" Test for "rvim" or "vim -Z" source shared.vim "if has('win32') && has('gui') " " Win32 GUI shows a dialog instead of displaying the error in the last line. " finish "endif func Test_restricted_mode() let lines =<< trim END if has('lua') call assert_fails('lua print("Hello, Vim!")', 'E981:') call assert_fails('luado return "hello"', 'E981:') call assert_fails('luafile somefile', 'E981:') call assert_fails('call luaeval("expression")', 'E145:') endif if has('mzscheme') call assert_fails('mzscheme statement', 'E981:') call assert_fails('mzfile somefile', 'E981:') call assert_fails('call mzeval("expression")', 'E145:') endif if has('perl') " TODO: how to make Safe mode fail? " call assert_fails('perl system("ls")', 'E981:') " call assert_fails('perldo system("hello")', 'E981:') " call assert_fails('perlfile somefile', 'E981:') " call assert_fails('call perleval("system(\"ls\")")', 'E145:') endif if has('python') call assert_fails('python print "hello"', 'E981:') call assert_fails('pydo return "hello"', 'E981:') call assert_fails('pyfile somefile', 'E981:') call assert_fails('call pyeval("expression")', 'E145:') endif if has('python3') call assert_fails('py3 print "hello"', 'E981:') call assert_fails('py3do return "hello"', 'E981:') call assert_fails('py3file somefile', 'E981:') call assert_fails('call py3eval("expression")', 'E145:') endif if has('ruby') call assert_fails('ruby print "Hello"', 'E981:') call assert_fails('rubydo print "Hello"', 'E981:') call assert_fails('rubyfile somefile', 'E981:') endif if has('tcl') call assert_fails('tcl puts "Hello"', 'E981:') call assert_fails('tcldo puts "Hello"', 'E981:') call assert_fails('tclfile somefile', 'E981:') endif if has('clientserver') call assert_fails('let s=remote_peek(10)', 'E145:') call assert_fails('let s=remote_read(10)', 'E145:') call assert_fails('let s=remote_send("vim", "abc")', 'E145:') call assert_fails('let s=server2client(10, "abc")', 'E145:') endif if has('terminal') call assert_fails('terminal', 'E145:') call assert_fails('call term_start("vim")', 'E145:') call assert_fails('call term_dumpwrite(1, "Xfile")', 'E145:') endif if has('channel') call assert_fails("call ch_logfile('Xlog')", 'E145:') call assert_fails("call ch_open('localhost:8765')", 'E145:') endif if has('job') call assert_fails("call job_start('vim')", 'E145:') endif if has('unix') && has('libcall') call assert_fails("echo libcall('libc.so', 'getenv', 'HOME')", 'E145:') endif call assert_fails("call rename('a', 'b')", 'E145:') call assert_fails("call delete('Xfile')", 'E145:') call assert_fails("call mkdir('Xdir')", 'E145:') call assert_fails('!ls', 'E145:') call assert_fails('shell', 'E145:') call assert_fails('stop', 'E145:') call assert_fails('exe "normal \"', 'E145:') set insertmode call assert_fails('call feedkeys("\", "xt")', 'E145:') set insertmode& call assert_fails('suspend', 'E145:') call assert_fails('call system("ls")', 'E145:') call assert_fails('call systemlist("ls")', 'E145:') if has('unix') call assert_fails('cd `pwd`', 'E145:') endif call writefile(v:errors, 'Xresult') qa! END call writefile(lines, 'Xrestricted') if RunVim([], [], '-Z --clean -S Xrestricted') call assert_equal([], readfile('Xresult')) endif call delete('Xresult') if has('unix') && RunVimPiped([], [], '--clean -S Xrestricted', 'SHELL=/bin/false ') call assert_equal([], readfile('Xresult')) endif call delete('Xresult') if has('unix') && RunVimPiped([], [], '--clean -S Xrestricted', 'SHELL=/sbin/nologin') call assert_equal([], readfile('Xresult')) endif call delete('Xrestricted') call delete('Xresult') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab