" Tests for ruby interface if !has('ruby') finish end func Test_ruby_change_buffer() call setline(line('$'), ['1 line 1']) ruby Vim.command("normal /^1\n") ruby $curbuf.line = "1 changed line 1" call assert_equal('1 changed line 1', getline('$')) endfunc func Test_ruby_evaluate_list() call setline(line('$'), ['2 line 2']) ruby Vim.command("normal /^2\n") let l = ["abc", "def"] ruby << EOF curline = $curbuf.line_number l = Vim.evaluate("l"); $curbuf.append(curline, l.join("\n")) EOF normal j .rubydo $_ = $_.gsub(/\n/, '/') call assert_equal('abc/def', getline('$')) endfunc func Test_ruby_evaluate_dict() let d = {'a': 'foo', 'b': 123} redir => l:out ruby d = Vim.evaluate("d"); print d redir END call assert_equal(['{"a"=>"foo", "b"=>123}'], split(l:out, "\n")) endfunc func Test_rubydo() " Check deleting lines does not trigger ml_get error. new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) rubydo Vim.command("%d_") bwipe! " Check switching to another buffer does not trigger ml_get error. new let wincount = winnr('$') call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) rubydo Vim.command("new") call assert_equal(wincount + 1, winnr('$')) bwipe! bwipe! endfunc func Test_rubyfile() " Check :rubyfile does not SEGV with Ruby level exception but just fails let tempfile = tempname() . '.rb' call writefile(['raise "vim!"'], tempfile) call assert_fails('rubyfile ' . tempfile) call delete(tempfile) endfunc