" Tests for startup using utf-8. if !has('multi_byte') finish endif source shared.vim source screendump.vim func Test_read_stdin_utf8() let linesin = ['テスト', '€ÀÈÌÒÙ'] call writefile(linesin, 'Xtestin') let before = [ \ 'set enc=utf-8', \ 'set fencs=cp932,utf-8', \ ] let after = [ \ 'write ++enc=utf-8 Xtestout', \ 'quit!', \ ] if has('win32') let pipecmd = 'type Xtestin | ' else let pipecmd = 'cat Xtestin | ' endif if RunVimPiped(before, after, '-', pipecmd) let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(linesin, lines) else call assert_equal('', 'RunVimPiped failed.') endif call delete('Xtestout') call delete('Xtestin') endfunc func Test_read_fifo_utf8() if !has('unix') return endif " Using bash/zsh's process substitution. if executable('bash') set shell=bash elseif executable('zsh') set shell=zsh else return endif let linesin = ['テスト', '€ÀÈÌÒÙ'] call writefile(linesin, 'Xtestin') let before = [ \ 'set enc=utf-8', \ 'set fencs=cp932,utf-8', \ ] let after = [ \ 'write ++enc=utf-8 Xtestout', \ 'quit!', \ ] if RunVim(before, after, '<(cat Xtestin)') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(linesin, lines) else call assert_equal('', 'RunVim failed.') endif call delete('Xtestout') call delete('Xtestin') endfunc func Test_detect_ambiwidth() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif " Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence. call writefile([ \ 'set enc=utf-8', \ 'set ambiwidth=double', \ 'call test_option_not_set("ambiwidth")', \ 'redraw', \ ], 'Xscript') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {}) call term_wait(buf) call term_sendkeys(buf, "S\=&ambiwidth\\") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('single', term_getline(buf, 1))}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xscript') endfunc