" Tests for 'makeencoding'. source shared.vim let s:python = PythonProg() if s:python == '' throw 'Skipped: python program missing' endif let s:script = 'test_makeencoding.py' let s:message_tbl = { \ 'utf-8': 'ÀÈÌÒÙ こんにちは 你好', \ 'latin1': 'ÀÈÌÒÙ', \ 'cp932': 'こんにちは', \ 'cp936': '你好', \} " Tests for :cgetfile and :lgetfile. func Test_getfile() set errorfile=Xerror.txt set errorformat=%f(%l)\ :\ %m " :cgetfile for enc in keys(s:message_tbl) let &makeencoding = enc exec "silent !" . s:python . " " . s:script . " " . enc . " > " . &errorfile cgetfile copen call assert_equal("Xfoobar.c|10| " . s:message_tbl[enc] . " (" . enc . ")", \ getline('.')) cclose endfor " :lgetfile for enc in keys(s:message_tbl) let &makeencoding = enc exec "silent !" . s:python . " " . s:script . " " . enc . " > " . &errorfile lgetfile lopen call assert_equal("Xfoobar.c|10| " . s:message_tbl[enc] . " (" . enc . ")", \ getline('.')) lclose endfor call delete(&errorfile) endfunc " Tests for :grep and :lgrep. func Test_grep() let &grepprg = s:python set grepformat=%f(%l)\ :\ %m " :grep for enc in keys(s:message_tbl) let &makeencoding = enc exec "silent grep! " . s:script . " " . enc copen call assert_equal("Xfoobar.c|10| " . s:message_tbl[enc] . " (" . enc . ")", \ getline('.')) cclose endfor " :lgrep for enc in keys(s:message_tbl) let &makeencoding = enc exec "silent lgrep! " . s:script . " " . enc lopen call assert_equal("Xfoobar.c|10| " . s:message_tbl[enc] . " (" . enc . ")", \ getline('.')) lclose endfor endfunc " Tests for :make and :lmake. func Test_make() let &makeprg = s:python set errorformat=%f(%l)\ :\ %m " :make for enc in keys(s:message_tbl) let &makeencoding = enc exec "silent make! " . s:script . " " . enc copen call assert_equal("Xfoobar.c|10| " . s:message_tbl[enc] . " (" . enc . ")", \ getline('.')) cclose endfor " :lmake for enc in keys(s:message_tbl) let &makeencoding = enc exec "silent lmake! " . s:script . " " . enc lopen call assert_equal("Xfoobar.c|10| " . s:message_tbl[enc] . " (" . enc . ")", \ getline('.')) lclose endfor endfunc