" Test the :disassemble command, and compilation as a side effect source check.vim func NotCompiled() echo "not" endfunc let s:scriptvar = 4 let g:globalvar = 'g' def s:ScriptFuncLoad(arg: string) let local = 1 buffers echo arg echo local echo v:version echo s:scriptvar echo g:globalvar echo &tabstop echo $ENVVAR echo @z enddef def Test_disassemble_load() assert_fails('disass NoFunc', 'E1061:') assert_fails('disass NotCompiled', 'E1062:') assert_fails('disass', 'E471:') assert_fails('disass [', 'E475:') assert_fails('disass 234', 'E475:') assert_fails('disass foo', 'E475:') let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncLoad') assert_match('\d*_ScriptFuncLoad.*' \ .. 'buffers.*' \ .. ' EXEC \+buffers.*' \ .. ' LOAD arg\[-1\].*' \ .. ' LOAD $0.*' \ .. ' LOADV v:version.*' \ .. ' LOADS s:scriptvar from .*test_vim9_disassemble.vim.*' \ .. ' LOADG g:globalvar.*' \ .. ' LOADENV $ENVVAR.*' \ .. ' LOADREG @z.*' \, res) enddef def s:ScriptFuncPush() let localbool = true let localspec = v:none let localblob = 0z1234 if has('float') let localfloat = 1.234 endif enddef def Test_disassemble_push() let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncPush') assert_match('\d*_ScriptFuncPush.*' \ .. 'localbool = true.*' \ .. ' PUSH v:true.*' \ .. 'localspec = v:none.*' \ .. ' PUSH v:none.*' \ .. 'localblob = 0z1234.*' \ .. ' PUSHBLOB 0z1234.*' \, res) if has('float') assert_match('\d*_ScriptFuncPush.*' \ .. 'localfloat = 1.234.*' \ .. ' PUSHF 1.234.*' \, res) endif enddef def s:ScriptFuncStore() let localnr = 1 localnr = 2 let localstr = 'abc' localstr = 'xyz' v:char = 'abc' s:scriptvar = 'sv' g:globalvar = 'gv' &tabstop = 8 $ENVVAR = 'ev' @z = 'rv' enddef def Test_disassemble_store() let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncStore') assert_match('\d*_ScriptFuncStore.*' \ .. 'localnr = 2.*' \ .. ' STORE 2 in $0.*' \ .. 'localstr = ''xyz''.*' \ .. ' STORE $1.*' \ .. 'v:char = ''abc''.*' \ .. 'STOREV v:char.*' \ .. 's:scriptvar = ''sv''.*' \ .. ' STORES s:scriptvar in .*test_vim9_disassemble.vim.*' \ .. 'g:globalvar = ''gv''.*' \ .. ' STOREG g:globalvar.*' \ .. '&tabstop = 8.*' \ .. ' STOREOPT &tabstop.*' \ .. '$ENVVAR = ''ev''.*' \ .. ' STOREENV $ENVVAR.*' \ .. '@z = ''rv''.*' \ .. ' STOREREG @z.*' \, res) enddef def s:ScriptFuncTry() try echo 'yes' catch /fail/ echo 'no' finally throw 'end' endtry enddef def Test_disassemble_try() let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncTry') assert_match('\d*_ScriptFuncTry.*' \ .. 'try.*' \ .. 'TRY catch -> \d\+, finally -> \d\+.*' \ .. 'catch /fail/.*' \ .. ' JUMP -> \d\+.*' \ .. ' PUSH v:exception.*' \ .. ' PUSHS "fail".*' \ .. ' COMPARESTRING =\~.*' \ .. ' JUMP_IF_FALSE -> \d\+.*' \ .. ' CATCH.*' \ .. 'finally.*' \ .. ' PUSHS "end".*' \ .. ' THROW.*' \ .. 'endtry.*' \ .. ' ENDTRY.*' \, res) enddef def s:ScriptFuncNew() let ll = [1, "two", 333] let dd = #{one: 1, two: "val"} enddef def Test_disassemble_new() let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncNew') assert_match('\d*_ScriptFuncNew.*' \ .. 'let ll = \[1, "two", 333].*' \ .. 'PUSHNR 1.*' \ .. 'PUSHS "two".*' \ .. 'PUSHNR 333.*' \ .. 'NEWLIST size 3.*' \ .. 'let dd = #{one: 1, two: "val"}.*' \ .. 'PUSHS "one".*' \ .. 'PUSHNR 1.*' \ .. 'PUSHS "two".*' \ .. 'PUSHS "val".*' \ .. 'NEWDICT size 2.*' \, res) enddef def FuncWithArg(arg) echo arg enddef func UserFunc() echo 'nothing' endfunc func UserFuncWithArg(arg) echo a:arg endfunc def s:ScriptFuncCall(): string changenr() char2nr("abc") Test_disassemble_new() FuncWithArg(343) ScriptFuncNew() s:ScriptFuncNew() UserFunc() UserFuncWithArg("foo") let FuncRef = function("UserFunc") FuncRef() let FuncRefWithArg = function("UserFuncWithArg") FuncRefWithArg("bar") return "yes" enddef def Test_disassemble_call() let res = execute('disass s:ScriptFuncCall') assert_match('\d\+_ScriptFuncCall.*' \ .. 'changenr().*' \ .. ' BCALL changenr(argc 0).*' \ .. 'char2nr("abc").*' \ .. ' PUSHS "abc".*' \ .. ' BCALL char2nr(argc 1).*' \ .. 'Test_disassemble_new().*' \ .. ' DCALL Test_disassemble_new(argc 0).*' \ .. 'FuncWithArg(343).*' \ .. ' PUSHNR 343.*' \ .. ' DCALL FuncWithArg(argc 1).*' \ .. 'ScriptFuncNew().*' \ .. ' DCALL \d\+_ScriptFuncNew(argc 0).*' \ .. 's:ScriptFuncNew().*' \ .. ' DCALL \d\+_ScriptFuncNew(argc 0).*' \ .. 'UserFunc().*' \ .. ' UCALL UserFunc(argc 0).*' \ .. 'UserFuncWithArg("foo").*' \ .. ' PUSHS "foo".*' \ .. ' UCALL UserFuncWithArg(argc 1).*' \ .. 'let FuncRef = function("UserFunc").*' \ .. 'FuncRef().*' \ .. ' LOAD $\d.*' \ .. ' PCALL (argc 0).*' \ .. 'let FuncRefWithArg = function("UserFuncWithArg").*' \ .. 'FuncRefWithArg("bar").*' \ .. ' PUSHS "bar".*' \ .. ' LOAD $\d.*' \ .. ' PCALL (argc 1).*' \ .. 'return "yes".*' \ .. ' PUSHS "yes".*' \ .. ' RETURN.*' \, res) enddef def EchoArg(arg: string): string return arg enddef def RefThis(): func return function('EchoArg') enddef def s:ScriptPCall() RefThis()("text") enddef def Test_disassemble_pcall() let res = execute('disass s:ScriptPCall') assert_match('\d\+_ScriptPCall.*' \ .. 'RefThis()("text").*' \ .. '\d DCALL RefThis(argc 0).*' \ .. '\d PUSHS "text".*' \ .. '\d PCALL top (argc 1).*' \ .. '\d PCALL end.*' \ .. '\d DROP.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 0.*' \ .. '\d RETURN.*' \, res) enddef def FuncWithForwardCall(): string return DefinedLater("yes") enddef def DefinedLater(arg: string): string return arg enddef def Test_disassemble_update_instr() let res = execute('disass FuncWithForwardCall') assert_match('FuncWithForwardCall.*' \ .. 'return DefinedLater("yes").*' \ .. '\d PUSHS "yes".*' \ .. '\d UCALL DefinedLater(argc 1).*' \ .. '\d CHECKTYPE string stack\[-1].*' \ .. '\d RETURN.*' \, res) " Calling the function will change UCALL into the faster DCALL assert_equal('yes', FuncWithForwardCall()) res = execute('disass FuncWithForwardCall') assert_match('FuncWithForwardCall.*' \ .. 'return DefinedLater("yes").*' \ .. '\d PUSHS "yes".*' \ .. '\d DCALL DefinedLater(argc 1).*' \ .. '\d CHECKTYPE string stack\[-1].*' \ .. '\d RETURN.*' \, res) enddef def FuncWithDefault(arg: string = 'default'): string return arg enddef def Test_disassemble_call_default() let res = execute('disass FuncWithDefault') assert_match('FuncWithDefault.*' \ .. '\d PUSHS "default".*' \ .. '\d STORE arg\[-1].*' \ .. 'return arg.*' \ .. '\d LOAD arg\[-1].*' \ .. '\d RETURN.*' \, res) enddef def HasEval() if has("eval") echo "yes" else echo "no" endif enddef def HasNothing() if has("nothing") echo "yes" else echo "no" endif enddef def HasSomething() if has("nothing") echo "nothing" elseif has("something") echo "something" elseif has("eval") echo "eval" elseif has("less") echo "less" endif enddef def Test_disassemble_const_expr() assert_equal("\nyes", execute('call HasEval()')) let instr = execute('disassemble HasEval') assert_match('HasEval.*' \ .. 'if has("eval").*' \ .. ' PUSHS "yes".*' \, instr) assert_notmatch('JUMP', instr) assert_equal("\nno", execute('call HasNothing()')) instr = execute('disassemble HasNothing') assert_match('HasNothing.*' \ .. 'if has("nothing").*' \ .. 'else.*' \ .. ' PUSHS "no".*' \, instr) assert_notmatch('PUSHS "yes"', instr) assert_notmatch('JUMP', instr) assert_equal("\neval", execute('call HasSomething()')) instr = execute('disassemble HasSomething') assert_match('HasSomething.*' \ .. 'if has("nothing").*' \ .. 'elseif has("something").*' \ .. 'elseif has("eval").*' \ .. ' PUSHS "eval".*' \ .. 'elseif has("less").*' \, instr) assert_notmatch('PUSHS "nothing"', instr) assert_notmatch('PUSHS "something"', instr) assert_notmatch('PUSHS "less"', instr) assert_notmatch('JUMP', instr) enddef def WithFunc() let funky1: func let funky2: func = function("len") let party2: func = funcref("UserFunc") enddef def Test_disassemble_function() let instr = execute('disassemble WithFunc') assert_match('WithFunc.*' \ .. 'let funky1: func.*' \ .. '0 PUSHFUNC "\[none]".*' \ .. '1 STORE $0.*' \ .. 'let funky2: func = function("len").*' \ .. '2 PUSHS "len".*' \ .. '3 BCALL function(argc 1).*' \ .. '4 STORE $1.*' \ .. 'let party2: func = funcref("UserFunc").*' \ .. '\d PUSHS "UserFunc".*' \ .. '\d BCALL funcref(argc 1).*' \ .. '\d STORE $2.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 0.*' \ .. '\d RETURN.*' \, instr) enddef if has('channel') def WithChannel() let job1: job let job2: job = job_start("donothing") let chan1: channel enddef endif def Test_disassemble_channel() CheckFeature channel let instr = execute('disassemble WithChannel') assert_match('WithChannel.*' \ .. 'let job1: job.*' \ .. '\d PUSHJOB "no process".*' \ .. '\d STORE $0.*' \ .. 'let job2: job = job_start("donothing").*' \ .. '\d PUSHS "donothing".*' \ .. '\d BCALL job_start(argc 1).*' \ .. '\d STORE $1.*' \ .. 'let chan1: channel.*' \ .. '\d PUSHCHANNEL 0.*' \ .. '\d STORE $2.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 0.*' \ .. '\d RETURN.*' \, instr) enddef def WithLambda(): string let F = {a -> "X" .. a .. "X"} return F("x") enddef def Test_disassemble_lambda() assert_equal("XxX", WithLambda()) let instr = execute('disassemble WithLambda') assert_match('WithLambda.*' \ .. 'let F = {a -> "X" .. a .. "X"}.*' \ .. ' FUNCREF \d\+.*' \ .. 'PUSHS "x".*' \ .. ' LOAD $0.*' \ .. ' PCALL (argc 1).*' \ .. ' CHECKTYPE string stack\[-1].*' \, instr) enddef def AndOr(arg): string if arg == 1 && arg != 2 || arg == 4 return 'yes' endif return 'no' enddef def Test_disassemble_and_or() assert_equal("yes", AndOr(1)) assert_equal("no", AndOr(2)) assert_equal("yes", AndOr(4)) let instr = execute('disassemble AndOr') assert_match('AndOr.*' \ .. 'if arg == 1 && arg != 2 || arg == 4.*' \ .. '\d LOAD arg\[-1].*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 1.*' \ .. '\d COMPAREANY ==.*' \ .. '\d JUMP_AND_KEEP_IF_FALSE -> \d\+.*' \ .. '\d LOAD arg\[-1].*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 2.*' \ .. '\d COMPAREANY !=.*' \ .. '\d JUMP_AND_KEEP_IF_TRUE -> \d\+.*' \ .. '\d LOAD arg\[-1].*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 4.*' \ .. '\d COMPAREANY ==.*' \ .. '\d JUMP_IF_FALSE -> \d\+.*' \, instr) enddef def ForLoop(): list let res: list for i in range(3) res->add(i) endfor return res enddef def Test_disassemble_for_loop() assert_equal([0, 1, 2], ForLoop()) let instr = execute('disassemble ForLoop') assert_match('ForLoop.*' \ .. 'let res: list.*' \ .. ' NEWLIST size 0.*' \ .. '\d STORE $0.*' \ .. 'for i in range(3).*' \ .. '\d STORE -1 in $1.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 3.*' \ .. '\d BCALL range(argc 1).*' \ .. '\d FOR $1 -> \d\+.*' \ .. '\d STORE $2.*' \ .. 'res->add(i).*' \ .. '\d LOAD $0.*' \ .. '\d LOAD $2.*' \ .. '\d BCALL add(argc 2).*' \ .. '\d DROP.*' \ .. 'endfor.*' \ .. '\d JUMP -> \d\+.*' \ .. '\d DROP.*' \, instr) enddef let g:number = 42 def Computing() let nr = 3 let nrres = nr + 7 nrres = nr - 7 nrres = nr * 7 nrres = nr / 7 nrres = nr % 7 let anyres = g:number + 7 anyres = g:number - 7 anyres = g:number * 7 anyres = g:number / 7 anyres = g:number % 7 if has('float') let fl = 3.0 let flres = fl + 7.0 flres = fl - 7.0 flres = fl * 7.0 flres = fl / 7.0 endif enddef def Test_disassemble_computing() let instr = execute('disassemble Computing') assert_match('Computing.*' \ .. 'let nr = 3.*' \ .. '\d STORE 3 in $0.*' \ .. 'let nrres = nr + 7.*' \ .. '\d LOAD $0.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 7.*' \ .. '\d OPNR +.*' \ .. '\d STORE $1.*' \ .. 'nrres = nr - 7.*' \ .. '\d OPNR -.*' \ .. 'nrres = nr \* 7.*' \ .. '\d OPNR \*.*' \ .. 'nrres = nr / 7.*' \ .. '\d OPNR /.*' \ .. 'nrres = nr % 7.*' \ .. '\d OPNR %.*' \ .. 'let anyres = g:number + 7.*' \ .. '\d LOADG g:number.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 7.*' \ .. '\d OPANY +.*' \ .. '\d STORE $2.*' \ .. 'anyres = g:number - 7.*' \ .. '\d OPANY -.*' \ .. 'anyres = g:number \* 7.*' \ .. '\d OPANY \*.*' \ .. 'anyres = g:number / 7.*' \ .. '\d OPANY /.*' \ .. 'anyres = g:number % 7.*' \ .. '\d OPANY %.*' \, instr) if has('float') assert_match('Computing.*' \ .. 'let fl = 3.0.*' \ .. '\d PUSHF 3.0.*' \ .. '\d STORE $3.*' \ .. 'let flres = fl + 7.0.*' \ .. '\d LOAD $3.*' \ .. '\d PUSHF 7.0.*' \ .. '\d OPFLOAT +.*' \ .. '\d STORE $4.*' \ .. 'flres = fl - 7.0.*' \ .. '\d OPFLOAT -.*' \ .. 'flres = fl \* 7.0.*' \ .. '\d OPFLOAT \*.*' \ .. 'flres = fl / 7.0.*' \ .. '\d OPFLOAT /.*' \, instr) endif enddef def AddListBlob() let reslist = [1, 2] + [3, 4] let resblob = 0z1122 + 0z3344 enddef def Test_disassemble_add_list_blob() let instr = execute('disassemble AddListBlob') assert_match('AddListBlob.*' \ .. 'let reslist = \[1, 2] + \[3, 4].*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 1.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 2.*' \ .. '\d NEWLIST size 2.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 3.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 4.*' \ .. '\d NEWLIST size 2.*' \ .. '\d ADDLIST.*' \ .. '\d STORE $.*.*' \ .. 'let resblob = 0z1122 + 0z3344.*' \ .. '\d PUSHBLOB 0z1122.*' \ .. '\d PUSHBLOB 0z3344.*' \ .. '\d ADDBLOB.*' \ .. '\d STORE $.*' \, instr) enddef let g:aa = 'aa' def ConcatString(): string let res = g:aa .. "bb" return res enddef def Test_disassemble_concat() let instr = execute('disassemble ConcatString') assert_match('ConcatString.*' \ .. 'let res = g:aa .. "bb".*' \ .. '\d LOADG g:aa.*' \ .. '\d PUSHS "bb".*' \ .. '\d 2STRING stack\[-2].*' \ .. '\d CONCAT.*' \ .. '\d STORE $.*' \, instr) assert_equal('aabb', ConcatString()) enddef def ListIndex(): number let l = [1, 2, 3] let res = l[1] return res enddef def Test_disassemble_list_index() let instr = execute('disassemble ListIndex') assert_match('ListIndex.*' \ .. 'let l = \[1, 2, 3].*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 1.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 2.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 3.*' \ .. '\d NEWLIST size 3.*' \ .. '\d STORE $0.*' \ .. 'let res = l\[1].*' \ .. '\d LOAD $0.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 1.*' \ .. '\d INDEX.*' \ .. '\d STORE $1.*' \, instr) assert_equal(2, ListIndex()) enddef def DictMember(): number let d = #{item: 1} let res = d.item return res enddef def Test_disassemble_dict_member() let instr = execute('disassemble DictMember') assert_match('DictMember.*' \ .. 'let d = #{item: 1}.*' \ .. '\d PUSHS "item".*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 1.*' \ .. '\d NEWDICT size 1.*' \ .. '\d STORE $0.*' \ .. 'let res = d.item.*' \ .. '\d LOAD $0.*' \ .. '\d MEMBER item.*' \ .. '\d STORE $1.*' \, instr) call assert_equal(1, DictMember()) enddef def NegateNumber(): number let nr = 9 let plus = +nr let res = -nr return res enddef def Test_disassemble_negate_number() let instr = execute('disassemble NegateNumber') assert_match('NegateNumber.*' \ .. 'let nr = 9.*' \ .. '\d STORE 9 in $0.*' \ .. 'let plus = +nr.*' \ .. '\d LOAD $0.*' \ .. '\d CHECKNR.*' \ .. '\d STORE $1.*' \ .. 'let res = -nr.*' \ .. '\d LOAD $0.*' \ .. '\d NEGATENR.*' \ .. '\d STORE $2.*' \, instr) call assert_equal(-9, NegateNumber()) enddef def InvertBool(): bool let flag = true let invert = !flag let res = !!flag return res enddef def Test_disassemble_invert_bool() let instr = execute('disassemble InvertBool') assert_match('InvertBool.*' \ .. 'let flag = true.*' \ .. '\d PUSH v:true.*' \ .. '\d STORE $0.*' \ .. 'let invert = !flag.*' \ .. '\d LOAD $0.*' \ .. '\d INVERT (!val).*' \ .. '\d STORE $1.*' \ .. 'let res = !!flag.*' \ .. '\d LOAD $0.*' \ .. '\d 2BOOL (!!val).*' \ .. '\d STORE $2.*' \, instr) call assert_equal(true, InvertBool()) enddef def Test_disassemble_compare() " TODO: COMPAREFUNC let cases = [ \ ['true == false', 'COMPAREBOOL =='], \ ['true != false', 'COMPAREBOOL !='], \ ['v:none == v:null', 'COMPARESPECIAL =='], \ ['v:none != v:null', 'COMPARESPECIAL !='], \ \ ['111 == 222', 'COMPARENR =='], \ ['111 != 222', 'COMPARENR !='], \ ['111 > 222', 'COMPARENR >'], \ ['111 < 222', 'COMPARENR <'], \ ['111 >= 222', 'COMPARENR >='], \ ['111 <= 222', 'COMPARENR <='], \ ['111 =~ 222', 'COMPARENR =\~'], \ ['111 !~ 222', 'COMPARENR !\~'], \ \ ['"xx" != "yy"', 'COMPARESTRING !='], \ ['"xx" > "yy"', 'COMPARESTRING >'], \ ['"xx" < "yy"', 'COMPARESTRING <'], \ ['"xx" >= "yy"', 'COMPARESTRING >='], \ ['"xx" <= "yy"', 'COMPARESTRING <='], \ ['"xx" =~ "yy"', 'COMPARESTRING =\~'], \ ['"xx" !~ "yy"', 'COMPARESTRING !\~'], \ ['"xx" is "yy"', 'COMPARESTRING is'], \ ['"xx" isnot "yy"', 'COMPARESTRING isnot'], \ \ ['0z11 == 0z22', 'COMPAREBLOB =='], \ ['0z11 != 0z22', 'COMPAREBLOB !='], \ ['0z11 is 0z22', 'COMPAREBLOB is'], \ ['0z11 isnot 0z22', 'COMPAREBLOB isnot'], \ \ ['[1,2] == [3,4]', 'COMPARELIST =='], \ ['[1,2] != [3,4]', 'COMPARELIST !='], \ ['[1,2] is [3,4]', 'COMPARELIST is'], \ ['[1,2] isnot [3,4]', 'COMPARELIST isnot'], \ \ ['#{a:1} == #{x:2}', 'COMPAREDICT =='], \ ['#{a:1} != #{x:2}', 'COMPAREDICT !='], \ ['#{a:1} is #{x:2}', 'COMPAREDICT is'], \ ['#{a:1} isnot #{x:2}', 'COMPAREDICT isnot'], \ \ ['{->33} == {->44}', 'COMPAREFUNC =='], \ ['{->33} != {->44}', 'COMPAREFUNC !='], \ ['{->33} is {->44}', 'COMPAREFUNC is'], \ ['{->33} isnot {->44}', 'COMPAREFUNC isnot'], \ \ ['77 == g:xx', 'COMPAREANY =='], \ ['77 != g:xx', 'COMPAREANY !='], \ ['77 > g:xx', 'COMPAREANY >'], \ ['77 < g:xx', 'COMPAREANY <'], \ ['77 >= g:xx', 'COMPAREANY >='], \ ['77 <= g:xx', 'COMPAREANY <='], \ ['77 =~ g:xx', 'COMPAREANY =\~'], \ ['77 !~ g:xx', 'COMPAREANY !\~'], \ ['77 is g:xx', 'COMPAREANY is'], \ ['77 isnot g:xx', 'COMPAREANY isnot'], \ ] if has('float') cases->extend([ \ ['1.1 == 2.2', 'COMPAREFLOAT =='], \ ['1.1 != 2.2', 'COMPAREFLOAT !='], \ ['1.1 > 2.2', 'COMPAREFLOAT >'], \ ['1.1 < 2.2', 'COMPAREFLOAT <'], \ ['1.1 >= 2.2', 'COMPAREFLOAT >='], \ ['1.1 <= 2.2', 'COMPAREFLOAT <='], \ ['1.1 =~ 2.2', 'COMPAREFLOAT =\~'], \ ['1.1 !~ 2.2', 'COMPAREFLOAT !\~'], \ ]) endif let nr = 1 for case in cases writefile(['def TestCase' .. nr .. '()', \ ' if ' .. case[0], \ ' echo 42' \ ' endif', \ 'enddef'], 'Xdisassemble') source Xdisassemble let instr = execute('disassemble TestCase' .. nr) assert_match('TestCase' .. nr .. '.*' \ .. 'if ' .. substitute(case[0], '[[~]', '\\\0', 'g') .. '.*' \ .. '\d \(PUSH\|FUNCREF\).*' \ .. '\d \(PUSH\|FUNCREF\|LOADG\).*' \ .. '\d ' .. case[1] .. '.*' \ .. '\d JUMP_IF_FALSE -> \d\+.*' \, instr) nr += 1 endfor delete('Xdisassemble') enddef def Test_disassemble_compare_const() let cases = [ \ ['"xx" == "yy"', false], \ ['"aa" == "aa"', true], \ ['has("eval") ? true : false', true], \ ['has("asdf") ? true : false', false], \ ] let nr = 1 for case in cases writefile(['def TestCase' .. nr .. '()', \ ' if ' .. case[0], \ ' echo 42' \ ' endif', \ 'enddef'], 'Xdisassemble') source Xdisassemble let instr = execute('disassemble TestCase' .. nr) if case[1] " condition true, "echo 42" executed assert_match('TestCase' .. nr .. '.*' \ .. 'if ' .. substitute(case[0], '[[~]', '\\\0', 'g') .. '.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 42.*' \ .. '\d ECHO 1.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 0.*' \ .. '\d RETURN.*' \, instr) else " condition false, function just returns assert_match('TestCase' .. nr .. '.*' \ .. 'if ' .. substitute(case[0], '[[~]', '\\\0', 'g') .. '[ \n]*' \ .. 'echo 42[ \n]*' \ .. 'endif[ \n]*' \ .. '\s*\d PUSHNR 0.*' \ .. '\d RETURN.*' \, instr) endif nr += 1 endfor delete('Xdisassemble') enddef def s:Execute() execute 'help vim9.txt' let cmd = 'help vim9.txt' execute cmd let tag = 'vim9.txt' execute 'help ' .. tag enddef def Test_disassemble_execute() let res = execute('disass s:Execute') assert_match('\\d*_Execute.*' \ .. "execute 'help vim9.txt'.*" \ .. '\d PUSHS "help vim9.txt".*' \ .. '\d EXECUTE 1.*' \ .. "let cmd = 'help vim9.txt'.*" \ .. '\d PUSHS "help vim9.txt".*' \ .. '\d STORE $0.*' \ .. 'execute cmd.*' \ .. '\d LOAD $0.*' \ .. '\d EXECUTE 1.*' \ .. "let tag = 'vim9.txt'.*" \ .. '\d PUSHS "vim9.txt".*' \ .. '\d STORE $1.*' \ .. "execute 'help ' .. tag.*" \ .. '\d PUSHS "help ".*' \ .. '\d LOAD $1.*' \ .. '\d CONCAT.*' \ .. '\d EXECUTE 1.*' \ .. '\d PUSHNR 0.*' \ .. '\d RETURN' \, res) enddef def SomeStringArg(arg: string) echo arg enddef def SomeAnyArg(arg: any) echo arg enddef def SomeStringArgAndReturn(arg: string): string return arg enddef def Test_display_func() let res1 = execute('function SomeStringArg') assert_match('.* def SomeStringArg(arg: string).*' \ .. ' echo arg.*' \ .. ' enddef' \, res1) let res2 = execute('function SomeAnyArg') assert_match('.* def SomeAnyArg(arg: any).*' \ .. ' echo arg.*' \ .. ' enddef' \, res2) let res3 = execute('function SomeStringArgAndReturn') assert_match('.* def SomeStringArgAndReturn(arg: string): string.*' \ .. ' return arg.*' \ .. ' enddef' \, res3) enddef " vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab tw=80 fdm=marker