3: /tmp/another.txt'], filter(split(execute('filter /another/ oldfiles'), "\n"), {i, v -> v =~ '/tmp/'})) new call feedkeys("3\", 't') browse oldfiles call assert_equal("/tmp/another.txt", expand("%")) bwipe delmark E endfunc " Test for storing and restoring buffer list in 'viminfo' func Test_viminfo_bufferlist() " If there are arguments, then :rviminfo doesn't read the buffer list. " Need to delete all the arguments for :rviminfo to work. %argdelete edit Xfile1 edit Xfile2 set viminfo-=% wviminfo Xviminfo %bwipe rviminfo Xviminfo call assert_equal(1, len(getbufinfo())) edit Xfile1 edit Xfile2 set viminfo^=% wviminfo Xviminfo %bwipe rviminfo Xviminfo let l = getbufinfo() call assert_equal(3, len(l)) call assert_equal('Xfile1', bufname(l[1].bufnr)) call assert_equal('Xfile2', bufname(l[2].bufnr)) call delete('Xviminfo') %bwipe set viminfo-=% endfunc " Test for errors in a viminfo file func Test_viminfo_error() " Non-existing viminfo files call assert_fails('rviminfo xyz', 'E195:') " Illegal starting character call writefile(["a 123"], 'Xviminfo') call assert_fails('rv Xviminfo', 'E575:') " Illegal register name in the viminfo file call writefile(['"@ LINE 0'], 'Xviminfo') call assert_fails('rv Xviminfo', 'E577:') " Invalid file mark line call writefile(['>', '@'], 'Xviminfo') call assert_fails('rv Xviminfo', 'E576:') " Too many errors in viminfo file call writefile(repeat(["a 123"], 15), 'Xviminfo') call assert_fails('rv Xviminfo', 'E136:') call writefile(['>'] + repeat(['@'], 10), 'Xviminfo') call assert_fails('rv Xviminfo', 'E136:') call writefile(repeat(['"@'], 15), 'Xviminfo') call assert_fails('rv Xviminfo', 'E136:') call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc " Test for saving and restoring last substitute string in viminfo func Test_viminfo_lastsub() enew call append(0, "blue blue blue") call cursor(1, 1) s/blue/green/ wviminfo Xviminfo s/blue/yellow/ rviminfo! Xviminfo & call assert_equal("green yellow green", getline(1)) enew! call delete('Xviminfo') endfunc " Test saving and restoring the register values using the older method func Test_viminfo_registers_old() let lines = [ \ '# Viminfo version', \ '|1,1', \ '', \ '*encoding=utf-8', \ '', \ '# Registers:', \ '""0 CHAR 0', \ ' Vim', \ '"a CHAR 0', \ ' red', \ '"m@ CHAR 0', \ " :echo 'Hello'\", \ "", \ ] call writefile(lines, 'Xviminfo') let @a = 'one' let @b = 'two' let @m = 'three' let @" = 'four' let @t = ":echo 'Unix'\" silent! normal @t rviminfo! Xviminfo call assert_equal('red', getreg('a')) call assert_equal('two', getreg('b')) call assert_equal(":echo 'Hello'\", getreg('m')) call assert_equal('Vim', getreg('"')) call assert_equal("\nHello", execute('normal @@')) call delete('Xviminfo') let @" = '' endfunc " Test for saving and restoring large number of lines in a register func Test_viminfo_large_register() let save_viminfo = &viminfo set viminfo&vim set viminfo-=<50 set viminfo+=<200 let lines = ['"r CHAR 0'] call extend(lines, repeat(["\tsun is rising"], 200)) call writefile(lines, 'Xviminfo') let @r = '' rviminfo! Xviminfo call assert_equal(join(repeat(["sun is rising"], 200), "\n"), @r) call delete('Xviminfo') let @r = '' let &viminfo = save_viminfo endfunc " Test for setting 'viminfofile' to NONE func Test_viminfofile_none() let save_vif = &viminfofile set viminfofile=NONE wviminfo Xviminfo call assert_false(filereadable('Xviminfo')) call writefile([''], 'Xviminfo') call assert_fails('rviminfo Xviminfo', 'E195:') call delete('Xviminfo') let &viminfofile = save_vif endfunc " Test for an unwritable and unreadble 'viminfo' file func Test_viminfo_perm() CheckUnix CheckNotRoot call writefile([''], 'Xviminfo') call setfperm('Xviminfo', 'r-x------') call assert_fails('wviminfo Xviminfo', 'E137:') call setfperm('Xviminfo', '--x------') call assert_fails('rviminfo Xviminfo', 'E195:') call delete('Xviminfo') " Try to write the viminfo to a directory call mkdir('Xdir') call assert_fails('wviminfo Xdir', 'E886:') call delete('Xdir', 'rf') endfunc " Test for writing to an existing viminfo file merges the file marks func XTest_viminfo_marks_merge() let save_viminfo = &viminfo set viminfo&vim set viminfo^=% enew %argdelete %bwipe call writefile(repeat(['editor'], 10), 'Xbufa') call writefile(repeat(['Vim'], 10), 'Xbufb') " set marks in buffers call test_settime(10) edit Xbufa 4mark a wviminfo Xviminfo edit Xbufb 4mark b wviminfo Xviminfo %bwipe " set marks in buffers again call test_settime(20) edit Xbufb 6mark b wviminfo Xviminfo edit Xbufa 6mark a wviminfo Xviminfo %bwipe " Load the buffer and check the marks edit Xbufa rviminfo! Xviminfo call assert_equal(6, line("'a")) edit Xbufb rviminfo! Xviminfo call assert_equal(6, line("'b")) " cleanup %bwipe call delete('Xviminfo') call delete('Xbufa') call delete('Xbufb') call test_settime(0) let &viminfo=save_viminfo endfunc " Test for errors in setting 'viminfo' func Test_viminfo_option_error() " Missing number call assert_fails('set viminfo=\"', 'E526:') for c in split("'/:<@s", '\zs') call assert_fails('set viminfo=' .. c, 'E526:') endfor " Missing comma call assert_fails('set viminfo=%10!', 'E527:') call assert_fails('set viminfo=!%10', 'E527:') call assert_fails('set viminfo=h%10', 'E527:') call assert_fails('set viminfo=c%10', 'E527:') call assert_fails('set viminfo=:10%10', 'E527:') " Missing ' setting call assert_fails('set viminfo=%10', 'E528:') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab