" Tests for search_stats, when "S" is not in 'shortmess' source check.vim source screendump.vim func Test_search_stat() new set shortmess-=S " Append 50 lines with text to search for, "foobar" appears 20 times call append(0, repeat(['foobar', 'foo', 'fooooobar', 'foba', 'foobar'], 10)) call cursor(1, 1) " searchcount() returns an empty dictionary when previous pattern was not set call assert_equal({}, searchcount(#{pattern: ''})) " but setting @/ should also work (even 'n' nor 'N' was executed) " recompute the count when the last position is different. call assert_equal( \ #{current: 1, exact_match: 1, total: 40, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{pattern: 'foo'})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 0, exact_match: 0, total: 10, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{pattern: 'fooooobar'})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 0, exact_match: 0, total: 10, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{pattern: 'fooooobar', pos: [2, 1, 0]})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 1, exact_match: 1, total: 10, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{pattern: 'fooooobar', pos: [3, 1, 0]})) " on last char of match call assert_equal( \ #{current: 1, exact_match: 1, total: 10, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{pattern: 'fooooobar', pos: [3, 9, 0]})) " on char after match call assert_equal( \ #{current: 1, exact_match: 0, total: 10, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{pattern: 'fooooobar', pos: [3, 10, 0]})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 1, exact_match: 0, total: 10, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{pattern: 'fooooobar', pos: [4, 1, 0]})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 1, exact_match: 0, total: 2, incomplete: 2, maxcount: 1}, \ searchcount(#{pattern: 'fooooobar', pos: [4, 1, 0], maxcount: 1})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 0, exact_match: 0, total: 2, incomplete: 2, maxcount: 1}, \ searchcount(#{pattern: 'fooooobar', maxcount: 1})) " match at second line let messages_before = execute('messages') let @/ = 'fo*\(bar\?\)\?' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') let stat = '\[2/50\]' let pat = escape(@/, '()*?'). '\s\+' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 2, exact_match: 1, total: 50, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: 0})) " didn't get added to message history call assert_equal(messages_before, execute('messages')) " Match at last line call cursor(line('$')-2, 1) let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') let stat = '\[50/50\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 50, exact_match: 1, total: 50, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: 0})) " No search stat set shortmess+=S call cursor(1, 1) let stat = '\[2/50\]' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') call assert_notmatch(pat .. stat, g:a) " n does not update search stat call assert_equal( \ #{current: 50, exact_match: 1, total: 50, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: 0})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 2, exact_match: 1, total: 50, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: v:true})) set shortmess-=S " Many matches call cursor(line('$')-2, 1) let @/ = '.' let pat = escape(@/, '()*?'). '\s\+' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') let stat = '\[>99/>99\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 100, exact_match: 0, total: 100, incomplete: 2, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: 0})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 272, exact_match: 1, total: 280, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 0}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: v:true, maxcount: 0, timeout: 200})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 1, exact_match: 1, total: 280, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 0}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: 1, maxcount: 0, pos: [1, 1, 0], timeout: 200})) call cursor(line('$'), 1) let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') let stat = 'W \[1/>99\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 1, exact_match: 1, total: 100, incomplete: 2, maxcount: 99}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: 0})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 1, exact_match: 1, total: 280, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 0}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: 1, maxcount: 0, timeout: 200})) call assert_equal( \ #{current: 271, exact_match: 1, total: 280, incomplete: 0, maxcount: 0}, \ searchcount(#{recompute: 1, maxcount: 0, pos: [line('$')-2, 1, 0], timeout: 200})) " Many matches call cursor(1, 1) let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') let stat = '\[2/>99\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) call cursor(1, 1) let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! N') let stat = 'W \[>99/>99\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) " right-left if exists("+rightleft") set rl call cursor(1,1) let @/ = 'foobar' let pat = 'raboof/\s\+' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') let stat = '\[20/2\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) set norl endif " right-left bottom if exists("+rightleft") set rl call cursor('$',1) let pat = 'raboof?\s\+' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! N') let stat = '\[20/20\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) set norl endif " right-left back at top if exists("+rightleft") set rl call cursor('$',1) let pat = 'raboof/\s\+' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') let stat = 'W \[20/1\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) call assert_match('search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP', g:a) set norl endif " normal, back at bottom call cursor(1,1) let @/ = 'foobar' let pat = '?foobar\s\+' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! N') let stat = 'W \[20/20\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) call assert_match('search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM', g:a) call assert_match('W \[20/20\]', Screenline(&lines)) " normal, no match call cursor(1,1) let @/ = 'zzzzzz' let g:a = '' try let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E486/ let stat = '' " error message is not redir'ed to g:a, it is empty call assert_true(empty(g:a)) catch call assert_false(1) endtry " with count call cursor(1, 1) let @/ = 'fo*\(bar\?\)\?' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! 2n') let stat = '\[3/50\]' let pat = escape(@/, '()*?'). '\s\+' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! 2n') let stat = '\[5/50\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) " with offset call cursor(1, 1) call feedkeys("/fo*\\(bar\\?\\)\\?/+1\", 'tx') let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm! n') let stat = '\[5/50\]' let pat = escape(@/ .. '/+1', '()*?'). '\s\+' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:a) " normal, n comes from a mapping " Need to move over more than 64 lines to trigger char_avail(. nnoremap n nzv call cursor(1,1) call append(50, repeat(['foobar', 'foo', 'fooooobar', 'foba', 'foobar'], 10)) call setline(2, 'find this') call setline(70, 'find this') let @/ = 'find this' let pat = '/find this\s\+' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm n') " g:a will contain several lines let g:b = split(g:a, "\n")[-1] let stat = '\[1/2\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:b) unmap n " normal, but silent call cursor(1,1) let @/ = 'find this' let pat = '/find this\s\+' let g:a = execute(':norm! n') let stat = '\[1/2\]' call assert_notmatch(pat .. stat, g:a) " normal, n comes from a silent mapping " First test a normal mapping, then a silent mapping call cursor(1,1) nnoremap n n let @/ = 'find this' let pat = '/find this\s\+' let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm n') let g:b = split(g:a, "\n")[-1] let stat = '\[1/2\]' call assert_match(pat .. stat, g:b) nnoremap n n call cursor(1,1) let g:a = execute(':unsilent :norm n') let g:b = split(g:a, "\n")[-1] let stat = '\[1/2\]' call assert_notmatch(pat .. stat, g:b) call assert_match(stat, g:b) " Test that the message is not truncated " it would insert '...' into the output. call assert_match('^\s\+' .. stat, g:b) unmap n " Time out %delete _ call append(0, repeat(['foobar', 'foo', 'fooooobar', 'foba', 'foobar'], 100000)) call cursor(1, 1) call assert_equal(1, searchcount(#{pattern: 'foo', maxcount: 0, timeout: 1}).incomplete) " Clean up set shortmess+=S " close the window bwipe! endfunc func Test_searchcount_fails() call assert_fails('echo searchcount("boo!")', 'E715:') endfunc func Test_searchcount_in_statusline() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END set shortmess-=S call append(0, 'this is something') function TestSearchCount() abort let search_count = searchcount() if !empty(search_count) return '[' . search_count.current . '/' . search_count.total . ']' else return '' endif endfunction set hlsearch set laststatus=2 statusline+=%{TestSearchCount()} END call writefile(lines, 'Xsearchstatusline') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xsearchstatusline', #{rows: 10}) call TermWait(buf) call term_sendkeys(buf, "/something") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_searchstat_4', {}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "\") call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xsearchstatusline') endfunc func Test_search_stat_foldopen() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END set shortmess-=S setl foldenable foldmethod=indent foldopen-=search call append(0, ['if', "\tfoo", "\tfoo", 'endif']) let @/ = 'foo' call cursor(1,1) norm n END call writefile(lines, 'Xsearchstat1') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xsearchstat1', #{rows: 10}) call TermWait(buf) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_searchstat_3', {}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "n") call TermWait(buf) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_searchstat_3', {}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "n") call TermWait(buf) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_searchstat_3', {}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xsearchstat1') endfunc func! Test_search_stat_screendump() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END set shortmess-=S " Append 50 lines with text to search for, "foobar" appears 20 times call append(0, repeat(['foobar', 'foo', 'fooooobar', 'foba', 'foobar'], 20)) call setline(2, 'find this') call setline(70, 'find this') nnoremap n n let @/ = 'find this' call cursor(1,1) norm n END call writefile(lines, 'Xsearchstat') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xsearchstat', #{rows: 10}) call TermWait(buf) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_searchstat_1', {}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":nnoremap n n\") call term_sendkeys(buf, "gg0n") call TermWait(buf) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_searchstat_2', {}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xsearchstat') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab