" Test for options source check.vim func Test_whichwrap() set whichwrap=b,s call assert_equal('b,s', &whichwrap) set whichwrap+=h,l call assert_equal('b,s,h,l', &whichwrap) set whichwrap+=h,l call assert_equal('b,s,h,l', &whichwrap) set whichwrap+=h,l call assert_equal('b,s,h,l', &whichwrap) set whichwrap=h,h call assert_equal('h', &whichwrap) set whichwrap=h,h,h call assert_equal('h', &whichwrap) set whichwrap& endfunc func Test_isfname() " This used to cause Vim to access uninitialized memory. set isfname= call assert_equal("~X", expand("~X")) set isfname& endfunc func Test_wildchar() " Empty 'wildchar' used to access invalid memory. call assert_fails('set wildchar=', 'E521:') call assert_fails('set wildchar=abc', 'E521:') set wildchar= let a=execute('set wildchar?') call assert_equal("\n wildchar=", a) set wildchar=27 let a=execute('set wildchar?') call assert_equal("\n wildchar=", a) set wildchar& endfunc func Test_options() let caught = 'ok' try options catch let caught = v:throwpoint . "\n" . v:exception endtry call assert_equal('ok', caught) " Check if the option-window is opened horizontally. wincmd j call assert_notequal('option-window', bufname('')) wincmd k call assert_equal('option-window', bufname('')) " close option-window close " Open the option-window vertically. vert options " Check if the option-window is opened vertically. wincmd l call assert_notequal('option-window', bufname('')) wincmd h call assert_equal('option-window', bufname('')) " close option-window close " Open the option-window in a new tab. tab options " Check if the option-window is opened in a tab. normal gT call assert_notequal('option-window', bufname('')) normal gt call assert_equal('option-window', bufname('')) " close option-window close endfunc func Test_path_keep_commas() " Test that changing 'path' keeps two commas. set path=foo,,bar set path-=bar set path+=bar call assert_equal('foo,,bar', &path) set path& endfunc func Test_signcolumn() if has('signs') call assert_equal("auto", &signcolumn) set signcolumn=yes set signcolumn=no call assert_fails('set signcolumn=nope') endif endfunc func Test_filetype_valid() set ft=valid_name call assert_equal("valid_name", &filetype) set ft=valid-name call assert_equal("valid-name", &filetype) call assert_fails(":set ft=wrong;name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set ft=wrong\\\\name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set ft=wrong\\|name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set ft=wrong/name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set ft=wrong\\\nname", "E474:") call assert_equal("valid-name", &filetype) exe "set ft=trunc\x00name" call assert_equal("trunc", &filetype) endfunc func Test_syntax_valid() if !has('syntax') return endif set syn=valid_name call assert_equal("valid_name", &syntax) set syn=valid-name call assert_equal("valid-name", &syntax) call assert_fails(":set syn=wrong;name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set syn=wrong\\\\name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set syn=wrong\\|name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set syn=wrong/name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set syn=wrong\\\nname", "E474:") call assert_equal("valid-name", &syntax) exe "set syn=trunc\x00name" call assert_equal("trunc", &syntax) endfunc func Test_keymap_valid() if !has('keymap') return endif call assert_fails(":set kmp=valid_name", "E544:") call assert_fails(":set kmp=valid_name", "valid_name") call assert_fails(":set kmp=valid-name", "E544:") call assert_fails(":set kmp=valid-name", "valid-name") call assert_fails(":set kmp=wrong;name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set kmp=wrong\\\\name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set kmp=wrong\\|name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set kmp=wrong/name", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set kmp=wrong\\\nname", "E474:") call assert_fails(":set kmp=trunc\x00name", "E544:") call assert_fails(":set kmp=trunc\x00name", "trunc") endfunc func Check_dir_option(name) " Check that it's possible to set the option. exe 'set ' . a:name . '=/usr/share/dict/words' call assert_equal('/usr/share/dict/words', eval('&' . a:name)) exe 'set ' . a:name . '=/usr/share/dict/words,/and/there' call assert_equal('/usr/share/dict/words,/and/there', eval('&' . a:name)) exe 'set ' . a:name . '=/usr/share/dict\ words' call assert_equal('/usr/share/dict words', eval('&' . a:name)) " Check rejecting weird characters. call assert_fails("set " . a:name . "=/not&there", "E474:") call assert_fails("set " . a:name . "=/not>there", "E474:") call assert_fails("set " . a:name . "=/not.*there", "E474:") endfunc func Test_cinkeys() " This used to cause invalid memory access set cindent cinkeys=0 norm a set cindent& cinkeys& endfunc func Test_dictionary() call Check_dir_option('dictionary') endfunc func Test_thesaurus() call Check_dir_option('thesaurus') endfun func Test_complete() " Trailing single backslash used to cause invalid memory access. set complete=s\ new call feedkeys("i\\", 'xt') bwipe! set complete& endfun func Test_set_completion() call feedkeys(":set di\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"set dictionary diff diffexpr diffopt digraph directory display', @:) " Expand boolan options. When doing :set no " vim displays the options names without "no" but completion uses "no...". call feedkeys(":set nodi\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"set nodiff digraph', @:) call feedkeys(":set invdi\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"set invdiff digraph', @:) " Expand abbreviation of options. call feedkeys(":set ts\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"set tabstop thesaurus ttyscroll', @:) " Expand current value call feedkeys(":set fileencodings=\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1', @:) call feedkeys(":set fileencodings:\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"set fileencodings:ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1', @:) " Expand key codes. call feedkeys(":set \\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"set ', @:) " Expand terminal options. call feedkeys(":set t_A\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"set t_AB t_AF t_AL', @:) " Expand directories. call feedkeys(":set cdpath=./\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_match(' ./samples/ ', @:) call assert_notmatch(' ./small.vim ', @:) " Expand files and directories. call feedkeys(":set tags=./\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_match(' ./samples/.* ./small.vim', @:) call feedkeys(":set tags=./\\\\ dif\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"set tags=./\\ diff diffexpr diffopt', @:) set tags& endfunc func Test_set_errors() call assert_fails('set scroll=-1', 'E49:') call assert_fails('set backupcopy=', 'E474:') call assert_fails('set regexpengine=3', 'E474:') call assert_fails('set history=10001', 'E474:') call assert_fails('set numberwidth=21', 'E474:') call assert_fails('set colorcolumn=-a') call assert_fails('set colorcolumn=a') call assert_fails('set colorcolumn=1,') call assert_fails('set cmdheight=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set cmdwinheight=-1', 'E487:') if has('conceal') call assert_fails('set conceallevel=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set conceallevel=4', 'E474:') endif call assert_fails('set helpheight=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set history=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set report=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set shiftwidth=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set sidescroll=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set tabstop=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set textwidth=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set timeoutlen=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set updatecount=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set updatetime=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set winheight=-1', 'E487:') call assert_fails('set tabstop!', 'E488:') call assert_fails('set xxx', 'E518:') call assert_fails('set beautify?', 'E519:') call assert_fails('set undolevels=x', 'E521:') call assert_fails('set tabstop=', 'E521:') call assert_fails('set comments=-', 'E524:') call assert_fails('set comments=a', 'E525:') call assert_fails('set foldmarker=x', 'E536:') call assert_fails('set commentstring=x', 'E537:') call assert_fails('set complete=x', 'E539:') call assert_fails('set statusline=%{', 'E540:') call assert_fails('set statusline=' . repeat("%p", 81), 'E541:') call assert_fails('set statusline=%(', 'E542:') if has('cursorshape') " This invalid value for 'guicursor' used to cause Vim to crash. call assert_fails('set guicursor=i-ci,r-cr:h', 'E545:') call assert_fails('set guicursor=i-ci', 'E545:') call assert_fails('set guicursor=x', 'E545:') call assert_fails('set guicursor=r-cr:horx', 'E548:') call assert_fails('set guicursor=r-cr:hor0', 'E549:') endif call assert_fails('set backupext=~ patchmode=~', 'E589:') call assert_fails('set winminheight=10 winheight=9', 'E591:') call assert_fails('set winminwidth=10 winwidth=9', 'E592:') call assert_fails("set showbreak=\x01", 'E595:') call assert_fails('set t_foo=', 'E846:') endfunc func CheckWasSet(name) let verb_cm = execute('verbose set ' .. a:name .. '?') call assert_match('Last set from.*test_options.vim', verb_cm) endfunc func CheckWasNotSet(name) let verb_cm = execute('verbose set ' .. a:name .. '?') call assert_notmatch('Last set from', verb_cm) endfunc " Must be executed before other tests that set 'term'. func Test_000_term_option_verbose() CheckNotGui call CheckWasNotSet('t_cm') let term_save = &term set term=ansi call CheckWasSet('t_cm') let &term = term_save endfunc func Test_copy_context() setlocal list call CheckWasSet('list') split call CheckWasSet('list') quit setlocal nolist set ai call CheckWasSet('ai') set filetype=perl call CheckWasSet('filetype') set fo=tcroq call CheckWasSet('fo') split Xsomebuf call CheckWasSet('ai') call CheckWasNotSet('filetype') call CheckWasSet('fo') endfunc func Test_set_ttytype() CheckUnix CheckNotGui " Setting 'ttytype' used to cause a double-free when exiting vim and " when vim is compiled with -DEXITFREE. set ttytype=ansi call assert_equal('ansi', &ttytype) call assert_equal(&ttytype, &term) set ttytype=xterm call assert_equal('xterm', &ttytype) call assert_equal(&ttytype, &term) " "set ttytype=" gives E522 instead of E529 " in travis on some builds. Why? Catch both for now try set ttytype= call assert_report('set ttytype= did not fail') catch /E529\|E522/ endtry " Some systems accept any terminal name and return dumb settings, " check for failure of finding the entry and for missing 'cm' entry. try set ttytype=xxx call assert_report('set ttytype=xxx did not fail') catch /E522\|E437/ endtry set ttytype& call assert_equal(&ttytype, &term) endfunc func Test_set_all() set tw=75 set iskeyword=a-z,A-Z set nosplitbelow let out = execute('set all') call assert_match('textwidth=75', out) call assert_match('iskeyword=a-z,A-Z', out) call assert_match('nosplitbelow', out) set tw& iskeyword& splitbelow& endfunc func Test_set_values() if filereadable('opt_test.vim') source opt_test.vim else throw 'Skipped: opt_test.vim does not exist' endif endfunc func ResetIndentexpr() set indentexpr= endfunc func Test_set_indentexpr() " this was causing usage of freed memory set indentexpr=ResetIndentexpr() new call feedkeys("i\", 'x') call assert_equal('', &indentexpr) bwipe! endfunc func Test_backupskip() " Option 'backupskip' may contain several comma-separated path " specifications if one or more of the environment variables TMPDIR, TMP, " or TEMP is defined. To simplify testing, convert the string value into a " list. let bsklist = split(&bsk, ',') if has("mac") let found = (index(bsklist, '/private/tmp/*') >= 0) call assert_true(found, '/private/tmp not in option bsk: ' . &bsk) elseif has("unix") let found = (index(bsklist, '/tmp/*') >= 0) call assert_true(found, '/tmp not in option bsk: ' . &bsk) endif " If our test platform is Windows, the path(s) in option bsk will use " backslash for the path separator and the components could be in short " (8.3) format. As such, we need to replace the backslashes with forward " slashes and convert the path components to long format. The expand() " function will do this but it cannot handle comma-separated paths. This is " why bsk was converted from a string into a list of strings above. " " One final complication is that the wildcard "/*" is at the end of each " path and so expand() might return a list of matching files. To prevent " this, we need to remove the wildcard before calling expand() and then " append it afterwards. if has('win32') let item_nbr = 0 while item_nbr < len(bsklist) let path_spec = bsklist[item_nbr] let path_spec = strcharpart(path_spec, 0, strlen(path_spec)-2) let path_spec = substitute(expand(path_spec), '\\', '/', 'g') let bsklist[item_nbr] = path_spec . '/*' let item_nbr += 1 endwhile endif " Option bsk will also include these environment variables if defined. " If they're defined, verify they appear in the option value. for var in ['$TMPDIR', '$TMP', '$TEMP'] if exists(var) let varvalue = substitute(expand(var), '\\', '/', 'g') let varvalue = substitute(varvalue, '/$', '', '') let varvalue .= '/*' let found = (index(bsklist, varvalue) >= 0) call assert_true(found, var . ' (' . varvalue . ') not in option bsk: ' . &bsk) endif endfor " Duplicates should be filtered out (option has P_NODUP) let backupskip = &backupskip set backupskip= set backupskip+=/test/dir set backupskip+=/other/dir set backupskip+=/test/dir call assert_equal('/test/dir,/other/dir', &backupskip) let &backupskip = backupskip endfunc func Test_copy_winopt() set hidden " Test copy option from current buffer in window split enew setlocal numberwidth=5 wincmd w call assert_equal(4,&numberwidth) bnext call assert_equal(5,&numberwidth) bw! call assert_equal(4,&numberwidth) " Test copy value from window that used to be display the buffer split enew setlocal numberwidth=6 bnext wincmd w call assert_equal(4,&numberwidth) bnext call assert_equal(6,&numberwidth) bw! " Test that if buffer is current, don't use the stale cached value " from the last time the buffer was displayed. split enew setlocal numberwidth=7 bnext bnext setlocal numberwidth=8 wincmd w call assert_equal(4,&numberwidth) bnext call assert_equal(8,&numberwidth) bw! " Test value is not copied if window already has seen the buffer enew split setlocal numberwidth=9 bnext setlocal numberwidth=10 wincmd w call assert_equal(4,&numberwidth) bnext call assert_equal(4,&numberwidth) bw! set hidden& endfunc func Test_shortmess_F() new call assert_match('\[No Name\]', execute('file')) set shortmess+=F call assert_match('\[No Name\]', execute('file')) call assert_match('^\s*$', execute('file foo')) call assert_match('foo', execute('file')) set shortmess-=F call assert_match('bar', execute('file bar')) call assert_match('bar', execute('file')) set shortmess& bwipe endfunc func Test_shortmess_F2() e file1 e file2 call assert_match('file1', execute('bn', '')) call assert_match('file2', execute('bn', '')) set shortmess+=F call assert_true(empty(execute('bn', ''))) call assert_false(test_getvalue('need_fileinfo')) call assert_true(empty(execute('bn', ''))) call assert_false('need_fileinfo'->test_getvalue()) set hidden call assert_true(empty(execute('bn', ''))) call assert_false(test_getvalue('need_fileinfo')) call assert_true(empty(execute('bn', ''))) call assert_false(test_getvalue('need_fileinfo')) set nohidden call assert_true(empty(execute('bn', ''))) call assert_false(test_getvalue('need_fileinfo')) call assert_true(empty(execute('bn', ''))) call assert_false(test_getvalue('need_fileinfo')) set shortmess& call assert_match('file1', execute('bn', '')) call assert_match('file2', execute('bn', '')) bwipe bwipe endfunc func Test_local_scrolloff() set so=5 set siso=7 split call assert_equal(5, &so) setlocal so=3 call assert_equal(3, &so) wincmd w call assert_equal(5, &so) wincmd w setlocal so< call assert_equal(5, &so) setlocal so=0 call assert_equal(0, &so) setlocal so=-1 call assert_equal(5, &so) call assert_equal(7, &siso) setlocal siso=3 call assert_equal(3, &siso) wincmd w call assert_equal(7, &siso) wincmd w setlocal siso< call assert_equal(7, &siso) setlocal siso=0 call assert_equal(0, &siso) setlocal siso=-1 call assert_equal(7, &siso) close set so& set siso& endfunc func Test_writedelay() if !has('reltime') return endif new call setline(1, 'empty') redraw set writedelay=10 let start = reltime() call setline(1, repeat('x', 70)) redraw let elapsed = reltimefloat(reltime(start)) set writedelay=0 " With 'writedelay' set should take at least 30 * 10 msec call assert_inrange(30 * 0.01, 999.0, elapsed) bwipe! endfunc func Test_visualbell() set belloff= set visualbell call assert_beeps('normal 0h') set novisualbell set belloff=all endfunc