" Tests for Vim9 script expressions source check.vim source vim9.vim let g:cond = v:false def FuncOne(arg: number): string return 'yes' enddef def FuncTwo(arg: number): number return 123 enddef " test cond ? expr : expr def Test_expr1() assert_equal('one', true ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('one', 1 ? 'one' : 'two') if has('float') assert_equal('one', 0.1 ? 'one' : 'two') endif assert_equal('one', 'x' ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('one', 'x' ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('one', 0z1234 ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('one', [0] ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('one', #{x: 0} ? 'one' : 'two') let var = 1 assert_equal('one', var ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('two', false ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('two', 0 ? 'one' : 'two') if has('float') assert_equal('two', 0.0 ? 'one' : 'two') endif assert_equal('two', '' ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('two', 0z ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('two', [] ? 'one' : 'two') assert_equal('two', {} ? 'one' : 'two') var = 0 assert_equal('two', var ? 'one' : 'two') let Some: func = function('len') let Other: func = function('winnr') let Res: func = g:atrue ? Some : Other assert_equal(function('len'), Res) let RetOne: func(string): number = function('len') let RetTwo: func(string): number = function('winnr') let RetThat: func = g:atrue ? RetOne : RetTwo assert_equal(function('len'), RetThat) let X = FuncOne let Y = FuncTwo let Z = g:cond ? FuncOne : FuncTwo assert_equal(123, Z(3)) enddef def Test_expr1_vimscript() # check line continuation let lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 1 ? 'yes' : 'no' assert_equal('yes', var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:false ? 'yes' : 'no' assert_equal('no', var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:false ? 'yes' : 'no' assert_equal('no', var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) # check white space lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true?1:2 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true? 1 : 2 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true ?1 : 2 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true ? 1: 2 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true ? 1 :2 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') enddef func Test_expr1_fails() call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 ? 'one'"], "Missing ':' after '?'") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 ? 'one' : xxx"], "E1001:") let msg = "white space required before and after '?'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1? 'one' : 'two'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 ?'one' : 'two'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1?'one' : 'two'"], msg) let msg = "white space required before and after ':'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 ? 'one': 'two'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 ? 'one' :'two'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 ? 'one':'two'"], msg) " missing argument detected even when common type is used call CheckDefFailure([ \ 'let X = FuncOne', \ 'let Y = FuncTwo', \ 'let Z = g:cond ? FuncOne : FuncTwo', \ 'Z()'], 'E119:') endfunc " TODO: define inside test function def Record(val: any): any g:vals->add(val) return val enddef " test || def Test_expr2() assert_equal(2, 2 || 0) assert_equal(7, 0 || 0 || 7) assert_equal(0, 0 || 0) assert_equal(0, 0 || 0) assert_equal('', 0 || '') g:vals = [] assert_equal(3, Record(3) || Record(1)) assert_equal([3], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(5, Record(0) || Record(5)) assert_equal([0, 5], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(4, Record(0) || Record(4) || Record(0)) assert_equal([0, 4], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record([]) || Record('') || Record(0)) assert_equal([[], '', 0], g:vals) enddef def Test_expr2_vimscript() # check line continuation let lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 0 || 1 assert_equal(1, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:false || v:true || v:false assert_equal(v:true, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:false || v:true || v:false assert_equal(v:true, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) # check white space lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true||v:true END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true ||v:true END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true|| v:true END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') # check keeping the value lines =<< trim END vim9script assert_equal(2, 2 || 0) assert_equal(7, 0 || 0 || 7) assert_equal(0, 0 || 0) assert_equal(0, 0 || 0) assert_equal('', 0 || '') g:vals = [] assert_equal(3, Record(3) || Record(1)) assert_equal([3], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(5, Record(0) || Record(5)) assert_equal([0, 5], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(4, Record(0) || Record(4) || Record(0)) assert_equal([0, 4], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record([]) || Record('') || Record(0)) assert_equal([[], '', 0], g:vals) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) enddef func Test_expr2_fails() let msg = "white space required before and after '||'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1||2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 ||2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1|| 2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 || xxx"], 'E1001:') endfunc " test && def Test_expr3() assert_equal(0, 2 && 0) assert_equal(0, 0 && 0 && 7) assert_equal(7, 2 && 3 && 7) assert_equal(0, 0 && 0) assert_equal(0, 0 && '') assert_equal('', 8 && '') g:vals = [] assert_equal(1, Record(3) && Record(1)) assert_equal([3, 1], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record(0) && Record(5)) assert_equal([0], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record(0) && Record(4) && Record(0)) assert_equal([0], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record(8) && Record(4) && Record(0)) assert_equal([8, 4, 0], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record([1]) && Record('z') && Record(0)) assert_equal([[1], 'z', 0], g:vals) enddef def Test_expr3_vimscript() # check line continuation let lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 0 && 1 assert_equal(0, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true && v:true && v:true assert_equal(v:true, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true && v:true && v:true assert_equal(v:true, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) # check white space lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true&&v:true END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true &&v:true END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = v:true&& v:true END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') # check keeping the value lines =<< trim END vim9script assert_equal(0, 2 && 0) assert_equal(0, 0 && 0 && 7) assert_equal(7, 2 && 3 && 7) assert_equal(0, 0 && 0) assert_equal(0, 0 && '') assert_equal('', 8 && '') g:vals = [] assert_equal(1, Record(3) && Record(1)) assert_equal([3, 1], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record(0) && Record(5)) assert_equal([0], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record(0) && Record(4) && Record(0)) assert_equal([0], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record(8) && Record(4) && Record(0)) assert_equal([8, 4, 0], g:vals) g:vals = [] assert_equal(0, Record([1]) && Record('z') && Record(0)) assert_equal([[1], 'z', 0], g:vals) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) enddef func Test_expr3_fails() let msg = "white space required before and after '&&'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1&&2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 &&2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1&& 2"], msg) endfunc let atrue = v:true let afalse = v:false let anone = v:none let anull = v:null let anint = 10 let alsoint = 4 if has('float') let afloat = 0.1 endif let astring = 'asdf' let ablob = 0z01ab let alist = [2, 3, 4] let adict = #{aaa: 2, bbb: 8} " test == comperator def Test_expr4_equal() let trueVar = true let falseVar = false assert_equal(true, true == true) assert_equal(false, true == false) assert_equal(true, true == trueVar) assert_equal(false, true == falseVar) assert_equal(true, true == g:atrue) assert_equal(false, g:atrue == false) assert_equal(true, v:none == v:none) assert_equal(false, v:none == v:null) assert_equal(true, g:anone == v:none) assert_equal(false, v:none == g:anull) let nr0 = 0 let nr61 = 61 assert_equal(false, 2 == 0) assert_equal(false, 2 == nr0) assert_equal(true, 61 == 61) assert_equal(true, 61 == nr61) assert_equal(true, g:anint == 10) assert_equal(false, 61 == g:anint) if has('float') let ff = 0.3 assert_equal(true, ff == 0.3) assert_equal(false, 0.4 == ff) assert_equal(true, 0.1 == g:afloat) assert_equal(false, g:afloat == 0.3) ff = 3.0 assert_equal(true, ff == 3) assert_equal(true, 3 == ff) ff = 3.1 assert_equal(false, ff == 3) assert_equal(false, 3 == ff) endif assert_equal(true, 'abc' == 'abc') assert_equal(false, 'xyz' == 'abc') assert_equal(true, g:astring == 'asdf') assert_equal(false, 'xyz' == g:astring) assert_equal(false, 'abc' == 'aBc') assert_equal(false, 'abc' ==# 'aBc') assert_equal(true, 'abc' ==? 'aBc') assert_equal(false, 'abc' == 'ABC') set ignorecase assert_equal(false, 'abc' == 'ABC') assert_equal(false, 'abc' ==# 'ABC') set noignorecase call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 'a' == xxx"], 'E1001:') let bb = 0z3f assert_equal(true, 0z3f == bb) assert_equal(false, bb == 0z4f) assert_equal(true, g:ablob == 0z01ab) assert_equal(false, 0z3f == g:ablob) assert_equal(true, [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]) assert_equal(false, [1, 2, 3] == [2, 3, 1]) assert_equal(true, [2, 3, 4] == g:alist) assert_equal(false, g:alist == [2, 3, 1]) assert_equal(false, [1, 2, 3] == []) assert_equal(false, [1, 2, 3] == ['1', '2', '3']) assert_equal(true, #{one: 1, two: 2} == #{one: 1, two: 2}) assert_equal(false, #{one: 1, two: 2} == #{one: 2, two: 2}) assert_equal(false, #{one: 1, two: 2} == #{two: 2}) assert_equal(false, #{one: 1, two: 2} == #{}) assert_equal(true, g:adict == #{bbb: 8, aaa: 2}) assert_equal(false, #{ccc: 9, aaa: 2} == g:adict) assert_equal(true, function('g:Test_expr4_equal') == function('g:Test_expr4_equal')) assert_equal(false, function('g:Test_expr4_equal') == function('g:Test_expr4_is')) assert_equal(true, function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [123]) == function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [123])) assert_equal(false, function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [123]) == function('g:Test_expr4_is', [123])) assert_equal(false, function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [123]) == function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [999])) let OneFunc: func let TwoFunc: func OneFunc = function('len') TwoFunc = function('len') assert_equal(true, OneFunc('abc') == TwoFunc('123')) enddef " test != comperator def Test_expr4_notequal() let trueVar = true let falseVar = false assert_equal(false, true != true) assert_equal(true, true != false) assert_equal(false, true != trueVar) assert_equal(true, true != falseVar) assert_equal(false, true != g:atrue) assert_equal(true, g:atrue != false) assert_equal(false, v:none != v:none) assert_equal(true, v:none != v:null) assert_equal(false, g:anone != v:none) assert_equal(true, v:none != g:anull) let nr55 = 55 let nr0 = 55 assert_equal(true, 2 != 0) assert_equal(true, 2 != nr0) assert_equal(false, 55 != 55) assert_equal(false, 55 != nr55) assert_equal(false, g:anint != 10) assert_equal(true, 61 != g:anint) if has('float') let ff = 0.3 assert_equal(false, 0.3 != ff) assert_equal(true, 0.4 != ff) assert_equal(false, 0.1 != g:afloat) assert_equal(true, g:afloat != 0.3) ff = 3.0 assert_equal(false, ff != 3) assert_equal(false, 3 != ff) ff = 3.1 assert_equal(true, ff != 3) assert_equal(true, 3 != ff) endif assert_equal(false, 'abc' != 'abc') assert_equal(true, 'xyz' != 'abc') assert_equal(false, g:astring != 'asdf') assert_equal(true, 'xyz' != g:astring) assert_equal(true, 'abc' != 'ABC') set ignorecase assert_equal(true, 'abc' != 'ABC') set noignorecase let bb = 0z3f assert_equal(false, 0z3f != bb) assert_equal(true, bb != 0z4f) assert_equal(false, g:ablob != 0z01ab) assert_equal(true, 0z3f != g:ablob) assert_equal(false, [1, 2, 3] != [1, 2, 3]) assert_equal(true, [1, 2, 3] != [2, 3, 1]) assert_equal(false, [2, 3, 4] != g:alist) assert_equal(true, g:alist != [2, 3, 1]) assert_equal(true, [1, 2, 3] != []) assert_equal(true, [1, 2, 3] != ['1', '2', '3']) assert_equal(false, #{one: 1, two: 2} != #{one: 1, two: 2}) assert_equal(true, #{one: 1, two: 2} != #{one: 2, two: 2}) assert_equal(true, #{one: 1, two: 2} != #{two: 2}) assert_equal(true, #{one: 1, two: 2} != #{}) assert_equal(false, g:adict != #{bbb: 8, aaa: 2}) assert_equal(true, #{ccc: 9, aaa: 2} != g:adict) assert_equal(false, function('g:Test_expr4_equal') != function('g:Test_expr4_equal')) assert_equal(true, function('g:Test_expr4_equal') != function('g:Test_expr4_is')) assert_equal(false, function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [123]) != function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [123])) assert_equal(true, function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [123]) != function('g:Test_expr4_is', [123])) assert_equal(true, function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [123]) != function('g:Test_expr4_equal', [999])) enddef " test > comperator def Test_expr4_greater() assert_true(2 > 0) assert_true(2 > 1) assert_false(2 > 2) assert_false(2 > 3) let nr2 = 2 assert_true(nr2 > 0) assert_true(nr2 > 1) assert_false(nr2 > 2) assert_false(nr2 > 3) if has('float') let ff = 2.0 assert_true(ff > 0.0) assert_true(ff > 1.0) assert_false(ff > 2.0) assert_false(ff > 3.0) endif enddef " test >= comperator def Test_expr4_greaterequal() assert_true(2 >= 0) assert_true(2 >= 2) assert_false(2 >= 3) let nr2 = 2 assert_true(nr2 >= 0) assert_true(nr2 >= 2) assert_false(nr2 >= 3) if has('float') let ff = 2.0 assert_true(ff >= 0.0) assert_true(ff >= 2.0) assert_false(ff >= 3.0) endif enddef " test < comperator def Test_expr4_smaller() assert_false(2 < 0) assert_false(2 < 2) assert_true(2 < 3) let nr2 = 2 assert_false(nr2 < 0) assert_false(nr2 < 2) assert_true(nr2 < 3) if has('float') let ff = 2.0 assert_false(ff < 0.0) assert_false(ff < 2.0) assert_true(ff < 3.0) endif enddef " test <= comperator def Test_expr4_smallerequal() assert_false(2 <= 0) assert_false(2 <= 1) assert_true(2 <= 2) assert_true(2 <= 3) let nr2 = 2 assert_false(nr2 <= 0) assert_false(nr2 <= 1) assert_true(nr2 <= 2) assert_true(nr2 <= 3) if has('float') let ff = 2.0 assert_false(ff <= 0.0) assert_false(ff <= 1.0) assert_true(ff <= 2.0) assert_true(ff <= 3.0) endif enddef " test =~ comperator def Test_expr4_match() assert_equal(false, '2' =~ '0') assert_equal(false, '' =~ '0') assert_equal(true, '2' =~ '[0-9]') enddef " test !~ comperator def Test_expr4_nomatch() assert_equal(true, '2' !~ '0') assert_equal(true, '' !~ '0') assert_equal(false, '2' !~ '[0-9]') enddef " test is comperator def Test_expr4_is() let mylist = [2] assert_false(mylist is [2]) let other = mylist assert_true(mylist is other) let myblob = 0z1234 assert_false(myblob is 0z1234) let otherblob = myblob assert_true(myblob is otherblob) enddef " test isnot comperator def Test_expr4_isnot() let mylist = [2] assert_true('2' isnot '0') assert_true(mylist isnot [2]) let other = mylist assert_false(mylist isnot other) let myblob = 0z1234 assert_true(myblob isnot 0z1234) let otherblob = myblob assert_false(myblob isnot otherblob) enddef def RetVoid() let x = 1 enddef def Test_expr4_vimscript() # check line continuation let lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 0 < 1 assert_equal(true, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 123 != 123 assert_equal(false, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 123 == 123 assert_equal(true, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let list = [1, 2, 3] let var = list is list assert_equal(true, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let myblob = 0z1234 let var = myblob isnot 0z11 assert_equal(true, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) # spot check mismatching types lines =<< trim END vim9script echo '' == 0 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1072:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo v:true > v:false END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'Cannot compare bool with bool') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 123 is 123 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'Cannot use "is" with number') # check 'ignorecase' not being used lines =<< trim END vim9script set ignorecase assert_equal(false, 'abc' == 'ABC') assert_equal(false, 'abc' ==# 'ABC') assert_equal(true, 'abc' ==? 'ABC') assert_equal(true, 'abc' != 'ABC') assert_equal(true, 'abc' !=# 'ABC') assert_equal(false, 'abc' !=? 'ABC') assert_equal(false, 'abc' =~ 'ABC') assert_equal(false, 'abc' =~# 'ABC') assert_equal(true, 'abc' =~? 'ABC') set noignorecase END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) # check missing white space lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 2>3 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 2 >3 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 2> 3 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 2!=3 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 2 !=3 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 2!= 3 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') enddef func Test_expr4_fails() let msg = "white space required before and after '>'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1>2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 >2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1> 2"], msg) let msg = "white space required before and after '=='" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1==2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 ==2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1== 2"], msg) let msg = "white space required before and after 'is'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1'is'2'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1' is'2'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1'is '2'"], msg) let msg = "white space required before and after 'isnot'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1'isnot'2'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1' isnot'2'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1'isnot '2'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 is# 2"], 'E15:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 is? 2"], 'E15:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 isnot# 2"], 'E15:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 isnot? 2"], 'E15:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 == '2'"], 'Cannot compare number with string') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1' == 2"], 'Cannot compare string with number') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 == RetVoid()"], 'Cannot compare number with void') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = RetVoid() == 1"], 'Cannot compare void with number') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = true > false"], 'Cannot compare bool with bool') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = true >= false"], 'Cannot compare bool with bool') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = true < false"], 'Cannot compare bool with bool') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = true <= false"], 'Cannot compare bool with bool') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = true =~ false"], 'Cannot compare bool with bool') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = true !~ false"], 'Cannot compare bool with bool') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = true is false"], 'Cannot use "is" with bool') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = true isnot false"], 'Cannot use "isnot" with bool') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = v:none is v:null"], 'Cannot use "is" with special') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = v:none isnot v:null"], 'Cannot use "isnot" with special') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 123 is 123"], 'Cannot use "is" with number') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 123 isnot 123"], 'Cannot use "isnot" with number') if has('float') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1.3 is 1.3"], 'Cannot use "is" with float') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1.3 isnot 1.3"], 'Cannot use "isnot" with float') endif call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0za1 > 0z34"], 'Cannot compare blob with blob') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0za1 >= 0z34"], 'Cannot compare blob with blob') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0za1 < 0z34"], 'Cannot compare blob with blob') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0za1 <= 0z34"], 'Cannot compare blob with blob') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0za1 =~ 0z34"], 'Cannot compare blob with blob') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0za1 !~ 0z34"], 'Cannot compare blob with blob') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [13] > [88]"], 'Cannot compare list with list') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [13] >= [88]"], 'Cannot compare list with list') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [13] < [88]"], 'Cannot compare list with list') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [13] <= [88]"], 'Cannot compare list with list') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [13] =~ [88]"], 'Cannot compare list with list') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [13] !~ [88]"], 'Cannot compare list with list') call CheckDefFailure(['let j: job', 'let chan: channel', 'let r = j == chan'], 'Cannot compare job with channel') call CheckDefFailure(['let j: job', 'let x: list', 'let r = j == x'], 'Cannot compare job with list') call CheckDefFailure(['let j: job', 'let Xx: func', 'let r = j == Xx'], 'Cannot compare job with func') call CheckDefFailure(['let j: job', 'let Xx: func', 'let r = j == Xx'], 'Cannot compare job with func') endfunc " test addition, subtraction, concatenation def Test_expr5() assert_equal(66, 60 + 6) assert_equal(70, 60 + g:anint) assert_equal(9, g:alsoint + 5) assert_equal(14, g:alsoint + g:anint) assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], [1] + g:alist) assert_equal(54, 60 - 6) assert_equal(50, 60 - g:anint) assert_equal(-1, g:alsoint - 5) assert_equal(-6, g:alsoint - g:anint) assert_equal('hello', 'hel' .. 'lo') assert_equal('hello 123', 'hello ' .. 123) assert_equal('hello 123', 'hello ' .. 123) assert_equal('123 hello', 123 .. ' hello') assert_equal('123456', 123 .. 456) assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2] + [3, 4]) assert_equal(0z11223344, 0z1122 + 0z3344) assert_equal(0z112201ab, 0z1122 + g:ablob) assert_equal(0z01ab3344, g:ablob + 0z3344) assert_equal(0z01ab01ab, g:ablob + g:ablob) enddef def Test_expr5_vim9script() # check line continuation let lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 11 + 77 - 22 assert_equal(66, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 11 + 77 - 22 assert_equal(66, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 'one' .. 'two' assert_equal('onetwo', var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 'abc' is# 'abc' END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E15:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 'abc' is? 'abc' END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E15:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 'abc' isnot# 'abc' END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E15:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 'abc' isnot? 'abc' END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E15:') # check white space lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 5+6 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 5 +6 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 5+ 6 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 'a'..'b' END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 'a' ..'b' END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 'a'.. 'b' END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') enddef def Test_expr5_float() if !has('float') MissingFeature 'float' else assert_equal(66.0, 60.0 + 6.0) assert_equal(66.0, 60.0 + 6) assert_equal(66.0, 60 + 6.0) assert_equal(5.1, g:afloat + 5) assert_equal(8.1, 8 + g:afloat) assert_equal(10.1, g:anint + g:afloat) assert_equal(10.1, g:afloat + g:anint) assert_equal(54.0, 60.0 - 6.0) assert_equal(54.0, 60.0 - 6) assert_equal(54.0, 60 - 6.0) assert_equal(-4.9, g:afloat - 5) assert_equal(7.9, 8 - g:afloat) assert_equal(9.9, g:anint - g:afloat) assert_equal(-9.9, g:afloat - g:anint) endif enddef func Test_expr5_fails() let msg = "white space required before and after '+'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1+2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 +2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1+ 2"], msg) let msg = "white space required before and after '-'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1-2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 -2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1- 2"], msg) let msg = "white space required before and after '..'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1'..'2'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1' ..'2'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1'.. '2'"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0z1122 + 33"], 'E1051') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0z1122 + [3]"], 'E1051') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0z1122 + 'asd'"], 'E1051') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 33 + 0z1122"], 'E1051') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [3] + 0z1122"], 'E1051') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 'asdf' + 0z1122"], 'E1051') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 6 + xxx"], 'E1001') endfunc " test multiply, divide, modulo def Test_expr6() assert_equal(36, 6 * 6) assert_equal(24, 6 * g:alsoint) assert_equal(24, g:alsoint * 6) assert_equal(40, g:anint * g:alsoint) assert_equal(10, 60 / 6) assert_equal(6, 60 / g:anint) assert_equal(1, g:anint / 6) assert_equal(2, g:anint / g:alsoint) assert_equal(5, 11 % 6) assert_equal(4, g:anint % 6) assert_equal(3, 13 % g:anint) assert_equal(2, g:anint % g:alsoint) assert_equal(4, 6 * 4 / 6) let x = [2] let y = [3] assert_equal(5, x[0] + y[0]) assert_equal(6, x[0] * y[0]) if has('float') let xf = [2.0] let yf = [3.0] assert_equal(5.0, xf[0] + yf[0]) assert_equal(6.0, xf[0] * yf[0]) endif call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 6 * xxx"], 'E1001') enddef def Test_expr6_vim9script() # check line continuation let lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 11 * 22 / 3 assert_equal(80, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 25 % 10 assert_equal(5, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let var = 11 * 22 / 3 assert_equal(80, var) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) # check white space lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 5*6 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 5 *6 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') lines =<< trim END vim9script echo 5* 6 END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:') enddef def Test_expr6_float() if !has('float') MissingFeature 'float' else assert_equal(36.0, 6.0 * 6) assert_equal(36.0, 6 * 6.0) assert_equal(36.0, 6.0 * 6.0) assert_equal(1.0, g:afloat * g:anint) assert_equal(10.0, 60 / 6.0) assert_equal(10.0, 60.0 / 6) assert_equal(10.0, 60.0 / 6.0) assert_equal(0.01, g:afloat / g:anint) assert_equal(4.0, 6.0 * 4 / 6) assert_equal(4.0, 6 * 4.0 / 6) assert_equal(4.0, 6 * 4 / 6.0) assert_equal(4.0, 6.0 * 4.0 / 6) assert_equal(4.0, 6 * 4.0 / 6.0) assert_equal(4.0, 6.0 * 4 / 6.0) assert_equal(4.0, 6.0 * 4.0 / 6.0) assert_equal(4.0, 6.0 * 4.0 / 6.0) endif enddef func Test_expr6_fails() let msg = "white space required before and after '*'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1*2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 *2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1* 2"], msg) let msg = "white space required before and after '/'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1/2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 /2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1/ 2"], msg) let msg = "white space required before and after '%'" call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1%2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1 %2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1% 2"], msg) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1' * '2'"], 'E1036:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1' / '2'"], 'E1036:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1' % '2'"], 'E1035:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0z01 * 0z12"], 'E1036:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0z01 / 0z12"], 'E1036:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0z01 % 0z12"], 'E1035:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [1] * [2]"], 'E1036:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [1] / [2]"], 'E1036:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [1] % [2]"], 'E1035:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = #{one: 1} * #{two: 2}"], 'E1036:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = #{one: 1} / #{two: 2}"], 'E1036:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = #{one: 1} % #{two: 2}"], 'E1035:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0xff[1]"], 'E1090:') if has('float') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0.7[1]"], 'E1090:') endif endfunc func Test_expr6_float_fails() CheckFeature float call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 1.0 % 2"], 'E1035:') endfunc " define here to use old style parsing if has('float') let g:float_zero = 0.0 let g:float_neg = -9.8 let g:float_big = 9.9e99 endif let g:blob_empty = 0z let g:blob_one = 0z01 let g:blob_long = 0z0102.0304 let g:string_empty = '' let g:string_short = 'x' let g:string_long = 'abcdefghijklm' let g:string_special = "ab\ncd\ref\ekk" let g:special_true = v:true let g:special_false = v:false let g:special_null = v:null let g:special_none = v:none let g:list_empty = [] let g:list_mixed = [1, 'b', v:false] let g:dict_empty = {} let g:dict_one = #{one: 1} let $TESTVAR = 'testvar' " test low level expression def Test_expr7_number() # number constant assert_equal(0, 0) assert_equal(654, 0654) assert_equal(6, 0x6) assert_equal(15, 0xf) assert_equal(255, 0xff) enddef def Test_expr7_float() # float constant if !has('float') MissingFeature 'float' else assert_equal(g:float_zero, .0) assert_equal(g:float_zero, 0.0) assert_equal(g:float_neg, -9.8) assert_equal(g:float_big, 9.9e99) endif enddef def Test_expr7_blob() # blob constant assert_equal(g:blob_empty, 0z) assert_equal(g:blob_one, 0z01) assert_equal(g:blob_long, 0z0102.0304) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 0z123"], 'E973:') enddef def Test_expr7_string() # string constant assert_equal(g:string_empty, '') assert_equal(g:string_empty, "") assert_equal(g:string_short, 'x') assert_equal(g:string_short, "x") assert_equal(g:string_long, 'abcdefghijklm') assert_equal(g:string_long, "abcdefghijklm") assert_equal(g:string_special, "ab\ncd\ref\ekk") call CheckDefFailure(['let x = "abc'], 'E114:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 'abc"], 'E115:') enddef def Test_expr7_vimvar() let old: list = v:oldfiles let compl: dict = v:completed_item call CheckDefFailure(["let old: list = v:oldfiles"], 'E1013: type mismatch, expected list but got list') call CheckDefFailure(["let old: dict = v:completed_item"], 'E1013: type mismatch, expected dict but got dict') enddef def Test_expr7_special() # special constant assert_equal(g:special_true, true) assert_equal(g:special_false, false) assert_equal(g:special_true, v:true) assert_equal(g:special_false, v:false) assert_equal(g:special_null, v:null) assert_equal(g:special_none, v:none) call CheckDefFailure(['v:true = true'], 'E46:') call CheckDefFailure(['v:true = false'], 'E46:') call CheckDefFailure(['v:false = true'], 'E46:') call CheckDefFailure(['v:null = 11'], 'E46:') call CheckDefFailure(['v:none = 22'], 'E46:') enddef def Test_expr7_special_vim9script() let lines =<< trim END vim9script let t = true let f = false assert_equal(v:true, true) assert_equal(true, t) assert_equal(v:false, false) assert_equal(false, f) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) enddef def Test_expr7_list() # list assert_equal(g:list_empty, []) assert_equal(g:list_empty, [ ]) assert_equal(g:list_mixed, [1, 'b', false,]) assert_equal('b', g:list_mixed[1]) echo [1, 2] [3, 4] call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = g:anint[3]"], 'E714:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = g:list_mixed[xxx]"], 'E1001:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [1,2,3]"], 'E1069:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = g:list_mixed['xx']"], 'E1029:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = g:list_mixed["], 'E1097:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = g:list_mixed[0"], 'E1097:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = g:list_empty[3]"], 'E684:') enddef def Test_expr7_list_vim9script() let lines =<< trim END vim9script let l = [ 11, 22, ] assert_equal([11, 22], l) echo [1, 2] [3, 4] END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let l = [11, 22] assert_equal([11, 22], l) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let l = [11,22] END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1069:') enddef def Test_expr7_lambda() let La = { -> 'result'} assert_equal('result', La()) assert_equal([1, 3, 5], [1, 2, 3]->map({key, val -> key + val})) # line continuation inside lambda with "cond ? expr : expr" works let ll = range(3) map(ll, {k, v -> v % 2 ? { '111': 111 } : {} }) assert_equal([{}, {'111': 111}, {}], ll) ll = range(3) map(ll, {k, v -> v == 8 || v == 9 || v % 2 ? 111 : 222 }) assert_equal([222, 111, 222], ll) ll = range(3) map(ll, {k, v -> v != 8 && v != 9 && v % 2 == 0 ? 111 : 222 }) assert_equal([111, 222, 111], ll) let dl = [{'key': 0}, {'key': 22}]->filter({ _, v -> v['key'] }) assert_equal([{'key': 22}], dl) dl = [{'key': 12}, {'foo': 34}] assert_equal([{'key': 12}], filter(dl, {_, v -> has_key(v, 'key') ? v['key'] == 12 : 0})) call CheckDefFailure(["filter([1, 2], {k,v -> 1})"], 'E1069:') enddef def Test_expr7_lambda_vim9script() let lines =<< trim END vim9script let v = 10->{a -> a + 2 }() assert_equal(12, v) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) enddef def Test_expr7_dict() # dictionary assert_equal(g:dict_empty, {}) assert_equal(g:dict_empty, { }) assert_equal(g:dict_one, {'one': 1}) let key = 'one' let val = 1 assert_equal(g:dict_one, {key: val}) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = #{8: 8}"], 'E1014:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = #{xxx}"], 'E720:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = #{xxx: 1", "let y = 2"], 'E722:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = #{xxx: 1,"], 'E723:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = {'a': xxx}"], 'E1001:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = {xxx: 8}"], 'E1001:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = #{a: 1, a: 2}"], 'E721:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = #"], 'E1015:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x += 1"], 'E1020:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = x + 1"], 'E1001:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = g:anint.member"], 'E715:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = g:dict_empty.member"], 'E716:') enddef def Test_expr7_dict_vim9script() let lines =<< trim END vim9script let d = { 'one': 1, 'two': 2, } assert_equal({'one': 1, 'two': 2}, d) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let d = { "one": "one", "two": "two", } assert_equal({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'}, d) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let d = #{one: 1, two: 2, } assert_equal({'one': 1, 'two': 2}, d) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let d = #{one:1, two: 2} END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1069:') lines =<< trim END vim9script let d = #{one: 1,two: 2} END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1069:') enddef let g:oneString = 'one' def Test_expr_member() assert_equal(1, g:dict_one.one) let d: dict = g:dict_one assert_equal(1, d['one']) assert_equal(1, d[ 'one' ]) assert_equal(1, d .one) d = {'1': 1, '_': 2} assert_equal(1, d .1) assert_equal(2, d ._) # getting the one member should clear the dict after getting the item assert_equal('one', #{one: 'one'}.one) assert_equal('one', #{one: 'one'}[g:oneString]) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = g:dict_one.#$!"], 'E1002:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let d: dict", "echo d['a']"], 'E716:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let d: dict", "d = g:list_empty"], 'E1029: Expected dict but got list') enddef def Test_expr_index() # getting the one member should clear the list only after getting the item assert_equal('bbb', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'][1]) enddef def Test_expr_member_vim9script() let lines =<< trim END vim9script let d = #{one: 'one', two: 'two', 1: 1, _: 2} assert_equal('one', d.one) assert_equal('one', d .one) assert_equal(1, d .1) assert_equal(2, d ._) assert_equal('one', d[ 'one' ]) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END vim9script let l = [1, 2, 3, 4 ] assert_equal(2, l[ 1 ]) assert_equal([2, 3], l[1 : 2]) assert_equal([1, 2, 3], l[ : 2 ]) assert_equal([3, 4], l[ 2 : ]) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) enddef def Test_expr7_option() # option set ts=11 assert_equal(11, &ts) &ts = 9 assert_equal(9, &ts) set ts=8 set grepprg=some\ text assert_equal('some text', &grepprg) &grepprg = test_null_string() assert_equal('', &grepprg) set grepprg& enddef def Test_expr7_environment() # environment variable assert_equal('testvar', $TESTVAR) assert_equal('', $ASDF_ASD_XXX) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = $$$"], 'E1002:') enddef def Test_expr7_register() @a = 'register a' assert_equal('register a', @a) let fname = expand('%') assert_equal(fname, @%) feedkeys(":echo 'some'\", "xt") assert_equal("echo 'some'", @:) normal axyz assert_equal("xyz", @.) call CheckDefFailure(["@. = 'yes'"], 'E354:') @/ = 'slash' assert_equal('slash', @/) @= = 'equal' assert_equal('equal', @=) enddef def Test_expr7_namespace() g:some_var = 'some' assert_equal('some', get(g:, 'some_var')) assert_equal('some', get(g:, 'some_var', 'xxx')) assert_equal('xxx', get(g:, 'no_var', 'xxx')) unlet g:some_var b:some_var = 'some' assert_equal('some', get(b:, 'some_var')) assert_equal('some', get(b:, 'some_var', 'xxx')) assert_equal('xxx', get(b:, 'no_var', 'xxx')) unlet b:some_var w:some_var = 'some' assert_equal('some', get(w:, 'some_var')) assert_equal('some', get(w:, 'some_var', 'xxx')) assert_equal('xxx', get(w:, 'no_var', 'xxx')) unlet w:some_var t:some_var = 'some' assert_equal('some', get(t:, 'some_var')) assert_equal('some', get(t:, 'some_var', 'xxx')) assert_equal('xxx', get(t:, 'no_var', 'xxx')) unlet t:some_var enddef def Test_expr7_parens() # (expr) assert_equal(4, (6 * 4) / 6) assert_equal(0, 6 * ( 4 / 6 )) assert_equal(6, +6) assert_equal(-6, -6) assert_equal(6, --6) assert_equal(6, -+-6) assert_equal(-6, ---6) assert_equal(false, !-3) assert_equal(true, !+-+0) enddef def Test_expr7_parens_vim9script() let lines =<< trim END vim9script let s = ( 'one' .. 'two' ) assert_equal('onetwo', s) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) enddef def Test_expr7_negate() assert_equal(-99, -99) assert_equal(99, --99) let nr = 88 assert_equal(-88, -nr) assert_equal(88, --nr) enddef def Echo(arg: any): string return arg enddef def s:Echo4Arg(arg: any): string return arg enddef def Test_expr7_call() assert_equal('yes', 'yes'->Echo()) assert_equal('yes', 'yes' ->s:Echo4Arg()) assert_equal(1, !range(5)->empty()) assert_equal([0, 1, 2], --3->range()) call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 'yes'->Echo"], 'E107:') call CheckScriptFailure([ "vim9script", "let x = substitute ('x', 'x', 'x', 'x')" ], 'E121:') enddef def Test_expr7_not() assert_equal(true, !'') assert_equal(true, ![]) assert_equal(false, !'asdf') assert_equal(false, ![2]) assert_equal(true, !!'asdf') assert_equal(true, !![2]) assert_equal(true, !test_null_partial()) assert_equal(false, !{-> 'yes'}) assert_equal(true, !test_null_dict()) assert_equal(true, !{}) assert_equal(false, !{'yes': 'no'}) if has('channel') assert_equal(true, !test_null_job()) assert_equal(true, !test_null_channel()) endif assert_equal(true, !test_null_blob()) assert_equal(true, !0z) assert_equal(false, !0z01) assert_equal(true, !test_void()) assert_equal(true, !test_unknown()) enddef func Test_expr7_fails() call CheckDefFailure(["let x = (12"], "E110:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = -'xx'"], "E1030:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = +'xx'"], "E1030:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = -0z12"], "E974:") call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = -[8]"], "E39:") call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = -{'a': 1}"], "E39:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = @"], "E1002:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = @<"], "E354:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [1, 2"], "E697:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = [notfound]"], "E1001:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = { -> 123) }"], "E451:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = 123->{x -> x + 5) }"], "E451:") call CheckDefFailure(["let x = ¬exist"], 'E113:') call CheckDefFailure(["&grepprg = [343]"], 'E1013:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["echo s:doesnt_exist"], 'E121:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["echo g:doesnt_exist"], 'E121:') call CheckDefFailure(["echo a:somevar"], 'E1075:') call CheckDefFailure(["echo l:somevar"], 'E1075:') call CheckDefFailure(["echo x:somevar"], 'E1075:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = +g:astring"], 'E1030:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = +g:ablob"], 'E974:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = +g:alist"], 'E745:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["let x = +g:adict"], 'E728:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = ''", "let y = x.memb"], 'E715:') call CheckDefFailure(["'yes'->", "Echo()"], 'E488: Trailing characters: ->') call CheckDefExecFailure(["[1, 2->len()"], 'E697:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["#{a: 1->len()"], 'E488:') call CheckDefExecFailure(["{'a': 1->len()"], 'E723:') endfunc let g:Funcrefs = [function('add')] func CallMe(arg) return a:arg endfunc func CallMe2(one, two) return a:one .. a:two endfunc def Test_expr7_trailing() # user function call assert_equal(123, g:CallMe(123)) assert_equal(123, g:CallMe( 123)) assert_equal(123, g:CallMe(123 )) assert_equal('yesno', g:CallMe2('yes', 'no')) assert_equal('yesno', g:CallMe2( 'yes', 'no' )) assert_equal('nothing', g:CallMe('nothing')) # partial call let Part = function('g:CallMe') assert_equal('yes', Part('yes')) # funcref call, using list index let l = [] g:Funcrefs[0](l, 2) assert_equal([2], l) # method call l = [2, 5, 6] l->map({k, v -> k + v}) assert_equal([2, 6, 8], l) # lambda method call l = [2, 5] l->{l -> add(l, 8)}() assert_equal([2, 5, 8], l) # dict member let d = #{key: 123} assert_equal(123, d.key) enddef def Test_expr7_subscript() let text = 'abcdef' assert_equal('', text[-1]) assert_equal('a', text[0]) assert_equal('e', text[4]) assert_equal('f', text[5]) assert_equal('', text[6]) enddef def Test_expr7_subscript_linebreak() let range = range( 3) let l = range ->map('string(v:key)') assert_equal(['0', '1', '2'], l) l = range ->map('string(v:key)') assert_equal(['0', '1', '2'], l) l = range # comment ->map('string(v:key)') assert_equal(['0', '1', '2'], l) l = range ->map('string(v:key)') assert_equal(['0', '1', '2'], l) l = range # comment ->map('string(v:key)') assert_equal(['0', '1', '2'], l) assert_equal('1', l[ 1]) let d = #{one: 33} assert_equal(33, d. one) enddef def Test_expr7_method_call() new setline(1, ['first', 'last']) 'second'->append(1) "third"->append(2) assert_equal(['first', 'second', 'third', 'last'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! let bufnr = bufnr() let loclist = [#{bufnr: bufnr, lnum: 42, col: 17, text: 'wrong'}] loclist->setloclist(0) assert_equal([#{bufnr: bufnr, lnum: 42, col: 17, text: 'wrong', pattern: '', valid: 1, vcol: 0, nr: 0, type: '', module: ''} ], getloclist(0)) enddef func Test_expr7_trailing_fails() call CheckDefFailure(['let l = [2]', 'l->{l -> add(l, 8)}'], 'E107') call CheckDefFailure(['let l = [2]', 'l->{l -> add(l, 8)} ()'], 'E274') endfunc func Test_expr_fails() call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1'is2"], 'E488:') call CheckDefFailure(["let x = '1'isnot2"], 'E488:') call CheckDefFailure(["CallMe ('yes')"], 'E476:') call CheckDefFailure(["CallMe2('yes','no')"], 'E1069:') call CheckDefFailure(["CallMe2('yes' , 'no')"], 'E1068:') call CheckDefFailure(["v:nosuch += 3"], 'E1001:') call CheckDefFailure(["let v:statusmsg = ''"], 'E1016: Cannot declare a v: variable:') call CheckDefFailure(["let asdf = v:nosuch"], 'E1001:') call CheckDefFailure(["echo len('asdf'"], 'E110:') call CheckDefFailure(["echo Func0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789()"], 'E1011:') call CheckDefFailure(["echo doesnotexist()"], 'E117:') endfunc