" Tests for parsing the modeline. source check.vim func Test_modeline_invalid() " This was reading allocated memory in the past. call writefile(['vi:0', 'nothing'], 'Xmodeline') let modeline = &modeline set modeline call assert_fails('split Xmodeline', 'E518:') " Missing end colon (ignored). call writefile(['// vim: set ts=2'], 'Xmodeline') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bwipe! " Missing colon at beginning (ignored). call writefile(['// vim set ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bwipe! " Missing space after vim (ignored). call writefile(['// vim:ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bwipe! let &modeline = modeline bwipe! call delete('Xmodeline') endfunc func Test_modeline_filetype() call writefile(['vim: set ft=c :', 'nothing'], 'Xmodeline_filetype') let modeline = &modeline set modeline filetype plugin on split Xmodeline_filetype call assert_equal("c", &filetype) call assert_equal(1, b:did_ftplugin) call assert_equal("ccomplete#Complete", &ofu) bwipe! call delete('Xmodeline_filetype') let &modeline = modeline filetype plugin off endfunc func Test_modeline_syntax() call writefile(['vim: set syn=c :', 'nothing'], 'Xmodeline_syntax') let modeline = &modeline set modeline syntax enable split Xmodeline_syntax call assert_equal("c", &syntax) call assert_equal("c", b:current_syntax) bwipe! call delete('Xmodeline_syntax') let &modeline = modeline syntax off endfunc func Test_modeline_keymap() CheckFeature keymap call writefile(['vim: set keymap=greek :', 'nothing'], 'Xmodeline_keymap') let modeline = &modeline set modeline split Xmodeline_keymap call assert_equal("greek", &keymap) call assert_match('greek\|grk', b:keymap_name) bwipe! call delete('Xmodeline_keymap') let &modeline = modeline set keymap= iminsert=0 imsearch=-1 endfunc func Test_modeline_version() let modeline = &modeline set modeline " Test with vim:{vers}: (version {vers} or later). call writefile(['// vim' .. v:version .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(2, &ts) bwipe! call writefile(['// vim' .. (v:version - 100) .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(2, &ts) bwipe! call writefile(['// vim' .. (v:version + 100) .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bw! " Test with vim>{vers}: (version after {vers}). call writefile(['// vim>' .. v:version .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bwipe! call writefile(['// vim>' .. (v:version - 100) .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(2, &ts) bwipe! call writefile(['// vim>' .. (v:version + 100) .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bwipe! " Test with vim<{vers}: (version before {vers}). call writefile(['// vim<' .. v:version .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bwipe! call writefile(['// vim<' .. (v:version - 100) .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bwipe! call writefile(['// vim<' .. (v:version + 100) .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(2, &ts) bwipe! " Test with vim={vers}: (version {vers} only). call writefile(['// vim=' .. v:version .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(2, &ts) bwipe! call writefile(['// vim=' .. (v:version - 100) .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bwipe! call writefile(['// vim=' .. (v:version + 100) .. ': ts=2:'], 'Xmodeline_version') edit Xmodeline_version call assert_equal(8, &ts) bwipe! let &modeline = modeline call delete('Xmodeline_version') endfunc func Test_modeline_colon() let modeline = &modeline set modeline call writefile(['// vim: set showbreak=\: ts=2: sw=2'], 'Xmodeline_colon') edit Xmodeline_colon " backlash colon should become colon. call assert_equal(':', &showbreak) " 'ts' should be set. " 'sw' should be ignored because it is after the end colon. call assert_equal(2, &ts) call assert_equal(8, &sw) let &modeline = modeline call delete('Xmodeline_colon') endfunc func s:modeline_fails(what, text, error) call CheckOption(a:what) let fname = "Xmodeline_fails_" . a:what call writefile(['vim: set ' . a:text . ' :', 'nothing'], fname) let modeline = &modeline set modeline filetype plugin on syntax enable call assert_fails('split ' . fname, a:error) call assert_equal("", &filetype) call assert_equal("", &syntax) bwipe! call delete(fname) let &modeline = modeline filetype plugin off syntax off endfunc func Test_modeline_filetype_fails() call s:modeline_fails('filetype', 'ft=evil$CMD', 'E474:') endfunc func Test_modeline_syntax_fails() call s:modeline_fails('syntax', 'syn=evil$CMD', 'E474:') endfunc func Test_modeline_keymap_fails() call s:modeline_fails('keymap', 'keymap=evil$CMD', 'E474:') endfunc func Test_modeline_fails_always() call s:modeline_fails('backupdir', 'backupdir=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('cdpath', 'cdpath=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('charconvert', 'charconvert=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('completefunc', 'completefunc=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('cscopeprg', 'cscopeprg=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('diffexpr', 'diffexpr=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('directory', 'directory=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('equalprg', 'equalprg=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('errorfile', 'errorfile=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('exrc', 'exrc=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('formatprg', 'formatprg=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('fsync', 'fsync=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('grepprg', 'grepprg=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('helpfile', 'helpfile=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('imactivatefunc', 'imactivatefunc=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('imstatusfunc', 'imstatusfunc=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('imstyle', 'imstyle=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('keywordprg', 'keywordprg=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('langmap', 'langmap=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('luadll', 'luadll=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('makeef', 'makeef=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('makeprg', 'makeprg=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('mkspellmem', 'mkspellmem=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('mzschemedll', 'mzschemedll=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('mzschemegcdll', 'mzschemegcdll=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('modelineexpr', 'modelineexpr', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('omnifunc', 'omnifunc=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('operatorfunc', 'operatorfunc=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('perldll', 'perldll=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('printdevice', 'printdevice=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('patchexpr', 'patchexpr=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('printexpr', 'printexpr=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('pythondll', 'pythondll=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('pythonhome', 'pythonhome=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('pythonthreedll', 'pythonthreedll=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('pythonthreehome', 'pythonthreehome=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('pyxversion', 'pyxversion=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('rubydll', 'rubydll=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('runtimepath', 'runtimepath=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('secure', 'secure=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('shell', 'shell=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('shellcmdflag', 'shellcmdflag=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('shellpipe', 'shellpipe=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('shellquote', 'shellquote=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('shellredir', 'shellredir=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('shellxquote', 'shellxquote=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('spellfile', 'spellfile=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('spellsuggest', 'spellsuggest=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('tcldll', 'tcldll=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('titleold', 'titleold=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('viewdir', 'viewdir=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('viminfo', 'viminfo=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('viminfofile', 'viminfofile=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('winptydll', 'winptydll=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('undodir', 'undodir=Something()', 'E520:') " only check a few terminal options call s:modeline_fails('t_AB', 't_AB=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('t_ce', 't_ce=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('t_sr', 't_sr=Something()', 'E520:') call s:modeline_fails('t_8b', 't_8b=Something()', 'E520:') endfunc func Test_modeline_fails_modelineexpr() call s:modeline_fails('balloonexpr', 'balloonexpr=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('foldexpr', 'foldexpr=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('foldtext', 'foldtext=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('formatexpr', 'formatexpr=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('guitablabel', 'guitablabel=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('iconstring', 'iconstring=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('includeexpr', 'includeexpr=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('indentexpr', 'indentexpr=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('rulerformat', 'rulerformat=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('statusline', 'statusline=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('tabline', 'tabline=Something()', 'E992:') call s:modeline_fails('titlestring', 'titlestring=Something()', 'E992:') endfunc func Test_modeline_setoption_verbose() let modeline = &modeline set modeline let lines =<< trim END 1 vim:ts=2 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight END call writefile(lines, 'Xmodeline') edit Xmodeline let info = split(execute('verbose set tabstop?'), "\n") call assert_match('^\s*Last set from modeline line 1$', info[-1]) bwipe! let lines =<< trim END 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 vim:ts=4 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight END call writefile(lines, 'Xmodeline') edit Xmodeline let info = split(execute('verbose set tabstop?'), "\n") call assert_match('^\s*Last set from modeline line 4$', info[-1]) bwipe! let lines =<< trim END 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 vim:ts=8 END call writefile(lines, 'Xmodeline') edit Xmodeline let info = split(execute('verbose set tabstop?'), "\n") call assert_match('^\s*Last set from modeline line 8$', info[-1]) bwipe! let &modeline = modeline call delete('Xmodeline') endfunc " Test for the 'modeline' default value in compatible and non-compatible modes " for root and non-root accounts func Test_modeline_default() set compatible call assert_false(&modeline) set nocompatible call assert_equal(IsRoot() ? 0 : 1, &modeline) set compatible&vi call assert_false(&modeline) set compatible&vim call assert_equal(IsRoot() ? 0 : 1, &modeline) set compatible& modeline& endfunc " Some options cannot be set from the modeline when 'diff' option is set func Test_modeline_diff_buffer() call writefile(['vim: diff foldmethod=marker wrap'], 'Xfile') set foldmethod& nowrap new Xfile call assert_equal('manual', &foldmethod) call assert_false(&wrap) set wrap& call delete('Xfile') bw endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab