" Tests for startup. source shared.vim " Check that loading startup.vim works. func Test_startup_script() set compatible source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim call assert_equal(0, &compatible) endfunc " Verify the order in which plugins are loaded: " 1. plugins in non-after directories " 2. packages " 3. plugins in after directories func Test_after_comes_later() if !has('packages') return endif let before = [ \ 'set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo', \ 'set guioptions+=M', \ 'let $HOME = "/does/not/exist"', \ 'set loadplugins', \ 'set rtp=Xhere,Xafter', \ 'set packpath=Xhere,Xafter', \ 'set nomore', \ ] let after = [ \ 'redir! > Xtestout', \ 'scriptnames', \ 'redir END', \ 'quit', \ ] call mkdir('Xhere/plugin', 'p') call writefile(['let done = 1'], 'Xhere/plugin/here.vim') call mkdir('Xhere/pack/foo/start/foobar/plugin', 'p') call writefile(['let done = 1'], 'Xhere/pack/foo/start/foobar/plugin/foo.vim') call mkdir('Xafter/plugin', 'p') call writefile(['let done = 1'], 'Xafter/plugin/later.vim') if RunVim(before, after, '') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') let expected = ['Xbefore.vim', 'here.vim', 'foo.vim', 'later.vim', 'Xafter.vim'] let found = [] for line in lines for one in expected if line =~ one call add(found, one) endif endfor endfor call assert_equal(expected, found) endif call delete('Xtestout') call delete('Xhere', 'rf') call delete('Xafter', 'rf') endfunc func Test_help_arg() if !has('unix') && has('gui') " this doesn't work with gvim on MS-Windows return endif if RunVim([], [], '--help >Xtestout') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_true(len(lines) > 20) call assert_match('Vi IMproved', lines[0]) " check if couple of lines are there let found = [] for line in lines if line =~ '-R.*Readonly mode' call add(found, 'Readonly mode') endif " Watch out for a second --version line in the Gnome version. if line =~ '--version.*Print version information and exit' call add(found, "--version") endif endfor call assert_equal(['Readonly mode', '--version'], found) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_compatible_args() let after = [ \ 'call writefile([string(&compatible)], "Xtestout")', \ 'set viminfo+=nviminfo', \ 'quit', \ ] if RunVim([], after, '-C') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal('1', lines[0]) endif if RunVim([], after, '-N') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal('0', lines[0]) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_file_args() let after = [ \ 'call writefile(argv(), "Xtestout")', \ 'qall', \ ] if RunVim([], after, '') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(0, len(lines)) endif if RunVim([], after, 'one') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(1, len(lines)) call assert_equal('one', lines[0]) endif if RunVim([], after, 'one two three') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(3, len(lines)) call assert_equal('one', lines[0]) call assert_equal('two', lines[1]) call assert_equal('three', lines[2]) endif if RunVim([], after, 'one -c echo two') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(2, len(lines)) call assert_equal('one', lines[0]) call assert_equal('two', lines[1]) endif if RunVim([], after, 'one -- -c echo two') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') call assert_equal(4, len(lines)) call assert_equal('one', lines[0]) call assert_equal('-c', lines[1]) call assert_equal('echo', lines[2]) call assert_equal('two', lines[3]) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_startuptime() if !has('startuptime') return endif let after = ['qall'] if RunVim([], after, '--startuptime Xtestout one') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') let expected = ['--- VIM STARTING ---', 'parsing arguments', \ 'shell init', 'inits 3', 'start termcap', 'opening buffers'] let found = [] for line in lines for exp in expected if line =~ exp call add(found, exp) endif endfor endfor call assert_equal(expected, found) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_read_stdin() let after = [ \ 'write Xtestout', \ 'quit!', \ ] if RunVimPiped([], after, '-', 'echo something | ') let lines = readfile('Xtestout') " MS-Windows adds a space after the word call assert_equal(['something'], split(lines[0])) endif call delete('Xtestout') endfunc func Test_progpath() " Tests normally run with "./vim" or "../vim", these must have been expanded " to a full path. if has('unix') call assert_equal('/', v:progpath[0]) elseif has('win32') call assert_equal(':', v:progpath[1]) call assert_match('[/\\]', v:progpath[2]) endif " Only expect "vim" to appear in v:progname. call assert_match('vim\c', v:progname) endfunc