" Test for textobjects if !has('textobjects') finish endif func CpoM(line, useM, expected) new if a:useM set cpoptions+=M else set cpoptions-=M endif call setline(1, a:line) call setreg('"', '') normal! ggfrmavi)y call assert_equal(getreg('"'), a:expected[0]) call setreg('"', '') normal! `afbmavi)y call assert_equal(getreg('"'), a:expected[1]) call setreg('"', '') normal! `afgmavi)y call assert_equal(getreg('"'), a:expected[2]) q! endfunc func Test_inner_block_without_cpo_M() call CpoM('(red \(blue) green)', 0, ['red \(blue', 'red \(blue', '']) endfunc func Test_inner_block_with_cpo_M_left_backslash() call CpoM('(red \(blue) green)', 1, ['red \(blue) green', 'blue', 'red \(blue) green']) endfunc func Test_inner_block_with_cpo_M_right_backslash() call CpoM('(red (blue\) green)', 1, ['red (blue\) green', 'blue\', 'red (blue\) green']) endfunc func Test_quote_selection_selection_exclusive() new call setline(1, "a 'bcde' f") set selection=exclusive exe "norm! fdvhi'y" call assert_equal('bcde', @") set selection&vim bw! endfunc func Test_quote_selection_selection_exclusive_abort() new set selection=exclusive call setline(1, "'abzzc'") let exp_curs = [0, 1, 6, 0] call cursor(1,1) exe 'norm! fcdvi"' " make sure to end visual mode to have a clear state exe "norm! \" call assert_equal(exp_curs, getpos('.')) call cursor(1,1) exe 'norm! fcvi"' exe "norm! \" call assert_equal(exp_curs, getpos('.')) call cursor(1,2) exe 'norm! vfcoi"' exe "norm! \" let exp_curs = [0, 1, 2, 0] let exp_visu = [0, 1, 7, 0] call assert_equal(exp_curs, getpos('.')) call assert_equal(exp_visu, getpos("'>")) set selection&vim bw! endfunc " Tests for string and html text objects func Test_string_html_objects() enew! let t = '"wo\"rd\\" foo' put =t normal! da" call assert_equal('foo', getline('.')) let t = "'foo' 'bar' 'piep'" put =t normal! 0va'a'rx call assert_equal("xxxxxxxxxxxx'piep'", getline('.')) let t = "bla bla `quote` blah" put =t normal! 02f`da` call assert_equal("bla bla blah", getline('.')) let t = 'out " in "noXno"' put =t normal! 0fXdi" call assert_equal('out " in ""', getline('.')) let t = "\"'\" 'blah' rep 'buh'" put =t normal! 03f'vi'ry call assert_equal("\"'\" 'blah'yyyyy'buh'", getline('.')) set quoteescape=+*- let t = "bla `s*`d-`+++`l**` b`la" put =t normal! di` call assert_equal("bla `` b`la", getline('.')) let t = 'voo "nah" sdf " asdf" sdf " sdf" sd' put =t normal! $F"va"oha"i"rz call assert_equal('voo "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsd', getline('.')) let t = "-asdfXasdfasdf-" put =t normal! fXdit call assert_equal('-asdfasdf-', getline('.')) let t = "-asdXasdfasdf-" put =t normal! 0fXdit call assert_equal('--', getline('.')) let t = "-asdfXasdfasdf-" put =t normal! fXdat call assert_equal('-asdfasdf-', getline('.')) let t = "-asdXasdfasdf-" put =t normal! 0fXdat call assert_equal('--', getline('.')) let t = "-\ninnertext object\n" put =t normal! dit call assert_equal('-', getline('.')) set quoteescape& enew! endfunc func Test_empty_html_tag() new call setline(1, '
') normal 0citxxx call assert_equal('
', getline(1)) call setline(1, '
') normal 0fyyy', getline(1)) call setline(1, '
') normal 0f