" Tests for startup. source shared.vim source screendump.vim " Check that loading startup.vim works. func Test_startup_script() set compatible source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim call assert_equal(0, &compatible) endfunc " Verify the order in which plugins are loaded: " 1. plugins in non-after directories " 2. packages " 3. plugins in after directories func Test_after_comes_later() if !has('packages') return endif let before =<< trim [CODE] set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo set guioptions+=M let $HOME = "/does/not/exist" set loadplugins set rtp=Xhere,Xafter,Xanother set packpath=Xhere,Xafter set nomore let g:sequence = "" [CODE] let after =<< trim [CODE] redir! > Xtestout scriptnames redir END redir! > Xsequence echo g:sequence redir END quit [CODE] call mkdir('Xhere/plugin', 'p') call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "here "'], 'Xhere/plugin/here.vim') call mkdir('Xanother/plugin', 'p') call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "another "'], 'Xanother/plugin/another.vim') call mkdir('Xhere/pack/foo/start/foobar/plugin', 'p') call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "pack "'], 'Xhere/pack/foo/start/foobar/plugin/foo.vim') call mkdir('Xafter/plugin', 'p') call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "after "'], 'Xafter/plugin/later.vim') if RunVim(before, after, '') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') let expected = ['Xbefore.vim', 'here.vim', 'another.vim', 'foo.vim', 'later.vim', 'Xafter.vim'] let found = [] for line in lines for one in expected if line =~ one call add(found, one) endif endfor endfor call assert_equal(expected, found) endif call assert_equal('here another pack after', substitute(join(readfile('Xsequence', 1), ''), '\s\+$', '', '')) call delete('Xtestout') call delete('Xsequence') call delete('Xhere', 'rf') call delete('Xanother', 'rf') call delete('Xafter', 'rf') endfunc func Test_pack_in_rtp_when_plugins_run() if !has('packages') return endif let before =<< trim [CODE] set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo set guioptions+=M let $HOME = "/does/not/exist" set loadplugins set rtp=Xhere set packpath=Xhere set nomore [CODE] let after = [ \ 'quit', \ ] call mkdir('Xhere/plugin', 'p') call writefile(['redir! > Xtestout', 'silent set runtimepath?', 'silent! call foo#Trigger()', 'redir END'], 'Xhere/plugin/here.vim') call mkdir('Xhere/pack/foo/start/foobar/autoload', 'p') call writefile(['function! foo#Trigger()', 'echo "autoloaded foo"', 'endfunction'], 'Xhere/pack/foo/start/foobar/autoload/foo.vim') if RunVim(before, after, '') let lines = filter(readfile('Xtestout'), '!empty(v:val)') call assert_match('Xhere[/\\]pack[/\\]foo[/\\]start[/\\]foobar', get(lines, 0)) call assert_match('autoloaded foo', get(lines, 1)) endif call delete('Xtestout') call delete('Xhere', 'rf') endfunc func Test_help_arg() if !has('unix') && has('gui') " this doesn't work with gvim on MS-Windows return endif if RunVim([], [], '--help >Xtestout') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_true(len(lines) > 20) call assert_match('Vi IMproved', lines[0]) " check if couple of lines are there let found = [] for line in lines if line =~ '-R.*Readonly mode' call add(found, 'Readonly mode') endif " Watch out for a second --version line in the Gnome version. if line =~ '--version.*Print version information and exit' call add(found, "--version") endif endfor call assert_equal(['Readonly mode', '--version'], found) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_compatible_args() let after =<< trim [CODE] call writefile([string(&compatible)], "Xtestout") set viminfo+=nviminfo quit [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '-C') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal('1', lines[0]) endif if RunVim([], after, '-N') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal('0', lines[0]) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc " Test the -o[N] and -O[N] arguments to open N windows split " horizontally or vertically. func Test_o_arg() let after =<< trim [CODE] call writefile([winnr("$"), \ winheight(1), winheight(2), &lines, \ winwidth(1), winwidth(2), &columns, \ bufname(winbufnr(1)), bufname(winbufnr(2))], \ "Xtestout") qall [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '-o2') " Open 2 windows split horizontally. Expect: " - 2 windows " - both windows should have the same or almost the same height " - sum of both windows height (+ 3 for both statusline and Ex command) " should be equal to the number of lines " - both windows should have the same width which should be equal to the " number of columns " - buffer of both windows should have no name let [wn, wh1, wh2, ln, ww1, ww2, cn, bn1, bn2] = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal('2', wn) call assert_inrange(0, 1, wh1 - wh2) call assert_equal(string(wh1 + wh2 + 3), ln) call assert_equal(ww1, ww2) call assert_equal(ww1, cn) call assert_equal('', bn1) call assert_equal('', bn2) endif if RunVim([], after, '-o foo bar') " Same expectations as for -o2 but buffer names should be foo and bar let [wn, wh1, wh2, ln, ww1, ww2, cn, bn1, bn2] = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal('2', wn) call assert_inrange(0, 1, wh1 - wh2) call assert_equal(string(wh1 + wh2 + 3), ln) call assert_equal(ww1, ww2) call assert_equal(ww1, cn) call assert_equal('foo', bn1) call assert_equal('bar', bn2) endif if RunVim([], after, '-O2') " Open 2 windows split vertically. Expect: " - 2 windows " - both windows should have the same or almost the same width " - sum of both windows width (+ 1 for the separator) should be equal to " the number of columns " - both windows should have the same height " - window height (+ 2 for the statusline and Ex command) should be equal " to the number of lines " - buffer of both windows should have no name let [wn, wh1, wh2, ln, ww1, ww2, cn, bn1, bn2] = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal('2', wn) call assert_inrange(0, 1, ww1 - ww2) call assert_equal(string(ww1 + ww2 + 1), cn) call assert_equal(wh1, wh2) call assert_equal(string(wh1 + 2), ln) call assert_equal('', bn1) call assert_equal('', bn2) endif if RunVim([], after, '-O foo bar') " Same expectations as for -O2 but buffer names should be foo and bar let [wn, wh1, wh2, ln, ww1, ww2, cn, bn1, bn2] = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal('2', wn) call assert_inrange(0, 1, ww1 - ww2) call assert_equal(string(ww1 + ww2 + 1), cn) call assert_equal(wh1, wh2) call assert_equal(string(wh1 + 2), ln) call assert_equal('foo', bn1) call assert_equal('bar', bn2) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc " Test the -p[N] argument to open N tabpages. func Test_p_arg() let after =<< trim [CODE] call writefile(split(execute("tabs"), "\n"), "Xtestout") qall [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '-p2') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(4, len(lines)) call assert_equal('Tab page 1', lines[0]) call assert_equal('> [No Name]', lines[1]) call assert_equal('Tab page 2', lines[2]) call assert_equal(' [No Name]', lines[3]) endif if RunVim([], after, '-p foo bar') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(4, len(lines)) call assert_equal('Tab page 1', lines[0]) call assert_equal('> foo', lines[1]) call assert_equal('Tab page 2', lines[2]) call assert_equal(' bar', lines[3]) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc " Test the -V[N] argument to set the 'verbose' option to [N] func Test_V_arg() if has('gui_running') " Can't catch the output of gvim. return endif let out = system(GetVimCommand() . ' --clean -es -X -V0 -c "set verbose?" -cq') call assert_equal(" verbose=0\n", out) let out = system(GetVimCommand() . ' --clean -es -X -V2 -c "set verbose?" -cq') call assert_match("sourcing \"$VIMRUNTIME[\\/]defaults\.vim\"\r\nSearching for \"filetype\.vim\".*\n", out) call assert_match(" verbose=2\n", out) let out = system(GetVimCommand() . ' --clean -es -X -V15 -c "set verbose?" -cq') call assert_match("sourcing \"$VIMRUNTIME[\\/]defaults\.vim\"\r\nline 1: \" The default vimrc file\..* verbose=15\n", out) endfunc " Test the '-q [errorfile]' argument. func Test_q_arg() let source_file = has('win32') ? '..\memfile.c' : '../memfile.c' let after =<< trim [CODE] call writefile([&errorfile, string(getpos("."))], "Xtestout") copen w >> Xtestout qall [CODE] " Test with default argument '-q'. call assert_equal('errors.err', &errorfile) call writefile(["../memfile.c:208:5: error: expected ';' before '}' token"], 'errors.err') if RunVim([], after, '-q') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['errors.err', \ '[0, 208, 5, 0]', \ source_file . "|208 col 5| error: expected ';' before '}' token"], \ lines) endif call delete('Xtestout') call delete('errors.err') " Test with explicit argument '-q Xerrors' (with space). call writefile(["../memfile.c:208:5: error: expected ';' before '}' token"], 'Xerrors') if RunVim([], after, '-q Xerrors') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['Xerrors', \ '[0, 208, 5, 0]', \ source_file . "|208 col 5| error: expected ';' before '}' token"], \ lines) endif call delete('Xtestout') " Test with explicit argument '-qXerrors' (without space). if RunVim([], after, '-qXerrors') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['Xerrors', \ '[0, 208, 5, 0]', \ source_file . "|208 col 5| error: expected ';' before '}' token"], \ lines) endif call delete('Xtestout') call delete('Xerrors') endfunc " Test the -V[N]{filename} argument to set the 'verbose' option to N " and set 'verbosefile' to filename. func Test_V_file_arg() if RunVim([], [], ' --clean -V2Xverbosefile -c "set verbose? verbosefile?" -cq') let out = join(readfile('Xverbosefile'), "\n") call assert_match("sourcing \"$VIMRUNTIME[\\/]defaults\.vim\"\n", out) call assert_match("\n verbose=2\n", out) call assert_match("\n verbosefile=Xverbosefile", out) endif call delete('Xverbosefile') endfunc " Test the -m, -M and -R arguments: " -m resets 'write' " -M resets 'modifiable' and 'write' " -R sets 'readonly' func Test_m_M_R() let after =<< trim [CODE] call writefile([&write, &modifiable, &readonly, &updatecount], "Xtestout") qall [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['1', '1', '0', '200'], lines) endif if RunVim([], after, '-m') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['0', '1', '0', '200'], lines) endif if RunVim([], after, '-M') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['0', '0', '0', '200'], lines) endif if RunVim([], after, '-R') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['1', '1', '1', '10000'], lines) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc " Test the -A, -F and -H arguments (Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew modes). func Test_A_F_H_arg() let after =<< trim [CODE] call writefile([&rightleft, &arabic, &fkmap, &hkmap], "Xtestout") qall [CODE] " Use silent Ex mode to avoid the hit-Enter prompt for the warning that " 'encoding' is not utf-8. if has('arabic') && &encoding == 'utf-8' && RunVim([], after, '-e -s -A') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['1', '1', '0', '0'], lines) endif if has('farsi') && RunVim([], after, '-F') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['1', '0', '1', '0'], lines) endif if has('rightleft') && RunVim([], after, '-H') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['1', '0', '0', '1'], lines) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_invalid_args() if !has('unix') || has('gui_running') " can't get output of Vim. return endif for opt in ['-Y', '--does-not-exist'] let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. ' ' .. opt), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Unknown option argument: "' .. opt .. '"', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) endfor for opt in ['-c', '-i', '-s', '-t', '-T', '-u', '-U', '-w', '-W', '--cmd', '--startuptime'] let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. ' ' .. opt), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Argument missing after: "' .. opt .. '"', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) endfor if has('clientserver') for opt in ['--remote', '--remote-send', '--remote-silent', '--remote-expr', \ '--remote-tab', '--remote-tab-wait', \ '--remote-tab-wait-silent', '--remote-tab-silent', \ '--remote-wait', '--remote-wait-silent', \ '--servername', \ ] let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. ' ' .. opt), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Argument missing after: "' .. opt .. '"', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) endfor endif if has('gui_gtk') let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. ' --display'), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Argument missing after: "--display"', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) endif if has('xterm_clipboard') let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. ' -display'), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Argument missing after: "-display"', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) endif let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. ' -ix'), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Garbage after option argument: "-ix"', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. ' - xxx'), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Too many edit arguments: "xxx"', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) " Detect invalid repeated arguments '-t foo -t foo", '-q foo -q foo'. for opt in ['-t', '-q'] let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. repeat(' ' .. opt .. ' foo', 2)), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Too many edit arguments: "' .. opt .. '"', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) endfor for opt in [' -cq', ' --cmd q', ' +', ' -S foo'] let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. repeat(opt, 11)), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) " FIXME: The error message given by Vim is not ideal in case of repeated " -S foo since it does not mention -S. call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Too many "+command", "-c command" or "--cmd command" arguments', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) endfor if has('gui_gtk') for opt in ['--socketid x', '--socketid 0xg'] let out = split(system(GetVimCommand() .. ' ' .. opt), "\n") call assert_equal(1, v:shell_error) call assert_match('^VIM - Vi IMproved .* (.*)$', out[0]) call assert_equal('Invalid argument for: "--socketid"', out[1]) call assert_equal('More info with: "vim -h"', out[2]) endfor endif endfunc func Test_file_args() let after =<< trim [CODE] call writefile(argv(), "Xtestout") qall [CODE] if RunVim([], after, '') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(0, len(lines)) endif if RunVim([], after, 'one') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(1, len(lines)) call assert_equal('one', lines[0]) endif if RunVim([], after, 'one two three') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(3, len(lines)) call assert_equal('one', lines[0]) call assert_equal('two', lines[1]) call assert_equal('three', lines[2]) endif if RunVim([], after, 'one -c echo two') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(2, len(lines)) call assert_equal('one', lines[0]) call assert_equal('two', lines[1]) endif if RunVim([], after, 'one -- -c echo two') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(4, len(lines)) call assert_equal('one', lines[0]) call assert_equal('-c', lines[1]) call assert_equal('echo', lines[2]) call assert_equal('two', lines[3]) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_startuptime() if !has('startuptime') return endif let after = ['qall'] if RunVim([], after, '--startuptime Xtestout one') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') let expected = ['--- VIM STARTING ---', 'parsing arguments', \ 'shell init', 'inits 3', 'start termcap', 'opening buffers'] let found = [] for line in lines for exp in expected if line =~ exp call add(found, exp) endif endfor endfor call assert_equal(expected, found) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_read_stdin() let after =<< trim [CODE] write Xtestout quit! [CODE] if RunVimPiped([], after, '-', 'echo something | ') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') " MS-Windows adds a space after the word call assert_equal(['something'], split(lines[0])) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_set_shell() let after =<< trim [CODE] call writefile([&shell], "Xtestout") quit! [CODE] let $SHELL = '/bin/with space/sh' if RunVimPiped([], after, '', '') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') " MS-Windows adds a space after the word call assert_equal('/bin/with\ space/sh', lines[0]) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_progpath() " Tests normally run with "./vim" or "../vim", these must have been expanded " to a full path. if has('unix') call assert_equal('/', v:progpath[0]) elseif has('win32') call assert_equal(':', v:progpath[1]) call assert_match('[/\\]', v:progpath[2]) endif " Only expect "vim" to appear in v:progname. call assert_match('vim\c', v:progname) endfunc func Test_silent_ex_mode() if !has('unix') || has('gui_running') " can't get output of Vim. return endif " This caused an ml_get error. let out = system(GetVimCommand() . '-u NONE -es -c''set verbose=1|h|exe "%norm\\"'' -c cq') call assert_notmatch('E315:', out) endfunc func Test_default_term() if !has('unix') || has('gui_running') " can't get output of Vim. return endif let save_term = $TERM let $TERM = 'unknownxxx' let out = system(GetVimCommand() . ' -c''set term'' -c cq') call assert_match("defaulting to 'ansi'", out) let $TERM = save_term endfunc func Test_zzz_startinsert() " Test :startinsert call writefile(['123456'], 'Xtestout') let after =<< trim [CODE] :startinsert call feedkeys("foobar\:wq\","t") [CODE] if RunVim([], after, 'Xtestout') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['foobar123456'], lines) endif " Test :startinsert! call writefile(['123456'], 'Xtestout') let after =<< trim [CODE] :startinsert! call feedkeys("foobar\:wq\","t") [CODE] if RunVim([], after, 'Xtestout') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(['123456foobar'], lines) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_issue_3969() if has('gui_running') " Can't catch the output of gvim. return endif " Check that message is not truncated. let out = system(GetVimCommand() . ' -es -X -V1 -c "echon ''hello''" -cq') call assert_equal('hello', out) endfunc func Test_start_with_tabs() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-p a b c', {}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_start_with_tabs', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) endfunc