" Tests for the List and Dict types func TearDown() " Run garbage collection after every test call test_garbagecollect_now() endfunc " Tests for List type " List creation func Test_list_create() " Creating List directly with different types let l = [1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function("strlen")], {'a': 1},] call assert_equal("[1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen')], {'a': 1}]", string(l)) call assert_equal({'a' : 1}, l[-1]) call assert_equal(1, l[-4]) let x = 10 try let x = l[-5] catch call assert_match('E684:', v:exception) endtry call assert_equal(10, x) endfunc " List slices func Test_list_slice() let l = [1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function("strlen")], {'a': 1},] call assert_equal([1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen')], {'a': 1}], l[:]) call assert_equal(['as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen')], {'a': 1}], l[1:]) call assert_equal([1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen')]], l[:-2]) call assert_equal([1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen')], {'a': 1}], l[0:8]) call assert_equal([], l[8:-1]) endfunc " List identity func Test_list_identity() let l = [1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function("strlen")], {'a': 1},] let ll = l let lx = copy(l) call assert_true(l == ll) call assert_false(l isnot ll) call assert_true(l is ll) call assert_true(l == lx) call assert_false(l is lx) call assert_true(l isnot lx) endfunc " removing items with :unlet func Test_list_unlet() let l = [1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function("strlen")], {'a': 1},] unlet l[2] call assert_equal([1, 'as''d', {'a': 1}], l) let l = range(8) unlet l[:3] unlet l[1:] call assert_equal([4], l) " removing items out of range: silently skip items that don't exist let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] call assert_fails('unlet l[2:1]', 'E684') let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] unlet l[2:2] call assert_equal([0, 1, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] unlet l[2:3] call assert_equal([0, 1], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] unlet l[2:4] call assert_equal([0, 1], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] unlet l[2:5] call assert_equal([0, 1], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] call assert_fails('unlet l[-1:2]', 'E684') let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] unlet l[-2:2] call assert_equal([0, 1, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] unlet l[-3:2] call assert_equal([0, 3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] unlet l[-4:2] call assert_equal([3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] unlet l[-5:2] call assert_equal([3], l) let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] unlet l[-6:2] call assert_equal([3], l) endfunc " assignment to a list func Test_list_assign() let l = [0, 1, 2, 3] let [va, vb] = l[2:3] call assert_equal([2, 3], [va, vb]) call assert_fails('let [va, vb] = l', 'E687') call assert_fails('let [va, vb] = l[1:1]', 'E688') endfunc " test for range assign func Test_list_range_assign() let l = [0] let l[:] = [1, 2] call assert_equal([1, 2], l) endfunc " Test removing items in list func Test_list_func_remove() " Test removing 1 element let l = [1, 2, 3, 4] call assert_equal(1, remove(l, 0)) call assert_equal([2, 3, 4], l) let l = [1, 2, 3, 4] call assert_equal(2, remove(l, 1)) call assert_equal([1, 3, 4], l) let l = [1, 2, 3, 4] call assert_equal(4, remove(l, -1)) call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], l) " Test removing range of element(s) let l = [1, 2, 3, 4] call assert_equal([3], remove(l, 2, 2)) call assert_equal([1, 2, 4], l) let l = [1, 2, 3, 4] call assert_equal([2, 3], remove(l, 1, 2)) call assert_equal([1, 4], l) let l = [1, 2, 3, 4] call assert_equal([2, 3], remove(l, -3, -2)) call assert_equal([1, 4], l) " Test invalid cases let l = [1, 2, 3, 4] call assert_fails("call remove(l, 5)", 'E684:') call assert_fails("call remove(l, 1, 5)", 'E684:') call assert_fails("call remove(l, 3, 2)", 'E16:') call assert_fails("call remove(1, 0)", 'E896:') call assert_fails("call remove(l, l)", 'E745:') endfunc " Tests for Dictionary type func Test_dict() " Creating Dictionary directly with different types let d = {001: 'asd', 'b': [1, 2, function('strlen')], -1: {'a': 1},} call assert_equal("{'1': 'asd', 'b': [1, 2, function('strlen')], '-1': {'a': 1}}", string(d)) call assert_equal('asd', d.1) call assert_equal(['-1', '1', 'b'], sort(keys(d))) call assert_equal(['asd', [1, 2, function('strlen')], {'a': 1}], values(d)) let v = [] for [key, val] in items(d) call extend(v, [key, val]) unlet key val endfor call assert_equal(['1','asd','b',[1, 2, function('strlen')],'-1',{'a': 1}], v) call extend(d, {3:33, 1:99}) call extend(d, {'b':'bbb', 'c':'ccc'}, "keep") call assert_fails("call extend(d, {3:333,4:444}, 'error')", 'E737') call assert_equal({'c': 'ccc', '1': 99, 'b': [1, 2, function('strlen')], '3': 33, '-1': {'a': 1}}, d) call filter(d, 'v:key =~ ''[ac391]''') call assert_equal({'c': 'ccc', '1': 99, '3': 33, '-1': {'a': 1}}, d) endfunc " Dictionary identity func Test_dict_identity() let d = {001: 'asd', 'b': [1, 2, function('strlen')], -1: {'a': 1},} let dd = d let dx = copy(d) call assert_true(d == dd) call assert_false(d isnot dd) call assert_true(d is dd) call assert_true(d == dx) call assert_false(d is dx) call assert_true(d isnot dx) endfunc " removing items with :unlet func Test_dict_unlet() let d = {'b':'bbb', '1': 99, '3': 33, '-1': {'a': 1}} unlet d.b unlet d[-1] call assert_equal({'1': 99, '3': 33}, d) endfunc " manipulating a big Dictionary (hashtable.c has a border of 1000 entries) func Test_dict_big() let d = {} for i in range(1500) let d[i] = 3000 - i endfor call assert_equal([3000, 2900, 2001, 1600, 1501], [d[0], d[100], d[999], d[1400], d[1499]]) let str = '' try let n = d[1500] catch let str=substitute(v:exception, '\v(.{14}).*( \d{4}).*', '\1\2', '') endtry call assert_equal('Vim(let):E716: 1500', str) " lookup each items for i in range(1500) call assert_equal(3000 - i, d[i]) endfor let i += 1 " delete even items while i >= 2 let i -= 2 unlet d[i] endwhile call assert_equal('NONE', get(d, 1500 - 100, 'NONE')) call assert_equal(2999, d[1]) " delete odd items, checking value, one intentionally wrong let d[33] = 999 let i = 1 while i < 1500 if i != 33 call assert_equal(3000 - i, d[i]) else call assert_equal(999, d[i]) endif unlet d[i] let i += 2 endwhile call assert_equal({}, d) unlet d endfunc " Dictionary function func Test_dict_func() let d = {} func d.func(a) dict return a:a . len(self.data) endfunc let d.data = [1,2,3] call assert_equal('len: 3', d.func('len: ')) let x = d.func('again: ') call assert_equal('again: 3', x) let Fn = d.func call assert_equal('xxx3', Fn('xxx')) endfunc " Function in script-local List or Dict func Test_script_local_dict_func() let g:dict = {} function g:dict.func() dict return 'g:dict.func' . self.foo[1] . self.foo[0]('asdf') endfunc let g:dict.foo = ['-', 2, 3] call insert(g:dict.foo, function('strlen')) call assert_equal('g:dict.func-4', g:dict.func()) unlet g:dict endfunc " Test removing items in la dictionary func Test_dict_func_remove() let d = {1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'} call assert_equal('b', remove(d, 2)) call assert_equal({1:'a', 3:'c'}, d) call assert_fails("call remove(d, 1, 2)", 'E118:') call assert_fails("call remove(d, 'a')", 'E716:') call assert_fails("call remove(d, [])", 'E730:') endfunc " Nasty: remove func from Dict that's being called (works) func Test_dict_func_remove_in_use() let d = {1:1} func d.func(a) return "a:" . a:a endfunc let expected = 'a:' . string(get(d, 'func')) call assert_equal(expected, d.func(string(remove(d, 'func')))) endfunc func Test_dict_literal_keys() call assert_equal({'one': 1, 'two2': 2, '3three': 3, '44': 4}, #{one: 1, two2: 2, 3three: 3, 44: 4},) " why *{} cannot be used let blue = 'blue' call assert_equal('6', trim(execute('echo 2 *{blue: 3}.blue'))) endfunc " Nasty: deepcopy() dict that refers to itself (fails when noref used) func Test_dict_deepcopy() let d = {1:1, 2:2} let l = [4, d, 6] let d[3] = l let dc = deepcopy(d) call assert_fails('call deepcopy(d, 1)', 'E698') let l2 = [0, l, l, 3] let l[1] = l2 let l3 = deepcopy(l2) call assert_true(l3[1] is l3[2]) endfunc " Locked variables func Test_list_locked_var() let expected = [ \ [['0000-000', 'ppppppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']], \ [['1000-000', 'ppppppF'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']], \ [['1100-100', 'ppFppFF'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']], \ [['1110-110', 'pFFpFFF'], \ ['0010-010', 'pFppFpp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']], \ [['1111-111', 'FFFFFFF'], \ ['0011-011', 'FFpFFpp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']] \ ] for depth in range(5) for u in range(3) unlet! l let l = [0, [1, [2, 3]], {4: 5, 6: {7: 8}}] exe "lockvar " . depth . " l" if u == 1 exe "unlockvar l" elseif u == 2 exe "unlockvar " . depth . " l" endif let ps = islocked("l").islocked("l[1]").islocked("l[1][1]").islocked("l[1][1][0]").'-'.islocked("l[2]").islocked("l[2]['6']").islocked("l[2]['6'][7]") call assert_equal(expected[depth][u][0], ps) let ps = '' try let l[1][1][0] = 99 let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try let l[1][1] = [99] let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try let l[1] = [99] let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try let l[2]['6'][7] = 99 let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try let l[2][6] = {99: 99} let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try let l[2] = {99: 99} let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try let l = [99] let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry call assert_equal(expected[depth][u][1], ps) endfor endfor endfunc " Unletting locked variables func Test_list_locked_var_unlet() let expected = [ \ [['0000-000', 'ppppppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']], \ [['1000-000', 'ppFppFp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']], \ [['1100-100', 'pFFpFFp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']], \ [['1110-110', 'FFFFFFp'], \ ['0010-010', 'FppFppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']], \ [['1111-111', 'FFFFFFp'], \ ['0011-011', 'FppFppp'], \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']] \ ] for depth in range(5) for u in range(3) unlet! l let l = [0, [1, [2, 3]], {4: 5, 6: {7: 8}}] exe "lockvar " . depth . " l" if u == 1 exe "unlockvar l" elseif u == 2 exe "unlockvar " . depth . " l" endif let ps = islocked("l").islocked("l[1]").islocked("l[1][1]").islocked("l[1][1][0]").'-'.islocked("l[2]").islocked("l[2]['6']").islocked("l[2]['6'][7]") call assert_equal(expected[depth][u][0], ps) let ps = '' try unlet l[2]['6'][7] let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try unlet l[2][6] let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try unlet l[2] let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try unlet l[1][1][0] let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try unlet l[1][1] let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try unlet l[1] let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry try unlet l let ps .= 'p' catch let ps .= 'F' endtry call assert_equal(expected[depth][u][1], ps) endfor endfor endfunc " Locked variables and :unlet or list / dict functions " No :unlet after lock on dict: func Test_dict_lock_unlet() unlet! d let d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100} lockvar 1 d call assert_fails('unlet d.a', 'E741') endfunc " unlet after lock on dict item func Test_dict_item_lock_unlet() unlet! d let d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100} lockvar d.a unlet d.a call assert_equal({'b' : 100}, d) endfunc " filter() after lock on dict item func Test_dict_lock_filter() unlet! d let d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100} lockvar d.a call filter(d, 'v:key != "a"') call assert_equal({'b' : 100}, d) endfunc " map() after lock on dict func Test_dict_lock_map() unlet! d let d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100} lockvar 1 d call map(d, 'v:val + 200') call assert_equal({'a' : 299, 'b' : 300}, d) endfunc " No extend() after lock on dict item func Test_dict_lock_extend() unlet! d let d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100} lockvar d.a call assert_fails("call extend(d, {'a' : 123})", 'E741') call assert_equal({'a': 99, 'b': 100}, d) endfunc " No remove() of write-protected scope-level variable func Tfunc1(this_is_a_long_parameter_name) call assert_fails("call remove(a:, 'this_is_a_long_parameter_name')", 'E742') endfunc func Test_dict_scope_var_remove() call Tfunc1('testval') endfunc " No extend() of write-protected scope-level variable func Test_dict_scope_var_extend() call assert_fails("call extend(a:, {'this_is_a_long_parameter_name': 1234})", 'E742') endfunc func Tfunc2(this_is_a_long_parameter_name) call assert_fails("call extend(a:, {'this_is_a_long_parameter_name': 1234})", 'E742') endfunc func Test_dict_scope_var_extend_overwrite() call Tfunc2('testval') endfunc " No :unlet of variable in locked scope func Test_lock_var_unlet() let b:testvar = 123 lockvar 1 b: call assert_fails('unlet b:testvar', 'E741:') unlockvar 1 b: unlet! b:testvar endfunc " No :let += of locked list variable func Test_let_lock_list() let l = ['a', 'b', 3] lockvar 1 l call assert_fails("let l += ['x']", 'E741:') call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 3], l) unlet l let l = [1, 2, 3, 4] lockvar! l call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], l) unlockvar l[1] call assert_fails('unlet l[0:1]', 'E741:') call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], l) call assert_fails('unlet l[1:2]', 'E741:') call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], l) unlockvar l[1] call assert_fails('let l[0:1] = [0, 1]', 'E741:') call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], l) call assert_fails('let l[1:2] = [0, 1]', 'E741:') call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4], l) unlet l endfunc " lockvar/islocked() triggering script autoloading func Test_lockvar_script_autoload() let old_rtp = &rtp set rtp+=./sautest lockvar g:footest#x unlockvar g:footest#x call assert_equal(-1, 'g:footest#x'->islocked()) call assert_equal(0, exists('g:footest#x')) call assert_equal(1, g:footest#x) let &rtp = old_rtp endfunc " a:000 function argument test func s:arg_list_test(...) call assert_fails('let a:000 = [1, 2]', 'E46:') call assert_fails('let a:000[0] = 9', 'E742:') call assert_fails('let a:000[2] = [9, 10]', 'E742:') call assert_fails('let a:000[3] = {9 : 10}', 'E742:') " now the tests that should pass let a:000[2][1] = 9 call extend(a:000[2], [5, 6]) let a:000[3][5] = 8 let a:000[3]['a'] = 12 call assert_equal([1, 2, [3, 9, 5, 6], {'a': 12, '5': 8}], a:000) endfunc func Test_func_arg_list() call s:arg_list_test(1, 2, [3, 4], {5: 6}) endfunc " Tests for reverse(), sort(), uniq() func Test_reverse_sort_uniq() let l = ['-0', 'A11', 2, 2, 'xaaa', 4, 'foo', 'foo6', 'foo', [0, 1, 2], 'x8', [0, 1, 2], 1.5] call assert_equal(['-0', 'A11', 2, 'xaaa', 4, 'foo', 'foo6', 'foo', [0, 1, 2], 'x8', [0, 1, 2], 1.5], uniq(copy(l))) call assert_equal([1.5, [0, 1, 2], 'x8', [0, 1, 2], 'foo', 'foo6', 'foo', 4, 'xaaa', 2, 2, 'A11', '-0'], reverse(l)) call assert_equal([1.5, [0, 1, 2], 'x8', [0, 1, 2], 'foo', 'foo6', 'foo', 4, 'xaaa', 2, 2, 'A11', '-0'], reverse(reverse(l))) call assert_equal(['-0', 'A11', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo6', 'x8', 'xaaa', 1.5, 2, 2, 4, [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]], sort(l)) call assert_equal([[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], 4, 2, 2, 1.5, 'xaaa', 'x8', 'foo6', 'foo', 'foo', 'A11', '-0'], reverse(sort(l))) call assert_equal(['-0', 'A11', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo6', 'x8', 'xaaa', 1.5, 2, 2, 4, [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]], sort(reverse(sort(l)))) call assert_equal(['-0', 'A11', 'foo', 'foo6', 'x8', 'xaaa', 1.5, 2, 4, [0, 1, 2]], uniq(sort(l))) let l=[7, 9, 'one', 18, 12, 22, 'two', 10.0e-16, -1, 'three', 0xff, 0.22, 'four'] call assert_equal([-1, 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 1.0e-15, 0.22, 7, 9, 12, 18, 22, 255], sort(copy(l), 'n')) let l=[7, 9, 18, 12, 22, 10.0e-16, -1, 0xff, 0, -0, 0.22, 'bar', 'BAR', 'Bar', 'Foo', 'FOO', 'foo', 'FOOBAR', {}, []] call assert_equal(['bar', 'BAR', 'Bar', 'Foo', 'FOO', 'foo', 'FOOBAR', -1, 0, 0, 0.22, 1.0e-15, 12, 18, 22, 255, 7, 9, [], {}], sort(copy(l), 1)) call assert_equal(['bar', 'BAR', 'Bar', 'Foo', 'FOO', 'foo', 'FOOBAR', -1, 0, 0, 0.22, 1.0e-15, 12, 18, 22, 255, 7, 9, [], {}], sort(copy(l), 'i')) call assert_equal(['BAR', 'Bar', 'FOO', 'FOOBAR', 'Foo', 'bar', 'foo', -1, 0, 0, 0.22, 1.0e-15, 12, 18, 22, 255, 7, 9, [], {}], sort(copy(l))) call assert_fails('call reverse("")', 'E899:') endfunc " splitting a string to a List func Test_str_split() call assert_equal(['aa', 'bb'], split(' aa bb ')) call assert_equal(['aa', 'bb'], split(' aa bb ', '\W\+', 0)) call assert_equal(['', 'aa', 'bb', ''], split(' aa bb ', '\W\+', 1)) call assert_equal(['', '', 'aa', '', 'bb', '', ''], split(' aa bb ', '\W', 1)) call assert_equal(['aa', '', 'bb'], split(':aa::bb:', ':', 0)) call assert_equal(['', 'aa', '', 'bb', ''], split(':aa::bb:', ':', 1)) call assert_equal(['aa', '', 'bb', 'cc', ''], split('aa,,bb, cc,', ',\s*', 1)) call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c'], split('abc', '\zs')) call assert_equal(['', 'a', '', 'b', '', 'c', ''], split('abc', '\zs', 1)) endfunc " compare recursively linked list and dict func Test_listdict_compare() let l = [1, 2, 3, 4] let d = {'1': 1, '2': l, '3': 3} let l[1] = d call assert_true(l == l) call assert_true(d == d) call assert_false(l != deepcopy(l)) call assert_false(d != deepcopy(d)) endfunc " compare complex recursively linked list and dict func Test_listdict_compare_complex() let l = [] call add(l, l) let dict4 = {"l": l} call add(dict4.l, dict4) let lcopy = deepcopy(l) let dict4copy = deepcopy(dict4) call assert_true(l == lcopy) call assert_true(dict4 == dict4copy) endfunc func Test_listdict_extend() " Test extend() with lists " Pass the same List to extend() let l = [1, 2, 3] call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], extend(l, l)) call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], l) let l = [1, 2, 3] call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], extend(l, [4, 5, 6])) call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], l) let l = [1, 2, 3] call extend(l, [4, 5, 6], 0) call assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3], l) let l = [1, 2, 3] call extend(l, [4, 5, 6], 1) call assert_equal([1, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3], l) let l = [1, 2, 3] call extend(l, [4, 5, 6], 3) call assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], l) let l = [1, 2, 3] call extend(l, [4, 5, 6], -1) call assert_equal([1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3], l) let l = [1, 2, 3] call extend(l, [4, 5, 6], -3) call assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3], l) let l = [1, 2, 3] call assert_fails("call extend(l, [4, 5, 6], 4)", 'E684:') call assert_fails("call extend(l, [4, 5, 6], -4)", 'E684:') call assert_fails("call extend(l, [4, 5, 6], 1.2)", 'E805:') " Test extend() with dictionaries. " Pass the same Dict to extend() let d = { 'a': {'b': 'B'}} call extend(d, d) call assert_equal({'a': {'b': 'B'}}, d) let d = {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'} call assert_equal({'a': 'A', 'b': 0, 'c': 'C'}, extend(d, {'b': 0, 'c':'C'})) call assert_equal({'a': 'A', 'b': 0, 'c': 'C'}, d) let d = {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'} call extend(d, {'a': 'A', 'b': 0, 'c': 'C'}, "force") call assert_equal({'a': 'A', 'b': 0, 'c': 'C'}, d) let d = {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'} call extend(d, {'b': 0, 'c':'C'}, "keep") call assert_equal({'a': 'A', 'b': 'B', 'c': 'C'}, d) let d = {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'} call assert_fails("call extend(d, {'b': 0, 'c':'C'}, 'error')", 'E737:') call assert_fails("call extend(d, {'b': 0, 'c':'C'}, 'xxx')", 'E475:') call assert_fails("call extend(d, {'b': 0, 'c':'C'}, 1.2)", 'E806:') call assert_equal({'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'}, d) call assert_fails("call extend([1, 2], 1)", 'E712:') call assert_fails("call extend([1, 2], {})", 'E712:') endfunc func s:check_scope_dict(x, fixed) func s:gen_cmd(cmd, x) return substitute(a:cmd, '\