" Test for python 3 commands. source check.vim CheckFeature python3 source shared.vim func Create_vim_list() return [1] endfunction func Create_vim_dict() return {'a': 1} endfunction let s:system_error_pat = 'Vim(py3):SystemError: \( returned NULL without setting an \(error\|exception\)\|error return without exception set\)' " This function should be called first. This sets up python functions used by " the other tests. func Test_AAA_python3_setup() py3 << trim EOF import vim import sys import re py33_type_error_pattern = re.compile('^__call__\(\) takes (\d+) positional argument but (\d+) were given$') py37_exception_repr = re.compile(r'([^\(\),])(\)+)$') py39_type_error_pattern = re.compile('\w+\.([^(]+\(\) takes)') py310_type_error_pattern = re.compile('takes (\d+) positional argument but (\d+) were given') def emsg(ei): return ei[0].__name__ + ':' + repr(ei[1].args) def ee(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()): cb = vim.current.buffer try: try: exec(expr, g, l) except Exception as e: if sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and e.__class__ is AttributeError and str(e).find('has no attribute')>=0 and not str(e).startswith("'vim."): msg = repr((e.__class__, AttributeError(str(e)[str(e).rfind(" '") + 2:-1]))) elif sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and e.__class__ is ImportError and str(e).find('No module named \'') >= 0: msg = repr((e.__class__, ImportError(str(e).replace("'", '')))) elif sys.version_info >= (3, 6) and e.__class__ is ModuleNotFoundError: # Python 3.6 gives ModuleNotFoundError, change it to an ImportError msg = repr((ImportError, ImportError(str(e).replace("'", '')))) elif sys.version_info >= (3, 3) and e.__class__ is TypeError: m = py33_type_error_pattern.search(str(e)) if m: msg = '__call__() takes exactly {0} positional argument ({1} given)'.format(m.group(1), m.group(2)) msg = repr((e.__class__, TypeError(msg))) else: msg = repr((e.__class__, e)) # Messages changed with Python 3.6, change new to old. newmsg1 = """'argument must be str, bytes or bytearray, not None'""" oldmsg1 = '''"Can't convert 'NoneType' object to str implicitly"''' if msg.find(newmsg1) > -1: msg = msg.replace(newmsg1, oldmsg1) newmsg2 = """'argument must be str, bytes or bytearray, not int'""" oldmsg2 = '''"Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly"''' if msg.find(newmsg2) > -1: msg = msg.replace(newmsg2, oldmsg2) # Python 3.9 reports errors like "vim.command() takes ..." instead of "command() takes ..." msg = py39_type_error_pattern.sub(r'\1', msg) msg = py310_type_error_pattern.sub(r'takes exactly \1 positional argument (\2 given)', msg) elif sys.version_info >= (3, 5) and e.__class__ is ValueError and str(e) == 'embedded null byte': msg = repr((TypeError, TypeError('expected bytes with no null'))) else: msg = repr((e.__class__, e)) # Some Python versions say can't, others cannot. if msg.find('can\'t') > -1: msg = msg.replace('can\'t', 'cannot') # Some Python versions use single quote, some double quote if msg.find('"cannot ') > -1: msg = msg.replace('"cannot ', '\'cannot ') if msg.find(' attributes"') > -1: msg = msg.replace(' attributes"', ' attributes\'') if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): msg = py37_exception_repr.sub(r'\1,\2', msg) cb.append(expr + ':' + msg) else: cb.append(expr + ':NOT FAILED') except Exception as e: msg = repr((e.__class__, e)) if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): msg = py37_exception_repr.sub(r'\1,\2', msg) cb.append(expr + '::' + msg) EOF endfunc func Test_py3do() " Check deleting lines does not trigger an ml_get error. new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) py3do vim.command("%d_") bwipe! " Check switching to another buffer does not trigger an ml_get error. new let wincount = winnr('$') call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) py3do vim.command("new") call assert_equal(wincount + 1, winnr('$')) bwipe! bwipe! " Try modifying a buffer with 'nomodifiable' set set nomodifiable call assert_fails('py3do toupper(line)', 'E21:') set modifiable " Invalid command call AssertException(['py3do non_existing_cmd'], \ "Vim(py3do):NameError: name 'non_existing_cmd' is not defined") call AssertException(["py3do raise Exception('test')"], \ 'Vim(py3do):Exception: test') call AssertException(["py3do {lambda}"], \ 'Vim(py3do):SyntaxError: invalid syntax') endfunc func Test_set_cursor() " Check that setting the cursor position works. new call setline(1, ['first line', 'second line']) normal gg py3do vim.current.window.cursor = (1, 5) call assert_equal([1, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) " Check that movement after setting cursor position keeps current column. normal j call assert_equal([2, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) endfunc func Test_vim_function() " Check creating vim.Function object func s:foo() return matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+_foo$') endfunc let name = '' . s:foo() try py3 f = vim.bindeval('function("s:foo")') call assert_equal(name, py3eval('f.name')) catch call assert_false(v:exception) endtry try py3 f = vim.Function(b'\x80\xfdR' + vim.eval('s:foo()').encode()) call assert_equal(name, 'f.name'->py3eval()) catch call assert_false(v:exception) endtry " Non-existing function attribute call AssertException(["let x = py3eval('f.abc')"], \ "Vim(let):AttributeError: 'vim.function' object has no attribute 'abc'") py3 del f delfunc s:foo endfunc func Test_skipped_python3_command_does_not_affect_pyxversion() set pyxversion=0 if 0 python3 import vim endif call assert_equal(0, &pyxversion) " This assertion would have failed with Vim 8.0.0251. (pyxversion was introduced in 8.0.0251.) endfunc func _SetUpHiddenBuffer() new edit hidden setlocal bufhidden=hide enew let lnum = 0 while lnum < 10 call append( 1, string( lnum ) ) let lnum = lnum + 1 endwhile normal G call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 11 ) endfunc func _CleanUpHiddenBuffer() bwipe! hidden bwipe! endfunc func Test_Write_To_HiddenBuffer_Does_Not_Fix_Cursor_Clear() call _SetUpHiddenBuffer() py3 vim.buffers[ int( vim.eval( 'bufnr("hidden")' ) ) ][:] = None call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 11 ) call _CleanUpHiddenBuffer() endfunc func Test_Write_To_HiddenBuffer_Does_Not_Fix_Cursor_List() call _SetUpHiddenBuffer() py3 vim.buffers[ int( vim.eval( 'bufnr("hidden")' ) ) ][:] = [ 'test' ] call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 11 ) call _CleanUpHiddenBuffer() endfunc func Test_Write_To_HiddenBuffer_Does_Not_Fix_Cursor_Str() call _SetUpHiddenBuffer() py3 vim.buffers[ int( vim.eval( 'bufnr("hidden")' ) ) ][0] = 'test' call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 11 ) call _CleanUpHiddenBuffer() endfunc func Test_Write_To_HiddenBuffer_Does_Not_Fix_Cursor_ClearLine() call _SetUpHiddenBuffer() py3 vim.buffers[ int( vim.eval( 'bufnr("hidden")' ) ) ][0] = None call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 11 ) call _CleanUpHiddenBuffer() endfunc func _SetUpVisibleBuffer() new let lnum = 0 while lnum < 10 call append( 1, string( lnum ) ) let lnum = lnum + 1 endwhile normal G call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 11 ) endfunc func Test_Write_To_Current_Buffer_Fixes_Cursor_Clear() call _SetUpVisibleBuffer() py3 vim.current.buffer[:] = None call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 1 ) bwipe! endfunc func Test_Write_To_Current_Buffer_Fixes_Cursor_List() call _SetUpVisibleBuffer() py3 vim.current.buffer[:] = [ 'test' ] call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 1 ) bwipe! endfunc func Test_Write_To_Current_Buffer_Fixes_Cursor_Str() call _SetUpVisibleBuffer() py3 vim.current.buffer[-1] = None call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 10 ) bwipe! endfunc func Test_Catch_Exception_Message() try py3 raise RuntimeError( 'TEST' ) catch /.*/ call assert_match( '^Vim(.*):RuntimeError: TEST$', v:exception ) endtry endfunc func Test_unicode() " this crashed Vim once if &tenc != '' throw "Skipped: 'termencoding' is not empty" endif set encoding=utf32 py3 print('hello') if !has('win32') set encoding=debug py3 print('hello') set encoding=euc-tw py3 print('hello') endif set encoding=utf8 endfunc " Test vim.eval() with various types. func Test_python3_vim_val() call assert_equal("\n8", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("3+5"))')) call assert_equal("\n3.140000", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("1.01+2.13"))')) call assert_equal("\n0.000000", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("0.0/(1.0/0.0)"))')) call assert_equal("\n0.000000", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("0.0/(1.0/0.0)"))')) call assert_equal("\n-0.000000", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("0.0/(-1.0/0.0)"))')) " Commented out: output of infinity and nan depend on platforms. " call assert_equal("\ninf", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("1.0/0.0"))')) " call assert_equal("\n-inf", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("-1.0/0.0"))')) " call assert_equal("\n-nan", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("0.0/0.0"))')) call assert_equal("\nabc", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("\"abc\""))')) call assert_equal("\n['1', '2']", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("[1, 2]"))')) call assert_equal("\n{'1': '2'}", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("{1:2}"))')) call assert_equal("\nTrue", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("v:true"))')) call assert_equal("\nFalse", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("v:false"))')) call assert_equal("\nNone", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("v:null"))')) call assert_equal("\nNone", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("v:none"))')) call assert_equal("\nb'\\xab\\x12'", execute('py3 print(vim.eval("0zab12"))')) call assert_fails('py3 vim.eval("1+")', 'E15: Invalid expression') endfunc " Test range objects, see :help python-range func Test_python3_range() new py3 b = vim.current.buffer call setline(1, range(1, 6)) py3 r = b.range(2, 4) call assert_equal(6, py3eval('len(b)')) call assert_equal(3, py3eval('len(r)')) call assert_equal('3', py3eval('b[2]')) call assert_equal('4', py3eval('r[2]')) call assert_fails('py3 r[3] = "x"', ['Traceback', 'IndexError: line number out of range']) call assert_fails('py3 x = r[3]', ['Traceback', 'IndexError: line number out of range']) call assert_fails('py3 r["a"] = "x"', ['Traceback', 'TypeError: index must be int or slice, not str']) call assert_fails('py3 x = r["a"]', ['Traceback', 'TypeError: index must be int or slice, not str']) py3 del r[:] call assert_equal(['1', '5', '6'], getline(1, '$')) %d | call setline(1, range(1, 6)) py3 r = b.range(2, 5) py3 del r[2] call assert_equal(['1', '2', '3', '5', '6'], getline(1, '$')) %d | call setline(1, range(1, 6)) py3 r = b.range(2, 4) py3 vim.command("%d,%dnorm Ax" % (r.start + 1, r.end + 1)) call assert_equal(['1', '2x', '3x', '4x', '5', '6'], getline(1, '$')) %d | call setline(1, range(1, 4)) py3 r = b.range(2, 3) py3 r.append(['a', 'b']) call assert_equal(['1', '2', '3', 'a', 'b', '4'], getline(1, '$')) py3 r.append(['c', 'd'], 0) call assert_equal(['1', 'c', 'd', '2', '3', 'a', 'b', '4'], getline(1, '$')) %d | call setline(1, range(1, 5)) py3 r = b.range(2, 4) py3 r.append('a') call assert_equal(['1', '2', '3', '4', 'a', '5'], getline(1, '$')) py3 r.append('b', 1) call assert_equal(['1', '2', 'b', '3', '4', 'a', '5'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! endfunc " Test for resetting options with local values to global values func Test_python3_opt_reset_local_to_global() new py3 curbuf = vim.current.buffer py3 curwin = vim.current.window " List of buffer-local options. Each list item has [option name, global " value, buffer-local value, buffer-local value after reset] to use in the " test. let bopts = [ \ ['autoread', 1, 0, -1], \ ['equalprg', 'geprg', 'leprg', ''], \ ['keywordprg', 'gkprg', 'lkprg', ''], \ ['path', 'gpath', 'lpath', ''], \ ['backupcopy', 'yes', 'no', ''], \ ['tags', 'gtags', 'ltags', ''], \ ['tagcase', 'ignore', 'match', ''], \ ['define', 'gdef', 'ldef', ''], \ ['include', 'ginc', 'linc', ''], \ ['dict', 'gdict', 'ldict', ''], \ ['thesaurus', 'gtsr', 'ltsr', ''], \ ['formatprg', 'gfprg', 'lfprg', ''], \ ['errorformat', '%f:%l:%m', '%s-%l-%m', ''], \ ['grepprg', 'ggprg', 'lgprg', ''], \ ['makeprg', 'gmprg', 'lmprg', ''], \ ['cryptmethod', 'blowfish2', 'zip', ''], \ ['lispwords', 'abc', 'xyz', ''], \ ['makeencoding', 'utf-8', 'latin1', ''], \ ['undolevels', 100, 200, -123456]] if has('balloon_eval') call add(bopts, ['balloonexpr', 'gbexpr', 'lbexpr', '']) endif " Set the global and buffer-local option values and then clear the " buffer-local option value. for opt in bopts py3 << trim END pyopt = vim.bindeval("opt") vim.options[pyopt[0]] = pyopt[1] curbuf.options[pyopt[0]] = pyopt[2] END exe "call assert_equal(opt[2], &" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "call assert_equal(opt[1], &g:" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "call assert_equal(opt[2], &l:" .. opt[0] .. ")" py3 del curbuf.options[pyopt[0]] exe "call assert_equal(opt[1], &" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "call assert_equal(opt[1], &g:" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "call assert_equal(opt[3], &l:" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "set " .. opt[0] .. "&" endfor " Set the global and window-local option values and then clear the " window-local option value. let wopts = [ \ ['scrolloff', 5, 10, -1], \ ['sidescrolloff', 6, 12, -1], \ ['statusline', '%<%f', '%<%F', '']] for opt in wopts py3 << trim pyopt = vim.bindeval("opt") vim.options[pyopt[0]] = pyopt[1] curwin.options[pyopt[0]] = pyopt[2] . exe "call assert_equal(opt[2], &" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "call assert_equal(opt[1], &g:" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "call assert_equal(opt[2], &l:" .. opt[0] .. ")" py3 del curwin.options[pyopt[0]] exe "call assert_equal(opt[1], &" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "call assert_equal(opt[1], &g:" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "call assert_equal(opt[3], &l:" .. opt[0] .. ")" exe "set " .. opt[0] .. "&" endfor close! endfunc " Test for various heredoc syntax func Test_python3_heredoc() python3 << END s='A' END python3 << s+='B' . python3 << trim END s+='C' END python3 << trim s+='D' . python3 << trim eof s+='E' eof call assert_equal('ABCDE', pyxeval('s')) endfunc " Test for the buffer range object func Test_python3_range2() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) py3 b = vim.current.buffer py3 r = b.range(1, 3) call assert_equal(0, py3eval('r.start')) call assert_equal(2, py3eval('r.end')) call assert_equal('one', py3eval('r[0]')) call assert_equal('one', py3eval('r[-3]')) call AssertException(["let x = py3eval('r[-4]')"], \ 'Vim(let):IndexError: line number out of range') call assert_equal(['two', 'three'], py3eval('r[1:]')) py3 r[0] = 'green' call assert_equal(['green', 'two', 'three'], getline(1, '$')) py3 r[0:2] = ['red', 'blue'] call assert_equal(['red', 'blue', 'three'], getline(1, '$')) " try different invalid start/end index for the range slice %d call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) py3 r[-10:1] = ["a"] py3 r[10:12] = ["b"] py3 r[-10:-9] = ["c"] py3 r[1:0] = ["d"] call assert_equal(['c', 'd', 'a', 'two', 'three', 'b'], getline(1, '$')) " The following code used to trigger an ml_get error %d let x = py3eval('r[:]') " Non-existing range attribute call AssertException(["let x = py3eval('r.abc')"], \ "Vim(let):AttributeError: 'vim.range' object has no attribute 'abc'") close! endfunc " Test for the python tabpage object func Test_python3_tabpage() tabnew py3 t = vim.tabpages[1] py3 wl = t.windows tabclose " Accessing a closed tabpage call AssertException(["let n = py3eval('t.number')"], \ 'Vim(let):vim.error: attempt to refer to deleted tab page') call AssertException(["let n = py3eval('len(wl)')"], \ 'Vim(let):vim.error: attempt to refer to deleted tab page') call AssertException(["py3 w = wl[0]"], \ 'Vim(py3):vim.error: attempt to refer to deleted tab page') call AssertException(["py3 vim.current.tabpage = t"], \ 'Vim(py3):vim.error: attempt to refer to deleted tab page') call assert_match(', , , b'asd']", substitute(py3eval('repr(dv)'),'0x\x\+','','g')) call assert_equal("[(b'-1', ), (b'0', -1), (b'1', b'asd'), (b'b', ), (b'f', )]", substitute(py3eval('repr(di)'),'0x\x\+','','g')) call assert_equal(['0', '1', 'b', 'f', '-1'], keys(d)) call assert_equal("[-1, 'asd', [1, 2, function('strlen')], function('1'), {'a': 1}]", string(values(d))) py3 del dk py3 del di py3 del dv endfunc func Test_python3_list_del_items() " removing items with del let l = [0, function("strlen"), [1, 2, function("strlen"), {'a': 1}]] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[2] call assert_equal("[0, function('strlen')]", string(l)) let l = range(8) py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[:3] py3 del l[1:] call assert_equal([3], l) " removing items out of range: silently skip items that don't exist " The following two ranges delete nothing as they match empty list: let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[2:1] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l) py3 del l[2:2] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l) py3 del l[2:3] call assert_equal([0, 1, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[2:4] call assert_equal([0, 1], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[2:5] call assert_equal([0, 1], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[2:6] call assert_equal([0, 1], l) " The following two ranges delete nothing as they match empty list: let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[-1:2] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l) py3 del l[-2:2] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l) py3 del l[-3:2] call assert_equal([0, 2, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[-4:2] call assert_equal([2, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[-5:2] call assert_equal([2, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[-6:2] call assert_equal([2, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[::2] call assert_equal([1, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[3:0:-2] call assert_equal([0, 2], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 del l[2:4:-2] let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] endfunc func Test_python3_dict_del_items() let d = eval("{'0' : -1, '1' : 'asd', 'b' : [1, 2, function('strlen')], 'f' : function('min'), '-1' : {'a': 1}}") py3 d = vim.bindeval('d') py3 del d['-1'] py3 del d['f'] call assert_equal([1, 2, function('strlen')], py3eval('d.get(''b'', 1)')) call assert_equal([1, 2, function('strlen')], py3eval('d.pop(''b'')')) call assert_equal(1, py3eval('d.get(''b'', 1)')) call assert_equal('asd', py3eval('d.pop(''1'', 2)')) call assert_equal(2, py3eval('d.pop(''1'', 2)')) call assert_equal('True', py3eval('repr(d.has_key(''0''))')) call assert_equal('False', py3eval('repr(d.has_key(''1''))')) call assert_equal('True', py3eval('repr(''0'' in d)')) call assert_equal('False', py3eval('repr(''1'' in d)')) call assert_equal("[b'0']", py3eval('repr(list(iter(d)))')) call assert_equal({'0' : -1}, d) call assert_equal("(b'0', -1)", py3eval('repr(d.popitem())')) call assert_equal('None', py3eval('repr(d.get(''0''))')) call assert_equal('[]', py3eval('repr(list(iter(d)))')) endfunc " Slice assignment to a list func Test_python3_slice_assignment() let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[0:0] = ['a'] call assert_equal(['a', 0, 1, 2, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[1:2] = ['b'] call assert_equal([0, 'b', 2, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[2:4] = ['c'] call assert_equal([0, 1, 'c'], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[4:4] = ['d'] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 'd'], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[-1:2] = ['e'] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 'e', 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[-10:2] = ['f'] call assert_equal(['f', 2, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[2:-10] = ['g'] call assert_equal([0, 1, 'g', 2, 3], l) let l = [] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[0:0] = ['h'] call assert_equal(['h'], l) let l = range(8) py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[2:6:2] = [10, 20] call assert_equal([0, 1, 10, 3, 20, 5, 6, 7], l) let l = range(8) py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[6:2:-2] = [10, 20] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 20, 5, 10, 7], l) let l = range(8) py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[6:2] = () call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], l) let l = range(8) py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[6:2:1] = () call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], l) let l = range(8) py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l[2:2:1] = () call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], l) call AssertException(["py3 x = l[10:11:0]"], \ "Vim(py3):ValueError: slice step cannot be zero") endfunc " Locked variables func Test_python3_lockedvar() new py3 cb = vim.current.buffer let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') lockvar! l py3 << trim EOF try: l[2]='i' except vim.error: cb.append('l[2] threw vim.error: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info())) EOF call assert_equal(['', "l[2] threw vim.error: error:('list is locked',)"], \ getline(1, '$')) " Try to concatenate a locked list call AssertException(['py3 l += [4, 5]'], 'Vim(py3):vim.error: list is locked') call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l) unlockvar! l close! endfunc " Test for calling a function func Test_python3_function_call() func New(...) return ['NewStart'] + a:000 + ['NewEnd'] endfunc func DictNew(...) dict return ['DictNewStart'] + a:000 + ['DictNewEnd', self] endfunc new let l = [function('New'), function('DictNew')] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l.extend(list(l[0](1, 2, 3))) call assert_equal([function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd'], l) py3 l.extend(list(l[1](1, 2, 3, self={'a': 'b'}))) call assert_equal([function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}], l) py3 l += [[l[0].name]] call assert_equal([function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}, ['New']], l) py3 ee('l[1](1, 2, 3)') call assert_equal("l[1](1, 2, 3):(, error('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: DictNew',))", getline(2)) %d py3 f = l[0] delfunction New py3 ee('f(1, 2, 3)') call assert_equal("f(1, 2, 3):(, error('Vim:E117: Unknown function: New',))", getline(2)) close! delfunction DictNew endfunc func Test_python3_float() let l = [0.0] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 l.extend([0.0]) call assert_equal([0.0, 0.0], l) endfunc " Test for Dict key errors func Test_python3_dict_key_error() let messages = [] py3 << trim EOF import sys d = vim.bindeval('{}') m = vim.bindeval('messages') def em(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()): try: exec(expr, g, l) except Exception as e: if sys.version_info >= (3, 5) and e.__class__ is ValueError and str(e) == 'embedded null byte': m.extend([TypeError.__name__]) else: m.extend([e.__class__.__name__]) em('d["abc1"]') em('d["abc1"]="\\0"') em('d["abc1"]=vim') em('d[""]=1') em('d["a\\0b"]=1') em('d[b"a\\0b"]=1') em('d.pop("abc1")') em('d.popitem()') del em del m EOF call assert_equal(['KeyError', 'TypeError', 'TypeError', 'ValueError', \ 'TypeError', 'TypeError', 'KeyError', 'KeyError'], messages) unlet messages endfunc " Test for locked and scope attributes func Test_python3_lock_scope_attr() let d = {} | let dl = {} | lockvar dl let res = [] for s in split("d dl v: g:") let name = tr(s, ':', 's') execute 'py3 ' .. name .. ' = vim.bindeval("' .. s .. '")' call add(res, s .. ' : ' .. join(map(['locked', 'scope'], \ 'v:val .. ":" .. py3eval(name .. "." .. v:val)'), ';')) endfor call assert_equal(['d : locked:0;scope:0', 'dl : locked:1;scope:0', \ 'v: : locked:2;scope:1', 'g: : locked:0;scope:2'], res) silent! let d.abc2 = 1 silent! let dl.abc3 = 1 py3 d.locked = True py3 dl.locked = False silent! let d.def = 1 silent! let dl.def = 1 call assert_equal({'abc2': 1}, d) call assert_equal({'def': 1}, dl) unlet d dl let l = [] | let ll = [] | lockvar ll let res = [] for s in split("l ll") let name = tr(s, ':', 's') execute 'py3 ' .. name .. '=vim.bindeval("' .. s .. '")' call add(res, s .. ' : locked:' .. py3eval(name .. '.locked')) endfor call assert_equal(['l : locked:0', 'll : locked:1'], res) silent! call extend(l, [0]) silent! call extend(ll, [0]) py3 l.locked = True py3 ll.locked = False silent! call extend(l, [1]) silent! call extend(ll, [1]) call assert_equal([0], l) call assert_equal([1], ll) unlet l ll " Try changing an attribute of a fixed list py3 a = vim.bindeval('v:argv') call AssertException(['py3 a.locked = 0'], \ 'Vim(py3):TypeError: cannot modify fixed list') endfunc " Test for py3eval() func Test_python3_pyeval() let l = py3eval('[0, 1, 2]') call assert_equal([0, 1, 2], l) let d = py3eval('{"a": "b", "c": 1, "d": ["e"]}') call assert_equal([['a', 'b'], ['c', 1], ['d', ['e']]], sort(items(d))) let v:errmsg = '' call assert_equal(v:none, py3eval('None')) call assert_equal('', v:errmsg) py3 v = vim.eval('test_null_function()') call assert_equal(v:none, py3eval('v')) call assert_equal(0.0, py3eval('0.0')) " Evaluate an invalid values call AssertException(['let v = py3eval(''"\0"'')'], 'E859:') call AssertException(['let v = py3eval(''{"\0" : 1}'')'], 'E859:') call AssertException(['let v = py3eval("undefined_name")'], \ "Vim(let):NameError: name 'undefined_name' is not defined") call AssertException(['let v = py3eval("vim")'], 'E859:') endfunc " Test for vim.bindeval() func Test_python3_vim_bindeval() " Float let f = 3.14 py3 f = vim.bindeval('f') call assert_equal(3.14, py3eval('f')) " Blob let b = 0z12 py3 b = vim.bindeval('b') call assert_equal("\x12", py3eval('b')) " Bool call assert_equal(1, py3eval("vim.bindeval('v:true')")) call assert_equal(0, py3eval("vim.bindeval('v:false')")) call assert_equal(v:none, py3eval("vim.bindeval('v:null')")) call assert_equal(v:none, py3eval("vim.bindeval('v:none')")) " channel/job if has('channel') call assert_equal(v:none, py3eval("vim.bindeval('test_null_channel()')")) endif if has('job') call assert_equal(v:none, py3eval("vim.bindeval('test_null_job()')")) endif endfunc " threading " Running py3do command (Test_pydo) before this test, stops the python thread " from running. So this test should be run before the pydo test func Test_aaa_python3_threading() let l = [0] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 << trim EOF import threading import time class T(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.t = 0 self.running = True def run(self): while self.running: self.t += 1 time.sleep(0.1) t = T() del T t.start() EOF sleep 1 py3 t.running = False py3 t.join() " Check if the background thread is working. Count should be 10, but on a " busy system (AppVeyor) it can be much lower. py3 l[0] = t.t > 4 py3 del time py3 del threading py3 del t call assert_equal([1], l) endfunc " settrace func Test_python3_settrace() let l = [] py3 l = vim.bindeval('l') py3 << trim EOF import sys def traceit(frame, event, arg): global l if event == "line": l += [frame.f_lineno] return traceit def trace_main(): for i in range(5): pass EOF py3 sys.settrace(traceit) py3 trace_main() py3 sys.settrace(None) py3 del traceit py3 del trace_main call assert_equal([1, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 1], l) endfunc " Slice func Test_python3_list_slice() py3 ll = vim.bindeval('[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]') py3 l = ll[:4] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[2:] call assert_equal([2, 3, 4, 5], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[:-4] call assert_equal([0, 1], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[-2:] call assert_equal([4, 5], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[2:4] call assert_equal([2, 3], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[4:2] call assert_equal([], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[-4:-2] call assert_equal([2, 3], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[-2:-4] call assert_equal([], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[:] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[0:6] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[-10:10] call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[4:2:-1] call assert_equal([4, 3], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[::2] call assert_equal([0, 2, 4], py3eval('l')) py3 l = ll[4:2:1] call assert_equal([], py3eval('l')) " Error case: Use an invalid index call AssertException(['py3 ll[-10] = 5'], 'Vim(py3):vim.error: internal error:') " Use a step value of 0 call AssertException(['py3 ll[0:3:0] = [1, 2, 3]'], \ 'Vim(py3):ValueError: slice step cannot be zero') " Error case: Invalid slice type call AssertException(["py3 x = ll['abc']"], \ "Vim(py3):TypeError: index must be int or slice, not str") py3 del l " Error case: List with a null list item let l = [test_null_list()] py3 ll = vim.bindeval('l') call AssertException(["py3 x = ll[:]"], \ s:system_error_pat) endfunc " Vars func Test_python3_vars() let g:foo = 'bac' let w:abc3 = 'def' let b:baz = 'bar' let t:bar = 'jkl' try throw "Abc" catch /Abc/ call assert_equal('Abc', py3eval('vim.vvars[''exception'']')) endtry call assert_equal('bac', py3eval('vim.vars[''foo'']')) call assert_equal('def', py3eval('vim.current.window.vars[''abc3'']')) call assert_equal('bar', py3eval('vim.current.buffer.vars[''baz'']')) call assert_equal('jkl', py3eval('vim.current.tabpage.vars[''bar'']')) endfunc " Options " paste: boolean, global " previewheight number, global " operatorfunc: string, global " number: boolean, window-local " numberwidth: number, window-local " colorcolumn: string, window-local " statusline: string, window-local/global " autoindent: boolean, buffer-local " shiftwidth: number, buffer-local " omnifunc: string, buffer-local " preserveindent: boolean, buffer-local/global " path: string, buffer-local/global func Test_python3_opts() let g:res = [] let g:bufs = [bufnr('%')] new let g:bufs += [bufnr('%')] vnew let g:bufs += [bufnr('%')] wincmd j vnew let g:bufs += [bufnr('%')] wincmd l func RecVars(opt) let gval = string(eval('&g:' .. a:opt)) let wvals = join(map(range(1, 4), \ 'v:val .. ":" .. string(getwinvar(v:val, "&" .. a:opt))')) let bvals = join(map(copy(g:bufs), \ 'v:val .. ":" .. string(getbufvar(v:val, "&" .. a:opt))')) call add(g:res, ' G: ' .. gval) call add(g:res, ' W: ' .. wvals) call add(g:res, ' B: ' .. wvals) endfunc py3 << trim EOF def e(s, g=globals(), l=locals()): try: exec(s, g, l) except Exception as e: vim.command('return ' + repr(e.__class__.__name__)) def ev(s, g=globals(), l=locals()): try: return eval(s, g, l) except Exception as e: vim.command('let exc=' + repr(e.__class__.__name__)) return 0 EOF func E(s) python3 e(vim.eval('a:s')) endfunc func Ev(s) let r = py3eval('ev(vim.eval("a:s"))') if exists('exc') throw exc endif return r endfunc py3 gopts1 = vim.options py3 wopts1 = vim.windows[2].options py3 wopts2 = vim.windows[0].options py3 wopts3 = vim.windows[1].options py3 bopts1 = vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[2]].options py3 bopts2 = vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[1]].options py3 bopts3 = vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[0]].options call add(g:res, 'wopts iters equal: ' .. \ py3eval('list(wopts1) == list(wopts2)')) call add(g:res, 'bopts iters equal: ' .. \ py3eval('list(bopts1) == list(bopts2)')) py3 gset = set(iter(gopts1)) py3 wset = set(iter(wopts1)) py3 bset = set(iter(bopts1)) set path=.,..,, let lst = [] let lst += [['paste', 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0]] let lst += [['previewheight', 5, 1, 6, 'a', 0, 1, 0]] let lst += [['operatorfunc', 'A', 'B', 'C', 2, 0, 1, 0]] let lst += [['number', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]] let lst += [['numberwidth', 2, 3, 5, -100, 0, 0, 1]] let lst += [['colorcolumn', '+1', '+2', '+3', 'abc4', 0, 0, 1]] let lst += [['statusline', '1', '2', '4', 0, 0, 1, 1]] let lst += [['autoindent', 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2]] let lst += [['shiftwidth', 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2]] let lst += [['omnifunc', 'A', 'B', 'C', 1, 0, 0, 2]] let lst += [['preserveindent', 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2]] let lst += [['path', '.,,', ',,', '.', 0, 0, 1, 2]] for [oname, oval1, oval2, oval3, invval, bool, global, local] in lst py3 oname = vim.eval('oname') py3 oval1 = vim.bindeval('oval1') py3 oval2 = vim.bindeval('oval2') py3 oval3 = vim.bindeval('oval3') if invval is 0 || invval is 1 py3 invval = bool(vim.bindeval('invval')) else py3 invval = vim.bindeval('invval') endif if bool py3 oval1 = bool(oval1) py3 oval2 = bool(oval2) py3 oval3 = bool(oval3) endif call add(g:res, '>>> ' .. oname) call add(g:res, ' g/w/b:' .. py3eval('oname in gset') .. '/' .. \ py3eval('oname in wset') .. '/' .. py3eval('oname in bset')) call add(g:res, ' g/w/b (in):' .. py3eval('oname in gopts1') .. '/' .. \ py3eval('oname in wopts1') .. '/' .. py3eval('oname in bopts1')) for v in ['gopts1', 'wopts1', 'bopts1'] try call add(g:res, ' p/' .. v .. ': ' .. Ev('repr(' .. v .. '[''' .. oname .. '''])')) catch call add(g:res, ' p/' .. v .. '! ' .. v:exception) endtry let r = E(v .. '[''' .. oname .. ''']=invval') if r isnot 0 call add(g:res, ' inv: ' .. string(invval) .. '! ' .. r) endif for vv in (v is# 'gopts1' ? [v] : [v, v[:-2] .. '2', v[:-2] .. '3']) let val = substitute(vv, '^.opts', 'oval', '') let r = E(vv .. '[''' .. oname .. ''']=' .. val) if r isnot 0 call add(g:res, ' ' .. vv .. '! ' .. r) endif endfor endfor call RecVars(oname) for v in ['wopts3', 'bopts3'] let r = E('del ' .. v .. '["' .. oname .. '"]') if r isnot 0 call add(g:res, ' del ' .. v .. '! ' .. r) endif endfor call RecVars(oname) endfor delfunction RecVars delfunction E delfunction Ev py3 del ev py3 del e only for buf in g:bufs[1:] execute 'bwipeout!' buf endfor py3 del gopts1 py3 del wopts1 py3 del wopts2 py3 del wopts3 py3 del bopts1 py3 del bopts2 py3 del bopts3 py3 del oval1 py3 del oval2 py3 del oval3 py3 del oname py3 del invval let expected =<< trim END wopts iters equal: 1 bopts iters equal: 1 >>> paste g/w/b:1/0/0 g/w/b (in):1/0/0 p/gopts1: False p/wopts1! KeyError inv: 2! KeyError wopts1! KeyError wopts2! KeyError wopts3! KeyError p/bopts1! KeyError inv: 2! KeyError bopts1! KeyError bopts2! KeyError bopts3! KeyError G: 1 W: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 B: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 del wopts3! KeyError del bopts3! KeyError G: 1 W: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 B: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 >>> previewheight g/w/b:1/0/0 g/w/b (in):1/0/0 p/gopts1: 12 inv: 'a'! TypeError p/wopts1! KeyError inv: 'a'! KeyError wopts1! KeyError wopts2! KeyError wopts3! KeyError p/bopts1! KeyError inv: 'a'! KeyError bopts1! KeyError bopts2! KeyError bopts3! KeyError G: 5 W: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5 B: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5 del wopts3! KeyError del bopts3! KeyError G: 5 W: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5 B: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5 >>> operatorfunc g/w/b:1/0/0 g/w/b (in):1/0/0 p/gopts1: b'' inv: 2! TypeError p/wopts1! KeyError inv: 2! KeyError wopts1! KeyError wopts2! KeyError wopts3! KeyError p/bopts1! KeyError inv: 2! KeyError bopts1! KeyError bopts2! KeyError bopts3! KeyError G: 'A' W: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A' B: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A' del wopts3! KeyError del bopts3! KeyError G: 'A' W: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A' B: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A' >>> number g/w/b:0/1/0 g/w/b (in):0/1/0 p/gopts1! KeyError inv: 0! KeyError gopts1! KeyError p/wopts1: False p/bopts1! KeyError inv: 0! KeyError bopts1! KeyError bopts2! KeyError bopts3! KeyError G: 0 W: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0 B: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0 del wopts3! ValueError del bopts3! KeyError G: 0 W: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0 B: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0 >>> numberwidth g/w/b:0/1/0 g/w/b (in):0/1/0 p/gopts1! KeyError inv: -100! KeyError gopts1! KeyError p/wopts1: 4 inv: -100! error p/bopts1! KeyError inv: -100! KeyError bopts1! KeyError bopts2! KeyError bopts3! KeyError G: 4 W: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:4 B: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:4 del wopts3! ValueError del bopts3! KeyError G: 4 W: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:4 B: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:4 >>> colorcolumn g/w/b:0/1/0 g/w/b (in):0/1/0 p/gopts1! KeyError inv: 'abc4'! KeyError gopts1! KeyError p/wopts1: b'' inv: 'abc4'! error p/bopts1! KeyError inv: 'abc4'! KeyError bopts1! KeyError bopts2! KeyError bopts3! KeyError G: '' W: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:'' B: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:'' del wopts3! ValueError del bopts3! KeyError G: '' W: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:'' B: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:'' >>> statusline g/w/b:1/1/0 g/w/b (in):1/1/0 p/gopts1: b'' inv: 0! TypeError p/wopts1: None inv: 0! TypeError p/bopts1! KeyError inv: 0! KeyError bopts1! KeyError bopts2! KeyError bopts3! KeyError G: '1' W: 1:'2' 2:'4' 3:'1' 4:'1' B: 1:'2' 2:'4' 3:'1' 4:'1' del bopts3! KeyError G: '1' W: 1:'2' 2:'1' 3:'1' 4:'1' B: 1:'2' 2:'1' 3:'1' 4:'1' >>> autoindent g/w/b:0/0/1 g/w/b (in):0/0/1 p/gopts1! KeyError inv: 2! KeyError gopts1! KeyError p/wopts1! KeyError inv: 2! KeyError wopts1! KeyError wopts2! KeyError wopts3! KeyError p/bopts1: False G: 0 W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1 B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1 del wopts3! KeyError del bopts3! ValueError G: 0 W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1 B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1 >>> shiftwidth g/w/b:0/0/1 g/w/b (in):0/0/1 p/gopts1! KeyError inv: 3! KeyError gopts1! KeyError p/wopts1! KeyError inv: 3! KeyError wopts1! KeyError wopts2! KeyError wopts3! KeyError p/bopts1: 8 G: 8 W: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1 B: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1 del wopts3! KeyError del bopts3! ValueError G: 8 W: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1 B: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1 >>> omnifunc g/w/b:0/0/1 g/w/b (in):0/0/1 p/gopts1! KeyError inv: 1! KeyError gopts1! KeyError p/wopts1! KeyError inv: 1! KeyError wopts1! KeyError wopts2! KeyError wopts3! KeyError p/bopts1: b'' inv: 1! TypeError G: '' W: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C' B: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C' del wopts3! KeyError del bopts3! ValueError G: '' W: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C' B: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C' >>> preserveindent g/w/b:0/0/1 g/w/b (in):0/0/1 p/gopts1! KeyError inv: 2! KeyError gopts1! KeyError p/wopts1! KeyError inv: 2! KeyError wopts1! KeyError wopts2! KeyError wopts3! KeyError p/bopts1: False G: 0 W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1 B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1 del wopts3! KeyError del bopts3! ValueError G: 0 W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1 B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1 >>> path g/w/b:1/0/1 g/w/b (in):1/0/1 p/gopts1: b'.,..,,' inv: 0! TypeError p/wopts1! KeyError inv: 0! KeyError wopts1! KeyError wopts2! KeyError wopts3! KeyError p/bopts1: None inv: 0! TypeError G: '.,,' W: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.' B: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.' del wopts3! KeyError G: '.,,' W: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.,,' B: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.,,' END call assert_equal(expected, g:res) unlet g:res call assert_equal(0, py3eval("'' in vim.options")) " use an empty key to index vim.options call AssertException(["let v = py3eval(\"vim.options['']\")"], \ 'Vim(let):ValueError: empty keys are not allowed') call AssertException(["py3 vim.current.window.options[''] = 0"], \ 'Vim(py3):ValueError: empty keys are not allowed') call AssertException(["py3 vim.current.window.options[{}] = 0"], \ 'Vim(py3):TypeError: expected bytes() or str() instance, but got dict') " set one of the number options to a very large number let cmd = ["py3 vim.options['previewheight'] = 9999999999999999"] call AssertException(cmd, "Vim(py3):OverflowError:") " unset a global-local string option call AssertException(["py3 del vim.options['errorformat']"], \ 'Vim(py3):ValueError: unable to unset global option errorformat') endfunc " Test for vim.buffer object func Test_python3_buffer() new call setline(1, "Hello\nWorld") call assert_fails("let x = py3eval('vim.current.buffer[0]')", 'E859:') %bw! edit Xfile1 let bnr1 = bufnr() py3 cb = vim.current.buffer vnew Xfile2 let bnr2 = bufnr() call setline(1, ['First line', 'Second line', 'Third line']) py3 b = vim.current.buffer wincmd w " Test for getting lines from the buffer using a slice call assert_equal(['First line'], py3eval('b[-10:1]')) call assert_equal(['Third line'], py3eval('b[2:10]')) call assert_equal([], py3eval('b[2:0]')) call assert_equal([], py3eval('b[10:12]')) call assert_equal([], py3eval('b[-10:-8]')) call AssertException(["py3 x = b[0:3:0]"], \ 'Vim(py3):ValueError: slice step cannot be zero') call AssertException(["py3 b[0:3:0] = 'abc'"], \ 'Vim(py3):ValueError: slice step cannot be zero') call AssertException(["py3 x = b[{}]"], \ 'Vim(py3):TypeError: index must be int or slice, not dict') call AssertException(["py3 b[{}] = 'abc'"], \ 'Vim(py3):TypeError: index must be int or slice, not dict') " Test for getting lines using a range call AssertException(["py3 x = b.range(0,3)[0:2:0]"], \ "Vim(py3):ValueError: slice step cannot be zero") call AssertException(["py3 b.range(0,3)[0:2:0] = 'abc'"], \ "Vim(py3):ValueError: slice step cannot be zero") " Tests BufferAppend and BufferItem py3 cb.append(b[0]) call assert_equal(['First line'], getbufline(bnr1, 2)) %d " Try to append using out-of-range line number call AssertException(["py3 b.append('abc', 10)"], \ 'Vim(py3):IndexError: line number out of range') " Append a non-string item call AssertException(["py3 b.append([22])"], \ 'Vim(py3):TypeError: expected bytes() or str() instance, but got int') " Tests BufferSlice and BufferAssSlice py3 cb.append('abc5') # Will be overwritten py3 cb[-1:] = b[:-2] call assert_equal(['First line'], getbufline(bnr1, 2)) %d " Test BufferLength and BufferAssSlice py3 cb.append('def') # Will not be overwritten py3 cb[len(cb):] = b[:] call assert_equal(['def', 'First line', 'Second line', 'Third line'], \ getbufline(bnr1, 2, '$')) %d " Test BufferAssItem and BufferMark call setbufline(bnr1, 1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) call cursor(1, 3) normal ma py3 cb.append('ghi') # Will be overwritten py3 cb[-1] = repr((len(cb) - cb.mark('a')[0], cb.mark('a')[1])) call assert_equal(['(3, 2)'], getbufline(bnr1, 4)) %d " Test BufferRepr py3 cb.append(repr(cb) + repr(b)) call assert_equal([''], getbufline(bnr1, 2)) %d " Modify foreign buffer py3 << trim EOF b.append('foo') b[0]='bar' b[0:0]=['baz'] vim.command('call append("$", getbufline(%i, 1, "$"))' % b.number) EOF call assert_equal(['baz', 'bar', 'Second line', 'Third line', 'foo'], \ getbufline(bnr2, 1, '$')) %d " Test assigning to name property augroup BUFS autocmd BufFilePost * python3 cb.append(vim.eval('expand("")') + ':BufFilePost:' + vim.eval('bufnr("%")')) autocmd BufFilePre * python3 cb.append(vim.eval('expand("")') + ':BufFilePre:' + vim.eval('bufnr("%")')) augroup END py3 << trim EOF import os old_name = cb.name cb.name = 'foo' cb.append(cb.name[-11:].replace(os.path.sep, '/')) b.name = 'bar' cb.append(b.name[-11:].replace(os.path.sep, '/')) cb.name = old_name cb.append(cb.name[-14:].replace(os.path.sep, '/')) del old_name EOF call assert_equal([bnr1 .. ':BufFilePre:' .. bnr1, \ bnr1 .. ':BufFilePost:' .. bnr1, \ 'testdir/foo', \ bnr2 .. ':BufFilePre:' .. bnr2, \ bnr2 .. ':BufFilePost:' .. bnr2, \ 'testdir/bar', \ bnr1 .. ':BufFilePre:' .. bnr1, \ bnr1 .. ':BufFilePost:' .. bnr1, \ 'testdir/Xfile1'], getbufline(bnr1, 2, '$')) %d " Test CheckBuffer py3 << trim EOF for _b in vim.buffers: if _b is not cb: vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(_b.number)) del _b cb.append('valid: b:%s, cb:%s' % (repr(b.valid), repr(cb.valid))) EOF call assert_equal('valid: b:False, cb:True', getline(2)) %d py3 << trim EOF for expr in ('b[1]','b[:] = ["A", "B"]','b[:]','b.append("abc6")'): try: exec(expr) except vim.error: pass else: # Usually a SEGV here # Should not happen in any case cb.append('No exception for ' + expr) vim.command('cd .') del b EOF call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$')) " Delete all the lines in a buffer call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c']) py3 vim.current.buffer[:] = [] call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$')) " Test for buffer marks call assert_equal(v:none, py3eval("vim.current.buffer.mark('r')")) " Test for modifying a 'nomodifiable' buffer setlocal nomodifiable call AssertException(["py3 vim.current.buffer[0] = 'abc'"], \ "Vim(py3):vim.error: Vim:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off") call AssertException(["py3 vim.current.buffer[0] = None"], \ "Vim(py3):vim.error: Vim:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off") call AssertException(["py3 vim.current.buffer[:] = None"], \ "Vim(py3):vim.error: Vim:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off") call AssertException(["py3 vim.current.buffer[:] = []"], \ "Vim(py3):vim.error: Vim:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off") call AssertException(["py3 vim.current.buffer.append('abc')"], \ "Vim(py3):vim.error: Vim:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off") call AssertException(["py3 vim.current.buffer.append([])"], \ "Vim(py3):vim.error: Vim:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off") setlocal modifiable augroup BUFS autocmd! augroup END augroup! BUFS %bw! " Range object for a deleted buffer new Xp3buffile call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) py3 b = vim.current.buffer py3 r = vim.current.buffer.range(0, 2) call assert_equal('', py3eval('repr(r)')) %bw! call AssertException(['py3 r[:] = []'], \ 'Vim(py3):vim.error: attempt to refer to deleted buffer') call assert_match('