" Tests for popup windows if !has('textprop') finish endif source screendump.vim func Test_simple_popup() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif call writefile([ \ "call setline(1, range(1, 100))", \ "hi PopupColor1 ctermbg=lightblue", \ "hi PopupColor2 ctermbg=lightcyan", \ "hi Comment ctermfg=red", \ "call prop_type_add('comment', {'highlight': 'Comment'})", \ "let winid = popup_create('hello there', {'line': 3, 'col': 11, 'minwidth': 20, 'highlight': 'PopupColor1'})", \ "let winid2 = popup_create(['another one', 'another two', 'another three'], {'line': 3, 'col': 25, 'minwidth': 20})", \ "call setwinvar(winid2, '&wincolor', 'PopupColor2')", \], 'XtestPopup') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopup', {'rows': 10}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_01', {}) " Add a tabpage call term_sendkeys(buf, ":tabnew\") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":let popupwin = popup_create([" \ .. "{'text': 'other tab'}," \ .. "{'text': 'a comment line', 'props': [{" \ .. "'col': 3, 'length': 7, 'minwidth': 20, 'type': 'comment'" \ .. "}]}," \ .. "], {'line': 4, 'col': 9, 'minwidth': 20})\") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_02', {}) " switch back to first tabpage call term_sendkeys(buf, "gt") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_03', {}) " close that tabpage call term_sendkeys(buf, ":quit!\") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_04', {}) " resize popup, show empty line at bottom call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call popup_move(popupwin, {'minwidth': 15, 'maxwidth': 25, 'minheight': 3, 'maxheight': 5})\") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":redraw\") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_05', {}) " show not fitting line at bottom call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setbufline(winbufnr(popupwin), 3, 'this line will not fit here')\") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":redraw\") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_06', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XtestPopup') endfunc func Test_popup_with_border_and_padding() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif for iter in range(0, 1) call writefile([iter == 1 ? '' : 'set enc=latin1', \ "call setline(1, range(1, 100))", \ "call popup_create('hello border', {'line': 2, 'col': 3, 'border': []})", \ "call popup_create('hello padding', {'line': 2, 'col': 23, 'padding': []})", \ "call popup_create('hello both', {'line': 2, 'col': 43, 'border': [], 'padding': []})", \ "call popup_create('border TL', {'line': 6, 'col': 3, 'border': [1, 0, 0, 4]})", \ "call popup_create('paddings', {'line': 6, 'col': 23, 'padding': [1, 3, 2, 4]})", \], 'XtestPopupBorder') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopupBorder', {'rows': 15}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_2' .. iter, {}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XtestPopupBorder') endfor call writefile([ \ "call setline(1, range(1, 100))", \ "hi BlueColor ctermbg=lightblue", \ "hi TopColor ctermbg=253", \ "hi RightColor ctermbg=245", \ "hi BottomColor ctermbg=240", \ "hi LeftColor ctermbg=248", \ "call popup_create('hello border', {'line': 2, 'col': 3, 'border': [], 'borderhighlight': ['BlueColor']})", \ "call popup_create(['hello border', 'and more'], {'line': 2, 'col': 23, 'border': [], 'borderhighlight': ['TopColor', 'RightColor', 'BottomColor', 'LeftColor']})", \ "call popup_create(['hello border', 'lines only'], {'line': 2, 'col': 43, 'border': [], 'borderhighlight': ['BlueColor'], 'borderchars': ['x']})", \ "call popup_create(['hello border', 'with corners'], {'line': 2, 'col': 60, 'border': [], 'borderhighlight': ['BlueColor'], 'borderchars': ['x', '#']})", \ "call popup_create(['hello border', 'with numbers'], {'line': 6, 'col': 3, 'border': [], 'borderhighlight': ['BlueColor'], 'borderchars': ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']})", \ "call popup_create(['hello border', 'just blanks'], {'line': 7, 'col': 23, 'border': [], 'borderhighlight': ['BlueColor'], 'borderchars': [' ']})", \], 'XtestPopupBorder') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopupBorder', {'rows': 12}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_22', {}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XtestPopupBorder') let with_border_or_padding = { \ 'line': 2, \ 'core_line': 3, \ 'col': 3, \ 'core_col': 4, \ 'width': 14, \ 'core_width': 12, \ 'height': 3, \ 'core_height': 1, \ 'visible': 1} let winid = popup_create('hello border', {'line': 2, 'col': 3, 'border': []})", call assert_equal(with_border_or_padding, popup_getpos(winid)) let winid = popup_create('hello paddng', {'line': 2, 'col': 3, 'padding': []}) call assert_equal(with_border_or_padding, popup_getpos(winid)) let winid = popup_create('hello both', {'line': 3, 'col': 8, 'border': [], 'padding': []}) call assert_equal({ \ 'line': 3, \ 'core_line': 5, \ 'col': 8, \ 'core_col': 10, \ 'width': 14, \ 'core_width': 10, \ 'height': 5, \ 'core_height': 1, \ 'visible': 1}, popup_getpos(winid)) endfunc func Test_popup_with_syntax_win_execute() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif call writefile([ \ "call setline(1, range(1, 100))", \ "hi PopupColor ctermbg=lightblue", \ "let winid = popup_create([", \ "\\ '#include ',", \ "\\ 'int main(void)',", \ "\\ '{',", \ "\\ ' printf(123);',", \ "\\ '}',", \ "\\], {'line': 3, 'col': 25, 'highlight': 'PopupColor'})", \ "call win_execute(winid, 'set syntax=cpp')", \], 'XtestPopup') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopup', {'rows': 10}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_10', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XtestPopup') endfunc func Test_popup_with_syntax_setbufvar() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let lines =<< trim END call setline(1, range(1, 100)) hi PopupColor ctermbg=lightgrey let winid = popup_create([ \ '#include ', \ 'int main(void)', \ '{', \ ' printf(567);', \ '}', \], {'line': 3, 'col': 21, 'highlight': 'PopupColor'}) call setbufvar(winbufnr(winid), '&syntax', 'cpp') END call writefile(lines, 'XtestPopup') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopup', {'rows': 10}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_11', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XtestPopup') endfunc func Test_popup_all_corners() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let lines =<< trim END call setline(1, repeat([repeat('-', 60)], 15)) set so=0 normal 2G3|r# let winid1 = popup_create(['first', 'second'], { \ 'line': 'cursor+1', \ 'col': 'cursor', \ 'pos': 'topleft', \ 'border': [], \ 'padding': [], \ }) normal 25|r@ let winid1 = popup_create(['First', 'SeconD'], { \ 'line': 'cursor+1', \ 'col': 'cursor', \ 'pos': 'topright', \ 'border': [], \ 'padding': [], \ }) normal 9G29|r% let winid1 = popup_create(['fiRSt', 'seCOnd'], { \ 'line': 'cursor-1', \ 'col': 'cursor', \ 'pos': 'botleft', \ 'border': [], \ 'padding': [], \ }) normal 51|r& let winid1 = popup_create(['FIrsT', 'SEcoND'], { \ 'line': 'cursor-1', \ 'col': 'cursor', \ 'pos': 'botright', \ 'border': [], \ 'padding': [], \ }) END call writefile(lines, 'XtestPopupCorners') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopupCorners', {'rows': 12}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_corners', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XtestPopupCorners') endfunc func Test_popup_in_tab() " default popup is local to tab, not visible when in other tab let winid = popup_create("text", {}) call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) tabnew call assert_equal(0, popup_getpos(winid).visible) quit call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) popupclear " global popup is visible in any tab let winid = popup_create("text", {'tab': -1}) call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) tabnew call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) quit call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) popupclear endfunc func Test_popup_valid_arguments() " Zero value is like the property wasn't there let winid = popup_create("text", {"col": 0}) let pos = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_inrange(&columns / 2 - 1, &columns / 2 + 1, pos.col) popupclear " using cursor column has minimum value of 1 let winid = popup_create("text", {"col": 'cursor-100'}) let pos = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_equal(1, pos.col) popupclear " center let winid = popup_create("text", {"pos": 'center'}) let pos = popup_getpos(winid) let around = (&columns - pos.width) / 2 call assert_inrange(around - 1, around + 1, pos.col) let around = (&lines - pos.height) / 2 call assert_inrange(around - 1, around + 1, pos.line) popupclear endfunc func Test_popup_invalid_arguments() call assert_fails('call popup_create(666, {})', 'E714:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", "none")', 'E715:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"col": "xxx"})', 'E475:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"col": "cursor8"})', 'E15:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"col": "cursor+x"})', 'E15:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"col": "cursor+8x"})', 'E15:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"line": "xxx"})', 'E475:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"line": "cursor8"})', 'E15:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"line": "cursor+x"})', 'E15:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"line": "cursor+8x"})', 'E15:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"pos": "there"})', 'E475:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"padding": "none"})', 'E714:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"border": "none"})', 'E714:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"borderhighlight": "none"})', 'E714:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create("text", {"borderchars": "none"})', 'E714:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create([{"text": "text"}, 666], {})', 'E715:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create([{"text": "text", "props": "none"}], {})', 'E714:') popupclear call assert_fails('call popup_create([{"text": "text", "props": ["none"]}], {})', 'E715:') popupclear endfunc func Test_win_execute_closing_curwin() split let winid = popup_create('some text', {}) call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, winnr() .. "close")', 'E994') popupclear endfunc func Test_win_execute_not_allowed() let winid = popup_create('some text', {}) call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "split")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "vsplit")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "close")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "bdelete")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "bwipe!")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "tabnew")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "tabnext")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "next")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "rewind")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "buf")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "edit")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "enew")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "wincmd x")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "wincmd w")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "wincmd t")', 'E994:') call assert_fails('call win_execute(winid, "wincmd b")', 'E994:') popupclear endfunc func Test_popup_with_wrap() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let lines =<< trim END call setline(1, range(1, 100)) let winid = popup_create( \ 'a long line that wont fit', \ {'line': 3, 'col': 20, 'maxwidth': 10, 'wrap': 1}) END call writefile(lines, 'XtestPopup') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopup', {'rows': 10}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_wrap', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XtestPopup') endfunc func Test_popup_without_wrap() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif let lines =<< trim END call setline(1, range(1, 100)) let winid = popup_create( \ 'a long line that wont fit', \ {'line': 3, 'col': 20, 'maxwidth': 10, 'wrap': 0}) END call writefile(lines, 'XtestPopup') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopup', {'rows': 10}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_nowrap', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XtestPopup') endfunc func Test_popup_time() if !has('timers') return endif topleft vnew call setline(1, 'hello') call popup_create('world', { \ 'line': 1, \ 'col': 1, \ 'minwidth': 20, \ 'time': 500, \}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 5), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('world', line) sleep 700m redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 5), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('hello', line) call popup_create('on the command line', { \ 'line': &lines, \ 'col': 10, \ 'minwidth': 20, \ 'time': 500, \}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 30), 'screenstring(&lines, v:val)'), '') call assert_match('.*on the command line.*', line) sleep 700m redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 30), 'screenstring(&lines, v:val)'), '') call assert_notmatch('.*on the command line.*', line) bwipe! endfunc func Test_popup_hide() topleft vnew call setline(1, 'hello') let winid = popup_create('world', { \ 'line': 1, \ 'col': 1, \ 'minwidth': 20, \}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 5), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('world', line) call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) " buffer is still listed and active call assert_match(winbufnr(winid) .. 'u a.*\[Popup\]', execute('ls u')) call popup_hide(winid) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 5), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('hello', line) call assert_equal(0, popup_getpos(winid).visible) " buffer is still listed but hidden call assert_match(winbufnr(winid) .. 'u h.*\[Popup\]', execute('ls u')) call popup_show(winid) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 5), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('world', line) call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call popup_close(winid) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 5), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('hello', line) " error is given for existing non-popup window call assert_fails('call popup_hide(win_getid())', 'E993:') " no error non-existing window call popup_hide(1234234) call popup_show(41234234) bwipe! endfunc func Test_popup_move() topleft vnew call setline(1, 'hello') let winid = popup_create('world', { \ 'line': 1, \ 'col': 1, \ 'minwidth': 20, \}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 6), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('world ', line) call popup_move(winid, {'line': 2, 'col': 2}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 6), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('hello ', line) let line = join(map(range(1, 6), 'screenstring(2, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('~world', line) call popup_move(winid, {'line': 1}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 6), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('hworld', line) call popup_close(winid) bwipe! endfunc func Test_popup_getpos() let winid = popup_create('hello', { \ 'line': 2, \ 'col': 3, \ 'minwidth': 10, \ 'minheight': 11, \}) redraw let res = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_equal(2, res.line) call assert_equal(3, res.col) call assert_equal(10, res.width) call assert_equal(11, res.height) call assert_equal(1, res.visible) call popup_close(winid) endfunc func Test_popup_width_longest() let tests = [ \ [['hello', 'this', 'window', 'displays', 'all of its text'], 15], \ [['hello', 'this', 'window', 'all of its text', 'displays'], 15], \ [['hello', 'this', 'all of its text', 'window', 'displays'], 15], \ [['hello', 'all of its text', 'this', 'window', 'displays'], 15], \ [['all of its text', 'hello', 'this', 'window', 'displays'], 15], \ ] for test in tests let winid = popup_create(test[0], {'line': 2, 'col': 3}) redraw let position = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_equal(test[1], position.width) call popup_close(winid) endfor endfunc func Test_popup_wraps() let tests = [ \ ['nowrap', 6, 1], \ ['a line that wraps once', 12, 2], \ ['a line that wraps two times', 12, 3], \ ] for test in tests let winid = popup_create(test[0], \ {'line': 2, 'col': 3, 'maxwidth': 12}) redraw let position = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_equal(test[1], position.width) call assert_equal(test[2], position.height) call popup_close(winid) call assert_equal({}, popup_getpos(winid)) endfor endfunc func Test_popup_getoptions() let winid = popup_create('hello', { \ 'line': 2, \ 'col': 3, \ 'minwidth': 10, \ 'minheight': 11, \ 'maxwidth': 20, \ 'maxheight': 21, \ 'zindex': 100, \ 'time': 5000, \ 'fixed': 1 \}) redraw let res = popup_getoptions(winid) call assert_equal(2, res.line) call assert_equal(3, res.col) call assert_equal(10, res.minwidth) call assert_equal(11, res.minheight) call assert_equal(20, res.maxwidth) call assert_equal(21, res.maxheight) call assert_equal(100, res.zindex) call assert_equal(1, res.fixed) if has('timers') call assert_equal(5000, res.time) endif call popup_close(winid) let winid = popup_create('hello', {}) redraw let res = popup_getoptions(winid) call assert_equal(0, res.line) call assert_equal(0, res.col) call assert_equal(0, res.minwidth) call assert_equal(0, res.minheight) call assert_equal(0, res.maxwidth) call assert_equal(0, res.maxheight) call assert_equal(50, res.zindex) call assert_equal(0, res.fixed) if has('timers') call assert_equal(0, res.time) endif call popup_close(winid) call assert_equal({}, popup_getoptions(winid)) endfunc func Test_popup_option_values() new " window-local setlocal number setlocal nowrap " buffer-local setlocal omnifunc=Something " global/buffer-local setlocal path=/there " global/window-local setlocal scrolloff=9 let winid = popup_create('hello', {}) call assert_equal(0, getwinvar(winid, '&number')) call assert_equal(1, getwinvar(winid, '&wrap')) call assert_equal('', getwinvar(winid, '&omnifunc')) call assert_equal(&g:path, getwinvar(winid, '&path')) call assert_equal(&g:scrolloff, getwinvar(winid, '&scrolloff')) call popup_close(winid) bwipe endfunc func Test_popup_atcursor() topleft vnew call setline(1, [ \ 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', \ 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', \ 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', \]) call cursor(2, 2) redraw let winid = popup_atcursor('vim', {}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 17), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('xvimxxxxxxxxxxxxx', line) call popup_close(winid) call cursor(3, 4) redraw let winid = popup_atcursor('vim', {}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 17), 'screenstring(2, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('xxxvimxxxxxxxxxxx', line) call popup_close(winid) call cursor(1, 1) redraw let winid = popup_create('vim', { \ 'line': 'cursor+2', \ 'col': 'cursor+1', \}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 17), 'screenstring(3, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('xvimxxxxxxxxxxxxx', line) call popup_close(winid) call cursor(3, 3) redraw let winid = popup_create('vim', { \ 'line': 'cursor-2', \ 'col': 'cursor-1', \}) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, 17), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal('xvimxxxxxxxxxxxxx', line) call popup_close(winid) " just enough room above call cursor(3, 3) redraw let winid = popup_atcursor(['vim', 'is great'], {}) redraw let pos = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_equal(1, pos.line) call popup_close(winid) " not enough room above, popup goes below the cursor call cursor(3, 3) redraw let winid = popup_atcursor(['vim', 'is', 'great'], {}) redraw let pos = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_equal(4, pos.line) call popup_close(winid) " cursor in first line, popup in line 2 call cursor(1, 1) redraw let winid = popup_atcursor(['vim', 'is', 'great'], {}) redraw let pos = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_equal(2, pos.line) call popup_close(winid) bwipe! endfunc func Test_popup_filter() new call setline(1, 'some text') func MyPopupFilter(winid, c) if a:c == 'e' let g:eaten = 'e' return 1 endif if a:c == '0' let g:ignored = '0' return 0 endif if a:c == 'x' call popup_close(a:winid) return 1 endif return 0 endfunc let winid = popup_create('something', {'filter': 'MyPopupFilter'}) redraw " e is consumed by the filter call feedkeys('e', 'xt') call assert_equal('e', g:eaten) " 0 is ignored by the filter normal $ call assert_equal(9, getcurpos()[2]) call feedkeys('0', 'xt') call assert_equal('0', g:ignored) call assert_equal(1, getcurpos()[2]) " x closes the popup call feedkeys('x', 'xt') call assert_equal('e', g:eaten) call assert_equal(-1, winbufnr(winid)) delfunc MyPopupFilter popupclear endfunc func Test_popup_close_callback() func PopupDone(id, result) let g:result = a:result endfunc let winid = popup_create('something', {'callback': 'PopupDone'}) redraw call popup_close(winid, 'done') call assert_equal('done', g:result) endfunc func Test_popup_empty() let winid = popup_create('', {'padding': [2,2,2,2]}) redraw let pos = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_equal(4, pos.width) call assert_equal(5, pos.height) let winid = popup_create([], {'border': []}) redraw let pos = popup_getpos(winid) call assert_equal(2, pos.width) call assert_equal(3, pos.height) endfunc func Test_popup_never_behind() if !CanRunVimInTerminal() return endif " +-----------------------------+ " | | | " | | | " | | | " | line1 | " |------------line2------------| " | line3 | " | line4 | " | | " | | " +-----------------------------+ let lines =<< trim END only split vsplit let info_window1 = getwininfo()[0] let line = info_window1['height'] let col = info_window1['width'] call popup_create(['line1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4'], { \ 'line' : line, \ 'col' : col, \ }) END call writefile(lines, 'XtestPopupBehind') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopupBehind', {'rows': 10}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "\w") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_behind', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('XtestPopupBehind') endfunc func s:VerifyPosition( p, msg, line, col, width, height ) call assert_equal( a:line, popup_getpos( a:p ).line, a:msg . ' (l)' ) call assert_equal( a:col, popup_getpos( a:p ).col, a:msg . ' (c)' ) call assert_equal( a:width, popup_getpos( a:p ).width, a:msg . ' (w)' ) call assert_equal( a:height, popup_getpos( a:p ).height, a:msg . ' (h)' ) endfunc func Test_popup_position_adjust() " Anything placed past 2 cells from of the right of the screen is moved to the " left. " " When wrapping is disabled, we also shift to the left to display on the " screen, unless fixed is set. " Entries for cases which don't vary based on wrapping. " Format is per tests described below let both_wrap_tests = [ \ [ 'a', 5, &columns, 5, &columns - 2, 1, 1 ], \ [ 'b', 5, &columns + 1, 5, &columns - 2, 1, 1 ], \ [ 'c', 5, &columns - 1, 5, &columns - 2, 1, 1 ], \ [ 'd', 5, &columns - 2, 5, &columns - 2, 1, 1 ], \ [ 'e', 5, &columns - 3, 5, &columns - 3, 1, 1 ], \ \ [ 'aa', 5, &columns, 5, &columns - 2, 2, 1 ], \ [ 'bb', 5, &columns + 1, 5, &columns - 2, 2, 1 ], \ [ 'cc', 5, &columns - 1, 5, &columns - 2, 2, 1 ], \ [ 'dd', 5, &columns - 2, 5, &columns - 2, 2, 1 ], \ [ 'ee', 5, &columns - 3, 5, &columns - 3, 2, 1 ], \ \ [ 'aaa', 5, &columns, 5, &columns - 2, 3, 1 ], \ [ 'bbb', 5, &columns + 1, 5, &columns - 2, 3, 1 ], \ [ 'ccc', 5, &columns - 1, 5, &columns - 2, 3, 1 ], \ [ 'ddd', 5, &columns - 2, 5, &columns - 2, 3, 1 ], \ [ 'eee', 5, &columns - 3, 5, &columns - 3, 3, 1 ], \ ] " these test groups are dicts with: " - comment: something to identify the group of tests by " - options: dict of options to merge with the row/col in tests " - tests: list of cases. Each one is a list with elements: " - text " - row " - col " - expected row " - expected col " - expected width " - expected height let tests = [ \ { \ 'comment': 'left-aligned with wrapping', \ 'options': { \ 'wrap': 1, \ 'pos': 'botleft', \ }, \ 'tests': both_wrap_tests + [ \ [ 'aaaa', 5, &columns, 4, &columns - 2, 3, 2 ], \ [ 'bbbb', 5, &columns + 1, 4, &columns - 2, 3, 2 ], \ [ 'cccc', 5, &columns - 1, 4, &columns - 2, 3, 2 ], \ [ 'dddd', 5, &columns - 2, 4, &columns - 2, 3, 2 ], \ [ 'eeee', 5, &columns - 3, 5, &columns - 3, 4, 1 ], \ ], \ }, \ { \ 'comment': 'left aligned without wrapping', \ 'options': { \ 'wrap': 0, \ 'pos': 'botleft', \ }, \ 'tests': both_wrap_tests + [ \ [ 'aaaa', 5, &columns, 5, &columns - 3, 4, 1 ], \ [ 'bbbb', 5, &columns + 1, 5, &columns - 3, 4, 1 ], \ [ 'cccc', 5, &columns - 1, 5, &columns - 3, 4, 1 ], \ [ 'dddd', 5, &columns - 2, 5, &columns - 3, 4, 1 ], \ [ 'eeee', 5, &columns - 3, 5, &columns - 3, 4, 1 ], \ ], \ }, \ { \ 'comment': 'left aligned with fixed position', \ 'options': { \ 'wrap': 0, \ 'fixed': 1, \ 'pos': 'botleft', \ }, \ 'tests': both_wrap_tests + [ \ [ 'aaaa', 5, &columns, 5, &columns - 2, 3, 1 ], \ [ 'bbbb', 5, &columns + 1, 5, &columns - 2, 3, 1 ], \ [ 'cccc', 5, &columns - 1, 5, &columns - 2, 3, 1 ], \ [ 'dddd', 5, &columns - 2, 5, &columns - 2, 3, 1 ], \ [ 'eeee', 5, &columns - 3, 5, &columns - 3, 4, 1 ], \ ], \ }, \ ] for test_group in tests for test in test_group.tests let [ text, line, col, e_line, e_col, e_width, e_height ] = test let options = { \ 'line': line, \ 'col': col, \ } call extend( options, test_group.options ) let p = popup_create( text, options ) let msg = string( extend( options, { 'text': text } ) ) call s:VerifyPosition( p, msg, e_line, e_col, e_width, e_height ) call popup_close( p ) endfor endfor popupclear %bwipe! endfunc func Test_adjust_left_past_screen_width() " width of screen let X = join(map(range(&columns), {->'X'}), '') let p = popup_create( X, { 'line': 1, 'col': 1, 'wrap': 0 } ) call s:VerifyPosition( p, 'full width topleft', 1, 1, &columns, 1 ) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, &columns + 1), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal(X, line) call popup_close( p ) redraw " Same if placed on the right hand side let p = popup_create( X, { 'line': 1, 'col': &columns, 'wrap': 0 } ) call s:VerifyPosition( p, 'full width topright', 1, 1, &columns, 1 ) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, &columns + 1), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal(X, line) call popup_close( p ) redraw " Extend so > window width let X .= 'x' let p = popup_create( X, { 'line': 1, 'col': 1, 'wrap': 0 } ) call s:VerifyPosition( p, 'full width + 1 topleft', 1, 1, &columns, 1 ) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, &columns + 1), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal(X[ : -2 ], line) call popup_close( p ) redraw " Shifted then truncated (the x is not visible) let p = popup_create( X, { 'line': 1, 'col': &columns - 3, 'wrap': 0 } ) call s:VerifyPosition( p, 'full width + 1 topright', 1, 1, &columns, 1 ) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, &columns + 1), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') call assert_equal(X[ : -2 ], line) call popup_close( p ) redraw " Not shifted, just truncated let p = popup_create( X, \ { 'line': 1, 'col': 2, 'wrap': 0, 'fixed': 1 } ) call s:VerifyPosition( p, 'full width + 1 fixed', 1, 2, &columns - 1, 1) redraw let line = join(map(range(1, &columns + 1), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '') let e_line = ' ' . X[ 1 : -2 ] call assert_equal(e_line, line) call popup_close( p ) redraw popupclear %bwipe! endfunc func Test_popup_moved() new call test_override('char_avail', 1) call setline(1, ['one word to move around', 'a WORD.and->some thing']) exe "normal gg0/word\" let winid = popup_atcursor('text', {'moved': 'any'}) redraw call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) " trigger the check for last_cursormoved by going into insert mode call feedkeys("li\", 'xt') call assert_equal({}, popup_getpos(winid)) popupclear exe "normal gg0/word\" let winid = popup_atcursor('text', {'moved': 'word'}) redraw call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call feedkeys("hi\", 'xt') call assert_equal({}, popup_getpos(winid)) popupclear exe "normal gg0/word\" let winid = popup_atcursor('text', {'moved': 'word'}) redraw call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call feedkeys("li\", 'xt') call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call feedkeys("ei\", 'xt') call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call feedkeys("eli\", 'xt') call assert_equal({}, popup_getpos(winid)) popupclear " WORD is the default exe "normal gg0/WORD\" let winid = popup_atcursor('text', {}) redraw call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call feedkeys("eli\", 'xt') call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call feedkeys("wi\", 'xt') call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call feedkeys("Eli\", 'xt') call assert_equal({}, popup_getpos(winid)) popupclear exe "normal gg0/word\" let winid = popup_atcursor('text', {'moved': [5, 10]}) redraw call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call feedkeys("eli\", 'xt') call feedkeys("ei\", 'xt') call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).visible) call feedkeys("eli\", 'xt') call assert_equal({}, popup_getpos(winid)) popupclear bwipe! call test_override('ALL', 0) endfunc