" Tests for the terminal window. if !has('terminal') finish endif source shared.vim source screendump.vim let s:python = PythonProg() " Open a terminal with a shell, assign the job to g:job and return the buffer " number. func Run_shell_in_terminal(options) if has('win32') let buf = term_start([&shell,'/k'], a:options) else let buf = term_start(&shell, a:options) endif let termlist = term_list() call assert_equal(1, len(termlist)) call assert_equal(buf, termlist[0]) let g:job = term_getjob(buf) call assert_equal(v:t_job, type(g:job)) let string = string({'job': term_getjob(buf)}) call assert_match("{'job': 'process \\d\\+ run'}", string) return buf endfunc func Test_terminal_basic() au TerminalOpen * let b:done = 'yes' let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) if has("unix") call assert_match('^/dev/', job_info(g:job).tty_out) call assert_match('^/dev/', term_gettty('')) else call assert_match('^\\\\.\\pipe\\', job_info(g:job).tty_out) call assert_match('^\\\\.\\pipe\\', term_gettty('')) endif call assert_equal('t', mode()) call assert_equal('yes', b:done) call assert_match('%aR[^\n]*running]', execute('ls')) call assert_match('%aR[^\n]*running]', execute('ls R')) call assert_notmatch('%[^\n]*running]', execute('ls F')) call assert_notmatch('%[^\n]*running]', execute('ls ?')) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) call assert_equal('n', mode()) call assert_match('%aF[^\n]*finished]', execute('ls')) call assert_match('%aF[^\n]*finished]', execute('ls F')) call assert_notmatch('%[^\n]*finished]', execute('ls R')) call assert_notmatch('%[^\n]*finished]', execute('ls ?')) " closing window wipes out the terminal buffer a with finished job close call assert_equal("", bufname(buf)) au! TerminalOpen unlet g:job endfunc func Test_terminal_make_change() let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) setlocal modifiable exe "normal Axxx\" call assert_fails(buf . 'bwipe', 'E517') undo exe buf . 'bwipe' unlet g:job endfunc func Test_terminal_wipe_buffer() let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) call assert_fails(buf . 'bwipe', 'E517') exe buf . 'bwipe!' call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('dead', job_status(g:job))}) call assert_equal("", bufname(buf)) unlet g:job endfunc func Test_terminal_split_quit() let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) call term_wait(buf) split quit! call term_wait(buf) sleep 50m call assert_equal('run', job_status(g:job)) quit! call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('dead', job_status(g:job))}) exe buf . 'bwipe' unlet g:job endfunc func Test_terminal_hide_buffer() let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) setlocal bufhidden=hide quit for nr in range(1, winnr('$')) call assert_notequal(winbufnr(nr), buf) endfor call assert_true(bufloaded(buf)) call assert_true(buflisted(buf)) exe 'split ' . buf . 'buf' call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' unlet g:job endfunc func! s:Nasty_exit_cb(job, st) exe g:buf . 'bwipe!' let g:buf = 0 endfunc func Get_cat_123_cmd() if has('win32') return 'cmd /c "cls && color 2 && echo 123"' else call writefile(["\[32m123"], 'Xtext') return "cat Xtext" endif endfunc func Test_terminal_nasty_cb() let cmd = Get_cat_123_cmd() let g:buf = term_start(cmd, {'exit_cb': function('s:Nasty_exit_cb')}) let g:job = term_getjob(g:buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(g:job))}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(0, g:buf)}) unlet g:buf unlet g:job call delete('Xtext') endfunc func Check_123(buf) let l = term_scrape(a:buf, 0) call assert_true(len(l) == 0) let l = term_scrape(a:buf, 999) call assert_true(len(l) == 0) let l = term_scrape(a:buf, 1) call assert_true(len(l) > 0) call assert_equal('1', l[0].chars) call assert_equal('2', l[1].chars) call assert_equal('3', l[2].chars) call assert_equal('#00e000', l[0].fg) if &background == 'light' call assert_equal('#ffffff', l[0].bg) else call assert_equal('#000000', l[0].bg) endif let l = term_getline(a:buf, -1) call assert_equal('', l) let l = term_getline(a:buf, 0) call assert_equal('', l) let l = term_getline(a:buf, 999) call assert_equal('', l) let l = term_getline(a:buf, 1) call assert_equal('123', l) endfunc func Test_terminal_scrape_123() let cmd = Get_cat_123_cmd() let buf = term_start(cmd) let termlist = term_list() call assert_equal(1, len(termlist)) call assert_equal(buf, termlist[0]) " Nothing happens with invalid buffer number call term_wait(1234) call term_wait(buf) " On MS-Windows we first get a startup message of two lines, wait for the " "cls" to happen, after that we have one line with three characters. call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(3, len(term_scrape(buf, 1)))}) call Check_123(buf) " Must still work after the job ended. let job = term_getjob(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))}) call term_wait(buf) call Check_123(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' call delete('Xtext') endfunc func Test_terminal_scrape_multibyte() if !has('multi_byte') return endif call writefile(["léttまrs"], 'Xtext') if has('win32') " Run cmd with UTF-8 codepage to make the type command print the expected " multibyte characters. let buf = term_start("cmd /K chcp 65001") call term_sendkeys(buf, "type Xtext\") call term_sendkeys(buf, "exit\") let line = 4 else let buf = term_start("cat Xtext") let line = 1 endif call WaitFor({-> len(term_scrape(buf, line)) >= 7 && term_scrape(buf, line)[0].chars == "l"}) let l = term_scrape(buf, line) call assert_true(len(l) >= 7) call assert_equal('l', l[0].chars) call assert_equal('é', l[1].chars) call assert_equal(1, l[1].width) call assert_equal('t', l[2].chars) call assert_equal('t', l[3].chars) call assert_equal('ま', l[4].chars) call assert_equal(2, l[4].width) call assert_equal('r', l[5].chars) call assert_equal('s', l[6].chars) let job = term_getjob(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))}) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' call delete('Xtext') endfunc func Test_terminal_scroll() call writefile(range(1, 200), 'Xtext') if has('win32') let cmd = 'cmd /c "type Xtext"' else let cmd = "cat Xtext" endif let buf = term_start(cmd) let job = term_getjob(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))}) call term_wait(buf) if has('win32') " TODO: this should not be needed sleep 100m endif let scrolled = term_getscrolled(buf) call assert_equal('1', getline(1)) call assert_equal('1', term_getline(buf, 1 - scrolled)) call assert_equal('49', getline(49)) call assert_equal('49', term_getline(buf, 49 - scrolled)) call assert_equal('200', getline(200)) call assert_equal('200', term_getline(buf, 200 - scrolled)) exe buf . 'bwipe' call delete('Xtext') endfunc func Test_terminal_scrollback() let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({'term_rows': 15}) set termwinscroll=100 call writefile(range(150), 'Xtext') if has('win32') call term_sendkeys(buf, "type Xtext\") else call term_sendkeys(buf, "cat Xtext\") endif let rows = term_getsize(buf)[0] " On MS-Windows there is an empty line, check both last line and above it. call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match( '149', term_getline(buf, rows - 1) . term_getline(buf, rows - 2))}) let lines = line('$') call assert_inrange(91, 100, lines) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' set termwinscroll& endfunc func Test_terminal_size() let cmd = Get_cat_123_cmd() exe 'terminal ++rows=5 ' . cmd let size = term_getsize('') bwipe! call assert_equal(5, size[0]) call term_start(cmd, {'term_rows': 6}) let size = term_getsize('') bwipe! call assert_equal(6, size[0]) vsplit exe 'terminal ++rows=5 ++cols=33 ' . cmd call assert_equal([5, 33], term_getsize('')) call term_setsize('', 6, 0) call assert_equal([6, 33], term_getsize('')) call term_setsize('', 0, 35) call assert_equal([6, 35], term_getsize('')) call term_setsize('', 7, 30) call assert_equal([7, 30], term_getsize('')) bwipe! call assert_fails("call term_setsize('', 7, 30)", "E955:") call term_start(cmd, {'term_rows': 6, 'term_cols': 36}) let size = term_getsize('') bwipe! call assert_equal([6, 36], size) exe 'vertical terminal ++cols=20 ' . cmd let size = term_getsize('') bwipe! call assert_equal(20, size[1]) call term_start(cmd, {'vertical': 1, 'term_cols': 26}) let size = term_getsize('') bwipe! call assert_equal(26, size[1]) split exe 'vertical terminal ++rows=6 ++cols=20 ' . cmd let size = term_getsize('') bwipe! call assert_equal([6, 20], size) call term_start(cmd, {'vertical': 1, 'term_rows': 7, 'term_cols': 27}) let size = term_getsize('') bwipe! call assert_equal([7, 27], size) call delete('Xtext') endfunc func Test_terminal_curwin() let cmd = Get_cat_123_cmd() call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) split dummy exe 'terminal ++curwin ' . cmd call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) bwipe! split dummy call term_start(cmd, {'curwin': 1}) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) bwipe! split dummy call setline(1, 'change') call assert_fails('terminal ++curwin ' . cmd, 'E37:') call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) exe 'terminal! ++curwin ' . cmd call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) bwipe! split dummy call setline(1, 'change') call assert_fails("call term_start(cmd, {'curwin': 1})", 'E37:') call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) bwipe! split dummy bwipe! call delete('Xtext') endfunc func s:get_sleep_cmd() if s:python != '' let cmd = s:python . " test_short_sleep.py" let waittime = 500 else echo 'This will take five seconds...' let waittime = 2000 if has('win32') let cmd = $windir . '\system32\timeout.exe 1' else let cmd = 'sleep 1' endif endif return [cmd, waittime] endfunc func Test_terminal_finish_open_close() call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) let [cmd, waittime] = s:get_sleep_cmd() " shell terminal closes automatically terminal let buf = bufnr('%') call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) " Wait for the shell to display a prompt call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', term_getline(buf, 1))}) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))}, waittime) " shell terminal that does not close automatically terminal ++noclose let buf = bufnr('%') call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) " Wait for the shell to display a prompt call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', term_getline(buf, 1))}) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) quit call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) exe 'terminal ++close ' . cmd call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) wincmd p call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))}, waittime) call term_start(cmd, {'term_finish': 'close'}) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) wincmd p call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))}, waittime) call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) exe 'terminal ++open ' . cmd close! call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))}, waittime) bwipe call term_start(cmd, {'term_finish': 'open'}) close! call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))}, waittime) bwipe exe 'terminal ++hidden ++open ' . cmd call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))}, waittime) bwipe call term_start(cmd, {'term_finish': 'open', 'hidden': 1}) call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))}, waittime) bwipe call assert_fails("call term_start(cmd, {'term_opencmd': 'open'})", 'E475:') call assert_fails("call term_start(cmd, {'term_opencmd': 'split %x'})", 'E475:') call assert_fails("call term_start(cmd, {'term_opencmd': 'split %d and %s'})", 'E475:') call assert_fails("call term_start(cmd, {'term_opencmd': 'split % and %d'})", 'E475:') call term_start(cmd, {'term_finish': 'open', 'term_opencmd': '4split | buffer %d'}) close! call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))}, waittime) call assert_equal(4, winheight(0)) bwipe endfunc func Test_terminal_cwd() if !executable('pwd') return endif call mkdir('Xdir') let buf = term_start('pwd', {'cwd': 'Xdir'}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('Xdir', fnamemodify(getline(1), ":t"))}) exe buf . 'bwipe' call delete('Xdir', 'rf') endfunc func Test_terminal_servername() if !has('clientserver') return endif let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) " Wait for the shell to display a prompt call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', term_getline(buf, 1))}) if has('win32') call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo %VIM_SERVERNAME%\r") else call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo $VIM_SERVERNAME\r") endif call term_wait(buf) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call WaitFor('getline(2) == v:servername') call assert_equal(v:servername, getline(2)) exe buf . 'bwipe' unlet buf endfunc func Test_terminal_env() let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({'env': {'TESTENV': 'correct'}}) " Wait for the shell to display a prompt call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', term_getline(buf, 1))}) if has('win32') call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo %TESTENV%\r") else call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo $TESTENV\r") endif call term_wait(buf) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('correct', getline(2))}) exe buf . 'bwipe' endfunc " must be last, we can't go back from GUI to terminal func Test_zz_terminal_in_gui() if !CanRunGui() return endif " Ignore the "failed to create input context" error. call test_ignore_error('E285:') gui -f call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({'term_finish': 'close'}) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) " closing window wipes out the terminal buffer a with finished job call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))}) call assert_equal("", bufname(buf)) unlet g:job endfunc func Test_terminal_list_args() let buf = term_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, 'echo "123"']) call assert_fails(buf . 'bwipe', 'E517') exe buf . 'bwipe!' call assert_equal("", bufname(buf)) endfunction func Test_terminal_noblock() let buf = term_start(&shell) if has('mac') " The shell or something else has a problem dealing with more than 1000 " characters at the same time. let len = 1000 else let len = 5000 endif for c in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k'] call term_sendkeys(buf, 'echo ' . repeat(c, len) . "\") endfor call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo done\") " On MS-Windows there is an extra empty line below "done". Find "done" in " the last-but-one or the last-but-two line. let lnum = term_getsize(buf)[0] - 1 call WaitFor({-> term_getline(buf, lnum) =~ "done" || term_getline(buf, lnum - 1) =~ "done"}, 10000) let line = term_getline(buf, lnum) if line !~ 'done' let line = term_getline(buf, lnum - 1) endif call assert_match('done', line) let g:job = term_getjob(buf) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) unlet g:job bwipe endfunc func Test_terminal_write_stdin() if !executable('wc') throw 'skipped: wc command not available' endif new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) %term wc call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('3', getline("$"))}) let nrs = split(getline('$')) call assert_equal(['3', '3', '14'], nrs) bwipe new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']) 2,3term wc call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('2', getline("$"))}) let nrs = split(getline('$')) call assert_equal(['2', '2', '10'], nrs) bwipe if executable('python') new call setline(1, ['print("hello")']) 1term ++eof=exit() python " MS-Windows echoes the input, Unix doesn't. call WaitFor('getline("$") =~ "exit" || getline(1) =~ "hello"') if getline(1) =~ 'hello' call assert_equal('hello', getline(1)) else call assert_equal('hello', getline(line('$') - 1)) endif bwipe if has('win32') new call setline(1, ['print("hello")']) 1term ++eof= python call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('Z', getline("$"))}) call assert_equal('hello', getline(line('$') - 1)) bwipe endif endif bwipe! endfunc func Test_terminal_no_cmd() " Todo: make this work in the GUI if !has('gui_running') return endif let buf = term_start('NONE', {}) call assert_notequal(0, buf) let pty = job_info(term_getjob(buf))['tty_out'] call assert_notequal('', pty) if has('win32') silent exe '!start cmd /c "echo look here > ' . pty . '"' else call system('echo "look here" > ' . pty) endif call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('look here', term_getline(buf, 1))}) bwipe! endfunc func Test_terminal_special_chars() " this file name only works on Unix if !has('unix') return endif call mkdir('Xdir with spaces') call writefile(['x'], 'Xdir with spaces/quoted"file') term ls Xdir\ with\ spaces/quoted\"file call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('quoted"file', term_getline('', 1))}) call term_wait('') call delete('Xdir with spaces', 'rf') bwipe endfunc func Test_terminal_wrong_options() call assert_fails('call term_start(&shell, { \ "in_io": "file", \ "in_name": "xxx", \ "out_io": "file", \ "out_name": "xxx", \ "err_io": "file", \ "err_name": "xxx" \ })', 'E474:') call assert_fails('call term_start(&shell, { \ "out_buf": bufnr("%") \ })', 'E474:') call assert_fails('call term_start(&shell, { \ "err_buf": bufnr("%") \ })', 'E474:') endfunc func Test_terminal_redir_file() let cmd = Get_cat_123_cmd() let buf = term_start(cmd, {'out_io': 'file', 'out_name': 'Xfile'}) call term_wait(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal(0, len(readfile("Xfile")))}) call assert_match('123', readfile('Xfile')[0]) let g:job = term_getjob(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(g:job))}) call delete('Xfile') bwipe if has('unix') call writefile(['one line'], 'Xfile') let buf = term_start('cat', {'in_io': 'file', 'in_name': 'Xfile'}) call term_wait(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('one line', term_getline(buf, 1))}) let g:job = term_getjob(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('dead', job_status(g:job))}) bwipe call delete('Xfile') endif endfunc func TerminalTmap(remap) let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) call assert_equal('t', mode()) if a:remap tmap 123 456 else tnoremap 123 456 endif " don't use abcde, it's an existing command tmap 456 abxde call assert_equal('456', maparg('123', 't')) call assert_equal('abxde', maparg('456', 't')) call feedkeys("123", 'tx') call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('abxde\|456', term_getline(buf, term_getcursor(buf)[0]))}) let lnum = term_getcursor(buf)[0] if a:remap call assert_match('abxde', term_getline(buf, lnum)) else call assert_match('456', term_getline(buf, lnum)) endif call term_sendkeys(buf, "\r") call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) tunmap 123 tunmap 456 call assert_equal('', maparg('123', 't')) close unlet g:job endfunc func Test_terminal_tmap() call TerminalTmap(1) call TerminalTmap(0) endfunc func Test_terminal_wall() let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) wall call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' unlet g:job endfunc func Test_terminal_wqall() let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) call assert_fails('wqall', 'E948') call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' unlet g:job endfunc func Test_terminal_composing_unicode() let save_enc = &encoding set encoding=utf-8 if has('win32') let cmd = "cmd /K chcp 65001" let lnum = [3, 6, 9] else let cmd = &shell let lnum = [1, 3, 5] endif enew let buf = term_start(cmd, {'curwin': bufnr('')}) let g:job = term_getjob(buf) call term_wait(buf, 50) if has('win32') call assert_equal('cmd', job_info(g:job).cmd[0]) else call assert_equal(&shell, job_info(g:job).cmd[0]) endif " ascii + composing let txt = "a\u0308bc" call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo " . txt . "\r") call term_wait(buf, 50) call assert_match("echo " . txt, term_getline(buf, lnum[0])) call assert_equal(txt, term_getline(buf, lnum[0] + 1)) let l = term_scrape(buf, lnum[0] + 1) call assert_equal("a\u0308", l[0].chars) call assert_equal("b", l[1].chars) call assert_equal("c", l[2].chars) " multibyte + composing let txt = "\u304b\u3099\u304e\u304f\u3099\u3052\u3053\u3099" call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo " . txt . "\r") call term_wait(buf, 50) call assert_match("echo " . txt, term_getline(buf, lnum[1])) call assert_equal(txt, term_getline(buf, lnum[1] + 1)) let l = term_scrape(buf, lnum[1] + 1) call assert_equal("\u304b\u3099", l[0].chars) call assert_equal("\u304e", l[1].chars) call assert_equal("\u304f\u3099", l[2].chars) call assert_equal("\u3052", l[3].chars) call assert_equal("\u3053\u3099", l[4].chars) " \u00a0 + composing let txt = "abc\u00a0\u0308" call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo " . txt . "\r") call term_wait(buf, 50) call assert_match("echo " . txt, term_getline(buf, lnum[2])) call assert_equal(txt, term_getline(buf, lnum[2] + 1)) let l = term_scrape(buf, lnum[2] + 1) call assert_equal("\u00a0\u0308", l[3].chars) call term_sendkeys(buf, "exit\r") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('dead', job_status(g:job))}) bwipe! unlet g:job let &encoding = save_enc endfunc func Test_terminal_aucmd_on_close() fun Nop() let s:called = 1 endfun aug repro au! au BufWinLeave * call Nop() aug END let [cmd, waittime] = s:get_sleep_cmd() call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) new call setline(1, ['one', 'two']) exe 'term ++close ' . cmd wincmd p call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))}, waittime) call assert_equal(1, s:called) bwipe! unlet s:called au! repro delfunc Nop endfunc func Test_terminal_term_start_empty_command() let cmd = "call term_start('', {'curwin' : 1, 'term_finish' : 'close'})" call assert_fails(cmd, 'E474') let cmd = "call term_start('', {'curwin' : 1, 'term_finish' : 'close'})" call assert_fails(cmd, 'E474') let cmd = "call term_start({}, {'curwin' : 1, 'term_finish' : 'close'})" call assert_fails(cmd, 'E474') let cmd = "call term_start(0, {'curwin' : 1, 'term_finish' : 'close'})" call assert_fails(cmd, 'E474') endfunc func Test_terminal_response_to_control_sequence() if !has('unix') return endif let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', term_getline(buf, 1))}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "cat\") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('cat', term_getline(buf, 1))}) " Request the cursor position. call term_sendkeys(buf, "\x1b[6n\") " Wait for output from tty to display, below an empty line. call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('3;1R', term_getline(buf, 4))}) " End "cat" gently. call term_sendkeys(buf, "\\") call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' unlet g:job endfunc " Run Vim, start a terminal in that Vim with the kill argument, " :qall works. func Run_terminal_qall_kill(line1, line2) " 1. Open a terminal window and wait for the prompt to appear " 2. set kill using term_setkill() " 3. make Vim exit, it will kill the shell let after = [ \ a:line1, \ 'let buf = bufnr("%")', \ 'while term_getline(buf, 1) =~ "^\\s*$"', \ ' sleep 10m', \ 'endwhile', \ a:line2, \ 'au VimLeavePre * call writefile(["done"], "Xdone")', \ 'qall', \ ] if !RunVim([], after, '') return endif call assert_equal("done", readfile("Xdone")[0]) call delete("Xdone") endfunc " Run Vim in a terminal, then start a terminal in that Vim with a kill " argument, check that :qall works. func Test_terminal_qall_kill_arg() call Run_terminal_qall_kill('term ++kill=kill', '') endfunc " Run Vim, start a terminal in that Vim, set the kill argument with " term_setkill(), check that :qall works. func Test_terminal_qall_kill_func() call Run_terminal_qall_kill('term', 'call term_setkill(buf, "kill")') endfunc " Run Vim, start a terminal in that Vim without the kill argument, " check that :qall does not exit, :qall! does. func Test_terminal_qall_exit() let after = [ \ 'term', \ 'let buf = bufnr("%")', \ 'while term_getline(buf, 1) =~ "^\\s*$"', \ ' sleep 10m', \ 'endwhile', \ 'set nomore', \ 'au VimLeavePre * call writefile(["too early"], "Xdone")', \ 'qall', \ 'au! VimLeavePre * exe buf . "bwipe!" | call writefile(["done"], "Xdone")', \ 'cquit', \ ] if !RunVim([], after, '') return endif call assert_equal("done", readfile("Xdone")[0]) call delete("Xdone") endfunc " Run Vim in a terminal, then start a terminal in that Vim without a kill " argument, check that :confirm qall works. func Test_terminal_qall_prompt() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let buf = RunVimInTerminal('', {}) " Open a terminal window and wait for the prompt to appear call term_sendkeys(buf, ":term\") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[running]', term_getline(buf, 10))}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notmatch('^\s*$', term_getline(buf, 1))}) " make Vim exit, it will prompt to kill the shell call term_sendkeys(buf, "\:confirm qall\") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('ancel:', term_getline(buf, 20))}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "y") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('finished', term_getstatus(buf))}) " close the terminal window where Vim was running quit endfunc func Test_terminal_open_autocmd() augroup repro au! au TerminalOpen * let s:called += 1 augroup END let s:called = 0 " Open a terminal window with :terminal terminal call assert_equal(1, s:called) bwipe! " Open a terminal window with term_start() call term_start(&shell) call assert_equal(2, s:called) bwipe! " Open a hidden terminal buffer with :terminal terminal ++hidden call assert_equal(3, s:called) for buf in term_list() exe buf . "bwipe!" endfor " Open a hidden terminal buffer with term_start() let buf = term_start(&shell, {'hidden': 1}) call assert_equal(4, s:called) exe buf . "bwipe!" unlet s:called au! repro endfunction func Check_dump01(off) call assert_equal('one two three four five', trim(getline(a:off + 1))) call assert_equal('~ Select Word', trim(getline(a:off + 7))) call assert_equal(':popup PopUp', trim(getline(a:off + 20))) endfunc func Test_terminal_dumpwrite_composing() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let save_enc = &encoding set encoding=utf-8 call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) let text = " a\u0300 e\u0302 o\u0308" call writefile([text], 'Xcomposing') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('--cmd "set encoding=utf-8" Xcomposing', {}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match(text, term_getline(buf, 1))}) call term_dumpwrite(buf, 'Xdump') let dumpline = readfile('Xdump')[0] call assert_match('|à| |ê| |ö', dumpline) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xcomposing') call delete('Xdump') let &encoding = save_enc endfunc " just testing basic functionality. func Test_terminal_dumpload() call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) call term_dumpload('dumps/Test_popup_command_01.dump') call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(20, line('$')) call Check_dump01(0) quit endfunc func Test_terminal_dumpdiff() call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) call term_dumpdiff('dumps/Test_popup_command_01.dump', 'dumps/Test_popup_command_02.dump') call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(62, line('$')) call Check_dump01(0) call Check_dump01(42) call assert_equal(' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ', getline(26)[0:29]) quit endfunc func Test_terminal_dumpdiff_options() set laststatus=0 call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) let height = winheight(0) call term_dumpdiff('dumps/Test_popup_command_01.dump', 'dumps/Test_popup_command_02.dump', {'vertical': 1, 'term_cols': 33}) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(height, winheight(winnr())) call assert_equal(33, winwidth(winnr())) call assert_equal('dump diff dumps/Test_popup_command_01.dump', bufname('%')) quit call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) let width = winwidth(0) call term_dumpdiff('dumps/Test_popup_command_01.dump', 'dumps/Test_popup_command_02.dump', {'vertical': 0, 'term_rows': 13, 'term_name': 'something else'}) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(width, winwidth(winnr())) call assert_equal(13, winheight(winnr())) call assert_equal('something else', bufname('%')) quit call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) call term_dumpdiff('dumps/Test_popup_command_01.dump', 'dumps/Test_popup_command_02.dump', {'curwin': 1}) call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) bwipe set laststatus& endfunc func Api_drop_common(options) call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) " Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence. call writefile([ \ 'set title', \ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"', \ 'let &titlestring = ''["drop","Xtextfile"' . a:options . ']''', \ 'redraw', \ "set t_ts=", \ ], 'Xscript') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {}) call WaitFor({-> bufnr('Xtextfile') > 0}) call assert_equal('Xtextfile', expand('%:t')) call assert_true(winnr('$') >= 3) return buf endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let buf = Api_drop_common('') call assert_equal(0, &bin) call assert_equal('', &fenc) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_bin() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"bin":1}') call assert_equal(1, &bin) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_binary() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"binary":1}') call assert_equal(1, &bin) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_nobin() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif set binary let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"nobin":1}') call assert_equal(0, &bin) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile set nobinary endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_nobinary() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif set binary let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"nobinary":1}') call assert_equal(0, &bin) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile set nobinary endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_ff() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"ff":"dos"}') call assert_equal("dos", &ff) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_fileformat() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"fileformat":"dos"}') call assert_equal("dos", &ff) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_enc() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"enc":"utf-16"}') call assert_equal("utf-16", &fenc) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_encoding() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"encoding":"utf-16"}') call assert_equal("utf-16", &fenc) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile endfunc func Test_terminal_api_drop_oldwin() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let firstwinid = win_getid() split Xtextfile let textfile_winid = win_getid() call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call win_gotoid(firstwinid) " Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence. call writefile([ \ 'set title', \ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"', \ 'let &titlestring = ''["drop","Xtextfile"]''', \ 'redraw', \ "set t_ts=", \ ], 'Xscript') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'rows': 10}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('Xtextfile', expand('%:t'))}) call assert_equal(textfile_winid, win_getid()) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') bwipe Xtextfile endfunc func Tapi_TryThis(bufnum, arg) let g:called_bufnum = a:bufnum let g:called_arg = a:arg endfunc func WriteApiCall(funcname) " Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence. call writefile([ \ 'set title', \ 'exe "set t_ts=\]51; t_fs=\x07"', \ 'let &titlestring = ''["call","' . a:funcname . '",["hello",123]]''', \ 'redraw', \ "set t_ts=", \ ], 'Xscript') endfunc func Test_terminal_api_call() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif call WriteApiCall('Tapi_TryThis') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {}) call WaitFor({-> exists('g:called_bufnum')}) call assert_equal(buf, g:called_bufnum) call assert_equal(['hello', 123], g:called_arg) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') unlet g:called_bufnum unlet g:called_arg endfunc func Test_terminal_api_call_fails() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif call WriteApiCall('TryThis') call ch_logfile('Xlog', 'w') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('Invalid function name: TryThis', string(readfile('Xlog')))}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') call ch_logfile('', '') call delete('Xlog') endfunc let s:caught_e937 = 0 func Tapi_Delete(bufnum, arg) try execute 'bdelete!' a:bufnum catch /E937:/ let s:caught_e937 = 1 endtry endfunc func Test_terminal_api_call_fail_delete() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif call WriteApiCall('Tapi_Delete') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, s:caught_e937)}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') call ch_logfile('', '') endfunc func Test_terminal_ansicolors_default() let colors = [ \ '#000000', '#e00000', \ '#00e000', '#e0e000', \ '#0000e0', '#e000e0', \ '#00e0e0', '#e0e0e0', \ '#808080', '#ff4040', \ '#40ff40', '#ffff40', \ '#4040ff', '#ff40ff', \ '#40ffff', '#ffffff', \] let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) call assert_equal(colors, term_getansicolors(buf)) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' endfunc let s:test_colors = [ \ '#616e64', '#0d0a79', \ '#6d610d', '#0a7373', \ '#690d0a', '#6d696e', \ '#0d0a6f', '#616e0d', \ '#0a6479', '#6d0d0a', \ '#617373', '#0d0a69', \ '#6d690d', '#0a6e6f', \ '#610d0a', '#6e6479', \] func Test_terminal_ansicolors_global() let g:terminal_ansi_colors = reverse(copy(s:test_colors)) let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) call assert_equal(g:terminal_ansi_colors, term_getansicolors(buf)) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' unlet g:terminal_ansi_colors endfunc func Test_terminal_ansicolors_func() let g:terminal_ansi_colors = reverse(copy(s:test_colors)) let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({'ansi_colors': s:test_colors}) call assert_equal(s:test_colors, term_getansicolors(buf)) call term_setansicolors(buf, g:terminal_ansi_colors) call assert_equal(g:terminal_ansi_colors, term_getansicolors(buf)) let colors = [ \ 'ivory', 'AliceBlue', \ 'grey67', 'dark goldenrod', \ 'SteelBlue3', 'PaleVioletRed4', \ 'MediumPurple2', 'yellow2', \ 'RosyBrown3', 'OrangeRed2', \ 'white smoke', 'navy blue', \ 'grey47', 'gray97', \ 'MistyRose2', 'DodgerBlue4', \] call term_setansicolors(buf, colors) let colors[4] = 'Invalid' call assert_fails('call term_setansicolors(buf, colors)', 'E474:') call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' endfunc func Test_terminal_termwinsize_option_fixed() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif set termwinsize=6x40 let text = [] for n in range(10) call add(text, repeat(n, 50)) endfor call writefile(text, 'Xwinsize') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xwinsize', {}) let win = bufwinid(buf) call assert_equal([6, 40], term_getsize(buf)) call assert_equal(6, winheight(win)) call assert_equal(40, winwidth(win)) " resizing the window doesn't resize the terminal. resize 10 vertical resize 60 call assert_equal([6, 40], term_getsize(buf)) call assert_equal(10, winheight(win)) call assert_equal(60, winwidth(win)) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xwinsize') call assert_fails('set termwinsize=40', 'E474') call assert_fails('set termwinsize=10+40', 'E474') call assert_fails('set termwinsize=abc', 'E474') set termwinsize= endfunc func Test_terminal_termwinsize_option_zero() set termwinsize=0x0 let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) let win = bufwinid(buf) call assert_equal([winheight(win), winwidth(win)], term_getsize(buf)) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' set termwinsize=7x0 let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) let win = bufwinid(buf) call assert_equal([7, winwidth(win)], term_getsize(buf)) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' set termwinsize=0x33 let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) let win = bufwinid(buf) call assert_equal([winheight(win), 33], term_getsize(buf)) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' set termwinsize= endfunc func Test_terminal_termwinsize_mininmum() set termwinsize=10*50 vsplit let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) let win = bufwinid(buf) call assert_inrange(10, 1000, winheight(win)) call assert_inrange(50, 1000, winwidth(win)) call assert_equal([winheight(win), winwidth(win)], term_getsize(buf)) resize 15 vertical resize 60 redraw call assert_equal([15, 60], term_getsize(buf)) call assert_equal(15, winheight(win)) call assert_equal(60, winwidth(win)) resize 7 vertical resize 30 redraw call assert_equal([10, 50], term_getsize(buf)) call assert_equal(7, winheight(win)) call assert_equal(30, winwidth(win)) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' set termwinsize=0*0 let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) let win = bufwinid(buf) call assert_equal([winheight(win), winwidth(win)], term_getsize(buf)) call Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf) call term_wait(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe' set termwinsize= endfunc func Test_terminal_termwinkey() call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) let thiswin = win_getid() let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({}) let termwin = bufwinid(buf) set termwinkey= call feedkeys("\w", 'tx') call assert_equal(thiswin, win_getid()) call feedkeys("\w", 'tx') let job = term_getjob(buf) call feedkeys("\\", 'tx') call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))}) endfunc func Test_terminal_out_err() if !has('unix') return endif call writefile([ \ '#!/bin/sh', \ 'echo "this is standard error" >&2', \ 'echo "this is standard out" >&1', \ ], 'Xechoerrout.sh') call setfperm('Xechoerrout.sh', 'rwxrwx---') let outfile = 'Xtermstdout' let buf = term_start(['./Xechoerrout.sh'], {'out_io': 'file', 'out_name': outfile}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_inrange(1, 2, len(readfile(outfile)))}) call assert_equal("this is standard out", readfile(outfile)[0]) call assert_equal('this is standard error', term_getline(buf, 1)) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('dead', job_status(term_getjob(buf)))}) exe buf . 'bwipe' call delete('Xechoerrout.sh') call delete(outfile) endfunc func Test_terminwinscroll() if !has('unix') return endif " Let the terminal output more than 'termwinscroll' lines, some at the start " will be dropped. exe 'set termwinscroll=' . &lines let buf = term_start('/bin/sh') for i in range(1, &lines) call feedkeys("echo " . i . "\", 'xt') call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match(string(i), term_getline(buf, term_getcursor(buf)[0] - 1))}) endfor " Go to Terminal-Normal mode to update the buffer. call feedkeys("\N", 'xt') call assert_inrange(&lines, &lines * 110 / 100 + winheight(0), line('$')) " Every "echo nr" must only appear once let lines = getline(1, line('$')) for i in range(&lines - len(lines) / 2 + 2, &lines) let filtered = filter(copy(lines), {idx, val -> val =~ 'echo ' . i . '\>'}) call assert_equal(1, len(filtered), 'for "echo ' . i . '"') endfor exe buf . 'bwipe!' endfunc