" Test commands that jump somewhere. " Create a new buffer using "lines" and place the cursor on the word after the " first occurrence of return and invoke "cmd". The cursor should now be " positioned at the given line and col. func XTest_goto_decl(cmd, lines, line, col) new call setline(1, a:lines) /return/ normal! W execute 'norm! ' . a:cmd call assert_equal(a:line, line('.')) call assert_equal(a:col, col('.')) quit! endfunc func Test_gD() let lines = [ \ 'int x;', \ '', \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 1, 5) endfunc func Test_gD_too() let lines = [ \ 'Filename x;', \ '', \ 'int Filename', \ 'int func() {', \ ' Filename x;', \ ' return x;', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 1, 10) endfunc func Test_gD_comment() let lines = [ \ '/* int x; */', \ 'int x;', \ '', \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5) endfunc func Test_gD_inline_comment() let lines = [ \ 'int y /* , x */;', \ 'int x;', \ '', \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5) endfunc func Test_gD_string() let lines = [ \ 'char *s[] = "x";', \ 'int x = 1;', \ '', \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5) endfunc func Test_gD_string_same_line() let lines = [ \ 'char *s[] = "x", int x = 1;', \ '', \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 1, 22) endfunc func Test_gD_char() let lines = [ \ "char c = 'x';", \ 'int x = 1;', \ '', \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5) endfunc func Test_gd() let lines = [ \ 'int x;', \ '', \ 'int func(int x)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 14) endfunc func Test_gd_not_local() let lines = [ \ 'int func1(void)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ '', \ 'int func2(int x)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 10) endfunc func Test_gd_kr_style() let lines = [ \ 'int func(x)', \ ' int x;', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 2, 7) endfunc func Test_gd_missing_braces() let lines = [ \ 'def func1(a)', \ ' a + 1', \ 'end', \ '', \ 'a = 1', \ '', \ 'def func2()', \ ' return a', \ 'end', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 11) endfunc func Test_gd_comment() let lines = [ \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' /* int x; */', \ ' int x;', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 4, 7) endfunc func Test_gd_comment_in_string() let lines = [ \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' char *s ="//"; int x;', \ ' int x;', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 22) endfunc func Test_gd_string_in_comment() set comments= let lines = [ \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' /* " */ int x;', \ ' int x;', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 15) set comments& endfunc func Test_gd_inline_comment() let lines = [ \ 'int func(/* x is an int */ int x)', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 32) endfunc func Test_gd_inline_comment_only() let lines = [ \ 'int func(void) /* one lonely x */', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 10) endfunc func Test_gd_inline_comment_body() let lines = [ \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' int y /* , x */;', \ '', \ ' for (/* int x = 0 */; y < 2; y++);', \ '', \ ' int x = 0;', \ '', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 7, 7) endfunc func Test_gd_trailing_multiline_comment() let lines = [ \ 'int func(int x) /* x is an int */', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 14) endfunc func Test_gd_trailing_comment() let lines = [ \ 'int func(int x) // x is an int', \ '{', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 14) endfunc func Test_gd_string() let lines = [ \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' char *s = "x";', \ ' int x = 1;', \ '', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 4, 7) endfunc func Test_gd_string_only() let lines = [ \ 'int func(void)', \ '{', \ ' char *s = "x";', \ '', \ ' return x;', \ '}', \ ] call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 5, 10) endfunc