" Tests for memory usage. source check.vim CheckFeature terminal CheckNotGui if execute('version') =~# '-fsanitize=[a-z,]*\' " Skip tests on Travis CI ASAN build because it's difficult to estimate " memory usage. throw 'Skipped: does not work with ASAN' endif source shared.vim func s:pick_nr(str) abort return substitute(a:str, '[^0-9]', '', 'g') * 1 endfunc if has('win32') if !executable('wmic') throw 'Skipped: wmic program missing' endif func s:memory_usage(pid) abort let cmd = printf('wmic process where processid=%d get WorkingSetSize', a:pid) return s:pick_nr(system(cmd)) / 1024 endfunc elseif has('unix') if !executable('ps') throw 'Skipped: ps program missing' endif func s:memory_usage(pid) abort return s:pick_nr(system('ps -o rss= -p ' . a:pid)) endfunc else throw 'Skipped: not win32 or unix' endif " Wait for memory usage to level off. func s:monitor_memory_usage(pid) abort let proc = {} let proc.pid = a:pid let proc.hist = [] let proc.max = 0 func proc.op() abort " Check the last 200ms. let val = s:memory_usage(self.pid) if self.max < val let self.max = val endif call add(self.hist, val) if len(self.hist) < 20 return 0 endif let sample = remove(self.hist, 0) return len(uniq([sample] + self.hist)) == 1 endfunc call WaitFor({-> proc.op()}, 10000) return {'last': get(proc.hist, -1), 'max': proc.max} endfunc let s:term_vim = {} func s:term_vim.start(...) abort let self.buf = term_start([GetVimProg()] + a:000) let self.job = term_getjob(self.buf) call WaitFor({-> job_status(self.job) ==# 'run'}) let self.pid = job_info(self.job).process endfunc func s:term_vim.stop() abort call term_sendkeys(self.buf, ":qall!\") call WaitFor({-> job_status(self.job) ==# 'dead'}) exe self.buf . 'bwipe!' endfunc func s:vim_new() abort return copy(s:term_vim) endfunc func Test_memory_func_capture_vargs() " Case: if a local variable captures a:000, funccall object will be free " just after it finishes. let testfile = 'Xtest.vim' let lines =<< trim END func s:f(...) let x = a:000 endfunc for _ in range(10000) call s:f(0) endfor END call writefile(lines, testfile) let vim = s:vim_new() call vim.start('--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile', testfile) let before = s:monitor_memory_usage(vim.pid).last call term_sendkeys(vim.buf, ":so %\") call WaitFor({-> term_getcursor(vim.buf)[0] == 1}) let after = s:monitor_memory_usage(vim.pid) " Estimate the limit of max usage as 2x initial usage. " The lower limit can fluctuate a bit, use 97%. call assert_inrange(before * 97 / 100, 2 * before, after.max) " In this case, garbage collecting is not needed. " The value might fluctuate a bit, allow for 3% tolerance below and 5% above. " Based on various test runs. let lower = after.last * 97 / 100 let upper = after.last * 105 / 100 call assert_inrange(lower, upper, after.max) call vim.stop() call delete(testfile) endfunc func Test_memory_func_capture_lvars() " Case: if a local variable captures l: dict, funccall object will not be " free until garbage collector runs, but after that memory usage doesn't " increase so much even when rerun Xtest.vim since system memory caches. let testfile = 'Xtest.vim' let lines =<< trim END func s:f() let x = l: endfunc for _ in range(10000) call s:f() endfor END call writefile(lines, testfile) let vim = s:vim_new() call vim.start('--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile', testfile) let before = s:monitor_memory_usage(vim.pid).last call term_sendkeys(vim.buf, ":so %\") call WaitFor({-> term_getcursor(vim.buf)[0] == 1}) let after = s:monitor_memory_usage(vim.pid) " Rerun Xtest.vim. for _ in range(3) call term_sendkeys(vim.buf, ":so %\") call WaitFor({-> term_getcursor(vim.buf)[0] == 1}) let last = s:monitor_memory_usage(vim.pid).last endfor " The usage may be a bit less than the last value, use 80%. " Allow for 20% tolerance at the upper limit. That's very permissive, but " otherwise the test fails sometimes. let lower = before * 8 / 10 let upper = (after.max + (after.last - before)) * 12 / 10 call assert_inrange(lower, upper, last) call vim.stop() call delete(testfile) endfunc