" *-register (quotestar) tests if !has('clipboard') finish endif source shared.vim func Do_test_quotestar_for_macunix() if empty(exepath('pbcopy')) || empty(exepath('pbpaste')) return 'Test requires pbcopy(1) and pbpaste(1)' endif let @* = '' " Test #1: Pasteboard to Vim let test_msg = "text from pasteboard to vim via quotestar" " Write a piece of text to the pasteboard. call system('/bin/echo -n "' . test_msg . '" | pbcopy') " See if the *-register is changed as expected. call assert_equal(test_msg, @*) " Test #2: Vim to Pasteboard let test_msg = "text from vim to pasteboard via quotestar" " Write a piece of text to the *-register. let @* = test_msg " See if the pasteboard is changed as expected. call assert_equal(test_msg, system('pbpaste')) return '' endfunc func Do_test_quotestar_for_x11() if !has('clientserver') || !has('job') return 'Test requires the client-server and job features' endif let cmd = GetVimCommand() if cmd == '' return 'GetVimCommand() failed' endif try call remote_send('xxx', '') catch if v:exception =~ 'E240:' " No connection to the X server, give up. return endif " ignore other errors endtry let name = 'XVIMCLIPBOARD' " Make sure a previous server has exited try call remote_send(name, ":qa!\") call WaitFor('serverlist() !~ "' . name . '"') catch /E241:/ endtry call assert_notmatch(name, serverlist()) let cmd .= ' --servername ' . name let job = job_start(cmd, {'stoponexit': 'kill', 'out_io': 'null'}) call WaitFor({-> job_status(job) == "run"}) " Takes a short while for the server to be active. call WaitFor('serverlist() =~ "' . name . '"') call assert_match(name, serverlist()) " Wait for the server to be up and answering requests. One second is not " always sufficient. call WaitFor('remote_expr("' . name . '", "v:version", "", 2) != ""') " Clear the *-register of this vim instance. let @* = '' " Try to change the *-register of the server. call remote_foreground(name) call remote_send(name, ":let @* = 'yes'\") call WaitFor('remote_expr("' . name . '", "@*", "", 1) == "yes"') call assert_equal('yes', remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 2)) " Check that the *-register of this vim instance is changed as expected. call WaitFor('@* == "yes"') call assert_equal('yes', @*) " Handle the large selection over 262040 byte. let length = 262044 let sample = 'a' . repeat('b', length - 2) . 'c' let @* = sample call WaitFor('remote_expr("' . name . '", "len(@*) >= ' . length . '", "", 1)', 3000) let res = remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 2) call assert_equal(length, len(res)) " Check length to prevent a large amount of output at assertion failure. if length == len(res) call assert_equal(sample, res) endif if has('unix') && has('gui') && !has('gui_running') let @* = '' " Running in a terminal and the GUI is avaiable: Tell the server to open " the GUI and check that the remote command still works. " Need to wait for the GUI to start up, otherwise the send hangs in trying " to send to the terminal window. if has('gui_athena') || has('gui_motif') " For those GUIs, ignore the 'failed to create input context' error. call remote_send(name, ":call test_ignore_error('E285') | gui -f\") else call remote_send(name, ":gui -f\") endif " Wait for the server in the GUI to be up and answering requests. call WaitFor('remote_expr("' . name . '", "has(\"gui_running\")", "", 1) =~ "1"') call remote_send(name, ":let @* = 'maybe'\") call WaitFor('remote_expr("' . name . '", "@*", "", 1) == "maybe"') call assert_equal('maybe', remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 2)) call assert_equal('maybe', @*) endif call remote_send(name, ":qa!\") try call WaitFor({-> job_status(job) == "dead"}) finally if job_status(job) != 'dead' call assert_report('Server did not exit') call job_stop(job, 'kill') endif endtry return '' endfunc func Test_quotestar() let skipped = '' let quotestar_saved = @* if has('macunix') let skipped = Do_test_quotestar_for_macunix() elseif has('x11') if empty($DISPLAY) let skipped = "Test can only run when $DISPLAY is set." else let skipped = Do_test_quotestar_for_x11() endif else let skipped = "Test is not implemented yet for this platform." endif let @* = quotestar_saved if !empty(skipped) throw 'Skipped: ' . skipped endif endfunc