" Various tests for inserting a Tab. " Tests for "r" with 'smarttab' and 'expandtab' set/not set. " Also test that dv_ works correctly func Test_smarttab() enew! set smarttab expandtab ts=8 sw=4 " make sure that backspace works, no matter what termcap is used exe "set t_kD=\x7f t_kb=\x08" call append(0, ['start text', \ "\t\tsome test text", \ 'test text', \ "\t\tother test text", \ ' a cde', \ ' f ghi', \ 'test text', \ ' Second line beginning with whitespace' \ ]) call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal /some\" exe "normal r\t" call assert_equal("\t\t ome test text", getline('.')) set noexpandtab exe "normal /other\" exe "normal r\t" call assert_equal("\t\t ther test text", getline('.')) " Test replacing with Tabs and then backspacing to undo it exe "normal j0wR\t\t\t\\\" call assert_equal(" a cde", getline('.')) " Test replacing with Tabs exe "normal j0wR\t\t\t" call assert_equal(" \t\thi", getline('.')) " Test that copyindent works with expandtab set set expandtab smartindent copyindent ts=8 sw=8 sts=8 exe "normal jo{\x" call assert_equal('{', getline(line('.') - 1)) call assert_equal(' x', getline('.')) set nosol exe "normal /Second line/\" exe "normal fwdv_" call assert_equal(' with whitespace', getline('.')) enew! set expandtab& smartindent& copyindent& ts& sw& sts& endfunc func Test_softtabstop() new set sts=0 sw=0 exe "normal ix\x\" call assert_equal("x\tx", getline(1)) call setline(1, '') set sts=4 exe "normal ix\x\" call assert_equal("x x", getline(1)) call setline(1, '') set sts=-1 sw=4 exe "normal ix\x\" call assert_equal("x x", getline(1)) call setline(1, 'x ') set sts=0 sw=0 backspace=start exe "normal A\x\" call assert_equal("x x", getline(1)) call setline(1, 'x ') set sts=4 exe "normal A\x\" call assert_equal("x x", getline(1)) call setline(1, 'x ') set sts=-1 sw=4 exe "normal A\x\" call assert_equal("x x", getline(1)) call setline(1, 'x') set sts=-1 sw=0 smarttab exe "normal I\\" call assert_equal("\tx", getline(1)) call setline(1, 'x') exe "normal I\\\" call assert_equal("x", getline(1)) set sts=0 sw=0 backspace& nosmarttab bwipe! endfunc