" Tests for 'packpath' and :packadd func SetUp() let s:topdir = expand('%:h') . '/Xdir' exe 'set packpath=' . s:topdir let s:plugdir = s:topdir . '/pack/mine/opt/mytest' endfunc func TearDown() call delete(s:topdir, 'rf') endfunc func Test_packadd() call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/plugin', 'p') call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/ftdetect', 'p') set rtp& let rtp = &rtp filetype on exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim' call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 42') wq exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/ftdetect/test.vim' call setline(1, 'let g:ftdetect_works = 17') wq packadd mytest call assert_equal(42, g:plugin_works) call assert_equal(17, g:ftdetect_works) call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp)) call assert_true(&rtp =~ 'testdir/Xdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest\($\|,\)') " Check exception call assert_fails("packadd directorynotfound", 'E919:') call assert_fails("packadd", 'E471:') endfunc func Test_packadd_noload() call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/plugin', 'p') call mkdir(s:plugdir . '/syntax', 'p') set rtp& let rtp = &rtp exe 'split ' . s:plugdir . '/plugin/test.vim' call setline(1, 'let g:plugin_works = 42') wq let g:plugin_works = 0 packadd! mytest call assert_true(len(&rtp) > len(rtp)) call assert_true(&rtp =~ 'testdir/Xdir/pack/mine/opt/mytest\($\|,\)') call assert_equal(0, g:plugin_works) " check the path is not added twice let new_rtp = &rtp packadd! mytest call assert_equal(new_rtp, &rtp) endfunc " Check command-line completion for 'packadd' func Test_packadd_completion() let optdir1 = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt' let optdir2 = &packpath . '/pack/candidate/opt' call mkdir(optdir1 . '/pluginA', 'p') call mkdir(optdir1 . '/pluginC', 'p') call mkdir(optdir2 . '/pluginB', 'p') call mkdir(optdir2 . '/pluginC', 'p') let li = [] call feedkeys(":packadd \')\call add(li, '\", 't') call feedkeys(":packadd " . repeat("\", 2) . "')\call add(li, '\", 't') call feedkeys(":packadd " . repeat("\", 3) . "')\call add(li, '\", 't') call feedkeys(":packadd " . repeat("\", 4) . "')\call add(li, '\", 'tx') call assert_equal("packadd pluginA", li[0]) call assert_equal("packadd pluginB", li[1]) call assert_equal("packadd pluginC", li[2]) call assert_equal("packadd ", li[3]) endfunc func Test_packloadall() let plugindir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/plugin' call mkdir(plugindir, 'p') call writefile(['let g:plugin_foo_number = 1234'], plugindir . '/bar.vim') packloadall call assert_equal(1234, g:plugin_foo_number) " only works once call writefile(['let g:plugin_bar_number = 4321'], plugindir . '/bar2.vim') packloadall call assert_false(exists('g:plugin_bar_number')) " works when ! used packloadall! call assert_equal(4321, g:plugin_bar_number) endfunc func Test_helptags() let docdir1 = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/doc' let docdir2 = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/bar/doc' call mkdir(docdir1, 'p') call mkdir(docdir2, 'p') call writefile(['look here: *look-here*'], docdir1 . '/bar.txt') call writefile(['look away: *look-away*'], docdir2 . '/foo.txt') exe 'set rtp=' . &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo,' . &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/bar' helptags ALL let tags1 = readfile(docdir1 . '/tags') call assert_true(tags1[0] =~ 'look-here') let tags2 = readfile(docdir2 . '/tags') call assert_true(tags2[0] =~ 'look-away') endfunc func Test_colorscheme() let colordirrun = &packpath . '/runtime/colors' let colordirstart = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/colors' let colordiropt = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt/bar/colors' call mkdir(colordirrun, 'p') call mkdir(colordirstart, 'p') call mkdir(colordiropt, 'p') call writefile(['let g:found_one = 1'], colordirrun . '/one.vim') call writefile(['let g:found_two = 1'], colordirstart . '/two.vim') call writefile(['let g:found_three = 1'], colordiropt . '/three.vim') exe 'set rtp=' . &packpath . '/runtime' colorscheme one call assert_equal(1, g:found_one) colorscheme two call assert_equal(1, g:found_two) colorscheme three call assert_equal(1, g:found_three) endfunc func Test_colorscheme_completion() let colordirrun = &packpath . '/runtime/colors' let colordirstart = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/colors' let colordiropt = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt/bar/colors' call mkdir(colordirrun, 'p') call mkdir(colordirstart, 'p') call mkdir(colordiropt, 'p') call writefile(['let g:found_one = 1'], colordirrun . '/one.vim') call writefile(['let g:found_two = 1'], colordirstart . '/two.vim') call writefile(['let g:found_three = 1'], colordiropt . '/three.vim') exe 'set rtp=' . &packpath . '/runtime' let li=[] call feedkeys(":colorscheme " . repeat("\", 1) . "')\call add(li, '\", 't') call feedkeys(":colorscheme " . repeat("\", 2) . "')\call add(li, '\", 't') call feedkeys(":colorscheme " . repeat("\", 3) . "')\call add(li, '\", 't') call feedkeys(":colorscheme " . repeat("\", 4) . "')\call add(li, '\", 'tx') call assert_equal("colorscheme one", li[0]) call assert_equal("colorscheme three", li[1]) call assert_equal("colorscheme two", li[2]) call assert_equal("colorscheme ", li[3]) endfunc func Test_runtime() let rundir = &packpath . '/runtime/extra' let startdir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/start/foo/extra' let optdir = &packpath . '/pack/mine/opt/bar/extra' call mkdir(rundir, 'p') call mkdir(startdir, 'p') call mkdir(optdir, 'p') call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "run"'], rundir . '/bar.vim') call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "start"'], startdir . '/bar.vim') call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "foostart"'], startdir . '/foo.vim') call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "opt"'], optdir . '/bar.vim') call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "xxxopt"'], optdir . '/xxx.vim') exe 'set rtp=' . &packpath . '/runtime' let g:sequence = '' runtime extra/bar.vim call assert_equal('run', g:sequence) let g:sequence = '' runtime START extra/bar.vim call assert_equal('start', g:sequence) let g:sequence = '' runtime OPT extra/bar.vim call assert_equal('opt', g:sequence) let g:sequence = '' runtime PACK extra/bar.vim call assert_equal('start', g:sequence) let g:sequence = '' runtime! PACK extra/bar.vim call assert_equal('startopt', g:sequence) let g:sequence = '' runtime PACK extra/xxx.vim call assert_equal('xxxopt', g:sequence) let g:sequence = '' runtime ALL extra/bar.vim call assert_equal('run', g:sequence) let g:sequence = '' runtime ALL extra/foo.vim call assert_equal('foostart', g:sequence) let g:sequence = '' runtime! ALL extra/xxx.vim call assert_equal('xxxopt', g:sequence) let g:sequence = '' runtime! ALL extra/bar.vim call assert_equal('runstartopt', g:sequence) endfunc