" Test using builtin functions in the Vim9 script language. source check.vim source vim9.vim " Test for passing too many or too few arguments to builtin functions func Test_internalfunc_arg_error() let l =<< trim END def! FArgErr(): float return ceil(1.1, 2) enddef defcompile END call writefile(l, 'Xinvalidarg') call assert_fails('so Xinvalidarg', 'E118:', '', 1, 'FArgErr') let l =<< trim END def! FArgErr(): float return ceil() enddef defcompile END call writefile(l, 'Xinvalidarg') call assert_fails('so Xinvalidarg', 'E119:', '', 1, 'FArgErr') call delete('Xinvalidarg') endfunc " Test for builtin functions returning different types func Test_InternalFuncRetType() let lines =<< trim END def RetFloat(): float return ceil(1.456) enddef def RetListAny(): list return items({k: 'v'}) enddef def RetListString(): list return split('a:b:c', ':') enddef def RetListDictAny(): list> return getbufinfo() enddef def RetDictNumber(): dict return wordcount() enddef def RetDictString(): dict return environ() enddef END call writefile(lines, 'Xscript') source Xscript call RetFloat()->assert_equal(2.0) call RetListAny()->assert_equal([['k', 'v']]) call RetListString()->assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c']) call RetListDictAny()->assert_notequal([]) call RetDictNumber()->assert_notequal({}) call RetDictString()->assert_notequal({}) call delete('Xscript') endfunc def Test_abs() assert_equal(0, abs(0)) assert_equal(2, abs(-2)) assert_equal(3, abs(3)) CheckDefFailure(['abs("text")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string', 1) if has('float') assert_equal(0, abs(0)) assert_equal(2.0, abs(-2.0)) assert_equal(3.0, abs(3.0)) endif enddef def Test_add_list() var l: list # defaults to empty list add(l, 9) assert_equal([9], l) var lines =<< trim END var l: list add(l, "x") END CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E1012:', 2) lines =<< trim END add(test_null_list(), 123) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1130:', 1) lines =<< trim END var l: list = test_null_list() add(l, 123) END CheckDefExecFailure(lines, 'E1130:', 2) # Getting variable with NULL list allocates a new list at script level lines =<< trim END vim9script var l: list = test_null_list() add(l, 123) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) enddef def Test_add_blob() var b1: blob = 0z12 add(b1, 0x34) assert_equal(0z1234, b1) var b2: blob # defaults to empty blob add(b2, 0x67) assert_equal(0z67, b2) var lines =<< trim END var b: blob add(b, "x") END CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E1012:', 2) lines =<< trim END add(test_null_blob(), 123) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1131:', 1) lines =<< trim END var b: blob = test_null_blob() add(b, 123) END CheckDefExecFailure(lines, 'E1131:', 2) # Getting variable with NULL blob allocates a new blob at script level lines =<< trim END vim9script var b: blob = test_null_blob() add(b, 123) END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) enddef def Test_and() CheckDefFailure(['echo and("x", 0x2)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo and(0x1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_append() new setline(1, range(3)) var res1: number = append(1, 'one') assert_equal(0, res1) var res2: bool = append(3, 'two') assert_equal(false, res2) assert_equal(['0', 'one', '1', 'two', '2'], getline(1, 6)) append(0, 'zero') assert_equal('zero', getline(1)) bwipe! enddef def Test_argc() CheckDefFailure(['echo argc("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_arglistid() CheckDefFailure(['echo arglistid("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo arglistid(1, "y")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo arglistid("x", "y")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_argv() CheckDefFailure(['echo argv("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo argv(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo argv("x", "y")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_balloon_show() CheckGui CheckFeature balloon_eval assert_fails('balloon_show(10)', 'E1174:') assert_fails('balloon_show(true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_balloon_split() CheckFeature balloon_eval_term assert_fails('balloon_split([])', 'E1174:') assert_fails('balloon_split(true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_browse() CheckFeature browse var lines =<< trim END browse(1, 2, 3, 4) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1174: String required for argument 2') lines =<< trim END browse(1, 'title', 3, 4) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1174: String required for argument 3') lines =<< trim END browse(1, 'title', 'dir', 4) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1174: String required for argument 4') enddef def Test_bufadd() assert_fails('bufadd([])', 'E730:') enddef def Test_bufexists() assert_fails('bufexists(true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_buflisted() var res: bool = buflisted('asdf') assert_equal(false, res) assert_fails('buflisted(true)', 'E1174:') assert_fails('buflisted([])', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_bufload() assert_fails('bufload([])', 'E730:') enddef def Test_bufloaded() assert_fails('bufloaded(true)', 'E1174:') assert_fails('bufloaded([])', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_bufname() split SomeFile bufname('%')->assert_equal('SomeFile') edit OtherFile bufname('#')->assert_equal('SomeFile') close assert_fails('bufname(true)', 'E1138:') assert_fails('bufname([])', 'E745:') enddef def Test_bufnr() var buf = bufnr() bufnr('%')->assert_equal(buf) buf = bufnr('Xdummy', true) buf->assert_notequal(-1) exe 'bwipe! ' .. buf enddef def Test_bufwinid() var origwin = win_getid() below split SomeFile var SomeFileID = win_getid() below split OtherFile below split SomeFile bufwinid('SomeFile')->assert_equal(SomeFileID) win_gotoid(origwin) only bwipe SomeFile bwipe OtherFile assert_fails('bufwinid(true)', 'E1138:') assert_fails('bufwinid([])', 'E745:') enddef def Test_bufwinnr() assert_fails('bufwinnr(true)', 'E1138:') assert_fails('bufwinnr([])', 'E745:') enddef def Test_byte2line() CheckDefFailure(['byte2line("1")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['byte2line([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got list') assert_equal(-1, byte2line(0)) enddef def Test_call_call() var l = [3, 2, 1] call('reverse', [l]) l->assert_equal([1, 2, 3]) enddef def Test_ch_logfile() if !has('channel') CheckFeature channel endif assert_fails('ch_logfile(true)', 'E1174:') assert_fails('ch_logfile("foo", true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_char2nr() char2nr('あ', true)->assert_equal(12354) assert_fails('char2nr(true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_charclass() assert_fails('charclass(true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_chdir() assert_fails('chdir(true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_cindent() CheckDefFailure(['cindent([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') CheckDefFailure(['cindent(null)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got special') assert_equal(-1, cindent(0)) assert_equal(0, cindent('.')) enddef def Test_clearmatches() CheckDefFailure(['echo clearmatches("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_col() new setline(1, 'asdf') col([1, '$'])->assert_equal(5) assert_fails('col(true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_confirm() if !has('dialog_con') && !has('dialog_gui') CheckFeature dialog_con endif assert_fails('confirm(true)', 'E1174:') assert_fails('confirm("yes", true)', 'E1174:') assert_fails('confirm("yes", "maybe", 2, true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_complete_info() CheckDefFailure(['complete_info("")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got string') CheckDefFailure(['complete_info({})'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got dict') assert_equal({'pum_visible': 0, 'mode': '', 'selected': -1, 'items': []}, complete_info()) assert_equal({'mode': '', 'items': []}, complete_info(['mode', 'items'])) enddef def Test_copy_return_type() var l = copy([1, 2, 3]) var res = 0 for n in l res += n endfor res->assert_equal(6) var dl = deepcopy([1, 2, 3]) res = 0 for n in dl res += n endfor res->assert_equal(6) dl = deepcopy([1, 2, 3], true) enddef def Test_count() count('ABC ABC ABC', 'b', true)->assert_equal(3) count('ABC ABC ABC', 'b', false)->assert_equal(0) enddef def Test_cursor() new setline(1, range(4)) cursor(2, 1) assert_equal(2, getcurpos()[1]) cursor('$', 1) assert_equal(4, getcurpos()[1]) var lines =<< trim END cursor('2', 1) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E475:') enddef def Test_debugbreak() CheckMSWindows CheckDefFailure(['echo debugbreak("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_delete() var res: bool = delete('doesnotexist') assert_equal(true, res) enddef def Test_diff_filler() CheckDefFailure(['diff_filler([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') CheckDefFailure(['diff_filler(true)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got bool') assert_equal(0, diff_filler(1)) assert_equal(0, diff_filler('.')) enddef def Test_escape() CheckDefFailure(['escape("a", 10)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['escape(10, " ")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['escape(true, false)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got bool') assert_equal('a\:b', escape("a:b", ":")) enddef def Test_eval() CheckDefFailure(['eval(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['eval(null)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got special') assert_equal(2, eval('1 + 1')) enddef def Test_executable() assert_false(executable("")) assert_false(executable(test_null_string())) CheckDefExecFailure(['echo executable(123)'], 'E1013:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo executable(true)'], 'E1013:') enddef def Test_execute() var res = execute("echo 'hello'") assert_equal("\nhello", res) res = execute(["echo 'here'", "echo 'there'"]) assert_equal("\nhere\nthere", res) CheckDefFailure(['echo execute(123)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['echo execute([123])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got list') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo execute(["xx", 123])'], 'E492') CheckDefFailure(['echo execute("xx", 123)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') enddef def Test_exepath() CheckDefExecFailure(['echo exepath(true)'], 'E1013:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo exepath(v:null)'], 'E1013:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo exepath("")'], 'E1175:') enddef def Test_exists() CheckDefFailure(['exists(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') call assert_equal(1, exists('&tabstop')) enddef def Test_expand() split SomeFile expand('%', true, true)->assert_equal(['SomeFile']) close enddef def Test_expandcmd() $FOO = "blue" assert_equal("blue sky", expandcmd("`=$FOO .. ' sky'`")) assert_equal("yes", expandcmd("`={a: 'yes'}['a']`")) enddef def Test_extend_arg_types() g:number_one = 1 g:string_keep = 'keep' var lines =<< trim END assert_equal([1, 2, 3], extend([1, 2], [3])) assert_equal([3, 1, 2], extend([1, 2], [3], 0)) assert_equal([1, 3, 2], extend([1, 2], [3], 1)) assert_equal([1, 3, 2], extend([1, 2], [3], g:number_one)) assert_equal({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, extend({a: 1, b: 2}, {c: 3})) assert_equal({a: 1, b: 4}, extend({a: 1, b: 2}, {b: 4})) assert_equal({a: 1, b: 2}, extend({a: 1, b: 2}, {b: 4}, 'keep')) assert_equal({a: 1, b: 2}, extend({a: 1, b: 2}, {b: 4}, g:string_keep)) var res: list> extend(res, mapnew([1, 2], (_, v) => ({}))) assert_equal([{}, {}], res) END CheckDefAndScriptSuccess(lines) CheckDefFailure(['extend("a", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got string') CheckDefFailure(['extend([1, 2], 3)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected list but got number') CheckDefFailure(['extend([1, 2], ["x"])'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected list but got list') CheckDefFailure(['extend([1, 2], [3], "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 3: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['extend({a: 1}, 42)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected dict but got number') CheckDefFailure(['extend({a: 1}, {b: "x"})'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected dict but got dict') CheckDefFailure(['extend({a: 1}, {b: 2}, 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 3: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['extend([1], ["b"])'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected list but got list') CheckDefExecFailure(['extend([1], ["b", 1])'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected list but got list') enddef def Test_extendnew() assert_equal([1, 2, 'a'], extendnew([1, 2], ['a'])) assert_equal({one: 1, two: 'a'}, extendnew({one: 1}, {two: 'a'})) CheckDefFailure(['extendnew({a: 1}, 42)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected dict but got number') CheckDefFailure(['extendnew({a: 1}, [42])'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected dict but got list') CheckDefFailure(['extendnew([1, 2], "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected list but got string') CheckDefFailure(['extendnew([1, 2], {x: 1})'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected list but got dict') enddef def Test_extend_return_type() var l = extend([1, 2], [3]) var res = 0 for n in l res += n endfor res->assert_equal(6) enddef func g:ExtendDict(d) call extend(a:d, #{xx: 'x'}) endfunc def Test_extend_dict_item_type() var lines =<< trim END var d: dict = {a: 1} extend(d, {b: 2}) END CheckDefAndScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END var d: dict = {a: 1} extend(d, {b: 'x'}) END CheckDefAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected dict but got dict', 2) lines =<< trim END var d: dict = {a: 1} g:ExtendDict(d) END CheckDefExecFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected number but got string', 0) CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, 'E1012:', 1) enddef func g:ExtendList(l) call extend(a:l, ['x']) endfunc def Test_extend_list_item_type() var lines =<< trim END var l: list = [1] extend(l, [2]) END CheckDefAndScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END var l: list = [1] extend(l, ['x']) END CheckDefAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected list but got list', 2) lines =<< trim END var l: list = [1] g:ExtendList(l) END CheckDefExecFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected number but got string', 0) CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, 'E1012:', 1) enddef def Test_extend_with_error_function() var lines =<< trim END vim9script def F() { var m = 10 } echo m enddef def Test() var d: dict = {} d->extend({A: 10, Func: function('F', [])}) enddef Test() END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1001: Variable not found: m') enddef def Test_feedkeys() CheckDefFailure(['feedkeys(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['feedkeys("x", 10)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['feedkeys([], {})'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') g:TestVar = 1 feedkeys(":g:TestVar = 789\n", 'xt') assert_equal(789, g:TestVar) unlet g:TestVar enddef def Test_job_info_return_type() if has('job') job_start(&shell) var jobs = job_info() assert_equal('list', typename(jobs)) assert_equal('dict', typename(job_info(jobs[0]))) job_stop(jobs[0]) endif enddef def Test_filereadable() assert_false(filereadable("")) assert_false(filereadable(test_null_string())) CheckDefExecFailure(['echo filereadable(123)'], 'E1013:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo filereadable(true)'], 'E1013:') enddef def Test_filewritable() assert_false(filewritable("")) assert_false(filewritable(test_null_string())) CheckDefExecFailure(['echo filewritable(123)'], 'E1013:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo filewritable(true)'], 'E1013:') enddef def Test_finddir() CheckDefExecFailure(['echo finddir(true)'], 'E1174:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo finddir(v:null)'], 'E1174:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo finddir("")'], 'E1175:') enddef def Test_findfile() CheckDefExecFailure(['echo findfile(true)'], 'E1174:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo findfile(v:null)'], 'E1174:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo findfile("")'], 'E1175:') enddef def Test_flattennew() var lines =<< trim END var l = [1, [2, [3, 4]], 5] call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], flattennew(l)) call assert_equal([1, [2, [3, 4]], 5], l) call assert_equal([1, 2, [3, 4], 5], flattennew(l, 1)) call assert_equal([1, [2, [3, 4]], 5], l) END CheckDefAndScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END echo flatten([1, 2, 3]) END CheckDefAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1158:') enddef " Test for float functions argument type def Test_float_funcs_args() CheckFeature float # acos() CheckDefFailure(['echo acos("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # asin() CheckDefFailure(['echo asin("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # atan() CheckDefFailure(['echo atan("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # atan2() CheckDefFailure(['echo atan2("a", 1.1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo atan2(1.2, "a")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo atan2(1.2)'], 'E119:') # ceil() CheckDefFailure(['echo ceil("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # cos() CheckDefFailure(['echo cos("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # cosh() CheckDefFailure(['echo cosh("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # exp() CheckDefFailure(['echo exp("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # float2nr() CheckDefFailure(['echo float2nr("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # floor() CheckDefFailure(['echo floor("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # fmod() CheckDefFailure(['echo fmod(1.1, "a")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo fmod("a", 1.1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo fmod(1.1)'], 'E119:') # isinf() CheckDefFailure(['echo isinf("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # isnan() CheckDefFailure(['echo isnan("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # log() CheckDefFailure(['echo log("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # log10() CheckDefFailure(['echo log10("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # pow() CheckDefFailure(['echo pow("a", 1.1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo pow(1.1, "a")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo pow(1.1)'], 'E119:') # round() CheckDefFailure(['echo round("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # sin() CheckDefFailure(['echo sin("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # sinh() CheckDefFailure(['echo sinh("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # sqrt() CheckDefFailure(['echo sqrt("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # tan() CheckDefFailure(['echo tan("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # tanh() CheckDefFailure(['echo tanh("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') # trunc() CheckDefFailure(['echo trunc("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_fnameescape() CheckDefFailure(['fnameescape(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal('\+a\%b\|', fnameescape('+a%b|')) enddef def Test_fnamemodify() CheckDefSuccess(['echo fnamemodify(test_null_string(), ":p")']) CheckDefSuccess(['echo fnamemodify("", ":p")']) CheckDefSuccess(['echo fnamemodify("file", test_null_string())']) CheckDefSuccess(['echo fnamemodify("file", "")']) CheckDefExecFailure(['echo fnamemodify(true, ":p")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got bool') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo fnamemodify(v:null, ":p")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got special') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo fnamemodify("file", true)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got bool') enddef def Wrong_dict_key_type(items: list): list return filter(items, (_, val) => get({[val]: 1}, 'x')) enddef def Test_filter_wrong_dict_key_type() assert_fails('Wrong_dict_key_type([1, v:null, 3])', 'E1013:') enddef def Test_filter_return_type() var l = filter([1, 2, 3], (_, _) => 1) var res = 0 for n in l res += n endfor res->assert_equal(6) enddef def Test_filter_missing_argument() var dict = {aa: [1], ab: [2], ac: [3], de: [4]} var res = dict->filter((k, _) => k =~ 'a' && k !~ 'b') res->assert_equal({aa: [1], ac: [3]}) enddef def Test_foldclosed() CheckDefFailure(['foldclosed(function("min"))'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got func(...): any') assert_equal(-1, foldclosed(1)) assert_equal(-1, foldclosed('$')) enddef def Test_foldclosedend() CheckDefFailure(['foldclosedend(true)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got bool') assert_equal(-1, foldclosedend(1)) assert_equal(-1, foldclosedend('w0')) enddef def Test_foldlevel() CheckDefFailure(['foldlevel(0z10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got blob') assert_equal(0, foldlevel(1)) assert_equal(0, foldlevel('.')) enddef def Test_foldtextresult() CheckDefFailure(['foldtextresult(1.1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got float') assert_equal('', foldtextresult(1)) assert_equal('', foldtextresult('.')) enddef def Test_fullcommand() assert_equal('next', fullcommand('n')) assert_equal('noremap', fullcommand('no')) assert_equal('noremap', fullcommand('nor')) assert_equal('normal', fullcommand('norm')) assert_equal('', fullcommand('k')) assert_equal('keepmarks', fullcommand('ke')) assert_equal('keepmarks', fullcommand('kee')) assert_equal('keepmarks', fullcommand('keep')) assert_equal('keepjumps', fullcommand('keepj')) assert_equal('dlist', fullcommand('dl')) assert_equal('', fullcommand('dp')) assert_equal('delete', fullcommand('del')) assert_equal('', fullcommand('dell')) assert_equal('', fullcommand('delp')) assert_equal('srewind', fullcommand('sre')) assert_equal('scriptnames', fullcommand('scr')) assert_equal('', fullcommand('scg')) enddef def Test_garbagecollect() garbagecollect(true) enddef def Test_getbufinfo() var bufinfo = getbufinfo(bufnr()) getbufinfo('%')->assert_equal(bufinfo) edit Xtestfile1 hide edit Xtestfile2 hide enew getbufinfo({bufloaded: true, buflisted: true, bufmodified: false}) ->len()->assert_equal(3) bwipe Xtestfile1 Xtestfile2 enddef def Test_getbufline() e SomeFile var buf = bufnr() e # var lines = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'] setbufline(buf, 1, lines) getbufline('#', 1, '$')->assert_equal(lines) getbufline(-1, '$', '$')->assert_equal([]) getbufline(-1, 1, '$')->assert_equal([]) bwipe! enddef def Test_getchangelist() new setline(1, 'some text') var changelist = bufnr()->getchangelist() getchangelist('%')->assert_equal(changelist) bwipe! enddef def Test_getchar() while getchar(0) endwhile getchar(true)->assert_equal(0) enddef def Test_getenv() if getenv('does-not_exist') == '' assert_report('getenv() should return null') endif if getenv('does-not_exist') == null else assert_report('getenv() should return null') endif $SOMEENVVAR = 'some' assert_equal('some', getenv('SOMEENVVAR')) unlet $SOMEENVVAR enddef def Test_getcompletion() set wildignore=*.vim,*~ var l = getcompletion('run', 'file', true) l->assert_equal([]) set wildignore& enddef def Test_getcurpos() CheckDefFailure(['echo getcursorcharpos("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_getcursorcharpos() CheckDefFailure(['echo getcursorcharpos("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_getcwd() CheckDefFailure(['echo getcwd("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo getcwd("x", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo getcwd(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_getloclist_return_type() var l = getloclist(1) l->assert_equal([]) var d = getloclist(1, {items: 0}) d->assert_equal({items: []}) enddef def Test_getfontname() CheckDefFailure(['getfontname(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') enddef def Test_getfperm() assert_equal('', getfperm("")) assert_equal('', getfperm(test_null_string())) CheckDefExecFailure(['echo getfperm(true)'], 'E1013:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo getfperm(v:null)'], 'E1013:') enddef def Test_getfsize() assert_equal(-1, getfsize("")) assert_equal(-1, getfsize(test_null_string())) CheckDefExecFailure(['echo getfsize(true)'], 'E1013:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo getfsize(v:null)'], 'E1013:') enddef def Test_getftime() assert_equal(-1, getftime("")) assert_equal(-1, getftime(test_null_string())) CheckDefExecFailure(['echo getftime(true)'], 'E1013:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo getftime(v:null)'], 'E1013:') enddef def Test_getftype() assert_equal('', getftype("")) assert_equal('', getftype(test_null_string())) CheckDefExecFailure(['echo getftype(true)'], 'E1013:') CheckDefExecFailure(['echo getftype(v:null)'], 'E1013:') enddef def Test_getjumplist() CheckDefFailure(['echo getjumplist("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo getjumplist("x", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo getjumplist(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_getmarklist() CheckDefFailure(['getmarklist([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') assert_equal([], getmarklist(10000)) assert_fails('getmarklist("a%b@#")', 'E94:') enddef def Test_getmatches() CheckDefFailure(['echo getmatches("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_getpos() CheckDefFailure(['getpos(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], getpos('.')) assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0], getpos('a')) enddef def Test_getqflist() CheckDefFailure(['getqflist([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected dict but got list') call assert_equal({}, getqflist({})) enddef def Test_getqflist_return_type() var l = getqflist() l->assert_equal([]) var d = getqflist({items: 0}) d->assert_equal({items: []}) enddef def Test_getreg() var lines = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'] setreg('a', lines) getreg('a', true, true)->assert_equal(lines) assert_fails('getreg("ab")', 'E1162:') enddef def Test_getreg_return_type() var s1: string = getreg('"') var s2: string = getreg('"', 1) var s3: list = getreg('"', 1, 1) enddef def Test_getreginfo() var text = 'abc' setreg('a', text) getreginfo('a')->assert_equal({regcontents: [text], regtype: 'v', isunnamed: false}) assert_fails('getreginfo("ab")', 'E1162:') enddef def Test_getregtype() var lines = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'] setreg('a', lines) getregtype('a')->assert_equal('V') assert_fails('getregtype("ab")', 'E1162:') enddef def Test_gettabinfo() CheckDefFailure(['echo gettabinfo("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_gettagstack() CheckDefFailure(['echo gettagstack("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_gettext() CheckDefFailure(['gettext(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal('abc', gettext("abc")) enddef def Test_getwininfo() CheckDefFailure(['echo getwininfo("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_getwinpos() CheckDefFailure(['echo getwinpos("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_glob() glob('runtest.vim', true, true, true)->assert_equal(['runtest.vim']) enddef def Test_glob2regpat() CheckDefFailure(['glob2regpat(null)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got special') assert_equal('^$', glob2regpat('')) enddef def Test_globpath() globpath('.', 'runtest.vim', true, true, true)->assert_equal(['./runtest.vim']) enddef def Test_has() has('eval', true)->assert_equal(1) enddef def Test_haslocaldir() CheckDefFailure(['echo haslocaldir("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo haslocaldir("x", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo haslocaldir(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_hasmapto() hasmapto('foobar', 'i', true)->assert_equal(0) iabbrev foo foobar hasmapto('foobar', 'i', true)->assert_equal(1) iunabbrev foo enddef def Test_histadd() CheckDefFailure(['histadd(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['histadd(":", 10)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') histadd("search", 'skyblue') assert_equal('skyblue', histget('/', -1)) enddef def Test_histnr() CheckDefFailure(['histnr(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal(-1, histnr('abc')) enddef def Test_hlID() CheckDefFailure(['hlID(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal(0, hlID('NonExistingHighlight')) enddef def Test_hlexists() CheckDefFailure(['hlexists([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') assert_equal(0, hlexists('NonExistingHighlight')) enddef def Test_iconv() CheckDefFailure(['iconv(1, "from", "to")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['iconv("abc", 10, "to")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['iconv("abc", "from", 20)'], 'E1013: Argument 3: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal('abc', iconv('abc', 'fromenc', 'toenc')) enddef def Test_index() index(['a', 'b', 'a', 'B'], 'b', 2, true)->assert_equal(3) enddef def Test_inputlist() CheckDefFailure(['inputlist(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got number') CheckDefFailure(['inputlist("abc")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got string') CheckDefFailure(['inputlist([1, 2, 3])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got list') feedkeys("2\", 't') var r: number = inputlist(['a', 'b', 'c']) assert_equal(2, r) enddef def Test_inputsecret() CheckDefFailure(['inputsecret(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['inputsecret("Pass:", 20)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') feedkeys("\", 't') var ans: string = inputsecret('Pass:', '123') assert_equal('123', ans) enddef let s:number_one = 1 let s:number_two = 2 let s:string_keep = 'keep' def Test_insert() var l = insert([2, 1], 3) var res = 0 for n in l res += n endfor res->assert_equal(6) var m: any = [] insert(m, 4) call assert_equal([4], m) extend(m, [6], 0) call assert_equal([6, 4], m) var lines =<< trim END insert(test_null_list(), 123) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1130:', 1) lines =<< trim END insert(test_null_blob(), 123) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1131:', 1) assert_equal([1, 2, 3], insert([2, 3], 1)) assert_equal([1, 2, 3], insert([2, 3], s:number_one)) assert_equal([1, 2, 3], insert([1, 2], 3, 2)) assert_equal([1, 2, 3], insert([1, 2], 3, s:number_two)) assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c'], insert(['b', 'c'], 'a')) assert_equal(0z1234, insert(0z34, 0x12)) CheckDefFailure(['insert("a", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got string', 1) CheckDefFailure(['insert([2, 3], "a")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string', 1) CheckDefFailure(['insert([2, 3], 1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 3: type mismatch, expected number but got string', 1) enddef def Test_invert() CheckDefFailure(['echo invert("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_isdirectory() CheckDefFailure(['isdirectory(1.1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got float') assert_false(isdirectory('NonExistingDir')) enddef def Test_items() CheckDefFailure(['[]->items()'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected dict but got list') assert_equal([['a', 10], ['b', 20]], {'a': 10, 'b': 20}->items()) assert_equal([], {}->items()) enddef def Test_js_decode() CheckDefFailure(['js_decode(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal([1, 2], js_decode('[1,2]')) enddef def Test_json_decode() CheckDefFailure(['json_decode(true)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got bool') assert_equal(1.0, json_decode('1.0')) enddef def Test_keys() CheckDefFailure(['keys([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected dict but got list') assert_equal(['a'], {a: 'v'}->keys()) assert_equal([], {}->keys()) enddef def Test_keys_return_type() const var: list = {a: 1, b: 2}->keys() var->assert_equal(['a', 'b']) enddef def Test_line() assert_fails('line(true)', 'E1174:') enddef def Test_line2byte() CheckDefFailure(['line2byte(true)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got bool') assert_equal(-1, line2byte(1)) assert_equal(-1, line2byte(10000)) enddef def Test_lispindent() CheckDefFailure(['lispindent({})'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got dict') assert_equal(0, lispindent(1)) enddef def Test_list2str_str2list_utf8() var s = "\u3042\u3044" var l = [0x3042, 0x3044] str2list(s, true)->assert_equal(l) list2str(l, true)->assert_equal(s) enddef def SID(): number return expand('') ->matchstr('\zs\d\+\ze_$') ->str2nr() enddef def Test_listener_remove() CheckDefFailure(['echo listener_remove("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_map_function_arg() var lines =<< trim END def MapOne(i: number, v: string): string return i .. ':' .. v enddef var l = ['a', 'b', 'c'] map(l, MapOne) assert_equal(['0:a', '1:b', '2:c'], l) END CheckDefAndScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END range(3)->map((a, b, c) => a + b + c) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1190: One argument too few') lines =<< trim END range(3)->map((a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1190: 2 arguments too few') enddef def Test_map_item_type() var lines =<< trim END var l = ['a', 'b', 'c'] map(l, (k, v) => k .. '/' .. v ) assert_equal(['0/a', '1/b', '2/c'], l) END CheckDefAndScriptSuccess(lines) lines =<< trim END var l: list = [0] echo map(l, (_, v) => []) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected number but got list', 2) lines =<< trim END var l: list = range(2) echo map(l, (_, v) => []) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected number but got list', 2) lines =<< trim END var d: dict = {key: 0} echo map(d, (_, v) => []) END CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected number but got list', 2) enddef def Test_maparg() var lnum = str2nr(expand('')) map foo bar maparg('foo', '', false, true)->assert_equal({ lnum: lnum + 1, script: 0, mode: ' ', silent: 0, noremap: 0, lhs: 'foo', lhsraw: 'foo', nowait: 0, expr: 0, sid: SID(), rhs: 'bar', buffer: 0}) unmap foo enddef def Test_mapcheck() iabbrev foo foobar mapcheck('foo', 'i', true)->assert_equal('foobar') iunabbrev foo enddef def Test_maparg_mapset() nnoremap :echo "hit F3" var mapsave = maparg('', 'n', false, true) mapset('n', false, mapsave) nunmap enddef def Test_map_failure() CheckFeature job var lines =<< trim END vim9script writefile([], 'Xtmpfile') silent e Xtmpfile var d = {[bufnr('%')]: {a: 0}} au BufReadPost * Func() def Func() if d->has_key('') endif eval d[expand('')]->mapnew((_, v: dict) => 0) enddef e END CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1013:') au! BufReadPost delete('Xtmpfile') enddef def Test_matcharg() CheckDefFailure(['echo matcharg("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_matchdelete() CheckDefFailure(['echo matchdelete("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo matchdelete("x", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo matchdelete(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_max() g:flag = true var l1: list = g:flag ? [1, max([2, 3])] : [4, 5] assert_equal([1, 3], l1) g:flag = false var l2: list = g:flag ? [1, max([2, 3])] : [4, 5] assert_equal([4, 5], l2) enddef def Test_menu_info() CheckDefFailure(['menu_info(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['menu_info(10, "n")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['menu_info("File", 10)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal({}, menu_info('aMenu')) enddef def Test_min() g:flag = true var l1: list = g:flag ? [1, min([2, 3])] : [4, 5] assert_equal([1, 2], l1) g:flag = false var l2: list = g:flag ? [1, min([2, 3])] : [4, 5] assert_equal([4, 5], l2) enddef def Test_nextnonblank() CheckDefFailure(['nextnonblank(null)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got special') assert_equal(0, nextnonblank(1)) enddef def Test_nr2char() nr2char(97, true)->assert_equal('a') enddef def Test_or() CheckDefFailure(['echo or("x", 0x2)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo or(0x1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_prevnonblank() CheckDefFailure(['prevnonblank(null)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got special') assert_equal(0, prevnonblank(1)) enddef def Test_prompt_getprompt() if has('channel') CheckDefFailure(['prompt_getprompt([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') assert_equal('', prompt_getprompt('NonExistingBuf')) endif enddef def Test_rand() CheckDefFailure(['rand(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got number') CheckDefFailure(['rand(["a"])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got list') assert_true(rand() >= 0) assert_true(rand(srand()) >= 0) enddef def Test_readdir() eval expand('sautest')->readdir((e) => e[0] !=# '.') eval expand('sautest')->readdirex((e) => e.name[0] !=# '.') enddef def Test_readblob() var blob = 0z12341234 writefile(blob, 'Xreadblob') var read: blob = readblob('Xreadblob') assert_equal(blob, read) var lines =<< trim END var read: list = readblob('Xreadblob') END CheckDefAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected list but got blob', 1) delete('Xreadblob') enddef def Test_readfile() var text = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'] writefile(text, 'Xreadfile') var read: list = readfile('Xreadfile') assert_equal(text, read) var lines =<< trim END var read: dict = readfile('Xreadfile') END CheckDefAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected dict but got list', 1) delete('Xreadfile') enddef def Test_reltime() CheckDefFailure(['reltime("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got string') CheckDefFailure(['reltime(["x", "y"])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got list') CheckDefFailure(['reltime([1, 2], 10)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected list but got number') CheckDefFailure(['reltime([1, 2], ["a", "b"])'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected list but got list') var start: list = reltime() assert_true(type(reltime(start)) == v:t_list) var end: list = reltime() assert_true(type(reltime(start, end)) == v:t_list) enddef def Test_reltimefloat() CheckDefFailure(['reltimefloat("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got string') CheckDefFailure(['reltimefloat([1.1])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got list') assert_true(type(reltimefloat(reltime())) == v:t_float) enddef def Test_reltimestr() CheckDefFailure(['reltimestr(true)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got bool') CheckDefFailure(['reltimestr([true])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected list but got list') assert_true(type(reltimestr(reltime())) == v:t_string) enddef def Test_remote_foreground() CheckFeature clientserver # remote_foreground() doesn't fail on MS-Windows CheckNotMSWindows CheckEnv DISPLAY CheckDefFailure(['remote_foreground(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_fails('remote_foreground("NonExistingServer")', 'E241:') enddef def Test_remote_startserver() CheckDefFailure(['remote_startserver({})'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got dict') enddef def Test_remove_return_type() var l = remove({one: [1, 2], two: [3, 4]}, 'one') var res = 0 for n in l res += n endfor res->assert_equal(3) enddef def Test_rename() CheckDefFailure(['rename(1, "b")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['rename("a", 2)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') enddef def Test_resolve() CheckDefFailure(['resolve([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') assert_equal('SomeFile', resolve('SomeFile')) enddef def Test_reverse_return_type() var l = reverse([1, 2, 3]) var res = 0 for n in l res += n endfor res->assert_equal(6) enddef def Test_screenattr() CheckDefFailure(['echo screenattr("x", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo screenattr(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_screenchar() CheckDefFailure(['echo screenchar("x", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo screenchar(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_screenchars() CheckDefFailure(['echo screenchars("x", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo screenchars(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_screenpos() CheckDefFailure(['screenpos("a", 1, 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['screenpos(1, "b", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['screenpos(1, 1, "c")'], 'E1013: Argument 3: type mismatch, expected number but got string') assert_equal({col: 1, row: 1, endcol: 1, curscol: 1}, screenpos(1, 1, 1)) enddef def Test_screenstring() CheckDefFailure(['echo screenstring("x", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo screenstring(1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_search() new setline(1, ['foo', 'bar']) var val = 0 # skip expr returns boolean search('bar', 'W', 0, 0, () => val == 1)->assert_equal(2) :1 search('bar', 'W', 0, 0, () => val == 0)->assert_equal(0) # skip expr returns number, only 0 and 1 are accepted :1 search('bar', 'W', 0, 0, () => 0)->assert_equal(2) :1 search('bar', 'W', 0, 0, () => 1)->assert_equal(0) assert_fails("search('bar', '', 0, 0, () => -1)", 'E1023:') assert_fails("search('bar', '', 0, 0, () => -1)", 'E1023:') setline(1, "find this word") normal gg var col = 7 assert_equal(1, search('this', '', 0, 0, 'col(".") > col')) normal 0 assert_equal([1, 6], searchpos('this', '', 0, 0, 'col(".") > col')) col = 5 normal 0 assert_equal(0, search('this', '', 0, 0, 'col(".") > col')) normal 0 assert_equal([0, 0], searchpos('this', '', 0, 0, 'col(".") > col')) bwipe! enddef def Test_searchcount() new setline(1, "foo bar") :/foo searchcount({recompute: true}) ->assert_equal({ exact_match: 1, current: 1, total: 1, maxcount: 99, incomplete: 0}) bwipe! enddef def Test_searchpair() new setline(1, "here { and } there") normal f{ var col = 15 assert_equal(1, searchpair('{', '', '}', '', 'col(".") > col')) assert_equal(12, col('.')) normal 0f{ assert_equal([1, 12], searchpairpos('{', '', '}', '', 'col(".") > col')) col = 8 normal 0f{ assert_equal(0, searchpair('{', '', '}', '', 'col(".") > col')) assert_equal(6, col('.')) normal 0f{ assert_equal([0, 0], searchpairpos('{', '', '}', '', 'col(".") > col')) var lines =<< trim END vim9script setline(1, '()') normal gg def Fail() try searchpairpos('(', '', ')', 'nW', '[0]->map("")') catch g:caught = 'yes' endtry enddef Fail() END CheckScriptSuccess(lines) assert_equal('yes', g:caught) unlet g:caught bwipe! enddef def Test_set_get_bufline() # similar to Test_setbufline_getbufline() var lines =<< trim END new var b = bufnr('%') hide assert_equal(0, setbufline(b, 1, ['foo', 'bar'])) assert_equal(['foo'], getbufline(b, 1)) assert_equal(['bar'], getbufline(b, '$')) assert_equal(['foo', 'bar'], getbufline(b, 1, 2)) exe "bd!" b assert_equal([], getbufline(b, 1, 2)) split Xtest setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c']) b = bufnr('%') wincmd w assert_equal(1, setbufline(b, 5, 'x')) assert_equal(1, setbufline(b, 5, ['x'])) assert_equal(1, setbufline(b, 5, [])) assert_equal(1, setbufline(b, 5, test_null_list())) assert_equal(1, 'x'->setbufline(bufnr('$') + 1, 1)) assert_equal(1, ['x']->setbufline(bufnr('$') + 1, 1)) assert_equal(1, []->setbufline(bufnr('$') + 1, 1)) assert_equal(1, test_null_list()->setbufline(bufnr('$') + 1, 1)) assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c'], getbufline(b, 1, '$')) assert_equal(0, setbufline(b, 4, ['d', 'e'])) assert_equal(['c'], b->getbufline(3)) assert_equal(['d'], getbufline(b, 4)) assert_equal(['e'], getbufline(b, 5)) assert_equal([], getbufline(b, 6)) assert_equal([], getbufline(b, 2, 1)) if has('job') setbufline(b, 2, [function('eval'), {key: 123}, string(test_null_job())]) assert_equal(["function('eval')", "{'key': 123}", "no process"], getbufline(b, 2, 4)) endif exe 'bwipe! ' .. b END CheckDefAndScriptSuccess(lines) enddef def Test_searchdecl() searchdecl('blah', true, true)->assert_equal(1) enddef def Test_setbufvar() setbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&syntax', 'vim') &syntax->assert_equal('vim') setbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&ts', 16) &ts->assert_equal(16) setbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&ai', true) &ai->assert_equal(true) setbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&ft', 'filetype') &ft->assert_equal('filetype') settabwinvar(1, 1, '&syntax', 'vam') &syntax->assert_equal('vam') settabwinvar(1, 1, '&ts', 15) &ts->assert_equal(15) setlocal ts=8 settabwinvar(1, 1, '&list', false) &list->assert_equal(false) settabwinvar(1, 1, '&list', true) &list->assert_equal(true) setlocal list& setbufvar('%', 'myvar', 123) getbufvar('%', 'myvar')->assert_equal(123) enddef def Test_setcharsearch() CheckDefFailure(['setcharsearch("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected dict but got string') CheckDefFailure(['setcharsearch([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected dict but got list') var d: dict = {char: 'x', forward: 1, until: 1} setcharsearch(d) assert_equal(d, getcharsearch()) enddef def Test_setcmdpos() CheckDefFailure(['echo setcmdpos("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_setfperm() CheckDefFailure(['setfperm(1, "b")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['setfperm("a", 0z10)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got blob') enddef def Test_setloclist() var items = [{filename: '/tmp/file', lnum: 1, valid: true}] var what = {items: items} setqflist([], ' ', what) setloclist(0, [], ' ', what) enddef def Test_setreg() setreg('a', ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']) var reginfo = getreginfo('a') setreg('a', reginfo) getreginfo('a')->assert_equal(reginfo) assert_fails('setreg("ab", 0)', 'E1162:') enddef def Test_sha256() CheckDefFailure(['sha256(100)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['sha256(0zABCD)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got blob') assert_equal('ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad', sha256('abc')) enddef def Test_shiftwidth() CheckDefFailure(['echo shiftwidth("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_simplify() CheckDefFailure(['simplify(100)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') call assert_equal('NonExistingFile', simplify('NonExistingFile')) enddef def Test_slice() assert_equal('12345', slice('012345', 1)) assert_equal('123', slice('012345', 1, 4)) assert_equal('1234', slice('012345', 1, -1)) assert_equal('1', slice('012345', 1, -4)) assert_equal('', slice('012345', 1, -5)) assert_equal('', slice('012345', 1, -6)) assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], slice(range(6), 1)) assert_equal([1, 2, 3], slice(range(6), 1, 4)) assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], slice(range(6), 1, -1)) assert_equal([1], slice(range(6), 1, -4)) assert_equal([], slice(range(6), 1, -5)) assert_equal([], slice(range(6), 1, -6)) assert_equal(0z1122334455, slice(0z001122334455, 1)) assert_equal(0z112233, slice(0z001122334455, 1, 4)) assert_equal(0z11223344, slice(0z001122334455, 1, -1)) assert_equal(0z11, slice(0z001122334455, 1, -4)) assert_equal(0z, slice(0z001122334455, 1, -5)) assert_equal(0z, slice(0z001122334455, 1, -6)) enddef def Test_spellsuggest() if !has('spell') MissingFeature 'spell' else spellsuggest('marrch', 1, true)->assert_equal(['March']) endif enddef def Test_sound_stop() CheckFeature sound CheckDefFailure(['sound_stop("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_soundfold() CheckDefFailure(['soundfold(20)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal('abc', soundfold('abc')) enddef def Test_sort_return_type() var res: list res = [1, 2, 3]->sort() enddef def Test_sort_argument() var lines =<< trim END var res = ['b', 'a', 'c']->sort('i') res->assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c']) def Compare(a: number, b: number): number return a - b enddef var l = [3, 6, 7, 1, 8, 2, 4, 5] sort(l, Compare) assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], l) END CheckDefAndScriptSuccess(lines) enddef def Test_spellbadword() CheckDefFailure(['spellbadword(100)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') spellbadword('good')->assert_equal(['', '']) enddef def Test_split() split(' aa bb ', '\W\+', true)->assert_equal(['', 'aa', 'bb', '']) enddef def Test_srand() CheckDefFailure(['srand("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') type(srand(100))->assert_equal(v:t_list) enddef def Test_state() CheckDefFailure(['state({})'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got dict') assert_equal('', state('a')) enddef def Run_str2float() if !has('float') MissingFeature 'float' endif str2float("1.00")->assert_equal(1.00) str2float("2e-2")->assert_equal(0.02) CheckDefFailure(['echo str2float(123)'], 'E1013:') CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script', 'echo str2float(123)'], 'E1024:') endif enddef def Test_str2nr() str2nr("1'000'000", 10, true)->assert_equal(1000000) CheckDefFailure(['echo str2nr(123)'], 'E1013:') CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script', 'echo str2nr(123)'], 'E1024:') CheckDefFailure(['echo str2nr("123", "x")'], 'E1013:') CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script', 'echo str2nr("123", "x")'], 'E1030:') CheckDefFailure(['echo str2nr("123", 10, "x")'], 'E1013:') CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script', 'echo str2nr("123", 10, "x")'], 'E1135:') enddef def Test_strchars() strchars("A\u20dd", true)->assert_equal(1) enddef def Test_strlen() CheckDefFailure(['strlen([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') "abc"->strlen()->assert_equal(3) strlen(99)->assert_equal(2) enddef def Test_strptime() CheckFunction strptime CheckDefFailure(['strptime(10, "2021")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['strptime("%Y", 2021)'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') # BUG: Directly calling strptime() in this function gives an "E117: Unknown # function" error on MS-Windows even with the above CheckFunction call for # strptime(). #assert_true(strptime('%Y', '2021') != 0) enddef def Test_strtrans() CheckDefFailure(['strtrans(20)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal('abc', strtrans('abc')) enddef def Test_strwidth() CheckDefFailure(['strwidth(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script', 'echo strwidth(10)'], 'E1024:') assert_equal(4, strwidth('abcd')) enddef def Test_submatch() var pat = 'A\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)' var Rep = () => range(10)->mapnew((_, v) => submatch(v, true))->string() var actual = substitute('A123456789', pat, Rep, '') var expected = "[['A123456789'], ['1'], ['2'], ['3'], ['4'], ['5'], ['6'], ['7'], ['8'], ['9']]" actual->assert_equal(expected) enddef def Test_substitute() var res = substitute('A1234', '\d', 'X', '') assert_equal('AX234', res) if has('job') assert_fails('"text"->substitute(".*", () => job_start(":"), "")', 'E908: using an invalid value as a String: job') assert_fails('"text"->substitute(".*", () => job_start(":")->job_getchannel(), "")', 'E908: using an invalid value as a String: channel') endif enddef def Test_swapinfo() CheckDefFailure(['swapinfo({})'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got dict') call assert_equal({error: 'Cannot open file'}, swapinfo('x')) enddef def Test_swapname() CheckDefFailure(['swapname([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') assert_fails('swapname("NonExistingBuf")', 'E94:') enddef def Test_synID() new setline(1, "text") synID(1, 1, true)->assert_equal(0) bwipe! enddef def Test_synIDtrans() CheckDefFailure(['synIDtrans("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_tabpagebuflist() CheckDefFailure(['tabpagebuflist("t")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') assert_equal([bufnr('')], tabpagebuflist()) assert_equal([bufnr('')], tabpagebuflist(1)) enddef def Test_tabpagenr() CheckDefFailure(['tabpagenr(1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal(1, tabpagenr('$')) assert_equal(1, tabpagenr()) enddef def Test_term_gettty() if !has('terminal') MissingFeature 'terminal' else var buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) term_gettty(buf, true)->assert_notequal('') StopShellInTerminal(buf) endif enddef def Test_term_start() if !has('terminal') MissingFeature 'terminal' else botright new var winnr = winnr() term_start(&shell, {curwin: true}) winnr()->assert_equal(winnr) bwipe! endif enddef def Test_timer_info() CheckDefFailure(['timer_info("id")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') assert_equal([], timer_info(100)) assert_equal([], timer_info()) enddef def Test_timer_paused() var id = timer_start(50, () => 0) timer_pause(id, true) var info = timer_info(id) info[0]['paused']->assert_equal(1) timer_stop(id) enddef def Test_timer_stop() CheckDefFailure(['timer_stop("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') assert_equal(0, timer_stop(100)) enddef def Test_tolower() CheckDefFailure(['echo tolower(1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') enddef def Test_toupper() CheckDefFailure(['echo toupper(1)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') enddef def Test_tr() CheckDefFailure(['echo tr(1, "a", "b")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['echo tr("a", 1, "b")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number') CheckDefFailure(['echo tr("a", "a", 1)'], 'E1013: Argument 3: type mismatch, expected string but got number') enddef def Test_undofile() CheckDefFailure(['undofile(10)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number') assert_equal('.abc.un~', fnamemodify(undofile('abc'), ':t')) enddef def Test_values() CheckDefFailure(['values([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected dict but got list') assert_equal([], {}->values()) assert_equal(['sun'], {star: 'sun'}->values()) enddef def Test_win_execute() assert_equal("\n" .. winnr(), win_execute(win_getid(), 'echo winnr()')) assert_equal('', win_execute(342343, 'echo winnr()')) enddef def Test_win_findbuf() CheckDefFailure(['win_findbuf("a")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') assert_equal([], win_findbuf(1000)) assert_equal([win_getid()], win_findbuf(bufnr(''))) enddef def Test_win_getid() CheckDefFailure(['win_getid(".")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['win_getid(1, ".")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') assert_equal(win_getid(), win_getid(1, 1)) enddef def Test_win_splitmove() split win_splitmove(1, 2, {vertical: true, rightbelow: true}) close enddef def Test_winnr() CheckDefFailure(['winnr([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got list') assert_equal(1, winnr()) assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) enddef def Test_winrestcmd() split var cmd = winrestcmd() wincmd _ exe cmd assert_equal(cmd, winrestcmd()) close enddef def Test_winrestview() CheckDefFailure(['winrestview([])'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected dict but got list') :%d _ setline(1, 'Hello World') winrestview({lnum: 1, col: 6}) assert_equal([1, 7], [line('.'), col('.')]) enddef def Test_winsaveview() var view: dict = winsaveview() var lines =<< trim END var view: list = winsaveview() END CheckDefAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1012: Type mismatch; expected list but got dict', 1) enddef def Test_win_gettype() CheckDefFailure(['echo win_gettype("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_win_gotoid() CheckDefFailure(['echo win_gotoid("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_win_id2tabwin() CheckDefFailure(['echo win_id2tabwin("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_win_id2win() CheckDefFailure(['echo win_id2win("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_win_screenpos() CheckDefFailure(['echo win_screenpos("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_winbufnr() CheckDefFailure(['echo winbufnr("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_winheight() CheckDefFailure(['echo winheight("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_winlayout() CheckDefFailure(['echo winlayout("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_winwidth() CheckDefFailure(['echo winwidth("x")'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef def Test_xor() CheckDefFailure(['echo xor("x", 0x2)'], 'E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected number but got string') CheckDefFailure(['echo xor(0x1, "x")'], 'E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected number but got string') enddef " vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab tw=80 fdm=marker