" Test for various Normal mode commands source shared.vim source check.vim source view_util.vim func Setup_NewWindow() 10new call setline(1, range(1,100)) endfunc func MyFormatExpr() " Adds '->$' at lines having numbers followed by trailing whitespace for ln in range(v:lnum, v:lnum+v:count-1) let line = getline(ln) if getline(ln) =~# '\d\s\+$' call setline(ln, substitute(line, '\s\+$', '', '') . '->$') endif endfor endfunc func CountSpaces(type, ...) " for testing operatorfunc " will count the number of spaces " and return the result in g:a let sel_save = &selection let &selection = "inclusive" let reg_save = @@ if a:0 " Invoked from Visual mode, use gv command. silent exe "normal! gvy" elseif a:type == 'line' silent exe "normal! '[V']y" else silent exe "normal! `[v`]y" endif let g:a=strlen(substitute(@@, '[^ ]', '', 'g')) let &selection = sel_save let @@ = reg_save endfunc func OpfuncDummy(type, ...) " for testing operatorfunc let g:opt=&linebreak if a:0 " Invoked from Visual mode, use gv command. silent exe "normal! gvy" elseif a:type == 'line' silent exe "normal! '[V']y" else silent exe "normal! `[v`]y" endif " Create a new dummy window new let g:bufnr=bufnr('%') endfunc func Test_normal00_optrans() new call append(0, ['1 This is a simple test: abcd', '2 This is the second line', '3 this is the third line']) 1 exe "norm! Sfoobar\" call assert_equal(['foobar', '2 This is the second line', '3 this is the third line', ''], getline(1,'$')) 2 exe "norm! $vbsone" call assert_equal(['foobar', '2 This is the second one', '3 this is the third line', ''], getline(1,'$')) norm! VS Second line here call assert_equal(['foobar', ' Second line here', '3 this is the third line', ''], getline(1, '$')) %d call append(0, ['4 This is a simple test: abcd', '5 This is the second line', '6 this is the third line']) call append(0, ['1 This is a simple test: abcd', '2 This is the second line', '3 this is the third line']) 1 norm! 2D call assert_equal(['3 this is the third line', '4 This is a simple test: abcd', '5 This is the second line', '6 this is the third line', ''], getline(1,'$')) set cpo+=# norm! 4D call assert_equal(['', '4 This is a simple test: abcd', '5 This is the second line', '6 this is the third line', ''], getline(1,'$')) " clean up set cpo-=# bw! endfunc func Test_normal01_keymodel() call Setup_NewWindow() " Test 1: depending on 'keymodel' does something different 50 call feedkeys("V\y", 'tx') call assert_equal(['47', '48', '49', '50'], getline("'<", "'>")) set keymodel=startsel 50 call feedkeys("V\y", 'tx') call assert_equal(['49', '50'], getline("'<", "'>")) " Start visual mode when keymodel = startsel 50 call feedkeys("\y", 'tx') call assert_equal(['49', '5'], getreg(0, 0, 1)) " Use the different Shift special keys 50 call feedkeys("\\\\\\y", 'tx') call assert_equal(['50'], getline("'<", "'>")) call assert_equal(['50', ''], getreg(0, 0, 1)) " Do not start visual mode when keymodel= set keymodel= 50 call feedkeys("\y$", 'tx') call assert_equal(['42'], getreg(0, 0, 1)) " Stop visual mode when keymodel=stopsel set keymodel=stopsel 50 call feedkeys("Vkk\yy", 'tx') call assert_equal(['47'], getreg(0, 0, 1)) set keymodel= 50 call feedkeys("Vkk\yy", 'tx') call assert_equal(['47', '48', '49', '50'], getreg(0, 0, 1)) " Test for using special keys to start visual selection %d call setline(1, ['red fox tail', 'red fox tail', 'red fox tail']) set keymodel=startsel " Test for and call cursor(1, 1) call feedkeys("\y", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], getpos("'<")) call assert_equal([0, 3, 1, 0], getpos("'>")) call feedkeys("Gz\8|\y", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 2, 1, 0], getpos("'<")) call assert_equal([0, 3, 8, 0], getpos("'>")) " Test for and call cursor(2, 12) call feedkeys("\y", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], getpos("'<")) call assert_equal([0, 2, 12, 0], getpos("'>")) call cursor(1, 4) call feedkeys("\y", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 1, 4, 0], getpos("'<")) call assert_equal([0, 3, 13, 0], getpos("'>")) " Test for and call cursor(2, 5) call feedkeys("\y", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 2, 5, 0], getpos("'<")) call assert_equal([0, 2, 9, 0], getpos("'>")) call cursor(2, 9) call feedkeys("\y", 'xt') call assert_equal([0, 2, 5, 0], getpos("'<")) call assert_equal([0, 2, 9, 0], getpos("'>")) set keymodel& " clean up bw! endfunc func Test_normal03_join() " basic join test call Setup_NewWindow() 50 norm! VJ call assert_equal('50 51', getline('.')) $ norm! J call assert_equal('100', getline('.')) $ norm! V9-gJ call assert_equal('919293949596979899100', getline('.')) call setline(1, range(1,100)) $ :j 10 call assert_equal('100', getline('.')) call assert_beeps('normal GVJ') " clean up bw! endfunc " basic filter test func Test_normal04_filter() " only test on non windows platform CheckNotMSWindows call Setup_NewWindow() 1 call feedkeys("!!sed -e 's/^/| /'\n", 'tx') call assert_equal('| 1', getline('.')) 90 :sil :!echo one call feedkeys('.', 'tx') call assert_equal('| 90', getline('.')) 95 set cpo+=! " 2 , 1: for executing the command, " 2: clear hit-enter-prompt call feedkeys("!!\n", 'tx') call feedkeys(":!echo one\n\n", 'tx') call feedkeys(".", 'tx') call assert_equal('one', getline('.')) set cpo-=! bw! endfunc func Test_normal05_formatexpr() " basic formatexpr test call Setup_NewWindow() %d_ call setline(1, ['here: 1 ', '2', 'here: 3 ', '4', 'not here: ']) 1 set formatexpr=MyFormatExpr() norm! gqG call assert_equal(['here: 1->$', '2', 'here: 3->$', '4', 'not here: '], getline(1,'$')) set formatexpr= bw! endfunc func Test_normal05_formatexpr_newbuf() " Edit another buffer in the 'formatexpr' function new func! Format() edit another endfunc set formatexpr=Format() norm gqG bw! set formatexpr= endfunc func Test_normal05_formatexpr_setopt() " Change the 'formatexpr' value in the function new func! Format() set formatexpr= endfunc set formatexpr=Format() norm gqG bw! set formatexpr= endfunc " When 'formatexpr' returns non-zero, internal formatting is used. func Test_normal_formatexpr_returns_nonzero() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two']) func! Format() return 1 endfunc setlocal formatexpr=Format() normal VGgq call assert_equal(['one two'], getline(1, '$')) setlocal formatexpr= delfunc Format close! endfunc " basic test for formatprg func Test_normal06_formatprg() " only test on non windows platform CheckNotMSWindows " uses sed to number non-empty lines call writefile(['#!/bin/sh', 'sed ''/./=''|sed ''/./{', 'N', 's/\n/ /', '}'''], 'Xsed_format.sh') call system('chmod +x ./Xsed_format.sh') let text = ['a', '', 'c', '', ' ', 'd', 'e'] let expected = ['1 a', '', '3 c', '', '5 ', '6 d', '7 e'] 10new call setline(1, text) set formatprg=./Xsed_format.sh norm! gggqG call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) %d call setline(1, text) set formatprg=donothing setlocal formatprg=./Xsed_format.sh norm! gggqG call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) %d " Check for the command-line ranges added to 'formatprg' set formatprg=cat call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']) call feedkeys('gggqG', 'xt') call assert_equal('.,$!cat', @:) call feedkeys('2Ggq2j', 'xt') call assert_equal('.,.+2!cat', @:) bw! " clean up set formatprg= setlocal formatprg= call delete('Xsed_format.sh') endfunc func Test_normal07_internalfmt() " basic test for internal formmatter to textwidth of 12 let list=range(1,11) call map(list, 'v:val." "') 10new call setline(1, list) set tw=12 norm! ggVGgq call assert_equal(['1 2 3', '4 5 6', '7 8 9', '10 11 '], getline(1, '$')) " clean up set tw=0 bw! endfunc " basic tests for foldopen/folddelete func Test_normal08_fold() CheckFeature folding call Setup_NewWindow() 50 setl foldenable fdm=marker " First fold norm! V4jzf " check that folds have been created call assert_equal(['50/*{{{*/', '51', '52', '53', '54/*}}}*/'], getline(50,54)) " Second fold 46 norm! V10jzf " check that folds have been created call assert_equal('46/*{{{*/', getline(46)) call assert_equal('60/*}}}*/', getline(60)) norm! k call assert_equal('45', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('46/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('61', getline('.')) norm! k " open a fold norm! Vzo norm! k call assert_equal('45', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('46/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('47', getline('.')) norm! k norm! zcVzO call assert_equal('46/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('47', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51', getline('.')) " delete folds :46 " collapse fold norm! V14jzC " delete all folds recursively norm! VzD call assert_equal(['46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60'], getline(46,60)) " clean up setl nofoldenable fdm=marker bw! endfunc func Test_normal09_operatorfunc() " Test operatorfunc call Setup_NewWindow() " Add some spaces for counting 50,60s/$/ / unlet! g:a let g:a=0 nmap ,, :set opfunc=CountSpacesg@ vmap ,, :call CountSpaces(visualmode(), 1) 50 norm V2j,, call assert_equal(6, g:a) norm V,, call assert_equal(2, g:a) norm ,,l call assert_equal(0, g:a) 50 exe "norm 0\10j2l,," call assert_equal(11, g:a) 50 norm V10j,, call assert_equal(22, g:a) " clean up unmap ,, set opfunc= unlet! g:a bw! endfunc func Test_normal09a_operatorfunc() " Test operatorfunc call Setup_NewWindow() " Add some spaces for counting 50,60s/$/ / unlet! g:opt set linebreak nmap ,, :set opfunc=OpfuncDummyg@ 50 norm ,,j exe "bd!" g:bufnr call assert_true(&linebreak) call assert_equal(g:opt, &linebreak) set nolinebreak norm ,,j exe "bd!" g:bufnr call assert_false(&linebreak) call assert_equal(g:opt, &linebreak) " clean up unmap ,, set opfunc= call assert_fails('normal Vg@', 'E774:') bw! unlet! g:opt endfunc func Test_normal10_expand() " Test for expand() 10new call setline(1, ['1', 'ifooar,,cbar']) 2 norm! $ call assert_equal('cbar', expand('')) call assert_equal('ifooar,,cbar', expand('')) call setline(1, ['prx = list[idx];']) 1 let expected = ['', 'prx', 'prx', 'prx', \ 'list', 'list', 'list', 'list', 'list', 'list', 'list', \ 'idx', 'idx', 'idx', 'idx', \ 'list[idx]', \ '];', \ ] for i in range(1, 16) exe 'norm ' . i . '|' call assert_equal(expected[i], expand(''), 'i == ' . i) endfor " Test for in state.val and ptr->val call setline(1, 'x = state.val;') call cursor(1, 10) call assert_equal('state.val', expand('')) call setline(1, 'x = ptr->val;') call cursor(1, 9) call assert_equal('ptr->val', expand('')) if executable('echo') " Test expand(`...`) i.e. backticks command expansion. call assert_equal('abcde', expand('`echo abcde`')) endif " Test expand(`=...`) i.e. backticks expression expansion call assert_equal('5', expand('`=2+3`')) call assert_equal('3.14', expand('`=3.14`')) " clean up bw! endfunc " Test for expand() in latin1 encoding func Test_normal_expand_latin1() new let save_enc = &encoding set encoding=latin1 call setline(1, 'val = item->color;') call cursor(1, 11) call assert_equal('color', expand("")) call assert_equal('item->color', expand("")) let &encoding = save_enc bw! endfunc func Test_normal11_showcmd() " test for 'showcmd' 10new exe "norm! ofoobar\" call assert_equal(2, line('$')) set showcmd exe "norm! ofoobar2\" call assert_equal(3, line('$')) exe "norm! VAfoobar3\" call assert_equal(3, line('$')) exe "norm! 0d3\2l" call assert_equal('obar2foobar3', getline('.')) " test for the visual block size displayed in the status line call setline(1, ['aaaaa', 'bbbbb', 'ccccc']) call feedkeys("ggl\lljj", 'xt') redraw! call assert_match('3x3$', Screenline(&lines)) call feedkeys("\", 'xt') " test for visually selecting a multi-byte character call setline(1, ["\U2206"]) call feedkeys("ggv", 'xt') redraw! call assert_match('1-3$', Screenline(&lines)) call feedkeys("v", 'xt') " test for visually selecting the end of line call setline(1, ["foobar"]) call feedkeys("$vl", 'xt') redraw! call assert_match('2$', Screenline(&lines)) call feedkeys("y", 'xt') call assert_equal("r\n", @") bw! endfunc " Test for nv_error and normal command errors func Test_normal12_nv_error() 10new call setline(1, range(1,5)) " should not do anything, just beep call assert_beeps('exe "norm! "') call assert_equal(map(range(1,5), 'string(v:val)'), getline(1,'$')) call assert_beeps('normal! G2dd') call assert_beeps("normal! g\") call assert_beeps("normal! g\") call assert_beeps("normal! g\") call assert_beeps("normal! vQ\") call assert_beeps("normal! 2[[") call assert_beeps("normal! 2]]") call assert_beeps("normal! 2[]") call assert_beeps("normal! 2][") call assert_beeps("normal! 4[z") call assert_beeps("normal! 4]z") call assert_beeps("normal! 4[c") call assert_beeps("normal! 4]c") call assert_beeps("normal! 200%") call assert_beeps("normal! %") call assert_beeps("normal! 2{") call assert_beeps("normal! 2}") call assert_beeps("normal! r\") call assert_beeps("normal! 8ry") call assert_beeps('normal! "@') bw! endfunc func Test_normal13_help() " Test for F1 call assert_equal(1, winnr()) call feedkeys("\", 'txi') call assert_match('help\.txt', bufname('%')) call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) bw! endfunc func Test_normal14_page() " basic test for Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B call Setup_NewWindow() exe "norm! \" call assert_equal('9', getline('.')) exe "norm! 2\" call assert_equal('25', getline('.')) exe "norm! 2\" call assert_equal('18', getline('.')) 1 set scrolloff=5 exe "norm! 2\" call assert_equal('21', getline('.')) exe "norm! \" call assert_equal('13', getline('.')) 1 set scrolloff=99 exe "norm! \" call assert_equal('13', getline('.')) set scrolloff=0 100 exe "norm! $\" call assert_equal('92', getline('.')) call assert_equal([0, 92, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) 100 set nostartofline exe "norm! $\" call assert_equal('92', getline('.')) call assert_equal([0, 92, 2, 0, 2147483647], getcurpos()) " cleanup set startofline bw! endfunc func Test_normal14_page_eol() 10new norm oxxxxxxx exe "norm 2\" " check with valgrind that cursor is put back in column 1 exe "norm 2\" bw! endfunc " Test for errors with z command func Test_normal_z_error() call assert_beeps('normal! z2p') call assert_beeps('normal! zq') endfunc func Test_normal15_z_scroll_vert() " basic test for z commands that scroll the window call Setup_NewWindow() 100 norm! >> " Test for z exe "norm! z\" call assert_equal(' 100', getline('.')) call assert_equal(100, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 100, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " Test for zt 21 norm! >>0zt call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.')) call assert_equal(21, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 21, 1, 0, 8], getcurpos()) " Test for zb 30 norm! >>$ztzb call assert_equal(' 30', getline('.')) call assert_equal(30, winsaveview()['topline']+winheight(0)-1) call assert_equal([0, 30, 3, 0, 2147483647], getcurpos()) " Test for z- 1 30 norm! 0z- call assert_equal(' 30', getline('.')) call assert_equal(30, winsaveview()['topline']+winheight(0)-1) call assert_equal([0, 30, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " Test for z{height} call assert_equal(10, winheight(0)) exe "norm! z12\" call assert_equal(12, winheight(0)) exe "norm! z10\" call assert_equal(10, winheight(0)) " Test for z. 1 21 norm! 0z. call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.')) call assert_equal(17, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " Test for zz 1 21 norm! 0zz call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.')) call assert_equal(17, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 21, 1, 0, 8], getcurpos()) " Test for z+ 11 norm! zt norm! z+ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.')) call assert_equal(21, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " Test for [count]z+ 1 norm! 21z+ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.')) call assert_equal(21, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " Test for z+ with [count] greater than buffer size 1 norm! 1000z+ call assert_equal(' 100', getline('.')) call assert_equal(100, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 100, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " Test for z+ from the last buffer line norm! Gz.z+ call assert_equal(' 100', getline('.')) call assert_equal(100, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 100, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " Test for z^ norm! 22z+0 norm! z^ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.')) call assert_equal(12, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " Test for z^ from first buffer line norm! ggz^ call assert_equal('1', getline('.')) call assert_equal(1, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) " Test for [count]z^ 1 norm! 30z^ call assert_equal(' 21', getline('.')) call assert_equal(12, winsaveview()['topline']) call assert_equal([0, 21, 2, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " cleanup bw! endfunc func Test_normal16_z_scroll_hor() " basic test for z commands that scroll the window 10new 15vsp set nowrap listchars= let lineA='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' let lineB='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' $put =lineA $put =lineB 1d " Test for zl and zh with a count norm! 0z10l call assert_equal([11, 1], [col('.'), wincol()]) norm! z4h call assert_equal([11, 5], [col('.'), wincol()]) normal! 2gg " Test for zl 1 norm! 5zl call assert_equal(lineA, getline('.')) call assert_equal(6, col('.')) call assert_equal(5, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('f', @0) " Test for zh norm! 2zh call assert_equal(lineA, getline('.')) call assert_equal(6, col('.')) norm! yl call assert_equal('f', @0) call assert_equal(3, winsaveview()['leftcol']) " Test for zL norm! zL call assert_equal(11, col('.')) norm! yl call assert_equal('k', @0) call assert_equal(10, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! 2zL call assert_equal(25, col('.')) norm! yl call assert_equal('y', @0) call assert_equal(24, winsaveview()['leftcol']) " Test for zH norm! 2zH call assert_equal(25, col('.')) call assert_equal(10, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('y', @0) " Test for zs norm! $zs call assert_equal(26, col('.')) call assert_equal(25, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('z', @0) " Test for ze norm! ze call assert_equal(26, col('.')) call assert_equal(11, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('z', @0) " Test for zs and ze with folds %fold norm! $zs call assert_equal(26, col('.')) call assert_equal(0, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('z', @0) norm! ze call assert_equal(26, col('.')) call assert_equal(0, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('z', @0) " cleanup set wrap listchars=eol:$ bw! endfunc func Test_normal17_z_scroll_hor2() " basic test for z commands that scroll the window " using 'sidescrolloff' setting 10new 20vsp set nowrap listchars= sidescrolloff=5 let lineA='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' let lineB='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' $put =lineA $put =lineB 1d " Test for zl 1 norm! 5zl call assert_equal(lineA, getline('.')) call assert_equal(11, col('.')) call assert_equal(5, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('k', @0) " Test for zh norm! 2zh call assert_equal(lineA, getline('.')) call assert_equal(11, col('.')) norm! yl call assert_equal('k', @0) call assert_equal(3, winsaveview()['leftcol']) " Test for zL norm! 0zL call assert_equal(16, col('.')) norm! yl call assert_equal('p', @0) call assert_equal(10, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! 2zL call assert_equal(26, col('.')) norm! yl call assert_equal('z', @0) call assert_equal(15, winsaveview()['leftcol']) " Test for zH norm! 2zH call assert_equal(15, col('.')) call assert_equal(0, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('o', @0) " Test for zs norm! $zs call assert_equal(26, col('.')) call assert_equal(20, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('z', @0) " Test for ze norm! ze call assert_equal(26, col('.')) call assert_equal(11, winsaveview()['leftcol']) norm! yl call assert_equal('z', @0) " cleanup set wrap listchars=eol:$ sidescrolloff=0 bw! endfunc " Test for commands that scroll the window horizontally. Test with folds. " H, M, L, CTRL-E, CTRL-Y, CTRL-U, CTRL-D, PageUp, PageDown commands func Test_vert_scroll_cmds() 15new call setline(1, range(1, 100)) exe "normal! 30ggz\" set foldenable 33,36fold 40,43fold 46,49fold let h = winheight(0) " Test for H, M and L commands " Top of the screen = 30 " Folded lines = 9 " Bottom of the screen = 30 + h + 9 - 1 normal! 4L call assert_equal(35 + h, line('.')) normal! 4H call assert_equal(33, line('.')) " Test for using a large count value %d call setline(1, range(1, 4)) norm! 6H call assert_equal(4, line('.')) " Test for 'M' with folded lines %d call setline(1, range(1, 20)) 1,5fold norm! LM call assert_equal(12, line('.')) " Test for the CTRL-E and CTRL-Y commands with folds %d call setline(1, range(1, 10)) 3,5fold exe "normal 6G3\" call assert_equal(6, line('w0')) exe "normal 2\" call assert_equal(2, line('w0')) " Test for CTRL-Y on a folded line %d call setline(1, range(1, 100)) exe (h + 2) .. "," .. (h + 4) .. "fold" exe h + 5 normal z- exe "normal \\" call assert_equal(h + 1, line('w$')) " Test for CTRL-Y from the first line and CTRL-E from the last line %d set scrolloff=2 call setline(1, range(1, 4)) exe "normal gg\" call assert_equal(1, line('w0')) call assert_equal(1, line('.')) exe "normal G4\\" call assert_equal(4, line('w$')) call assert_equal(4, line('.')) set scrolloff& " Using and in an empty buffer should beep %d call assert_beeps('exe "normal \"') call assert_beeps('exe "normal \"') call assert_beeps('exe "normal \"') call assert_beeps('exe "normal \"') " Test for and with fold %d call setline(1, range(1, 100)) 10,35fold set scroll=10 exe "normal \" call assert_equal(36, line('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal(46, line('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal(36, line('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal(10, line('.')) exe "normal \" call assert_equal(1, line('.')) set scroll& " Test for scrolling to the top of the file with and a fold 10 normal ztL exe "normal \\" call assert_equal(1, line('w0')) " Test for CTRL-D on a folded line %d call setline(1, range(1, 100)) 50,100fold 75 normal z- exe "normal \" call assert_equal(50, line('.')) call assert_equal(100, line('w$')) normal z. let lnum = winline() exe "normal \" call assert_equal(lnum, winline()) call assert_equal(50, line('.')) normal zt exe "normal \" call assert_equal(50, line('w0')) " Test for . Page down. %d call setline(1, range(1, 100)) call feedkeys("\", 'xt') call assert_equal(14, line('w0')) call assert_equal(28, line('w$')) " Test for . Page up. call feedkeys("\", 'xt') call assert_equal(1, line('w0')) call assert_equal(15, line('w$')) set foldenable& close! endfunc " Test for the 'sidescroll' option func Test_sidescroll_opt() new 20vnew " scroll by 2 characters horizontally set sidescroll=2 nowrap call setline(1, repeat('a', 40)) normal g$l call assert_equal(19, screenpos(0, 1, 21).col) normal l call assert_equal(20, screenpos(0, 1, 22).col) normal g0h call assert_equal(2, screenpos(0, 1, 2).col) call assert_equal(20, screenpos(0, 1, 20).col) " when 'sidescroll' is 0, cursor positioned at the center set sidescroll=0 normal g$l call assert_equal(11, screenpos(0, 1, 21).col) normal g0h call assert_equal(10, screenpos(0, 1, 10).col) %bw! set wrap& sidescroll& endfunc " basic tests for foldopen/folddelete func Test_normal18_z_fold() CheckFeature folding call Setup_NewWindow() 50 setl foldenable fdm=marker foldlevel=5 call assert_beeps('normal! zj') call assert_beeps('normal! zk') " Test for zF " First fold norm! 4zF " check that folds have been created call assert_equal(['50/*{{{*/', '51', '52', '53/*}}}*/'], getline(50,53)) " Test for zd 51 norm! 2zF call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) norm! kzd call assert_equal(['50', '51/*{{{*/', '52/*}}}*/', '53'], getline(50,53)) norm! j call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) " Test for zD " also deletes partially selected folds recursively 51 norm! zF call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) norm! kV2jzD call assert_equal(['50', '51', '52', '53'], getline(50,53)) " Test for zE 85 norm! 4zF 86 norm! 2zF 90 norm! 4zF call assert_equal(['85/*{{{*/', '86/*{{{*/', '87/*}}}*/', '88/*}}}*/', '89', '90/*{{{*/', '91', '92', '93/*}}}*/'], getline(85,93)) norm! zE call assert_equal(['85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93'], getline(85,93)) " Test for zn 50 set foldlevel=0 norm! 2zF norm! zn norm! k call assert_equal('49', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) call assert_equal(0, &foldenable) " Test for zN 49 norm! zN call assert_equal('49', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) " Test for zi norm! zi call assert_equal(0, &foldenable) norm! zi call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) norm! zi call assert_equal(0, &foldenable) norm! zi call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) " Test for za 50 norm! za norm! k call assert_equal('49', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) 50 norm! za norm! k call assert_equal('49', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) 49 norm! 5zF norm! k call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) 49 norm! za call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) set nofoldenable " close fold and set foldenable norm! za call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) 50 " have to use {count}za to open all folds and make the cursor visible norm! 2za norm! 2k call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) " Test for zA 49 set foldlevel=0 50 norm! zA norm! 2k call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) " zA on a opened fold when foldenable is not set 50 set nofoldenable norm! zA call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) norm! k call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) " Test for zc norm! zE 50 norm! 2zF 49 norm! 5zF set nofoldenable 50 " There most likely is a bug somewhere: " https://groups.google.com/d/msg/vim_dev/v2EkfJ_KQjI/u-Cvv94uCAAJ " TODO: Should this only close the inner most fold or both folds? norm! zc call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) norm! k call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) set nofoldenable 50 norm! Vjzc norm! k call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) " Test for zC set nofoldenable 50 norm! zCk call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) " Test for zx " 1) close folds at line 49-54 set nofoldenable 48 norm! zx call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) " 2) do not close fold under cursor 51 set nofoldenable norm! zx call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) norm! 3k call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('53', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('54/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) " 3) close one level of folds 48 set nofoldenable set foldlevel=1 norm! zx call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('53', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('54/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) " Test for zX " Close all folds set foldlevel=0 nofoldenable 50 norm! zX call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) norm! k call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) " Test for zm 50 set nofoldenable foldlevel=2 norm! zm call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) call assert_equal(1, &foldlevel) norm! zm call assert_equal(0, &foldlevel) norm! zm call assert_equal(0, &foldlevel) norm! k call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) " Test for zm with a count 50 set foldlevel=2 norm! 3zm call assert_equal(0, &foldlevel) call assert_equal(49, foldclosed(line('.'))) " Test for zM 48 set nofoldenable foldlevel=99 norm! zM call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) call assert_equal(0, &foldlevel) call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('55', getline('.')) " Test for zr 48 set nofoldenable foldlevel=0 norm! zr call assert_equal(0, &foldenable) call assert_equal(1, &foldlevel) set foldlevel=0 foldenable norm! zr call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) call assert_equal(1, &foldlevel) norm! zr call assert_equal(2, &foldlevel) call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) " Test for zR 48 set nofoldenable foldlevel=0 norm! zR call assert_equal(0, &foldenable) call assert_equal(2, &foldlevel) set foldenable foldlevel=0 norm! zR call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) call assert_equal(2, &foldlevel) call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) call append(50, ['a /*{{{*/', 'b /*}}}*/']) 48 call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('a /*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) 48 norm! zR call assert_equal(1, &foldenable) call assert_equal(3, &foldlevel) call assert_equal('48', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('49/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('50/*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('a /*{{{*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('b /*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('51/*}}}*/', getline('.')) norm! j call assert_equal('52', getline('.')) " clean up setl nofoldenable fdm=marker foldlevel=0 bw! endfunc func Test_normal20_exmode() " Reading from redirected file doesn't work on MS-Windows CheckNotMSWindows call writefile(['1a', 'foo', 'bar', '.', 'w! Xfile2', 'q!'], 'Xscript') call writefile(['1', '2'], 'Xfile') call system(GetVimCommand() .. ' -e -s < Xscript Xfile') let a=readfile('Xfile2') call assert_equal(['1', 'foo', 'bar', '2'], a) " clean up for file in ['Xfile', 'Xfile2', 'Xscript'] call delete(file) endfor bw! endfunc func Test_normal21_nv_hat() " Edit a fresh file and wipe the buffer list so that there is no alternate " file present. Next, check for the expected command failures. edit Xfoo | %bw call assert_fails(':buffer #', 'E86:') call assert_fails(':execute "normal! \"', 'E23:') call assert_fails("normal i\#", 'E23:') " Test for the expected behavior when switching between two named buffers. edit Xfoo | edit Xbar call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal('Xfoo', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal('Xbar', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) " Test for the expected behavior when only one buffer is named. enew | let l:nr = bufnr('%') call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal('Xbar', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal('', bufname('%')) call assert_equal(l:nr, bufnr('%')) " Test that no action is taken by "" when an operator is pending. edit Xfoo call feedkeys("ci\", 'tx') call assert_equal('Xfoo', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) %bw! endfunc func Test_normal22_zet() " Test for ZZ " let shell = &shell " let &shell = 'sh' call writefile(['1', '2'], 'Xfile') let args = ' -N -i NONE --noplugins -X --not-a-term' call system(GetVimCommand() .. args .. ' -c "%d" -c ":norm! ZZ" Xfile') let a = readfile('Xfile') call assert_equal([], a) " Test for ZQ call writefile(['1', '2'], 'Xfile') call system(GetVimCommand() . args . ' -c "%d" -c ":norm! ZQ" Xfile') let a = readfile('Xfile') call assert_equal(['1', '2'], a) " Unsupported Z command call assert_beeps('normal! ZW') " clean up for file in ['Xfile'] call delete(file) endfor " let &shell = shell endfunc func Test_normal23_K() " Test for K command new call append(0, ['version8.txt', 'man', 'aa%bb', 'cc|dd']) let k = &keywordprg set keywordprg=:help 1 norm! VK call assert_equal('version8.txt', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) call assert_equal('help', &ft) call assert_match('\*version8.txt\*', getline('.')) helpclose norm! 0K call assert_equal('version8.txt', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) call assert_equal('help', &ft) call assert_match('\*version8\.\d\*', getline('.')) helpclose set keywordprg=:new set iskeyword+=% set iskeyword+=\| 2 norm! K call assert_equal('man', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) bwipe! 3 norm! K call assert_equal('aa%bb', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) bwipe! if !has('win32') 4 norm! K call assert_equal('cc|dd', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) bwipe! endif set iskeyword-=% set iskeyword-=\| " Test for specifying a count to K 1 com! -nargs=* Kprog let g:Kprog_Args = set keywordprg=:Kprog norm! 3K call assert_equal('3 version8', g:Kprog_Args) delcom Kprog " Only expect "man" to work on Unix if !has("unix") let &keywordprg = k bw! return endif let not_gnu_man = has('mac') || has('bsd') if not_gnu_man " In MacOS and BSD, the option for specifying a pager is different set keywordprg=man\ -P\ cat else set keywordprg=man\ --pager=cat endif " Test for using man 2 let a = execute('unsilent norm! K') if not_gnu_man call assert_match("man -P cat 'man'", a) else call assert_match("man --pager=cat 'man'", a) endif " Error cases call setline(1, '#$#') call assert_fails('normal! ggK', 'E349:') call setline(1, '---') call assert_fails('normal! ggv2lK', 'E349:') call setline(1, ['abc', 'xyz']) call assert_fails("normal! gg2lv2h\", 'E433:') call assert_beeps("normal! ggVjK") norm! V call assert_beeps("norm! cK") " clean up let &keywordprg = k bw! endfunc func Test_normal24_rot13() " Testing for g?? g?g? new call append(0, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäüö') 1 norm! g?? call assert_equal('nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmäüö', getline('.')) norm! g?g? call assert_equal('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäüö', getline('.')) " clean up bw! endfunc func Test_normal25_tag() CheckFeature quickfix " Testing for CTRL-] g CTRL-] g] " CTRL-W g] CTRL-W CTRL-] CTRL-W g CTRL-] h " Test for CTRL-] call search('\$') exe "norm! \" call assert_equal("change.txt", fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) norm! yiW call assert_equal("*x*", @0) exe ":norm \" " Test for g_CTRL-] call search('\$') exe "norm! g\" call assert_equal("change.txt", fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) norm! yiW call assert_equal("*v_u*", @0) exe ":norm \" " Test for g] call search('\$') let a = execute(":norm! g]") call assert_match('i_.*insert.txt', a) if !empty(exepath('cscope')) && has('cscope') " setting cscopetag changes how g] works set cst exe "norm! g]" call assert_equal("insert.txt", fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) norm! yiW call assert_equal("*i_*", @0) exe ":norm \" " Test for CTRL-W g] exe "norm! \g]" call assert_equal("insert.txt", fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) norm! yiW call assert_equal("*i_*", @0) call assert_equal(3, winnr('$')) helpclose set nocst endif " Test for CTRL-W g] let a = execute("norm! \g]") call assert_match('i_.*insert.txt', a) " Test for CTRL-W CTRL-] exe "norm! \\" call assert_equal("insert.txt", fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) norm! yiW call assert_equal("*i_*", @0) call assert_equal(3, winnr('$')) helpclose " Test for CTRL-W g CTRL-] exe "norm! \g\" call assert_equal("insert.txt", fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) norm! yiW call assert_equal("*i_*", @0) call assert_equal(3, winnr('$')) helpclose " clean up helpclose endfunc func Test_normal26_put() " Test for ]p ]P [p and [P new call append(0, ['while read LINE', 'do', ' ((count++))', ' if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then', " echo 'Error writing file'", ' fi', 'done']) 1 /Error/y a 2 norm! "a]pj"a[p call assert_equal(['do', "echo 'Error writing file'", " echo 'Error writing file'", ' ((count++))'], getline(2,5)) 1 /^\s\{4}/ exe "norm! \"a]P3Eldt'" exe "norm! j\"a[P2Eldt'" call assert_equal([' if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then', " echo 'Error writing'", " echo 'Error'", " echo 'Error writing file'", ' fi'], getline(6,10)) " clean up bw! endfunc func Test_normal27_bracket() " Test for [' [` ]' ]` call Setup_NewWindow() 1,21s/.\+/ & b/ 1 norm! $ma 5 norm! $mb 10 norm! $mc 15 norm! $md 20 norm! $me " Test for [' 9 norm! 2[' call assert_equal(' 1 b', getline('.')) call assert_equal(1, line('.')) call assert_equal(3, col('.')) " Test for ]' norm! ]' call assert_equal(' 5 b', getline('.')) call assert_equal(5, line('.')) call assert_equal(3, col('.')) " No mark after line 21, cursor moves to first non blank on current line 21 norm! $]' call assert_equal(' 21 b', getline('.')) call assert_equal(21, line('.')) call assert_equal(3, col('.')) " Test for [` norm! 2[` call assert_equal(' 15 b', getline('.')) call assert_equal(15, line('.')) call assert_equal(8, col('.')) " Test for ]` norm! ]` call assert_equal(' 20 b', getline('.')) call assert_equal(20, line('.')) call assert_equal(8, col('.')) " clean up bw! endfunc " Test for ( and ) sentence movements func Test_normal28_parenthesis() new call append(0, ['This is a test. With some sentences!', '', 'Even with a question? And one more. And no sentence here']) $ norm! d( call assert_equal(['This is a test. With some sentences!', '', 'Even with a question? And one more. ', ''], getline(1, '$')) norm! 2d( call assert_equal(['This is a test. With some sentences!', '', ' ', ''], getline(1, '$')) 1 norm! 0d) call assert_equal(['With some sentences!', '', ' ', ''], getline(1, '$')) call append('$', ['This is a long sentence', '', 'spanning', 'over several lines. ']) $ norm! $d( call assert_equal(['With some sentences!', '', ' ', '', 'This is a long sentence', ''], getline(1, '$')) " Move to the next sentence from a paragraph macro %d call setline(1, ['.LP', 'blue sky!. blue sky.', 'blue sky. blue sky.']) call cursor(1, 1) normal ) call assert_equal([2, 1], [line('.'), col('.')]) normal ) call assert_equal([2, 12], [line('.'), col('.')]) normal (( call assert_equal([1, 1], [line('.'), col('.')]) " It is an error if a next sentence is not found %d call setline(1, '.SH') call assert_beeps('normal )') " If only dot is present, don't treat that as a sentence call setline(1, '. This is a sentence.') normal $(( call assert_equal(3, col('.')) " Jumping to a fold should open the fold call setline(1, ['', '', 'one', 'two', 'three']) set foldenable 2,$fold call feedkeys(')', 'xt') call assert_equal(3, line('.')) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) call assert_equal(-1, foldclosed('.')) set foldenable& " clean up bw! endfunc " Test for { and } paragraph movements func Test_normal29_brace() let text =<< trim [DATA] A paragraph begins after each empty line, and also at each of a set of paragraph macros, specified by the pairs of characters in the 'paragraphs' option. The default is "IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp", which corresponds to the macros ".IP", ".LP", etc. (These are nroff macros, so the dot must be in the first column). A section boundary is also a paragraph boundary. Note that a blank line (only containing white space) is NOT a paragraph boundary. Also note that this does not include a '{' or '}' in the first column. When the '{' flag is in 'cpoptions' then '{' in the first column is used as a paragraph boundary |posix|. { This is no paragraph unless the '{' is set in 'cpoptions' } .IP The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph That means, it must be a '.' followed by IP .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some more characters follow. .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff macros terminate a paragraph. That means a character like this: .NH End of text here [DATA] new call append(0, text) 1 norm! 0d2} let expected =<< trim [DATA] .IP The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph That means, it must be a '.' followed by IP .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some more characters follow. .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff macros terminate a paragraph. That means a character like this: .NH End of text here [DATA] call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) norm! 0d} let expected =<< trim [DATA] .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some more characters follow. .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff macros terminate a paragraph. That means a character like this: .NH End of text here [DATA] call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) $ norm! d{ let expected =<< trim [DATA] .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some more characters follow. .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff macros terminate a paragraph. That means a character like this: [DATA] call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) norm! d{ let expected =<< trim [DATA] .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some more characters follow. [DATA] call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) " Test with { in cpooptions %d call append(0, text) set cpo+={ 1 norm! 0d2} let expected =<< trim [DATA] { This is no paragraph unless the '{' is set in 'cpoptions' } .IP The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph That means, it must be a '.' followed by IP .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some more characters follow. .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff macros terminate a paragraph. That means a character like this: .NH End of text here [DATA] call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) $ norm! d} let expected =<< trim [DATA] { This is no paragraph unless the '{' is set in 'cpoptions' } .IP The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph That means, it must be a '.' followed by IP .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some more characters follow. .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff macros terminate a paragraph. That means a character like this: .NH End of text here [DATA] call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) norm! gg} norm! d5} let expected =<< trim [DATA] { This is no paragraph unless the '{' is set in 'cpoptions' } [DATA] call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) " Jumping to a fold should open the fold %d call setline(1, ['', 'one', 'two', '']) set foldenable 2,$fold call feedkeys('}', 'xt') call assert_equal(4, line('.')) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) call assert_equal(-1, foldclosed('.')) set foldenable& " clean up set cpo-={ bw! endfunc " Test for section movements func Test_normal_section() new let lines =<< trim [END] int foo() { if (1) { a = 1; } } [END] call setline(1, lines) " jumping to a folded line using [[ should open the fold 2,3fold call cursor(5, 1) call feedkeys("[[", 'xt') call assert_equal(2, line('.')) call assert_equal(-1, foldclosedend(line('.'))) close! endfunc " Test for changing case using u, U, gu, gU and ~ (tilde) commands func Test_normal30_changecase() new call append(0, 'This is a simple test: äüöß') norm! 1ggVu call assert_equal('this is a simple test: äüöß', getline('.')) norm! VU call assert_equal('THIS IS A SIMPLE TEST: ÄÜÖSS', getline('.')) norm! guu call assert_equal('this is a simple test: äüöss', getline('.')) norm! gUgU call assert_equal('THIS IS A SIMPLE TEST: ÄÜÖSS', getline('.')) norm! gugu call assert_equal('this is a simple test: äüöss', getline('.')) norm! gUU call assert_equal('THIS IS A SIMPLE TEST: ÄÜÖSS', getline('.')) norm! 010~ call assert_equal('this is a SIMPLE TEST: ÄÜÖSS', getline('.')) norm! V~ call assert_equal('THIS IS A simple test: äüöss', getline('.')) call assert_beeps('norm! c~') %d call assert_beeps('norm! ~') " Test for changing case across lines using 'whichwrap' call setline(1, ['aaaaaa', 'aaaaaa']) normal! gg10~ call assert_equal(['AAAAAA', 'aaaaaa'], getline(1, 2)) set whichwrap+=~ normal! gg10~ call assert_equal(['aaaaaa', 'AAAAaa'], getline(1, 2)) set whichwrap& " try changing the case with a double byte encoding (DBCS) %bw! let enc = &enc set encoding=cp932 call setline(1, "\u8470") normal ~ normal gU$gu$gUgUg~g~gugu call assert_equal("\u8470", getline(1)) let &encoding = enc " clean up bw! endfunc " Turkish ASCII turns to multi-byte. On some systems Turkish locale " is available but toupper()/tolower() don't do the right thing. func Test_normal_changecase_turkish() new try lang tr_TR.UTF-8 set casemap= let iupper = toupper('i') if iupper == "\u0130" call setline(1, 'iI') 1normal gUU call assert_equal("\u0130I", getline(1)) call assert_equal("\u0130I", toupper("iI")) call setline(1, 'iI') 1normal guu call assert_equal("i\u0131", getline(1)) call assert_equal("i\u0131", tolower("iI")) elseif iupper == "I" call setline(1, 'iI') 1normal gUU call assert_equal("II", getline(1)) call assert_equal("II", toupper("iI")) call setline(1, 'iI') 1normal guu call assert_equal("ii", getline(1)) call assert_equal("ii", tolower("iI")) else call assert_true(false, "expected toupper('i') to be either 'I' or '\u0130'") endif set casemap& call setline(1, 'iI') 1normal gUU call assert_equal("II", getline(1)) call assert_equal("II", toupper("iI")) call setline(1, 'iI') 1normal guu call assert_equal("ii", getline(1)) call assert_equal("ii", tolower("iI")) lang en_US.UTF-8 catch /E197:/ " can't use Turkish locale throw 'Skipped: Turkish locale not available' endtry close! endfunc " Test for r (replace) command func Test_normal31_r_cmd() new call append(0, 'This is a simple test: abcd') exe "norm! 1gg$r\" call assert_equal(['This is a simple test: abc', '', ''], getline(1,'$')) exe "norm! 1gg2wlr\" call assert_equal(['This is a', 'simple test: abc', '', ''], getline(1,'$')) exe "norm! 2gg0W5r\" call assert_equal(['This is a', 'simple ', ' abc', '', ''], getline('1', '$')) set autoindent call setline(2, ['simple test: abc', '']) exe "norm! 2gg0W5r\" call assert_equal(['This is a', 'simple ', 'abc', '', '', ''], getline('1', '$')) exe "norm! 1ggVr\" call assert_equal('^M^M^M^M^M^M^M^M^M', strtrans(getline(1))) call setline(1, 'This is a') exe "norm! 1gg05rf" call assert_equal('fffffis a', getline(1)) " When replacing characters, copy characters from above and below lines " using CTRL-Y and CTRL-E. " Different code paths are used for utf-8 and latin1 encodings set showmatch for enc in ['latin1', 'utf-8'] enew! let &encoding = enc call setline(1, [' {a}', 'xxxxxxxxxx', ' [b]']) exe "norm! 2gg5r\l5r\" call assert_equal(' {a}x [b]x', getline(2)) endfor set showmatch& " r command should fail in operator pending mode call assert_beeps('normal! cr') " replace a tab character in visual mode %d call setline(1, ["a\tb", "c\td", "e\tf"]) normal gglvjjrx call assert_equal(['axx', 'xxx', 'xxf'], getline(1, '$')) " replace with a multibyte character (with multiple composing characters) %d new call setline(1, 'aaa') exe "normal $ra\u0328\u0301" call assert_equal("aaa\u0328\u0301", getline(1)) " clean up set noautoindent bw! endfunc " Test for g*, g# func Test_normal32_g_cmd1() new call append(0, ['abc.x_foo', 'x_foobar.abc']) 1 norm! $g* call assert_equal('x_foo', @/) call assert_equal('x_foobar.abc', getline('.')) norm! $g# call assert_equal('abc', @/) call assert_equal('abc.x_foo', getline('.')) " clean up bw! endfunc " Test for g`, g;, g,, g&, gv, gk, gj, gJ, g0, g^, g_, gm, g$, gM, g CTRL-G, " gi and gI commands func Test_normal33_g_cmd2() CheckFeature jumplist call Setup_NewWindow() " Test for g` clearjumps norm! ma10j let a=execute(':jumps') " empty jumplist call assert_equal('>', a[-1:]) norm! g`a call assert_equal('>', a[-1:]) call assert_equal(1, line('.')) call assert_equal('1', getline('.')) call cursor(10, 1) norm! g'a call assert_equal('>', a[-1:]) call assert_equal(1, line('.')) " Test for g; and g, norm! g; " there is only one change in the changelist " currently, when we setup the window call assert_equal(2, line('.')) call assert_fails(':norm! g;', 'E662:') call assert_fails(':norm! g,', 'E663:') let &ul=&ul call append('$', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) let &ul=&ul call append('$', ['Z', 'Y', 'X', 'W']) let a = execute(':changes') call assert_match('2\s\+0\s\+2', a) call assert_match('101\s\+0\s\+a', a) call assert_match('105\s\+0\s\+Z', a) norm! 3g; call assert_equal(2, line('.')) norm! 2g, call assert_equal(105, line('.')) " Test for g& - global substitute %d call setline(1, range(1,10)) call append('$', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) $s/\w/&&/g exe "norm! /[1-8]\" norm! g& call assert_equal(['11', '22', '33', '44', '55', '66', '77', '88', '9', '110', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'dd'], getline(1, '$')) " Jumping to a fold using gg should open the fold set foldenable set foldopen+=jump 5,8fold call feedkeys('6gg', 'xt') call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) call assert_equal(-1, foldclosed('.')) set foldopen-=jump set foldenable& " Test for gv %d call append('$', repeat(['abcdefgh'], 8)) exe "norm! 2gg02l\2j2ly" call assert_equal(['cde', 'cde', 'cde'], getreg(0, 1, 1)) " in visual mode, gv swaps current and last selected region exe "norm! G0\4k4lgvd" call assert_equal(['', 'abfgh', 'abfgh', 'abfgh', 'abcdefgh', 'abcdefgh', 'abcdefgh', 'abcdefgh', 'abcdefgh'], getline(1,'$')) exe "norm! G0\4k4ly" exe "norm! gvood" call assert_equal(['', 'abfgh', 'abfgh', 'abfgh', 'fgh', 'fgh', 'fgh', 'fgh', 'fgh'], getline(1,'$')) " gv cannot be used in operator pending mode call assert_beeps('normal! cgv') " gv should beep without a previously selected visual area new call assert_beeps('normal! gv') close " Test for gk/gj %d 15vsp set wrap listchars= sbr= let lineA = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' let lineB = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' let lineC = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' $put =lineA $put =lineB norm! 3gg0dgk call assert_equal(['', 'abcdefghijklmno', '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'], getline(1, '$')) set nu norm! 3gg0gjdgj call assert_equal(['', 'abcdefghijklmno', '0123456789AMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'], getline(1,'$')) " Test for gJ norm! 2gggJ call assert_equal(['', 'abcdefghijklmno0123456789AMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'], getline(1,'$')) call assert_equal(16, col('.')) " shouldn't do anything norm! 10gJ call assert_equal(1, col('.')) " Test for g0 g^ gm g$ exe "norm! 2gg0gji " call assert_equal(['', 'abcdefghijk lmno0123456789AMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'], getline(1,'$')) norm! g0yl call assert_equal(12, col('.')) call assert_equal(' ', getreg(0)) norm! g$yl call assert_equal(22, col('.')) call assert_equal('3', getreg(0)) norm! gmyl call assert_equal(17, col('.')) call assert_equal('n', getreg(0)) norm! g^yl call assert_equal(15, col('.')) call assert_equal('l', getreg(0)) call assert_beeps('normal 5g$') " Test for g$ with double-width character half displayed vsplit 9wincmd | setlocal nowrap nonumber call setline(2, 'asdfasdfヨ') 2 normal 0g$ call assert_equal(8, col('.')) 10wincmd | normal 0g$ call assert_equal(9, col('.')) setlocal signcolumn=yes 11wincmd | normal 0g$ call assert_equal(8, col('.')) 12wincmd | normal 0g$ call assert_equal(9, col('.')) close " Test for g_ call assert_beeps('normal! 100g_') call setline(2, [' foo ', ' foobar ']) normal! 2ggg_ call assert_equal(5, col('.')) normal! 2g_ call assert_equal(8, col('.')) norm! 2ggdG $put =lineC " Test for gM norm! gMyl call assert_equal(73, col('.')) call assert_equal('0', getreg(0)) " Test for 20gM norm! 20gMyl call assert_equal(29, col('.')) call assert_equal('S', getreg(0)) " Test for 60gM norm! 60gMyl call assert_equal(87, col('.')) call assert_equal('E', getreg(0)) " Test for g Ctrl-G set ff=unix let a=execute(":norm! g\") call assert_match('Col 87 of 144; Line 2 of 2; Word 1 of 1; Byte 88 of 146', a) " Test for gI norm! gIfoo call assert_equal(['', 'foo0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'], getline(1,'$')) " Test for gi wincmd c %d set tw=0 call setline(1, ['foobar', 'new line']) norm! A next word $put ='third line' norm! gi another word call assert_equal(['foobar next word another word', 'new line', 'third line'], getline(1,'$')) call setline(1, 'foobar') normal! Ggifirst line call assert_equal('foobarfirst line', getline(1)) " Test gi in 'virtualedit' mode with cursor after the end of the line set virtualedit=all call setline(1, 'foo') exe "normal! Abar\\\\" call setline(1, 'foo') normal! Ggifirst line call assert_equal('foo first line', getline(1)) set virtualedit& " Test for aboring a g command using CTRL-\ CTRL-G exe "normal! g\\" call assert_equal('foo first line', getline('.')) " clean up bw! endfunc " Test for g CTRL-G func Test_g_ctrl_g() new let a = execute(":norm! g\") call assert_equal("\n--No lines in buffer--", a) " Test for CTRL-G (same as :file) let a = execute(":norm! \") call assert_equal("\n\n\"[No Name]\" --No lines in buffer--", a) call setline(1, ['first line', 'second line']) " Test g CTRL-g with dos, mac and unix file type. norm! gojll set ff=dos let a = execute(":norm! g\") call assert_equal("\nCol 3 of 11; Line 2 of 2; Word 3 of 4; Byte 15 of 25", a) set ff=mac let a = execute(":norm! g\") call assert_equal("\nCol 3 of 11; Line 2 of 2; Word 3 of 4; Byte 14 of 23", a) set ff=unix let a = execute(":norm! g\") call assert_equal("\nCol 3 of 11; Line 2 of 2; Word 3 of 4; Byte 14 of 23", a) " Test g CTRL-g in visual mode (v) let a = execute(":norm! gojllvlg\") call assert_equal("\nSelected 1 of 2 Lines; 1 of 4 Words; 2 of 23 Bytes", a) " Test g CTRL-g in visual mode (CTRL-V) with end col > start col let a = execute(":norm! \gojll\kllg\") call assert_equal("\nSelected 3 Cols; 2 of 2 Lines; 2 of 4 Words; 6 of 23 Bytes", a) " Test g_CTRL-g in visual mode (CTRL-V) with end col < start col let a = execute(":norm! \goll\jhhg\") call assert_equal("\nSelected 3 Cols; 2 of 2 Lines; 2 of 4 Words; 6 of 23 Bytes", a) " Test g CTRL-g in visual mode (CTRL-V) with end_vcol being MAXCOL let a = execute(":norm! \gojll\k$g\") call assert_equal("\nSelected 2 of 2 Lines; 4 of 4 Words; 17 of 23 Bytes", a) " There should be one byte less with noeol set bin noeol let a = execute(":norm! \gog\") call assert_equal("\nCol 1 of 10; Line 1 of 2; Word 1 of 4; Char 1 of 23; Byte 1 of 22", a) set bin & eol& call setline(1, ['Français', '日本語']) let a = execute(":norm! \gojlg\") call assert_equal("\nCol 4-3 of 9-6; Line 2 of 2; Word 2 of 2; Char 11 of 13; Byte 16 of 20", a) let a = execute(":norm! \gojvlg\") call assert_equal("\nSelected 1 of 2 Lines; 1 of 2 Words; 2 of 13 Chars; 6 of 20 Bytes", a) let a = execute(":norm! \goll\jlg\") call assert_equal("\nSelected 4 Cols; 2 of 2 Lines; 2 of 2 Words; 6 of 13 Chars; 11 of 20 Bytes", a) set fenc=utf8 bomb let a = execute(":norm! \gojlg\") call assert_equal("\nCol 4-3 of 9-6; Line 2 of 2; Word 2 of 2; Char 11 of 13; Byte 16 of 20(+3 for BOM)", a) set fenc=utf16 bomb let a = execute(":norm! g\") call assert_equal("\nCol 4-3 of 9-6; Line 2 of 2; Word 2 of 2; Char 11 of 13; Byte 16 of 20(+2 for BOM)", a) set fenc=utf32 bomb let a = execute(":norm! g\") call assert_equal("\nCol 4-3 of 9-6; Line 2 of 2; Word 2 of 2; Char 11 of 13; Byte 16 of 20(+4 for BOM)", a) set fenc& bomb& set ff& bwipe! endfunc " Test for g8 func Test_normal34_g_cmd3() new let a=execute(':norm! 1G0g8') call assert_equal("\nNUL", a) call setline(1, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäüö') let a=execute(':norm! 1G$g8') call assert_equal("\nc3 b6 ", a) call setline(1, "a\u0302") let a=execute(':norm! 1G0g8') call assert_equal("\n61 + cc 82 ", a) " clean up bw! endfunc " Test 8g8 which finds invalid utf8 at or after the cursor. func Test_normal_8g8() new " With invalid byte. call setline(1, "___\xff___") norm! 1G08g8g call assert_equal([0, 1, 4, 0, 1], getcurpos()) " With invalid byte before the cursor. call setline(1, "___\xff___") norm! 1G$h8g8g call assert_equal([0, 1, 6, 0, 9], getcurpos()) " With truncated sequence. call setline(1, "___\xE2\x82___") norm! 1G08g8g call assert_equal([0, 1, 4, 0, 1], getcurpos()) " With overlong sequence. call setline(1, "___\xF0\x82\x82\xAC___") norm! 1G08g8g call assert_equal([0, 1, 4, 0, 1], getcurpos()) " With valid utf8. call setline(1, "café") norm! 1G08g8 call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) bw! endfunc " Test for g< func Test_normal35_g_cmd4() " Cannot capture its output, " probably a bug, therefore, test disabled: throw "Skipped: output of g< can't be tested currently" echo "a\nb\nc\nd" let b=execute(':norm! g<') call assert_true(!empty(b), 'failed `execute(g<)`') endfunc " Test for gp gP go func Test_normal36_g_cmd5() new call append(0, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') set ff=unix " Test for gp gP call append(1, range(1,10)) 1 norm! 1yy 3 norm! gp call assert_equal([0, 5, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) $ norm! gP call assert_equal([0, 14, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) " Test for go norm! 26go call assert_equal([0, 1, 26, 0, 26], getcurpos()) norm! 27go call assert_equal([0, 1, 26, 0, 26], getcurpos()) norm! 28go call assert_equal([0, 2, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) set ff=dos norm! 29go call assert_equal([0, 2, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) set ff=unix norm! gg0 norm! 101go call assert_equal([0, 13, 26, 0, 26], getcurpos()) norm! 103go call assert_equal([0, 14, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) " count > buffer content norm! 120go call assert_equal([0, 14, 1, 0, 2147483647], getcurpos()) " clean up bw! endfunc " Test for gt and gT func Test_normal37_g_cmd6() tabnew 1.txt tabnew 2.txt tabnew 3.txt norm! 1gt call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr()) norm! 3gt call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr()) norm! 1gT " count gT goes not to the absolute tabpagenumber " but, but goes to the count previous tabpagenumber call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr()) " wrap around norm! 3gT call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr()) " gt does not wrap around norm! 5gt call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr()) for i in range(3) tabclose endfor " clean up call assert_fails(':tabclose', 'E784:') endfunc " Test for and key func Test_normal38_nvhome() new call setline(1, range(10)) $ setl et sw=2 norm! V10>$ " count is ignored exe "norm! 10\" call assert_equal(1, col('.')) exe "norm! \" call assert_equal([0, 10, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) exe "norm! 5\" call assert_equal([0, 5, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) exe "norm! \" call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) exe "norm! G\" call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) " clean up bw! endfunc " Test for and keys func Test_normal_nvend() new call setline(1, map(range(1, 10), '"line" .. v:val')) exe "normal! \" call assert_equal(5, col('.')) exe "normal! 4\" call assert_equal([4, 5], [line('.'), col('.')]) exe "normal! \" call assert_equal([10, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) close! endfunc " Test for cw cW ce func Test_normal39_cw() " Test for cw and cW on whitespace new set tw=0 call append(0, 'here are some words') norm! 1gg0elcwZZZ call assert_equal('hereZZZare some words', getline('.')) norm! 1gg0elcWYYY call assert_equal('hereZZZareYYYsome words', getline('.')) norm! 2gg0cwfoo call assert_equal('foo', getline('.')) call setline(1, 'one; two') call cursor(1, 1) call feedkeys('cwvim', 'xt') call assert_equal('vim; two', getline(1)) call feedkeys('0cWone', 'xt') call assert_equal('one two', getline(1)) "When cursor is at the end of a word 'ce' will change until the end of the "next word, but 'cw' will change only one character call setline(1, 'one two') call feedkeys('0ecwce', 'xt') call assert_equal('once two', getline(1)) call setline(1, 'one two') call feedkeys('0ecely', 'xt') call assert_equal('only', getline(1)) " clean up bw! endfunc " Test for CTRL-\ commands func Test_normal40_ctrl_bsl() new call append(0, 'here are some words') exe "norm! 1gg0a\\" call assert_equal('n', mode()) call assert_equal(1, col('.')) call assert_equal('', visualmode()) exe "norm! 1gg0viw\\" call assert_equal('n', mode()) call assert_equal(4, col('.')) exe "norm! 1gg0a\\" call assert_equal('n', mode()) call assert_equal(1, col('.')) "imap , set im exe ":norm! \\dw" set noim call assert_equal('are some words', getline(1)) call assert_false(&insertmode) call assert_beeps("normal! \\", 'xt') if has('cmdwin') " Using CTRL-\ CTRL-N in cmd window should close the window call feedkeys("q:\\", 'xt') call assert_equal('', getcmdwintype()) endif " clean up bw! endfunc " Test for =, = and = in insert mode func Test_normal41_insert_reg() new set sts=2 sw=2 ts=8 tw=0 call append(0, ["aaa\tbbb\tccc", '', '', '']) let a=getline(1) norm! 2gg0 exe "norm! a\=a\" norm! 3gg0 exe "norm! a\\=a\" norm! 4gg0 exe "norm! a\\=a\" call assert_equal(['aaa bbb ccc', 'aaa bbb ccc', 'aaa bbb ccc', 'aaa bbb ccc', ''], getline(1, '$')) " clean up set sts=0 sw=8 ts=8 bw! endfunc " Test for Ctrl-D and Ctrl-U func Test_normal42_halfpage() call Setup_NewWindow() call assert_equal(5, &scroll) exe "norm! \" call assert_equal('6', getline('.')) exe "norm! 2\" call assert_equal('8', getline('.')) call assert_equal(2, &scroll) set scroll=5 exe "norm! \" call assert_equal('3', getline('.')) 1 set scrolloff=5 exe "norm! \" call assert_equal('10', getline('.')) exe "norm! \" call assert_equal('5', getline('.')) 1 set scrolloff=99 exe "norm! \" call assert_equal('10', getline('.')) set scrolloff=0 100 exe "norm! $\" call assert_equal('95', getline('.')) call assert_equal([0, 95, 1, 0, 1], getcurpos()) 100 set nostartofline exe "norm! $\" call assert_equal('95', getline('.')) call assert_equal([0, 95, 2, 0, 2147483647], getcurpos()) " cleanup set startofline bw! endfunc func Test_normal45_drop() if !has('dnd') " The ~ register does not exist call assert_beeps('norm! "~') return endif " basic test for drag-n-drop " unfortunately, without a gui, we can't really test much here, " so simply test that ~p fails (which uses the drop register) new call assert_fails(':norm! "~p', 'E353:') call assert_equal([], getreg('~', 1, 1)) " the ~ register is read only call assert_fails(':let @~="1"', 'E354:') bw! endfunc func Test_normal46_ignore() new " How to test this? " let's just for now test, that the buffer " does not change call feedkeys("\", 't') call assert_equal([''], getline(1,'$')) " no valid commands exe "norm! \" call assert_equal([''], getline(1,'$')) exe "norm! ä" call assert_equal([''], getline(1,'$')) " clean up bw! endfunc func Test_normal47_visual_buf_wipe() " This was causing a crash or ml_get error. enew! call setline(1,'xxx') normal $ new call setline(1, range(1,2)) 2 exe "norm \$" bw! norm yp set nomodified endfunc func Test_normal48_wincmd() new exe "norm! \c" call assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) call assert_fails(":norm! \c", 'E444:') endfunc func Test_normal49_counts() new call setline(1, 'one two three four five six seven eight nine ten') 1 norm! 3d2w call assert_equal('seven eight nine ten', getline(1)) bw! endfunc func Test_normal50_commandline() CheckFeature timers CheckFeature cmdline_hist func! DoTimerWork(id) call assert_equal('[Command Line]', bufname('')) " should fail, with E11, but does fail with E23? "call feedkeys("\", 'tm') " should also fail with E11 call assert_fails(":wincmd p", 'E11:') " return from commandline window call feedkeys("\") endfunc let oldlang=v:lang lang C set updatetime=20 call timer_start(100, 'DoTimerWork') try " throws E23, for whatever reason... call feedkeys('q:', 'x!') catch /E23/ " no-op endtry " clean up set updatetime=4000 exe "lang" oldlang bw! endfunc func Test_normal51_FileChangedRO() CheckFeature autocmd " Don't sleep after the warning message. call test_settime(1) call writefile(['foo'], 'Xreadonly.log') new Xreadonly.log setl ro au FileChangedRO :call feedkeys("\", 'tix') call assert_fails(":norm! Af", 'E788:') call assert_equal(['foo'], getline(1,'$')) call assert_equal('Xreadonly.log', bufname('')) " cleanup call test_settime(0) bw! call delete("Xreadonly.log") endfunc func Test_normal52_rl() CheckFeature rightleft new call setline(1, 'abcde fghij klmnopq') norm! 1gg$ set rl call assert_equal(19, col('.')) call feedkeys('l', 'tx') call assert_equal(18, col('.')) call feedkeys('h', 'tx') call assert_equal(19, col('.')) call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal(18, col('.')) call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal(19, col('.')) call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal(13, col('.')) call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal(7, col('.')) call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal(13, col('.')) call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal(19, col('.')) call feedkeys("<<", 'tx') call assert_equal(' abcde fghij klmnopq',getline(1)) call feedkeys(">>", 'tx') call assert_equal('abcde fghij klmnopq',getline(1)) " cleanup set norl bw! endfunc func Test_normal54_Ctrl_bsl() new call setline(1, 'abcdefghijklmn') exe "norm! df\\" call assert_equal(['abcdefghijklmn'], getline(1,'$')) exe "norm! df\\" call assert_equal(['abcdefghijklmn'], getline(1,'$')) exe "norm! df\m" call assert_equal(['abcdefghijklmn'], getline(1,'$')) call setline(2, 'abcdefghijklmnāf') norm! 2gg0 exe "norm! df\" call assert_equal(['abcdefghijklmn', 'f'], getline(1,'$')) norm! 1gg0 exe "norm! df\" call assert_equal(['abcdefghijklmn', 'f'], getline(1,'$')) " clean up bw! endfunc func Test_normal_large_count() " This may fail with 32bit long, how do we detect that? new normal o normal 6666666666dL bwipe! endfunc func Test_delete_until_paragraph() new normal grádv} call assert_equal('á', getline(1)) normal grád} call assert_equal('', getline(1)) bwipe! endfunc " Test for the gr (virtual replace) command " Test for the bug fixed by 7.4.387 func Test_gr_command() enew! let save_cpo = &cpo call append(0, ['First line', 'Second line', 'Third line']) exe "normal i\u" call cursor(2, 1) set cpo-=X normal 4gro call assert_equal('oooond line', getline(2)) undo set cpo+=X normal 4gro call assert_equal('ooooecond line', getline(2)) let &cpo = save_cpo normal! ggvegrx call assert_equal('xxxxx line', getline(1)) exe "normal! gggr\122" call assert_equal('zxxxx line', getline(1)) set virtualedit=all normal! 15|grl call assert_equal('zxxxx line l', getline(1)) set virtualedit& set nomodifiable call assert_fails('normal! grx', 'E21:') call assert_fails('normal! gRx', 'E21:') set modifiable& enew! endfunc " When splitting a window the changelist position is wrong. " Test the changelist position after splitting a window. " Test for the bug fixed by 7.4.386 func Test_changelist() let save_ul = &ul enew! call append('$', ['1', '2']) exe "normal i\u" exe "normal Gkylpa\u" set ul=100 exe "normal Gylpa\u" set ul=100 normal gg vsplit normal g; call assert_equal([3, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) normal g; call assert_equal([2, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) call assert_fails('normal g;', 'E662:') new call assert_fails('normal g;', 'E664:') %bwipe! let &ul = save_ul endfunc func Test_nv_hat_count() %bwipeout! let l:nr = bufnr('%') + 1 call assert_fails(':execute "normal! ' . l:nr . '\"', 'E92:') edit Xfoo let l:foo_nr = bufnr('Xfoo') edit Xbar let l:bar_nr = bufnr('Xbar') " Make sure we are not just using the alternate file. edit Xbaz call feedkeys(l:foo_nr . "\", 'tx') call assert_equal('Xfoo', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) call feedkeys(l:bar_nr . "\", 'tx') call assert_equal('Xbar', fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t')) %bwipeout! endfunc func Test_message_when_using_ctrl_c() " Make sure no buffers are changed. %bwipe! exe "normal \" call assert_match("Type :qa and press to exit Vim", Screenline(&lines)) new cal setline(1, 'hi!') exe "normal \" call assert_match("Type :qa! and press to abandon all changes and exit Vim", Screenline(&lines)) bwipe! endfunc " Test for '[m', ']m', '[M' and ']M' " Jumping to beginning and end of methods in Java-like languages func Test_java_motion() new call assert_beeps('normal! [m') call assert_beeps('normal! ]m') call assert_beeps('normal! [M') call assert_beeps('normal! ]M') let lines =<< trim [CODE] Piece of Java { tt m1 { t1; } e1 tt m2 { t2; } e2 tt m3 { if (x) { t3; } } e3 } [CODE] call setline(1, lines) normal gg normal 2]maA call assert_equal("\ttt m1 {A", getline('.')) call assert_equal([3, 9, 16], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal j]maB call assert_equal("\ttt m2 {B", getline('.')) call assert_equal([7, 9, 16], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal ]maC call assert_equal("\ttt m3 {C", getline('.')) call assert_equal([11, 9, 16], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal [maD call assert_equal("\ttt m3 {DC", getline('.')) call assert_equal([11, 9, 16], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal k2[maE call assert_equal("\ttt m1 {EA", getline('.')) call assert_equal([3, 9, 16], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal 3[maF call assert_equal("{F", getline('.')) call assert_equal([2, 2, 2], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal ]MaG call assert_equal("\t}G e1", getline('.')) call assert_equal([5, 3, 10], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal j2]MaH call assert_equal("\t}H e3", getline('.')) call assert_equal([16, 3, 10], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal ]M]M normal aI call assert_equal("}I", getline('.')) call assert_equal([17, 2, 2], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal 2[MaJ call assert_equal("\t}JH e3", getline('.')) call assert_equal([16, 3, 10], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal k[MaK call assert_equal("\t}K e2", getline('.')) call assert_equal([9, 3, 10], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) normal 3[MaL call assert_equal("{LF", getline('.')) call assert_equal([2, 2, 2], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) call cursor(2, 1) call assert_beeps('norm! 5]m') " jumping to a method in a fold should open the fold 6,10fold call feedkeys("gg3]m", 'xt') call assert_equal([7, 8, 15], [line('.'), col('.'), virtcol('.')]) call assert_equal(-1, foldclosedend(7)) close! endfunc " Tests for g cmds func Test_normal_gdollar_cmd() CheckFeature jumplist call Setup_NewWindow() " Make long lines that will wrap %s/$/\=repeat(' foobar', 10)/ 20vsp set wrap " Test for g$ with count norm! gg norm! 0vg$y call assert_equal(20, col("'>")) call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foob', getreg(0)) norm! gg norm! 0v4g$y call assert_equal(72, col("'>")) call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.."\n", getreg(0)) norm! gg norm! 0v6g$y call assert_equal(40, col("'>")) call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n".. \ '2 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foo', getreg(0)) set nowrap " clean up norm! gg norm! 0vg$y call assert_equal(20, col("'>")) call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foob', getreg(0)) norm! gg norm! 0v4g$y call assert_equal(20, col("'>")) call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n".. \ '2 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n".. \ '3 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n".. \ '4 foobar foobar foob', getreg(0)) norm! gg norm! 0v6g$y call assert_equal(20, col("'>")) call assert_equal('1 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n".. \ '2 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n".. \ '3 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n".. \ '4 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n".. \ '5 foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar'.. "\n".. \ '6 foobar foobar foob', getreg(0)) " Move to last line, also down movement is not possible, should still move " the cursor to the last visible char norm! G norm! 0v6g$y call assert_equal(20, col("'>")) call assert_equal('100 foobar foobar fo', getreg(0)) bw! endfunc func Test_normal_gk_gj() " needs 80 column new window new vert 80new call assert_beeps('normal gk') put =[repeat('x',90)..' {{{1', 'x {{{1'] norm! gk " In a 80 column wide terminal the window will be only 78 char " (because Vim will leave space for the other window), " but if the terminal is larger, it will be 80 chars, so verify the " cursor column correctly. call assert_equal(winwidth(0)+1, col('.')) call assert_equal(winwidth(0)+1, virtcol('.')) norm! j call assert_equal(6, col('.')) call assert_equal(6, virtcol('.')) norm! gk call assert_equal(95, col('.')) call assert_equal(95, virtcol('.')) %bw! " needs 80 column new window new vert 80new call assert_beeps('normal gj') set number set numberwidth=10 set cpoptions+=n put =[repeat('0',90), repeat('1',90)] norm! 075l call assert_equal(76, col('.')) norm! gk call assert_equal(1, col('.')) norm! gk call assert_equal(76, col('.')) norm! gk call assert_equal(1, col('.')) norm! gj call assert_equal(76, col('.')) norm! gj call assert_equal(1, col('.')) norm! gj call assert_equal(76, col('.')) " When 'nowrap' is set, gk and gj behave like k and j set nowrap normal! gk call assert_equal([2, 76], [line('.'), col('.')]) normal! gj call assert_equal([3, 76], [line('.'), col('.')]) %bw! set cpoptions& number& numberwidth& wrap& endfunc " Test for using : to run a multi-line Ex command in operator pending mode func Test_normal_yank_with_excmd() new call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) let @a = '' call feedkeys("\"ay:if v:true\normal l\endif\", 'xt') call assert_equal('f', @a) close! endfunc " Test for supplying a count to a normal-mode command across a cursorhold call func Test_normal_cursorhold_with_count() func s:cHold() let g:cHold_Called += 1 endfunc new augroup normalcHoldTest au! au CursorHold call s:cHold() augroup END let g:cHold_Called = 0 call feedkeys("3\2ix", 'xt') call assert_equal(1, g:cHold_Called) call assert_equal(repeat('x', 32), getline(1)) augroup normalcHoldTest au! augroup END au! normalcHoldTest close! delfunc s:cHold endfunc " Test for using a count and a command with CTRL-W func Test_wincmd_with_count() call feedkeys("\12n", 'xt') call assert_equal(12, winheight(0)) endfunc " Test for 'b', 'B' 'ge' and 'gE' commands func Test_horiz_motion() new normal! gg call assert_beeps('normal! b') call assert_beeps('normal! B') call assert_beeps('normal! gE') call assert_beeps('normal! ge') " moves one word left and moves one WORD left call setline(1, 'one ,two ,three') exe "normal! $\" call assert_equal(11, col('.')) exe "normal! $\" call assert_equal(10, col('.')) close! endfunc " Test for using a : command in operator pending mode func Test_normal_colon_op() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two']) call assert_beeps("normal! Gc:d\") close! endfunc " Test for d and D commands func Test_normal_delete_cmd() new " D in an empty line call setline(1, '') normal D call assert_equal('', getline(1)) " D in an empty line in virtualedit mode set virtualedit=all normal D call assert_equal('', getline(1)) set virtualedit& " delete to a readonly register call setline(1, ['abcd']) call assert_beeps('normal ":d2l') " D and d with 'nomodifiable' call setline(1, ['abcd']) setlocal nomodifiable call assert_fails('normal D', 'E21:') call assert_fails('normal d$', 'E21:') close! endfunc " Test for deleting or changing characters across lines with 'whichwrap' " containing 's'. Should count as one character. func Test_normal_op_across_lines() new set whichwrap& call setline(1, ['one two', 'three four']) exe "norm! $3d\" call assert_equal(['one twhree four'], getline(1, '$')) call setline(1, ['one two', 'three four']) exe "norm! $3c\x" call assert_equal(['one twxhree four'], getline(1, '$')) set whichwrap+=l call setline(1, ['one two', 'three four']) exe "norm! $3x" call assert_equal(['one twhree four'], getline(1, '$')) close! set whichwrap& endfunc " Test for 'w' and 'b' commands func Test_normal_word_move() new call setline(1, ['foo bar a', '', 'foo bar b']) " copy a single character word at the end of a line normal 1G$yw call assert_equal('a', @") " copy a single character word at the end of a file normal G$yw call assert_equal('b', @") " check for a word movement handling an empty line properly normal 1G$vwy call assert_equal("a\n\n", @") " copy using 'b' command %d " non-empty blank line at the start of file call setline(1, [' ', 'foo bar']) normal 2Gyb call assert_equal(" \n", @") " try to copy backwards from the start of the file call setline(1, ['one two', 'foo bar']) call assert_beeps('normal ggyb') " 'b' command should stop at an empty line call setline(1, ['one two', '', 'foo bar']) normal 3Gyb call assert_equal("\n", @") normal 3Gy2b call assert_equal("two\n", @") " 'b' command should not stop at a non-empty blank line call setline(1, ['one two', ' ', 'foo bar']) normal 3Gyb call assert_equal("two\n ", @") close! endfunc " Test for 'scrolloff' with a long line that doesn't fit in the screen func Test_normal_scroloff() 10new 80vnew call setline(1, repeat('a', 1000)) set scrolloff=10 normal gg10gj call assert_equal(8, winline()) normal 10gj call assert_equal(10, winline()) normal 10gk call assert_equal(3, winline()) set scrolloff& close! endfunc " Test for vertical scrolling with CTRL-F and CTRL-B with a long line func Test_normal_vert_scroll_longline() 10new 80vnew call setline(1, range(1, 10)) call append(5, repeat('a', 1000)) exe "normal gg\" call assert_equal(6, line('.')) exe "normal \\" call assert_equal(11, line('.')) call assert_equal(1, winline()) exe "normal \" call assert_equal(10, line('.')) call assert_equal(3, winline()) exe "normal \\" call assert_equal(5, line('.')) call assert_equal(5, winline()) close! endfunc " Test for jumping in a file using % func Test_normal_percent_jump() new call setline(1, range(1, 100)) " jumping to a folded line should open the fold 25,75fold call feedkeys('50%', 'xt') call assert_equal(50, line('.')) call assert_equal(-1, foldclosedend(50)) close! endfunc " Test for << and >> commands to shift text by 'shiftwidth' func Test_normal_shift_rightleft() new call setline(1, ['one', '', "\t", ' two', "\tthree", ' four']) set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=8 normal gg6>> call assert_equal([' one', '', "\t ", ' two', "\t three", "\tfour"], \ getline(1, '$')) normal ggVG2>> call assert_equal([' one', '', "\t ", "\ttwo", \ "\t three", "\t four"], getline(1, '$')) normal gg6<< call assert_equal([' one', '', "\t ", ' two', "\t three", \ "\t four"], getline(1, '$')) normal ggVG2<< call assert_equal(['one', '', "\t", ' two', "\tthree", ' four'], \ getline(1, '$')) set shiftwidth& tabstop& bw! endfunc " Some commands like yy, cc, dd, >>, << and !! accept a count after " typing the first letter of the command. func Test_normal_count_after_operator() new setlocal shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 autoindent call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']) let @a = '' normal! j"ay4y call assert_equal("two\nthree\nfour\nfive\n", @a) normal! 3G>2> call assert_equal(['one', 'two', ' three', ' four', 'five'], \ getline(1, '$')) exe "normal! 3G0c2cred\nblue" call assert_equal(['one', 'two', ' red', ' blue', 'five'], \ getline(1, '$')) exe "normal! gg<8<" call assert_equal(['one', 'two', 'red', 'blue', 'five'], \ getline(1, '$')) exe "normal! ggd3d" call assert_equal(['blue', 'five'], getline(1, '$')) call setline(1, range(1, 4)) call feedkeys("gg!3!\\"\", 'xt') call assert_equal('".,.+2!', @:) call feedkeys("gg!1!\\"\", 'xt') call assert_equal('".!', @:) call feedkeys("gg!9!\\"\", 'xt') call assert_equal('".,$!', @:) bw! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab