" Tests for multi-line regexps with ":s". function! Test_multiline_subst() enew! call append(0, ["1 aa", \ "bb", \ "cc", \ "2 dd", \ "ee", \ "3 ef", \ "gh", \ "4 ij", \ "5 a8", \ "8b c9", \ "9d", \ "6 e7", \ "77f", \ "xxxxx"]) 1 " test if replacing a line break works with a back reference /^1/,/^2/s/\n\(.\)/ \1/ " test if inserting a line break works with a back reference /^3/,/^4/s/\(.\)$/\r\1/ " test if replacing a line break with another line break works /^5/,/^6/s/\(\_d\{3}\)/x\1x/ call assert_equal('1 aa bb cc 2 dd ee', getline(1)) call assert_equal('3 e', getline(2)) call assert_equal('f', getline(3)) call assert_equal('g', getline(4)) call assert_equal('h', getline(5)) call assert_equal('4 i', getline(6)) call assert_equal('j', getline(7)) call assert_equal('5 ax8', getline(8)) call assert_equal('8xb cx9', getline(9)) call assert_equal('9xd', getline(10)) call assert_equal('6 ex7', getline(11)) call assert_equal('7x7f', getline(12)) call assert_equal('xxxxx', getline(13)) enew! endfunction function! Test_substitute_variants() " Validate that all the 2-/3-letter variants which embed the flags into the " command name actually work. enew! let ln = 'Testing string' let variants = [ \ { 'cmd': ':s/Test/test/c', 'exp': 'testing string', 'prompt': 'y' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/foo/bar/ce', 'exp': ln }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/cg', 'exp': 'Tesring srring', 'prompt': 'a' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/ci', 'exp': 'resting string', 'prompt': 'y' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/cI', 'exp': 'Tesring string', 'prompt': 'y' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/cn', 'exp': ln }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/cp', 'exp': 'Tesring string', 'prompt': 'y' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/cl', 'exp': 'Tesring string', 'prompt': 'y' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/gc', 'exp': 'Tesring srring', 'prompt': 'a' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/foo/bar/ge', 'exp': ln }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/g', 'exp': 'Tesring srring' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/gi', 'exp': 'resring srring' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/gI', 'exp': 'Tesring srring' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/gn', 'exp': ln }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/gp', 'exp': 'Tesring srring' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/gl', 'exp': 'Tesring srring' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/gr', 'exp': 'Testr strr' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/ic', 'exp': 'resting string', 'prompt': 'y' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/foo/bar/ie', 'exp': ln }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/i', 'exp': 'resting string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/iI', 'exp': 'Tesring string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/in', 'exp': ln }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/ip', 'exp': 'resting string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/ir', 'exp': 'Testr string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/Ic', 'exp': 'Tesring string', 'prompt': 'y' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/foo/bar/Ie', 'exp': ln }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/Ig', 'exp': 'Tesring srring' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/Ii', 'exp': 'resting string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/I', 'exp': 'Tesring string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/Ip', 'exp': 'Tesring string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s/t/r/Il', 'exp': 'Tesring string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/Ir', 'exp': 'Testr string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/rc', 'exp': 'Testr string', 'prompt': 'y' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/rg', 'exp': 'Testr strr' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/ri', 'exp': 'Testr string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/rI', 'exp': 'Testr string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/rn', 'exp': 'Testing string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/rp', 'exp': 'Testr string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/rl', 'exp': 'Testr string' }, \ { 'cmd': ':s//r/r', 'exp': 'Testr string' }, \] for var in variants for run in [1, 2] let cmd = var.cmd if run == 2 && cmd =~ "/.*/.*/." " Change :s/from/to/{flags} to :s{flags} let cmd = substitute(cmd, '/.*/', '', '') endif call setline(1, [ln]) let msg = printf('using "%s"', cmd) let @/='ing' let v:errmsg = '' call feedkeys(cmd . "\" . get(var, 'prompt', ''), 'ntx') " No error should exist (matters for testing e flag) call assert_equal('', v:errmsg, msg) call assert_equal(var.exp, getline('.'), msg) endfor endfor endfunction func Test_substitute_repeat() " This caused an invalid memory access. split Xfile s/^/x call feedkeys("Qsc\y", 'tx') bwipe! endfunc