" Test for completion menu let g:months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] let g:setting = '' func! ListMonths() if g:setting != '' exe ":set" g:setting endif let mth=copy(g:months) let entered = strcharpart(getline('.'),0,col('.')) if !empty(entered) let mth=filter(mth, 'v:val=~"^".entered') endif call complete(1, mth) return '' endfunc func! Test_popup_complete2() " Although the popupmenu is not visible, this does not mean completion mode " has ended. After pressing to complete the currently typed char, Vim " still stays in the first state of the completion (:h ins-completion-menu), " although the popupmenu wasn't shown will remove the inserted " completed text (:h complete_CTRL-E), while the following will behave " like expected (:h i_CTRL-E) new inoremap =ListMonths() call append(1, ["December2015"]) :1 call feedkeys("aD\\\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["Dece", "", "December2015"], getline(1,3)) %d bw! endfu func! Test_popup_complete() new inoremap =ListMonths() " - select original typed text before the completion started call feedkeys("aJu\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["Ju"], getline(1,2)) %d " - accept current match call feedkeys("a\". repeat("\",7). "\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["August"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Delete one character from the inserted text (state: 1) " TODO: This should not end the completion, but it does. " This should according to the documentation: " January " but instead, this does " Januar " (idea is, C-L inserts the match from the popup menu " but if the menu is closed, it will insert the character call feedkeys("aJ\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["Januar "], getline(1,2)) %d " any-non special character: Stop completion without changing the match " and insert the typed character call feedkeys("a\20", 'tx') call assert_equal(["January20"], getline(1,2)) %d " any-non printable, non-white character: Add this character and " reduce number of matches call feedkeys("aJu\\l\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["Jul"], getline(1,2)) %d " any-non printable, non-white character: Add this character and " reduce number of matches call feedkeys("aJu\\l\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["July"], getline(1,2)) %d " any-non printable, non-white character: Add this character and " reduce number of matches call feedkeys("aJu\\l\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["Jul"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Delete one character from the inserted text (state: 2) call feedkeys("a\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["Februar"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Insert one character from the current match call feedkeys("aJ\".repeat("\",3)."\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["J "], getline(1,2)) %d " - Insert one character from the current match call feedkeys("aJ\".repeat("\",4)."\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["January "], getline(1,2)) %d " - Accept current selected match call feedkeys("aJ\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["January"], getline(1,2)) %d " - End completion, go back to what was there before selecting a match call feedkeys("aJu\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["Ju"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match several entries back call feedkeys("a\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal([""], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match several entries back call feedkeys("a\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["December"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match several entries back call feedkeys("a\\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["February"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match several entries further call feedkeys("a\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["November"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match several entries further call feedkeys("a\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["December"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match several entries further call feedkeys("a\\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal([""], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match several entries further call feedkeys("a\".repeat("\",4)."\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["October"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match don't insert yet call feedkeys("a\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal([""], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match don't insert yet call feedkeys("a\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["December"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Select a match don't insert yet call feedkeys("a\\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["November"], getline(1,2)) %d " - Stop completion and insert the match call feedkeys("a\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["January "], getline(1,2)) %d " - Stop completion and insert the match call feedkeys("a\".repeat("\",5)." \", 'tx') call assert_equal(["September "], getline(1,2)) %d " - Use the text and insert line break (state: 1) call feedkeys("a\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["January", ''], getline(1,2)) %d " - Insert the current selected text (state: 2) call feedkeys("a\".repeat("\",5)."\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["September"], getline(1,2)) %d " Insert match immediately, if there is only one match " selects a character from the line above call append(0, ["December2015"]) call feedkeys("aD\\\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["December2015", "December2015", ""], getline(1,3)) %d " use menuone for 'completeopt' " Since for the first the menu is still shown, will only select " three letters from the line above set completeopt&vim set completeopt+=menuone call append(0, ["December2015"]) call feedkeys("aD\\\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["December2015", "December201", ""], getline(1,3)) %d " use longest for 'completeopt' set completeopt&vim call feedkeys("aM\\\\\\", 'tx') set completeopt+=longest call feedkeys("aM\\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["M", "Ma", ""], getline(1,3)) %d " use noselect/noinsert for 'completeopt' set completeopt&vim call feedkeys("aM\\\", 'tx') set completeopt+=noselect call feedkeys("aM\\\", 'tx') set completeopt-=noselect completeopt+=noinsert call feedkeys("aM\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal(["March", "M", "March"], getline(1,4)) %d endfu func! Test_popup_completion_insertmode() new inoremap =ListMonths() call feedkeys("a\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal('February', getline(1)) %d " Set noinsertmode let g:setting = 'noinsertmode' call feedkeys("a\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal('February', getline(1)) call assert_false(pumvisible()) %d " Go through all matches, until none is selected let g:setting = '' call feedkeys("a\". repeat("\",12)."\\", 'tx') call assert_equal('', getline(1)) %d " select previous entry call feedkeys("a\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal('', getline(1)) %d " select last entry call feedkeys("a\\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal('December', getline(1)) iunmap endfunc func Test_noinsert_complete() function! s:complTest1() abort call complete(1, ['source', 'soundfold']) return '' endfunction function! s:complTest2() abort call complete(1, ['source', 'soundfold']) return '' endfunction new set completeopt+=noinsert inoremap =s:complTest1() call feedkeys("i\soun\\\.", 'tx') call assert_equal('soundfold', getline(1)) call assert_equal('soundfold', getline(2)) bwipe! new inoremap =s:complTest2() call feedkeys("i\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal('source', getline(1)) bwipe! set completeopt-=noinsert iunmap endfunc func Test_compl_vim_cmds_after_register_expr() function! s:test_func() return 'autocmd ' endfunction augroup AAAAA_Group au! augroup END new call feedkeys("i\=s:test_func()\\\\", 'tx') call assert_equal('autocmd AAAAA_Group', getline(1)) autocmd! AAAAA_Group augroup! AAAAA_Group bwipe! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab