" Test for folding source view_util.vim func PrepIndent(arg) return [a:arg] + repeat(["\t".a:arg], 5) endfu func Test_address_fold() new call setline(1, ['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '}/*}}}*/', \ 'after fold 1', 'after fold 2', 'after fold 3']) setl fen fdm=marker " The next commands should all copy the same part of the buffer, " regardless of the addressing type, since the part to be copied " is folded away :1y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.+y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :sil .1,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) " use silent to make E493 go away :sil .+,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,+y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/','after fold 1'], getreg(0,1,1)) " using .+3 as second address should copy the whole folded line + the next 3 " lines :.,+3y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/', \ 'after fold 1', 'after fold 2', 'after fold 3'], getreg(0,1,1)) :sil .,-2y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) " now test again with folding disabled set nofoldenable :1y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.+y call assert_equal(['1'], getreg(0,1,1)) :.,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) " use silent to make E493 go away :sil .1,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1'], getreg(0,1,1)) " use silent to make E493 go away :sil .+,.y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) :,+y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1'], getreg(0,1,1)) " using .+3 as second address should copy the whole folded line + the next 3 " lines :.,+3y call assert_equal(['int FuncName() {/*{{{*/', '1', '2', '3'], getreg(0,1,1)) :7 :sil .,-2y call assert_equal(['4', '5', '}/*}}}*/'], getreg(0,1,1)) quit! endfunc func Test_indent_fold() new call setline(1, ['', 'a', ' b', ' c']) setl fen fdm=indent 2 norm! >> let a=map(range(1,4), 'foldclosed(v:val)') call assert_equal([-1,-1,-1,-1], a) bw! endfunc func Test_indent_fold2() new call setline(1, ['', '{{{', '}}}', '{{{', '}}}']) setl fen fdm=marker 2 norm! >> let a=map(range(1,5), 'foldclosed(v:val)') call assert_equal([-1,-1,-1,4,4], a) bw! endfunc func Test_manual_fold_with_filter() if !executable('cat') return endif for type in ['manual', 'marker'] exe 'set foldmethod=' . type new call setline(1, range(1, 20)) 4,$fold %foldopen 10,$fold %foldopen " This filter command should not have an effect 1,8! cat call feedkeys('5ggzdzMGdd', 'xt') call assert_equal(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! set foldmethod& endfor endfunc func Test_indent_fold_with_read() new set foldmethod=indent call setline(1, repeat(["\a"], 4)) for n in range(1, 4) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(n)) endfor call writefile(["a", "", "\a"], 'Xfile') foldopen 2read Xfile %foldclose call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(1)) call assert_equal(2, foldclosedend(1)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(3)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(4)) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(5)) call assert_equal(7, foldclosedend(5)) bwipe! set foldmethod& call delete('Xfile') endfunc func Test_combining_folds_indent() new let one = "\a" let zero = 'a' call setline(1, [one, one, zero, zero, zero, one, one, one]) set foldmethod=indent 3,5d %foldclose call assert_equal(5, foldclosedend(1)) set foldmethod& bwipe! endfunc func Test_combining_folds_marker() new call setline(1, ['{{{', '}}}', '', '', '', '{{{', '', '}}}']) set foldmethod=marker 3,5d %foldclose call assert_equal(2, foldclosedend(1)) set foldmethod& bwipe! endfunc func Test_folds_marker_in_comment() new call setline(1, ['" foo', 'bar', 'baz']) setl fen fdm=marker setl com=sO:\"\ -,mO:\"\ \ ,eO:\"\",:\" cms=\"%s norm! zf2j setl nofen :1y call assert_equal(['" foo{{{'], getreg(0,1,1)) :+2y call assert_equal(['baz"}}}'], getreg(0,1,1)) set foldmethod& bwipe! endfunc func s:TestFoldExpr(lnum) let thisline = getline(a:lnum) if thisline == 'a' return 1 elseif thisline == 'b' return 0 elseif thisline == 'c' return '<1' elseif thisline == 'd' return '>1' endif return 0 endfunction func Test_update_folds_expr_read() new call setline(1, ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a']) set foldmethod=expr set foldexpr=s:TestFoldExpr(v:lnum) 2 foldopen call writefile(['b', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'a', 'c'], 'Xfile') read Xfile %foldclose call assert_equal(2, foldclosedend(1)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(3)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(4)) call assert_equal(6, foldclosedend(5)) call assert_equal(10, foldclosedend(7)) call assert_equal(14, foldclosedend(11)) call delete('Xfile') bwipe! set foldmethod& foldexpr& endfunc func Check_foldlevels(expected) call assert_equal(a:expected, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldlevel(v:val)')) endfunc func Test_move_folds_around_manual() new let input = PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c") call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c")) let folds=[-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14] " all folds closed set foldenable foldlevel=0 fdm=indent " needs a forced redraw redraw! set fdm=manual call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) call assert_equal(input, getline(1, '$')) 7,12m0 call assert_equal(PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) 10,12m0 call assert_equal(PrepIndent("a")[1:] + PrepIndent("b") + ["a"] + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, -1, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) " moving should not close the folds %d call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c")) set fdm=indent redraw! set fdm=manual call cursor(2, 1) %foldopen 7,12m0 let folds=repeat([-1], 18) call assert_equal(PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) norm! zM " folds are not corrupted and all have been closed call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) %d call setline(1, ["a", "\tb", "\tc", "\td", "\te"]) set fdm=indent redraw! set fdm=manual %foldopen 3m4 %foldclose call assert_equal(["a", "\tb", "\td", "\tc", "\te"], getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal([-1, 5, 5, 5, 5], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosedend(v:val)')) %d call setline(1, ["a", "\tb", "\tc", "\td", "\te", "z", "\ty", "\tx", "\tw", "\tv"]) set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 set fdm=manual %foldopen 3m1 %foldclose call assert_equal(["a", "\tc", "\tb", "\td", "\te", "z", "\ty", "\tx", "\tw", "\tv"], getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(2)) call assert_equal(5, foldclosedend(3)) call assert_equal([-1, -1, 3, 3, 3, -1, 7, 7, 7, 7], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) 2,6m$ %foldclose call assert_equal(5, foldclosedend(2)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(6)) call assert_equal(9, foldclosedend(7)) call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 7, 7, 7, -1], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) %d " Ensure moving around the edges still works. call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + repeat(["a"], 3) + ["\ta"]) set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 set fdm=manual %foldopen 6m$ " The first fold has been truncated to the 5'th line. " Second fold has been moved up because the moved line is now below it. call Check_foldlevels([0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) %delete set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 call setline(1, [ \ "a", \ "\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "a", \ "a"]) set fdm=manual %foldopen! 4,5m6 call Check_foldlevels([0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0]) %delete set fdm=indent call setline(1, [ \ "\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\t\ta", \ "\ta", \ "a"]) set fdm=manual %foldopen! 13m7 call Check_foldlevels([1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0]) bw! endfunc func Test_move_folds_around_indent() new let input = PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c") call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c")) let folds=[-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14] " all folds closed set fdm=indent call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) call assert_equal(input, getline(1, '$')) 7,12m0 call assert_equal(PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) 10,12m0 call assert_equal(PrepIndent("a")[1:] + PrepIndent("b") + ["a"] + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, -1, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) " moving should not close the folds %d call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("c")) set fdm=indent call cursor(2, 1) %foldopen 7,12m0 let folds=repeat([-1], 18) call assert_equal(PrepIndent("b") + PrepIndent("a") + PrepIndent("c"), getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(folds, map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) norm! zM " folds are not corrupted and all have been closed call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) %d call setline(1, ["a", "\tb", "\tc", "\td", "\te"]) set fdm=indent %foldopen 3m4 %foldclose call assert_equal(["a", "\tb", "\td", "\tc", "\te"], getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal([-1, 5, 5, 5, 5], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosedend(v:val)')) %d call setline(1, ["a", "\tb", "\tc", "\td", "\te", "z", "\ty", "\tx", "\tw", "\tv"]) set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 %foldopen 3m1 %foldclose call assert_equal(["a", "\tc", "\tb", "\td", "\te", "z", "\ty", "\tx", "\tw", "\tv"], getline(1, '$')) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(2)) call assert_equal(5, foldclosedend(3)) call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1, 7, 7, 7, 7], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) 2,6m$ %foldclose call assert_equal(9, foldclosedend(2)) call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(6)) call assert_equal(9, foldclosedend(7)) call assert_equal([-1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -1], map(range(1, line('$')), 'foldclosed(v:val)')) " Ensure moving around the edges still works. %d call setline(1, PrepIndent("a") + repeat(["a"], 3) + ["\ta"]) set fdm=indent foldlevel=0 %foldopen 6m$ " The first fold has been truncated to the 5'th line. " Second fold has been moved up because the moved line is now below it. call Check_foldlevels([0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) bw! endfunc func Test_folddoopen_folddoclosed() new call setline(1, range(1, 9)) set foldmethod=manual 1,3 fold 6,8 fold " Test without range. folddoopen s/$/o/ folddoclosed s/$/c/ call assert_equal(['1c', '2c', '3c', \ '4o', '5o', \ '6c', '7c', '8c', \ '9o'], getline(1, '$')) " Test with range. call setline(1, range(1, 9)) 1,8 folddoopen s/$/o/ 4,$ folddoclosed s/$/c/ call assert_equal(['1', '2', '3', \ '4o', '5o', \ '6c', '7c', '8c', \ '9'], getline(1, '$')) set foldmethod& bw! endfunc func Test_fold_error() new call setline(1, [1, 2]) for fm in ['indent', 'expr', 'syntax', 'diff'] exe 'set foldmethod=' . fm call assert_fails('norm zf', 'E350:') call assert_fails('norm zd', 'E351:') call assert_fails('norm zE', 'E352:') endfor set foldmethod=manual call assert_fails('norm zd', 'E490:') call assert_fails('norm zo', 'E490:') call assert_fails('3fold', 'E16:') set foldmethod=marker set nomodifiable call assert_fails('1,2fold', 'E21:') set modifiable& set foldmethod& bw! endfunc func Test_foldtext_recursive() new call setline(1, ['{{{', 'some text', '}}}']) setlocal foldenable foldmethod=marker foldtext=foldtextresult(v\:foldstart) " This was crashing because of endless recursion. 2foldclose redraw call assert_equal(1, foldlevel(2)) call assert_equal(1, foldclosed(2)) call assert_equal(3, foldclosedend(2)) bwipe! endfunc " Various fold related tests " Basic test if a fold can be created, opened, moving to the end and closed func Test_fold_manual() enew! set fdm=manual let content = ['1 aa', '2 bb', '3 cc'] call append(0, content) call cursor(1, 1) normal zf2j call assert_equal('1 aa', getline(foldclosed('.'))) normal zo call assert_equal(-1, foldclosed('.')) normal ]z call assert_equal('3 cc', getline('.')) normal zc call assert_equal('1 aa', getline(foldclosed('.'))) set fdm& enew! endfunc " test folding with markers. func Test_fold_marker() enew! set fdm=marker fdl=1 fdc=3 let content = ['4 dd {{{', '5 ee {{{ }}}', '6 ff }}}'] call append(0, content) call cursor(2, 1) call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) normal [z call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) exe "normal jo{{ \r{jj" call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) normal kYpj call assert_equal(0, foldlevel('.')) set fdm& fdl& fdc& enew! endfunc " test folding with indent func Test_fold_indent() enew! set fdm=indent sw=2 let content = ['1 aa', '2 bb', '3 cc'] call append(0, content) call cursor(2, 1) exe "normal i \jI " call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) normal k call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) set fdm& sw& enew! endfunc " test syntax folding func Test_fold_syntax() if !has('syntax') return endif enew! set fdm=syntax fdl=0 syn region Hup start="dd" end="ii" fold contains=Fd1,Fd2,Fd3 syn region Fd1 start="ee" end="ff" fold contained syn region Fd2 start="gg" end="hh" fold contained syn region Fd3 start="commentstart" end="commentend" fold contained let content = ['3 cc', '4 dd {{{', '5 ee {{{ }}}', '{{{{', '6 ff }}}', \ '6 ff }}}', '7 gg', '8 hh', '9 ii'] call append(0, content) normal Gzk call assert_equal('9 ii', getline('.')) normal k call assert_equal('3 cc', getline('.')) exe "normal jAcommentstart \Acommentend" set fdl=1 normal 3j call assert_equal('7 gg', getline('.')) set fdl=0 exe "normal zO\j" call assert_equal('8 hh', getline('.')) syn clear Fd1 Fd2 Fd3 Hup set fdm& fdl& enew! endfunc func Flvl() let l = getline(v:lnum) if l =~ "bb$" return 2 elseif l =~ "gg$" return "s1" elseif l =~ "ii$" return ">2" elseif l =~ "kk$" return "0" endif return "=" endfun " test expression folding func Test_fold_expr() enew! set fdm=expr fde=Flvl() let content = ['1 aa', \ '2 bb', \ '3 cc', \ '4 dd {{{commentstart commentend', \ '5 ee {{{ }}}', \ '{{{', \ '6 ff }}}', \ '6 ff }}}', \ ' 7 gg', \ ' 8 hh', \ '9 ii', \ 'a jj', \ 'b kk'] call append(0, content) call cursor(1, 1) exe "normal /bb$\" call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) exe "normal /hh$\" call assert_equal(1, foldlevel('.')) exe "normal /ii$\" call assert_equal(2, foldlevel('.')) exe "normal /kk$\" call assert_equal(0, foldlevel('.')) set fdm& fde& enew! endfunc " Bug with fdm=indent and moving folds " Moving a fold a few times, messes up the folds below the moved fold. " Fixed by 7.4.700 func Test_fold_move() enew! set fdm=indent sw=2 fdl=0 let content = ['', '', 'Line1', ' Line2', ' Line3', \ 'Line4', ' Line5', ' Line6', \ 'Line7', ' Line8', ' Line9'] call append(0, content) normal zM call cursor(4, 1) move 2 move 1 call assert_equal(7, foldclosed(7)) call assert_equal(8, foldclosedend(7)) call assert_equal(0, foldlevel(9)) call assert_equal(10, foldclosed(10)) call assert_equal(11, foldclosedend(10)) call assert_equal('+-- 2 lines: Line2', foldtextresult(2)) call assert_equal('+-- 2 lines: Line8', foldtextresult(10)) set fdm& sw& fdl& enew! endfunc " test for patch 7.3.637 " Cannot catch the error caused by a foldopen when there is no fold. func Test_foldopen_exception() enew! let a = 'No error caught' try foldopen catch let a = matchstr(v:exception,'^[^ ]*') endtry call assert_equal('Vim(foldopen):E490:', a) let a = 'No error caught' try foobar catch let a = matchstr(v:exception,'^[^ ]*') endtry call assert_match('E492:', a) endfunc func Test_fold_last_line_with_pagedown() enew! set fdm=manual let expect = '+-- 11 lines: 9---' let content = range(1,19) call append(0, content) normal dd9G normal zfG normal zt call assert_equal('9', getline(foldclosed('.'))) call assert_equal('19', getline(foldclosedend('.'))) call assert_equal(expect, ScreenLines(1, len(expect))[0]) call feedkeys("\", 'xt') call assert_equal(expect, ScreenLines(1, len(expect))[0]) call feedkeys("\", 'xt') call assert_equal(expect, ScreenLines(1, len(expect))[0]) call feedkeys("\\\", 'xt') call assert_equal(expect, ScreenLines(1, len(expect))[0]) set fdm& enew! endfunc