func Test_put_block() if !has('multi_byte') return endif new call feedkeys("i\u2500\x\", 'x') call feedkeys("\y", 'x') call feedkeys("gg0p", 'x') call assert_equal("\u2500x", getline(1)) bwipe! endfunc func Test_put_char_block() new call setline(1, ['Line 1', 'Line 2']) f Xfile_put " visually select both lines and put the cursor at the top of the visual " selection and then put the buffer name over it exe "norm! G0\ke\"%p" call assert_equal(['Xfile_put 1', 'Xfile_put 2'], getline(1,2)) bw! endfunc func Test_put_char_block2() new let a = [ getreg('a'), getregtype('a') ] call setreg('a', ' one ', 'v') call setline(1, ['Line 1', '', 'Line 3', '']) " visually select the first 3 lines and put register a over it exe "norm! ggl\2j2l\"ap" call assert_equal(['L one 1', '', 'L one 3', ''], getline(1,4)) " clean up bw! call setreg('a', a[0], a[1]) endfunc func Test_put_lines() new let a = [ getreg('a'), getregtype('a') ] call setline(1, ['Line 1', 'Line2', 'Line 3', '']) exe 'norm! gg"add"AddG""p' call assert_equal(['Line 3', '', 'Line 1', 'Line2'], getline(1,'$')) " clean up bw! call setreg('a', a[0], a[1]) endfunc