" Test for the quickfix commands. if !has('quickfix') finish endif set encoding=utf-8 function! s:setup_commands(cchar) if a:cchar == 'c' command! -nargs=* -bang Xlist clist command! -nargs=* Xgetexpr cgetexpr command! -nargs=* Xolder colder command! -nargs=* Xnewer cnewer command! -nargs=* Xopen copen command! -nargs=* Xwindow cwindow command! -nargs=* Xclose cclose command! -nargs=* -bang Xfile cfile command! -nargs=* Xgetfile cgetfile command! -nargs=* Xaddfile caddfile command! -nargs=* -bang Xbuffer cbuffer command! -nargs=* Xgetbuffer cgetbuffer command! -nargs=* Xaddbuffer caddbuffer command! -nargs=* Xrewind crewind command! -nargs=* -bang Xnext cnext command! -nargs=* Xexpr cexpr command! -nargs=* Xvimgrep vimgrep command! -nargs=* Xgrep grep command! -nargs=* Xgrepadd grepadd command! -nargs=* Xhelpgrep helpgrep let g:Xgetlist = function('getqflist') let g:Xsetlist = function('setqflist') else command! -nargs=* -bang Xlist llist command! -nargs=* Xgetexpr lgetexpr command! -nargs=* Xolder lolder command! -nargs=* Xnewer lnewer command! -nargs=* Xopen lopen command! -nargs=* Xwindow lwindow command! -nargs=* Xclose lclose command! -nargs=* -bang Xfile lfile command! -nargs=* Xgetfile lgetfile command! -nargs=* Xaddfile laddfile command! -nargs=* -bang Xbuffer lbuffer command! -nargs=* Xgetbuffer lgetbuffer command! -nargs=* Xaddbuffer laddbuffer command! -nargs=* Xrewind lrewind command! -nargs=* -bang Xnext lnext command! -nargs=* Xexpr lexpr command! -nargs=* Xvimgrep lvimgrep command! -nargs=* Xgrep lgrep command! -nargs=* Xgrepadd lgrepadd command! -nargs=* Xhelpgrep lhelpgrep let g:Xgetlist = function('getloclist', [0]) let g:Xsetlist = function('setloclist', [0]) endif endfunction " Tests for the :clist and :llist commands function XlistTests(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) " With an empty list, command should return error Xgetexpr [] silent! Xlist call assert_true(v:errmsg ==# 'E42: No Errors') " Populate the list and then try Xgetexpr ['non-error 1', 'Xtestfile1:1:3:Line1', \ 'non-error 2', 'Xtestfile2:2:2:Line2', \ 'non-error 3', 'Xtestfile3:3:1:Line3'] " List only valid entries redir => result Xlist redir END let l = split(result, "\n") call assert_equal([' 2 Xtestfile1:1 col 3: Line1', \ ' 4 Xtestfile2:2 col 2: Line2', \ ' 6 Xtestfile3:3 col 1: Line3'], l) " List all the entries redir => result Xlist! redir END let l = split(result, "\n") call assert_equal([' 1: non-error 1', ' 2 Xtestfile1:1 col 3: Line1', \ ' 3: non-error 2', ' 4 Xtestfile2:2 col 2: Line2', \ ' 5: non-error 3', ' 6 Xtestfile3:3 col 1: Line3'], l) " List a range of errors redir => result Xlist 3,6 redir END let l = split(result, "\n") call assert_equal([' 4 Xtestfile2:2 col 2: Line2', \ ' 6 Xtestfile3:3 col 1: Line3'], l) redir => result Xlist! 3,4 redir END let l = split(result, "\n") call assert_equal([' 3: non-error 2', ' 4 Xtestfile2:2 col 2: Line2'], l) redir => result Xlist -6,-4 redir END let l = split(result, "\n") call assert_equal([' 2 Xtestfile1:1 col 3: Line1'], l) redir => result Xlist! -5,-3 redir END let l = split(result, "\n") call assert_equal([' 2 Xtestfile1:1 col 3: Line1', \ ' 3: non-error 2', ' 4 Xtestfile2:2 col 2: Line2'], l) endfunction function Test_clist() call XlistTests('c') call XlistTests('l') endfunction " Tests for the :colder, :cnewer, :lolder and :lnewer commands " Note that this test assumes that a quickfix/location list is " already set by the caller. function XageTests(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) " Jumping to a non existent list should return error silent! Xolder 99 call assert_true(v:errmsg ==# 'E380: At bottom of quickfix stack') silent! Xnewer 99 call assert_true(v:errmsg ==# 'E381: At top of quickfix stack') " Add three quickfix/location lists Xgetexpr ['Xtestfile1:1:3:Line1'] Xgetexpr ['Xtestfile2:2:2:Line2'] Xgetexpr ['Xtestfile3:3:1:Line3'] " Go back two lists Xolder let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal('Line2', l[0].text) " Go forward two lists Xnewer let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal('Line3', l[0].text) " Test for the optional count argument Xolder 2 let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal('Line1', l[0].text) Xnewer 2 let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal('Line3', l[0].text) endfunction function Test_cage() let list = [{'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 1}] call setqflist(list) call XageTests('c') call setloclist(0, list) call XageTests('l') endfunction " Tests for the :cwindow, :lwindow :cclose, :lclose, :copen and :lopen " commands function XwindowTests(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) " Create a list with no valid entries Xgetexpr ['non-error 1', 'non-error 2', 'non-error 3'] " Quickfix/Location window should not open with no valid errors Xwindow call assert_true(winnr('$') == 1) " Create a list with valid entries Xgetexpr ['Xtestfile1:1:3:Line1', 'Xtestfile2:2:2:Line2', \ 'Xtestfile3:3:1:Line3'] " Open the window Xwindow call assert_true(winnr('$') == 2 && winnr() == 2 && \ getline('.') ==# 'Xtestfile1|1 col 3| Line1') " Close the window Xclose call assert_true(winnr('$') == 1) " Create a list with no valid entries Xgetexpr ['non-error 1', 'non-error 2', 'non-error 3'] " Open the window Xopen 5 call assert_true(winnr('$') == 2 && getline('.') ==# '|| non-error 1' \ && winheight('.') == 5) " Opening the window again, should move the cursor to that window wincmd t Xopen 7 call assert_true(winnr('$') == 2 && winnr() == 2 && \ winheight('.') == 7 && \ getline('.') ==# '|| non-error 1') " Calling cwindow should close the quickfix window with no valid errors Xwindow call assert_true(winnr('$') == 1) endfunction function Test_cwindow() call XwindowTests('c') call XwindowTests('l') endfunction " Tests for the :cfile, :lfile, :caddfile, :laddfile, :cgetfile and :lgetfile " commands. function XfileTests(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) call writefile(['Xtestfile1:700:10:Line 700', \ 'Xtestfile2:800:15:Line 800'], 'Xqftestfile1') enew! Xfile Xqftestfile1 let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_true(len(l) == 2 && \ l[0].lnum == 700 && l[0].col == 10 && l[0].text ==# 'Line 700' && \ l[1].lnum == 800 && l[1].col == 15 && l[1].text ==# 'Line 800') " Test with a non existent file call assert_fails('Xfile non_existent_file', 'E40') " Run cfile/lfile from a modified buffer enew! silent! put ='Quickfix' silent! Xfile Xqftestfile1 call assert_true(v:errmsg ==# 'E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)') call writefile(['Xtestfile3:900:30:Line 900'], 'Xqftestfile1') Xaddfile Xqftestfile1 let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_true(len(l) == 3 && \ l[2].lnum == 900 && l[2].col == 30 && l[2].text ==# 'Line 900') call writefile(['Xtestfile1:222:77:Line 222', \ 'Xtestfile2:333:88:Line 333'], 'Xqftestfile1') enew! Xgetfile Xqftestfile1 let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_true(len(l) == 2 && \ l[0].lnum == 222 && l[0].col == 77 && l[0].text ==# 'Line 222' && \ l[1].lnum == 333 && l[1].col == 88 && l[1].text ==# 'Line 333') call delete('Xqftestfile1') endfunction function Test_cfile() call XfileTests('c') call XfileTests('l') endfunction " Tests for the :cbuffer, :lbuffer, :caddbuffer, :laddbuffer, :cgetbuffer and " :lgetbuffer commands. function XbufferTests(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) enew! silent! call setline(1, ['Xtestfile7:700:10:Line 700', \ 'Xtestfile8:800:15:Line 800']) Xbuffer! let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_true(len(l) == 2 && \ l[0].lnum == 700 && l[0].col == 10 && l[0].text ==# 'Line 700' && \ l[1].lnum == 800 && l[1].col == 15 && l[1].text ==# 'Line 800') enew! silent! call setline(1, ['Xtestfile9:900:55:Line 900', \ 'Xtestfile10:950:66:Line 950']) Xgetbuffer let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_true(len(l) == 2 && \ l[0].lnum == 900 && l[0].col == 55 && l[0].text ==# 'Line 900' && \ l[1].lnum == 950 && l[1].col == 66 && l[1].text ==# 'Line 950') enew! silent! call setline(1, ['Xtestfile11:700:20:Line 700', \ 'Xtestfile12:750:25:Line 750']) Xaddbuffer let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_true(len(l) == 4 && \ l[1].lnum == 950 && l[1].col == 66 && l[1].text ==# 'Line 950' && \ l[2].lnum == 700 && l[2].col == 20 && l[2].text ==# 'Line 700' && \ l[3].lnum == 750 && l[3].col == 25 && l[3].text ==# 'Line 750') enew! endfunction function Test_cbuffer() call XbufferTests('c') call XbufferTests('l') endfunction function Test_nomem() call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('qf_dirname_start'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('vimgrep vim runtest.vim', 'E342:') call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('qf_dirname_now'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('vimgrep vim runtest.vim', 'E342:') call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('qf_namebuf'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('cfile runtest.vim', 'E342:') call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('qf_errmsg'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('cfile runtest.vim', 'E342:') call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('qf_pattern'), 0, 0) call assert_fails('cfile runtest.vim', 'E342:') endfunc function! s:test_xhelpgrep(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) Xhelpgrep quickfix Xopen if a:cchar == 'c' let title_text = ':helpgrep quickfix' else let title_text = ':lhelpgrep quickfix' endif call assert_true(w:quickfix_title =~ title_text, w:quickfix_title) " This wipes out the buffer, make sure that doesn't cause trouble. Xclose endfunction function Test_helpgrep() call s:test_xhelpgrep('c') call s:test_xhelpgrep('l') endfunc func Test_errortitle() augroup QfBufWinEnter au! au BufWinEnter * :let g:a=get(w:, 'quickfix_title', 'NONE') augroup END copen let a=[{'lnum': 308, 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'col': 58, 'valid': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'nr': 0, 'type': '', 'pattern': '', 'text': ' au BufWinEnter * :let g:a=get(w:, ''quickfix_title'', ''NONE'')'}] call setqflist(a) call assert_equal(':setqflist()', g:a) augroup QfBufWinEnter au! augroup END augroup! QfBufWinEnter endfunc func Test_vimgreptitle() augroup QfBufWinEnter au! au BufWinEnter * :let g:a=get(w:, 'quickfix_title', 'NONE') augroup END try vimgrep /pattern/j file catch /E480/ endtry copen call assert_equal(': vimgrep /pattern/j file', g:a) augroup QfBufWinEnter au! augroup END augroup! QfBufWinEnter endfunc function XqfTitleTests(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) Xgetexpr ['file:1:1:message'] let l = g:Xgetlist() if a:cchar == 'c' call setqflist(l, 'r') else call setloclist(0, l, 'r') endif Xopen if a:cchar == 'c' let title = ':setqflist()' else let title = ':setloclist()' endif call assert_equal(title, w:quickfix_title) Xclose endfunction " Tests for quickfix window's title function Test_qf_title() call XqfTitleTests('c') call XqfTitleTests('l') endfunction " Tests for 'errorformat' function Test_efm() let save_efm = &efm set efm=%EEEE%m,%WWWW%m,%+CCCC%.%#,%-GGGG%.%# cgetexpr ['WWWW', 'EEEE', 'CCCC'] let l = strtrans(string(map(getqflist(), '[v:val.text, v:val.valid]'))) call assert_equal("[['W', 1], ['E^@CCCC', 1]]", l) cgetexpr ['WWWW', 'GGGG', 'EEEE', 'CCCC'] let l = strtrans(string(map(getqflist(), '[v:val.text, v:val.valid]'))) call assert_equal("[['W', 1], ['E^@CCCC', 1]]", l) cgetexpr ['WWWW', 'GGGG', 'ZZZZ', 'EEEE', 'CCCC', 'YYYY'] let l = strtrans(string(map(getqflist(), '[v:val.text, v:val.valid]'))) call assert_equal("[['W', 1], ['ZZZZ', 0], ['E^@CCCC', 1], ['YYYY', 0]]", l) let &efm = save_efm endfunction " This will test for problems in quickfix: " A. incorrectly copying location lists which caused the location list to show " a different name than the file that was actually being displayed. " B. not reusing the window for which the location list window is opened but " instead creating new windows. " C. make sure that the location list window is not reused instead of the " window it belongs to. " " Set up the test environment: function! ReadTestProtocol(name) let base = substitute(a:name, '\v^test://(.*)%(\.[^.]+)?', '\1', '') let word = substitute(base, '\v(.*)\..*', '\1', '') setl modifiable setl noreadonly setl noswapfile setl bufhidden=delete %del _ " For problem 2: " 'buftype' has to be set to reproduce the constant opening of new windows setl buftype=nofile call setline(1, word) setl nomodified setl nomodifiable setl readonly exe 'doautocmd BufRead ' . substitute(a:name, '\v^test://(.*)', '\1', '') endfunction function Test_locationlist() enew augroup testgroup au! autocmd BufReadCmd test://* call ReadTestProtocol(expand("")) augroup END let words = [ "foo", "bar", "baz", "quux", "shmoo", "spam", "eggs" ] let qflist = [] for word in words call add(qflist, {'filename': 'test://' . word . '.txt', 'text': 'file ' . word . '.txt', }) " NOTE: problem 1: " intentionally not setting 'lnum' so that the quickfix entries are not " valid call setloclist(0, qflist, ' ') endfor " Test A lrewind enew lopen lnext lnext lnext lnext vert split wincmd L lopen wincmd p lnext let fileName = expand("%") wincmd p let locationListFileName = substitute(getline(line('.')), '\([^|]*\)|.*', '\1', '') let fileName = substitute(fileName, '\\', '/', 'g') let locationListFileName = substitute(locationListFileName, '\\', '/', 'g') call assert_equal("test://bar.txt", fileName) call assert_equal("test://bar.txt", locationListFileName) wincmd n | only " Test B: lrewind lopen 2 exe "normal \" wincmd p 3 exe "normal \" wincmd p 4 exe "normal \" call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) wincmd n | only " Test C: lrewind lopen " Let's move the location list window to the top to check whether it (the " first window found) will be reused when we try to open new windows: wincmd K 2 exe "normal \" wincmd p 3 exe "normal \" wincmd p 4 exe "normal \" 1wincmd w call assert_equal('quickfix', &buftype) 2wincmd w let bufferName = expand("%") let bufferName = substitute(bufferName, '\\', '/', 'g') call assert_equal('test://quux.txt', bufferName) wincmd n | only augroup! testgroup endfunction function Test_locationlist_curwin_was_closed() augroup testgroup au! autocmd BufReadCmd test_curwin.txt call R(expand("")) augroup END function! R(n) quit endfunc new let q = [] call add(q, {'filename': 'test_curwin.txt' }) call setloclist(0, q) call assert_fails('lrewind', 'E924:') augroup! testgroup endfunction " More tests for 'errorformat' function! Test_efm1() if !has('unix') " The 'errorformat' setting is different on non-Unix systems. " This test works only on Unix-like systems. return endif let l = [ \ '"Xtestfile", line 4.12: 1506-045 (S) Undeclared identifier fd_set.', \ '"Xtestfile", line 6 col 19; this is an error', \ 'gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIsing-prototypes -I/usr/X11R6/include version.c', \ 'Xtestfile:9: parse error before `asd''', \ 'make: *** [vim] Error 1', \ 'in file "Xtestfile" linenr 10: there is an error', \ '', \ '2 returned', \ '"Xtestfile", line 11 col 1; this is an error', \ '"Xtestfile", line 12 col 2; this is another error', \ '"Xtestfile", line 14:10; this is an error in column 10', \ '=Xtestfile=, line 15:10; this is another error, but in vcol 10 this time', \ '"Xtestfile", linenr 16: yet another problem', \ 'Error in "Xtestfile" at line 17:', \ 'x should be a dot', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 17', \ ' ^', \ 'Error in "Xtestfile" at line 18:', \ 'x should be a dot', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 18', \ '.............^', \ 'Error in "Xtestfile" at line 19:', \ 'x should be a dot', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 19', \ '--------------^', \ 'Error in "Xtestfile" at line 20:', \ 'x should be a dot', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 20', \ ' ^', \ '', \ 'Does anyone know what is the problem and how to correction it?', \ '"Xtestfile", line 21 col 9: What is the title of the quickfix window?', \ '"Xtestfile", line 22 col 9: What is the title of the quickfix window?' \ ] call writefile(l, 'Xerrorfile1') call writefile(l[:-2], 'Xerrorfile2') let m = [ \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 2', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 3', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 4', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 5', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 6', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 7', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 8', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 9', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 10', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 11', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 12', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 13', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 14', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 15', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 16', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 17', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 18', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 19', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 20', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 21', \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 22' \ ] call writefile(m, 'Xtestfile') let save_efm = &efm set efm+==%f=\\,\ line\ %l%*\\D%v%*[^\ ]\ %m set efm^=%AError\ in\ \"%f\"\ at\ line\ %l:,%Z%p^,%C%m exe 'cf Xerrorfile2' clast copen call assert_equal(':cf Xerrorfile2', w:quickfix_title) wincmd p exe 'cf Xerrorfile1' call assert_equal([4, 12], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([6, 19], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([9, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([10, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([11, 1], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([12, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([14, 10], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([15, 3, 10], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) cn call assert_equal([16, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([17, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([18, 7], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([19, 8], [line('.'), col('.')]) cn call assert_equal([20, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) clast cprev cprev wincmd w call assert_equal(':cf Xerrorfile1', w:quickfix_title) wincmd p let &efm = save_efm call delete('Xerrorfile1') call delete('Xerrorfile2') call delete('Xtestfile') endfunction " Test for quickfix directory stack support function! s:dir_stack_tests(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) let save_efm=&efm set efm=%DEntering\ dir\ '%f',%f:%l:%m,%XLeaving\ dir\ '%f' let l = "Entering dir 'dir1/a'\n" . \ 'habits2.txt:1:Nine Healthy Habits' . "\n" . \ "Entering dir 'b'\n" . \ 'habits3.txt:2:0 Hours of television' . "\n" . \ 'habits2.txt:7:5 Small meals' . "\n" . \ "Entering dir 'dir1/c'\n" . \ 'habits4.txt:3:1 Hour of exercise' . "\n" . \ "Leaving dir 'dir1/c'\n" . \ "Leaving dir 'dir1/a'\n" . \ 'habits1.txt:4:2 Liters of water' . "\n" . \ "Entering dir 'dir2'\n" . \ 'habits5.txt:5:3 Cups of hot green tea' . "\n" \ "Leaving dir 'dir2'\n" Xgetexpr l let qf = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal('dir1/a/habits2.txt', bufname(qf[1].bufnr)) call assert_equal(1, qf[1].lnum) call assert_equal('dir1/a/b/habits3.txt', bufname(qf[3].bufnr)) call assert_equal(2, qf[3].lnum) call assert_equal('dir1/a/habits2.txt', bufname(qf[4].bufnr)) call assert_equal(7, qf[4].lnum) call assert_equal('dir1/c/habits4.txt', bufname(qf[6].bufnr)) call assert_equal(3, qf[6].lnum) call assert_equal('habits1.txt', bufname(qf[9].bufnr)) call assert_equal(4, qf[9].lnum) call assert_equal('dir2/habits5.txt', bufname(qf[11].bufnr)) call assert_equal(5, qf[11].lnum) let &efm=save_efm endfunction " Tests for %D and %X errorformat options function! Test_efm_dirstack() " Create the directory stack and files call mkdir('dir1') call mkdir('dir1/a') call mkdir('dir1/a/b') call mkdir('dir1/c') call mkdir('dir2') let lines = ["Nine Healthy Habits", \ "0 Hours of television", \ "1 Hour of exercise", \ "2 Liters of water", \ "3 Cups of hot green tea", \ "4 Short mental breaks", \ "5 Small meals", \ "6 AM wake up time", \ "7 Minutes of laughter", \ "8 Hours of sleep (at least)", \ "9 PM end of the day and off to bed" \ ] call writefile(lines, 'habits1.txt') call writefile(lines, 'dir1/a/habits2.txt') call writefile(lines, 'dir1/a/b/habits3.txt') call writefile(lines, 'dir1/c/habits4.txt') call writefile(lines, 'dir2/habits5.txt') call s:dir_stack_tests('c') call s:dir_stack_tests('l') call delete('dir1', 'rf') call delete('dir2', 'rf') call delete('habits1.txt') endfunction " TODO: " Add tests for the following formats in 'errorformat' " %n %t %r %+ %- %O function! Test_efm2() let save_efm = &efm " Test for invalid efm set efm=%L%M%N call assert_fails('cexpr "abc.txt:1:Hello world"', 'E376:') call assert_fails('lexpr "abc.txt:1:Hello world"', 'E376:') " Test for %s format in efm set efm=%f:%s cexpr 'Xtestfile:Line search text' let l = getqflist() call assert_equal(l[0].pattern, '^\VLine search text\$') call assert_equal(l[0].lnum, 0) let lines=["[Xtestfile1]", \ "(1,17) error: ';' missing", \ "(21,2) warning: variable 'z' not defined", \ "(67,3) error: end of file found before string ended", \ "", \ "[Xtestfile2]", \ "", \ "[Xtestfile3]", \ "NEW compiler v1.1", \ "(2,2) warning: variable 'x' not defined", \ "(67,3) warning: 's' already defined" \] set efm=%+P[%f],(%l\\,%c)%*[\ ]%t%*[^:]:\ %m,%-Q cgetexpr lines let l = getqflist() call assert_equal(9, len(l)) call assert_equal(21, l[2].lnum) call assert_equal(2, l[2].col) let &efm = save_efm endfunction function XquickfixChangedByAutocmd(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) if a:cchar == 'c' let ErrorNr = 'E925' function! ReadFunc() colder cgetexpr [] endfunc else let ErrorNr = 'E926' function! ReadFunc() lolder lgetexpr [] endfunc endif augroup testgroup au! autocmd BufReadCmd test_changed.txt call ReadFunc() augroup END new | only let words = [ "a", "b" ] let qflist = [] for word in words call add(qflist, {'filename': 'test_changed.txt'}) call g:Xsetlist(qflist, ' ') endfor call assert_fails('Xrewind', ErrorNr . ':') augroup! testgroup endfunc function Test_quickfix_was_changed_by_autocmd() call XquickfixChangedByAutocmd('c') call XquickfixChangedByAutocmd('l') endfunction func Test_caddbuffer_to_empty() helpgr quickfix call setqflist([], 'r') cad try cn catch " number of matches is unknown call assert_true(v:exception =~ 'E553:') endtry quit! endfunc func Test_cgetexpr_works() " this must not crash Vim cgetexpr [$x] lgetexpr [$x] endfunc " Tests for the setqflist() and setloclist() functions function SetXlistTests(cchar, bnum) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) call g:Xsetlist([{'bufnr': a:bnum, 'lnum': 1}, \ {'bufnr': a:bnum, 'lnum': 2}]) let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(2, len(l)) call assert_equal(2, l[1].lnum) Xnext call g:Xsetlist([{'bufnr': a:bnum, 'lnum': 3}], 'a') let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(3, len(l)) Xnext call assert_equal(3, line('.')) " Appending entries to the list should not change the cursor position " in the quickfix window Xwindow 1 call g:Xsetlist([{'bufnr': a:bnum, 'lnum': 4}, \ {'bufnr': a:bnum, 'lnum': 5}], 'a') call assert_equal(1, line('.')) close call g:Xsetlist([{'bufnr': a:bnum, 'lnum': 3}, \ {'bufnr': a:bnum, 'lnum': 4}, \ {'bufnr': a:bnum, 'lnum': 5}], 'r') let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(3, len(l)) call assert_equal(5, l[2].lnum) call g:Xsetlist([]) let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(0, len(l)) endfunction function Test_setqflist() new Xtestfile | only let bnum = bufnr('%') call setline(1, range(1,5)) call SetXlistTests('c', bnum) call SetXlistTests('l', bnum) enew! call delete('Xtestfile') endfunction function Xlist_empty_middle(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) " create three quickfix lists Xvimgrep Test_ test_quickfix.vim let testlen = len(g:Xgetlist()) call assert_true(testlen > 0) Xvimgrep empty test_quickfix.vim call assert_true(len(g:Xgetlist()) > 0) Xvimgrep matches test_quickfix.vim let matchlen = len(g:Xgetlist()) call assert_true(matchlen > 0) Xolder " make the middle list empty call g:Xsetlist([], 'r') call assert_true(len(g:Xgetlist()) == 0) Xolder call assert_equal(testlen, len(g:Xgetlist())) Xnewer Xnewer call assert_equal(matchlen, len(g:Xgetlist())) endfunc function Test_setqflist_empty_middle() call Xlist_empty_middle('c') call Xlist_empty_middle('l') endfunction function Xlist_empty_older(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) " create three quickfix lists Xvimgrep one test_quickfix.vim let onelen = len(g:Xgetlist()) call assert_true(onelen > 0) Xvimgrep two test_quickfix.vim let twolen = len(g:Xgetlist()) call assert_true(twolen > 0) Xvimgrep three test_quickfix.vim let threelen = len(g:Xgetlist()) call assert_true(threelen > 0) Xolder 2 " make the first list empty, check the others didn't change call g:Xsetlist([], 'r') call assert_true(len(g:Xgetlist()) == 0) Xnewer call assert_equal(twolen, len(g:Xgetlist())) Xnewer call assert_equal(threelen, len(g:Xgetlist())) endfunction function Test_setqflist_empty_older() call Xlist_empty_older('c') call Xlist_empty_older('l') endfunction function! XquickfixSetListWithAct(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) let list1 = [{'filename': 'fnameA', 'text': 'A'}, \ {'filename': 'fnameB', 'text': 'B'}] let list2 = [{'filename': 'fnameC', 'text': 'C'}, \ {'filename': 'fnameD', 'text': 'D'}, \ {'filename': 'fnameE', 'text': 'E'}] " {action} is unspecified. Same as specifing ' '. new | only silent! Xnewer 99 call g:Xsetlist(list1) call g:Xsetlist(list2) let li = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(3, len(li)) call assert_equal('C', li[0]['text']) call assert_equal('D', li[1]['text']) call assert_equal('E', li[2]['text']) silent! Xolder let li = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(2, len(li)) call assert_equal('A', li[0]['text']) call assert_equal('B', li[1]['text']) " {action} is specified ' '. new | only silent! Xnewer 99 call g:Xsetlist(list1) call g:Xsetlist(list2, ' ') let li = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(3, len(li)) call assert_equal('C', li[0]['text']) call assert_equal('D', li[1]['text']) call assert_equal('E', li[2]['text']) silent! Xolder let li = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(2, len(li)) call assert_equal('A', li[0]['text']) call assert_equal('B', li[1]['text']) " {action} is specified 'a'. new | only silent! Xnewer 99 call g:Xsetlist(list1) call g:Xsetlist(list2, 'a') let li = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(5, len(li)) call assert_equal('A', li[0]['text']) call assert_equal('B', li[1]['text']) call assert_equal('C', li[2]['text']) call assert_equal('D', li[3]['text']) call assert_equal('E', li[4]['text']) " {action} is specified 'r'. new | only silent! Xnewer 99 call g:Xsetlist(list1) call g:Xsetlist(list2, 'r') let li = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(3, len(li)) call assert_equal('C', li[0]['text']) call assert_equal('D', li[1]['text']) call assert_equal('E', li[2]['text']) " Test for wrong value. new | only call assert_fails("call g:Xsetlist(0)", 'E714:') call assert_fails("call g:Xsetlist(list1, '')", 'E927:') call assert_fails("call g:Xsetlist(list1, 'aa')", 'E927:') call assert_fails("call g:Xsetlist(list1, ' a')", 'E927:') call assert_fails("call g:Xsetlist(list1, 0)", 'E928:') endfunc function Test_quickfix_set_list_with_act() call XquickfixSetListWithAct('c') call XquickfixSetListWithAct('l') endfunction function XLongLinesTests(cchar) let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(4, len(l)) call assert_equal(1, l[0].lnum) call assert_equal(1, l[0].col) call assert_equal(1975, len(l[0].text)) call assert_equal(2, l[1].lnum) call assert_equal(1, l[1].col) call assert_equal(4070, len(l[1].text)) call assert_equal(3, l[2].lnum) call assert_equal(1, l[2].col) call assert_equal(4070, len(l[2].text)) call assert_equal(4, l[3].lnum) call assert_equal(1, l[3].col) call assert_equal(10, len(l[3].text)) call g:Xsetlist([], 'r') endfunction function s:long_lines_tests(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) let testfile = 'samples/quickfix.txt' " file exe 'Xgetfile' testfile call XLongLinesTests(a:cchar) " list Xexpr readfile(testfile) call XLongLinesTests(a:cchar) " string Xexpr join(readfile(testfile), "\n") call XLongLinesTests(a:cchar) " buffer exe 'edit' testfile exe 'Xbuffer' bufnr('%') call XLongLinesTests(a:cchar) endfunction function Test_long_lines() call s:long_lines_tests('c') call s:long_lines_tests('l') endfunction function! s:create_test_file(filename) let l = [] for i in range(1, 20) call add(l, 'Line' . i) endfor call writefile(l, a:filename) endfunction function! Test_switchbuf() call s:create_test_file('Xqftestfile1') call s:create_test_file('Xqftestfile2') call s:create_test_file('Xqftestfile3') new | only edit Xqftestfile1 let file1_winid = win_getid() new Xqftestfile2 let file2_winid = win_getid() cgetexpr ['Xqftestfile1:5:Line5', \ 'Xqftestfile1:6:Line6', \ 'Xqftestfile2:10:Line10', \ 'Xqftestfile2:11:Line11', \ 'Xqftestfile3:15:Line15', \ 'Xqftestfile3:16:Line16'] new let winid = win_getid() cfirst | cnext call assert_equal(winid, win_getid()) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(winid, win_getid()) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(winid, win_getid()) enew set switchbuf=useopen cfirst | cnext call assert_equal(file1_winid, win_getid()) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(file2_winid, win_getid()) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(file2_winid, win_getid()) enew | only set switchbuf=usetab tabedit Xqftestfile1 tabedit Xqftestfile2 tabfirst cfirst | cnext call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr()) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr()) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr()) tabfirst | tabonly | enew set switchbuf=split cfirst | cnext call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(3, winnr('$')) enew | only set switchbuf=newtab cfirst | cnext call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr('$')) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$')) cnext | cnext call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr('$')) tabfirst | enew | tabonly | only set switchbuf= edit Xqftestfile1 let file1_winid = win_getid() new Xqftestfile2 let file2_winid = win_getid() copen exe "normal 1G\" call assert_equal(file1_winid, win_getid()) copen exe "normal 3G\" call assert_equal(file2_winid, win_getid()) copen | only exe "normal 5G\" call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) call assert_equal(1, bufwinnr('Xqftestfile3')) enew | only call delete('Xqftestfile1') call delete('Xqftestfile2') call delete('Xqftestfile3') endfunction function! Xadjust_qflnum(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) enew | only call s:create_test_file('Xqftestfile') edit Xqftestfile Xgetexpr ['Xqftestfile:5:Line5', \ 'Xqftestfile:10:Line10', \ 'Xqftestfile:15:Line15', \ 'Xqftestfile:20:Line20'] 6,14delete call append(6, ['Buffer', 'Window']) let l = g:Xgetlist() call assert_equal(5, l[0].lnum) call assert_equal(6, l[2].lnum) call assert_equal(13, l[3].lnum) enew! call delete('Xqftestfile') endfunction function! Test_adjust_lnum() call Xadjust_qflnum('c') call Xadjust_qflnum('l') endfunction " Tests for the :grep/:lgrep and :grepadd/:lgrepadd commands function! s:test_xgrep(cchar) call s:setup_commands(a:cchar) " The following lines are used for the grep test. Don't remove. " Grep_Test_Text: Match 1 " Grep_Test_Text: Match 2 " GrepAdd_Test_Text: Match 1 " GrepAdd_Test_Text: Match 2 enew! | only set makeef&vim silent Xgrep Grep_Test_Text: test_quickfix.vim call assert_true(len(g:Xgetlist()) == 3) Xopen call assert_true(w:quickfix_title =~ '^:grep') Xclose enew set makeef=Temp_File_## silent Xgrepadd GrepAdd_Test_Text: test_quickfix.vim call assert_true(len(g:Xgetlist()) == 6) endfunction function! Test_grep() if !has('unix') " The grepprg may not be set on non-Unix systems return endif call s:test_xgrep('c') call s:test_xgrep('l') endfunction