" Test for insert completion source screendump.vim source check.vim " Test for insert expansion func Test_ins_complete() edit test_ins_complete.vim " The files in the current directory interferes with the files " used by this test. So use a separate directory for the test. call mkdir('Xdir') cd Xdir set ff=unix call writefile(["test11\t36Gepeto\t/Tag/", \ "asd\ttest11file\t36G", \ "Makefile\tto\trun"], 'Xtestfile') call writefile(['', 'start of testfile', \ 'ru', \ 'run1', \ 'run2', \ 'STARTTEST', \ 'ENDTEST', \ 'end of testfile'], 'Xtestdata') set ff& enew! edit Xtestdata new call append(0, ['#include "Xtestfile"', '']) call cursor(2, 1) set cot= set cpt=.,w " add-expands (word from next line) from other window exe "normal iru\\\\\\" call assert_equal('run1 run3', getline('.')) " add-expands (current buffer first) exe "normal o\\\" call assert_equal('run3 run3', getline('.')) " Local expansion, ends in an empty line (unless it becomes a global " expansion) exe "normal o\\\\\\" call assert_equal('', getline('.')) " starts Local and switches to global add-expansion exe "normal o\\\\\\\\\" call assert_equal('run1 run2', getline('.')) set cpt=.,w,i " i-add-expands and switches to local exe "normal OM\\\\\\\\\" call assert_equal("Makefile\tto\trun3", getline('.')) " add-expands lines (it would end in an empty line if it didn't ignored " itself) exe "normal o\\\\\\" call assert_equal("Makefile\tto\trun3", getline('.')) call assert_equal("Makefile\tto\trun3", getline(line('.') - 1)) set cpt=kXtestfile " checks k-expansion, and file expansion (use Xtest11 instead of test11, " because TEST11.OUT may match first on DOS) write Xtest11.one write Xtest11.two exe "normal o\\IX\A\\\" call assert_equal('Xtest11.two', getline('.')) " use CTRL-X CTRL-F to complete Xtest11.one, remove it and then use CTRL-X " CTRL-F again to verify this doesn't cause trouble. exe "normal oXt\\\\\\\\\\\\" call assert_equal('Xtest11.one', getline('.')) normal ddk set cpt=w " checks make_cyclic in other window exe "normal oST\\\\\" call assert_equal('STARTTEST', getline('.')) set cpt=u nohid " checks unloaded buffer expansion only exe "normal oEN\" call assert_equal('ENDTEST', getline('.')) " checks adding mode abortion exe "normal ounl\\\\" call assert_equal('unless', getline('.')) set cpt=t,d def=^\\k* tags=Xtestfile notagbsearch " tag expansion, define add-expansion interrupted exe "normal o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" call assert_equal('test11file 36Gepeto /Tag/ asd', getline('.')) " t-expansion exe "normal oa\\" call assert_equal('asd', getline('.')) %bw! call delete('Xtestfile') call delete('Xtest11.one') call delete('Xtest11.two') call delete('Xtestdata') set cpt& cot& def& tags& tagbsearch& hidden& cd .. call delete('Xdir', 'rf') endfunc func Test_omni_dash() func Omni(findstart, base) if a:findstart return 5 else echom a:base return ['-help', '-v'] endif endfunc set omnifunc=Omni new exe "normal Gofind -\\" call assert_equal("find -help", getline('$')) bwipe! delfunc Omni set omnifunc= endfunc func Test_completefunc_args() let s:args = [] func! CompleteFunc(findstart, base) let s:args += [[a:findstart, empty(a:base)]] endfunc new set completefunc=CompleteFunc call feedkeys("i\\\", 'x') call assert_equal([1, 1], s:args[0]) call assert_equal(0, s:args[1][0]) set completefunc= let s:args = [] set omnifunc=CompleteFunc call feedkeys("i\\\", 'x') call assert_equal([1, 1], s:args[0]) call assert_equal(0, s:args[1][0]) set omnifunc= bwipe! unlet s:args delfunc CompleteFunc endfunc func s:CompleteDone_CompleteFuncNone( findstart, base ) if a:findstart return 0 endif return v:none endfunc func s:CompleteDone_CompleteFuncDict( findstart, base ) if a:findstart return 0 endif return { \ 'words': [ \ { \ 'word': 'aword', \ 'abbr': 'wrd', \ 'menu': 'extra text', \ 'info': 'words are cool', \ 'kind': 'W', \ 'user_data': 'test' \ } \ ] \ } endfunc func s:CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemNone() let s:called_completedone = 1 endfunc func s:CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDict(pre) call assert_equal( 'aword', v:completed_item[ 'word' ] ) call assert_equal( 'wrd', v:completed_item[ 'abbr' ] ) call assert_equal( 'extra text', v:completed_item[ 'menu' ] ) call assert_equal( 'words are cool', v:completed_item[ 'info' ] ) call assert_equal( 'W', v:completed_item[ 'kind' ] ) call assert_equal( 'test', v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ] ) if a:pre call assert_equal('function', complete_info().mode) endif let s:called_completedone = 1 endfunc func Test_CompleteDoneNone() au CompleteDone * :call CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemNone() let oldline = join(map(range(&columns), 'nr2char(screenchar(&lines-1, v:val+1))'), '') set completefunc=CompleteDone_CompleteFuncNone execute "normal a\\\" set completefunc& let newline = join(map(range(&columns), 'nr2char(screenchar(&lines-1, v:val+1))'), '') call assert_true(s:called_completedone) call assert_equal(oldline, newline) let s:called_completedone = 0 au! CompleteDone endfunc func Test_CompleteDoneDict() au CompleteDonePre * :call CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDict(1) au CompleteDone * :call CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDict(0) set completefunc=CompleteDone_CompleteFuncDict execute "normal a\\\" set completefunc& call assert_equal('test', v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ]) call assert_true(s:called_completedone) let s:called_completedone = 0 au! CompleteDone endfunc func s:CompleteDone_CompleteFuncDictNoUserData(findstart, base) if a:findstart return 0 endif return { \ 'words': [ \ { \ 'word': 'aword', \ 'abbr': 'wrd', \ 'menu': 'extra text', \ 'info': 'words are cool', \ 'kind': 'W', \ 'user_data': ['one', 'two'], \ } \ ] \ } endfunc func s:CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDictNoUserData() call assert_equal( 'aword', v:completed_item[ 'word' ] ) call assert_equal( 'wrd', v:completed_item[ 'abbr' ] ) call assert_equal( 'extra text', v:completed_item[ 'menu' ] ) call assert_equal( 'words are cool', v:completed_item[ 'info' ] ) call assert_equal( 'W', v:completed_item[ 'kind' ] ) call assert_equal( ['one', 'two'], v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ] ) let s:called_completedone = 1 endfunc func Test_CompleteDoneDictNoUserData() au CompleteDone * :call CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemDictNoUserData() set completefunc=CompleteDone_CompleteFuncDictNoUserData execute "normal a\\\" set completefunc& call assert_equal(['one', 'two'], v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ]) call assert_true(s:called_completedone) let s:called_completedone = 0 au! CompleteDone endfunc func s:CompleteDone_CompleteFuncList(findstart, base) if a:findstart return 0 endif return [ 'aword' ] endfunc func s:CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemList() call assert_equal( 'aword', v:completed_item[ 'word' ] ) call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'abbr' ] ) call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'menu' ] ) call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'info' ] ) call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'kind' ] ) call assert_equal( '', v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ] ) let s:called_completedone = 1 endfunc func Test_CompleteDoneList() au CompleteDone * :call CompleteDone_CheckCompletedItemList() set completefunc=CompleteDone_CompleteFuncList execute "normal a\\\" set completefunc& call assert_equal('', v:completed_item[ 'user_data' ]) call assert_true(s:called_completedone) let s:called_completedone = 0 au! CompleteDone endfunc func Test_CompleteDone_undo() au CompleteDone * call append(0, "prepend1") new call setline(1, ["line1", "line2"]) call feedkeys("Go\\\\", "tx") call assert_equal(["prepend1", "line1", "line2", "line1", ""], \ getline(1, '$')) undo call assert_equal(["line1", "line2"], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! au! CompleteDone endfunc func CompleteTest(findstart, query) if a:findstart return col('.') endif return ['matched'] endfunc func Test_completefunc_info() new set completeopt=menuone set completefunc=CompleteTest call feedkeys("i\\\\=string(complete_info())\\", "tx") call assert_equal("matched{'pum_visible': 1, 'mode': 'function', 'selected': 0, 'items': [{'word': 'matched', 'menu': '', 'user_data': '', 'info': '', 'kind': '', 'abbr': ''}]}", getline(1)) bwipe! set completeopt& set completefunc& endfunc " Check that when using feedkeys() typeahead does not interrupt searching for " completions. func Test_compl_feedkeys() new set completeopt=menuone,noselect call feedkeys("ajump ju\\\\", "tx") call assert_equal("jump jump", getline(1)) bwipe! set completeopt& endfunc func Test_compl_in_cmdwin() CheckFeature cmdwin set wildmenu wildchar= com! -nargs=1 -complete=command GetInput let input = com! -buffer TestCommand echo 'TestCommand' let w:test_winvar = 'winvar' let b:test_bufvar = 'bufvar' " User-defined commands let input = '' call feedkeys("q:iGetInput T\\\", 'tx!') call assert_equal('TestCommand', input) let input = '' call feedkeys("q::GetInput T\\:q\", 'tx!') call assert_equal('T', input) com! -nargs=1 -complete=var GetInput let input = " Window-local variables let input = '' call feedkeys("q:iGetInput w:test_\\\", 'tx!') call assert_equal('w:test_winvar', input) let input = '' call feedkeys("q::GetInput w:test_\\:q\", 'tx!') call assert_equal('w:test_', input) " Buffer-local variables let input = '' call feedkeys("q:iGetInput b:test_\\\", 'tx!') call assert_equal('b:test_bufvar', input) let input = '' call feedkeys("q::GetInput b:test_\\:q\", 'tx!') call assert_equal('b:test_', input) delcom TestCommand delcom GetInput unlet w:test_winvar unlet b:test_bufvar set wildmenu& wildchar& endfunc " Test for insert path completion with completeslash option func Test_ins_completeslash() CheckMSWindows call mkdir('Xdir') let orig_shellslash = &shellslash set cpt& new set noshellslash set completeslash= exe "normal oXd\\" call assert_equal('Xdir\', getline('.')) set completeslash=backslash exe "normal oXd\\" call assert_equal('Xdir\', getline('.')) set completeslash=slash exe "normal oXd\\" call assert_equal('Xdir/', getline('.')) set shellslash set completeslash= exe "normal oXd\\" call assert_equal('Xdir/', getline('.')) set completeslash=backslash exe "normal oXd\\" call assert_equal('Xdir\', getline('.')) set completeslash=slash exe "normal oXd\\" call assert_equal('Xdir/', getline('.')) %bw! call delete('Xdir', 'rf') set noshellslash set completeslash=slash call assert_true(stridx(globpath(&rtp, 'syntax/*.vim', 1, 1)[0], '\') != -1) let &shellslash = orig_shellslash set completeslash= endfunc func Test_pum_stopped_by_timer() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END call setline(1, ['hello', 'hullo', 'heeee', '']) func StartCompl() call timer_start(100, { -> execute('stopinsert') }) call feedkeys("Gah\") endfunc END call writefile(lines, 'Xpumscript') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xpumscript', #{rows: 12}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call StartCompl()\") call TermWait(buf, 200) call term_sendkeys(buf, "k") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_pum_stopped_by_timer', {}) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xpumscript') endfunc func Test_pum_with_folds_two_tabs() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END set fdm=marker call setline(1, ['" x {{{1', '" a some text']) call setline(3, range(&lines)->map({_, val -> '" a' .. val})) norm! zm tab sp call feedkeys('2Gzv', 'xt') call feedkeys("0fa", 'xt') END call writefile(lines, 'Xpumscript') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xpumscript', #{rows: 10}) call TermWait(buf, 50) call term_sendkeys(buf, "a\") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_pum_with_folds_two_tabs', {}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "\") call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xpumscript') endfunc func Test_pum_with_preview_win() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END funct Omni_test(findstart, base) if a:findstart return col(".") - 1 endif return [#{word: "one", info: "1info"}, #{word: "two", info: "2info"}, #{word: "three", info: "3info"}] endfunc set omnifunc=Omni_test set completeopt+=longest END call writefile(lines, 'Xpreviewscript') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xpreviewscript', #{rows: 12}) call TermWait(buf, 50) call term_sendkeys(buf, "Gi\\") call TermWait(buf, 100) call term_sendkeys(buf, "\") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_pum_with_preview_win', {}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "\") call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call delete('Xpreviewscript') endfunc " Test for inserting the tag search pattern in insert mode func Test_ins_compl_tag_sft() call writefile([ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//", \ "first\tXfoo\t/^int first() {}$/", \ "second\tXfoo\t/^int second() {}$/", \ "third\tXfoo\t/^int third() {}$/"], \ 'Xtags') set tags=Xtags let code =<< trim [CODE] int first() {} int second() {} int third() {} [CODE] call writefile(code, 'Xfoo') enew set showfulltag exe "normal isec\\\\" call assert_equal('int second() {}', getline(1)) set noshowfulltag call delete('Xtags') call delete('Xfoo') set tags& %bwipe! endfunc " Test for 'completefunc' deleting text func Test_completefunc_error() new " delete text when called for the first time func CompleteFunc(findstart, base) if a:findstart == 1 normal dd return col('.') - 1 endif return ['a', 'b'] endfunc set completefunc=CompleteFunc call setline(1, ['', 'abcd', '']) call assert_fails('exe "normal 2G$a\\"', 'E578:') " delete text when called for the second time func CompleteFunc2(findstart, base) if a:findstart == 1 return col('.') - 1 endif normal dd return ['a', 'b'] endfunc set completefunc=CompleteFunc2 call setline(1, ['', 'abcd', '']) call assert_fails('exe "normal 2G$a\\"', 'E578:') " Jump to a different window from the complete function func CompleteFunc3(findstart, base) if a:findstart == 1 return col('.') - 1 endif wincmd p return ['a', 'b'] endfunc set completefunc=CompleteFunc3 new call assert_fails('exe "normal a\\"', 'E565:') close! set completefunc& delfunc CompleteFunc delfunc CompleteFunc2 delfunc CompleteFunc3 close! endfunc " Test for returning non-string values from 'completefunc' func Test_completefunc_invalid_data() new func! CompleteFunc(findstart, base) if a:findstart == 1 return col('.') - 1 endif return [{}, '', 'moon'] endfunc set completefunc=CompleteFunc exe "normal i\\" call assert_equal('moon', getline(1)) set completefunc& close! endfunc " Test for errors in using complete() function func Test_complete_func_error() call assert_fails('call complete(1, ["a"])', 'E785:') func ListColors() call complete(col('.'), "blue") endfunc call assert_fails('exe "normal i\=ListColors()\"', 'E474:') func ListMonths() call complete(col('.'), test_null_list()) endfunc call assert_fails('exe "normal i\=ListMonths()\"', 'E474:') delfunc ListColors delfunc ListMonths call assert_fails('call complete_info({})', 'E714:') call assert_equal([], complete_info(['items']).items) endfunc " Test for completing words following a completed word in a line func Test_complete_wrapscan() " complete words from another buffer new call setline(1, ['one two', 'three four']) new setlocal complete=w call feedkeys("itw\\\\\\\", 'xt') call assert_equal('two three four', getline(1)) close! " complete words from the current buffer setlocal complete=. %d call setline(1, ['one two', '']) call cursor(2, 1) call feedkeys("ion\\\\\\\", 'xt') call assert_equal('one two one two', getline(2)) close! endfunc " Test for completing special characters func Test_complete_special_chars() new call setline(1, 'int .*[-\^$ func float') call feedkeys("oin\\\\\\", 'xt') call assert_equal('int .*[-\^$ func float', getline(2)) close! endfunc " Test for completion when text is wrapped across lines. func Test_complete_across_line() new call setline(1, ['red green blue', 'one two three']) setlocal textwidth=20 exe "normal 2G$a re\\\\\\\\" call assert_equal(['one two three red', 'green blue one'], getline(2, '$')) close! endfunc " Test for using CTRL-L to add one character when completing matching func Test_complete_add_onechar() new call setline(1, ['wool', 'woodwork']) call feedkeys("Gowoo\\\\f", 'xt') call assert_equal('woof', getline(3)) " use 'ignorecase' and backspace to erase characters from the prefix string " and then add letters using CTRL-L %d set ignorecase backspace=2 setlocal complete=. call setline(1, ['workhorse', 'workload']) normal Go exe "normal aWOR\\\\\\\\r\\" call assert_equal('workh', getline(3)) set ignorecase& backspace& close! endfunc " Test insert completion with 'cindent' (adjust the indent) func Test_complete_with_cindent() new setlocal cindent call setline(1, ['if (i == 1)', " j = 2;"]) exe "normal Go{\i\\\\\}" call assert_equal(['{', "\tif (i == 1)", "\t\tj = 2;", '}'], getline(3, '$')) %d call setline(1, ['when while', '{', '']) setlocal cinkeys+==while exe "normal Giwh\ " call assert_equal("\twhile ", getline('$')) close! endfunc " Test for completion. Complete commands and functions func Test_complete_cmdline() new exe "normal icaddb\\" call assert_equal('caddbuffer', getline(1)) exe "normal ocall getqf\\" call assert_equal('call getqflist(', getline(2)) exe "normal oabcxyz(\\" call assert_equal('abcxyz(', getline(3)) close! endfunc func Test_issue_7021() CheckMSWindows let orig_shellslash = &shellslash set noshellslash set completeslash=slash call assert_false(expand('~') =~ '/') let &shellslash = orig_shellslash set completeslash= endfunc " Test to ensure 'Scanning...' messages are not recorded in messages history func Test_z1_complete_no_history() new messages clear let currmess = execute('messages') setlocal dictionary=README.txt exe "normal owh\\" exe "normal owh\" call assert_equal(currmess, execute('messages')) close! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab