" Test for 'fileformat' " Test behavior of fileformat after bwipeout of last buffer func Test_fileformat_after_bw() bwipeout set fileformat& if &fileformat == 'dos' let test_fileformats = 'unix' elseif &fileformat == 'unix' let test_fileformats = 'mac' else " must be mac let test_fileformats = 'dos' endif exec 'set fileformats='.test_fileformats bwipeout! call assert_equal(test_fileformats, &fileformat) set fileformats& endfunc func Test_fileformat_autocommand() let filecnt = ["", "foobar\", "eins\", "\", "zwei\", "drei", "vier", "fünf", ""] let ffs = &ffs call writefile(filecnt, 'Xfile', 'b') au BufReadPre Xfile set ffs=dos ff=dos new Xfile call assert_equal('dos', &l:ff) call assert_equal('dos', &ffs) " cleanup call delete('Xfile') let &ffs = ffs au! BufReadPre Xfile bw! endfunc " Convert the contents of a file into a literal string func s:file2str(fname) let b = readfile(a:fname, 'B') let s = '' for c in b let s .= nr2char(c) endfor return s endfunc " Concatenate the contents of files 'f1' and 'f2' and create 'destfile' func s:concat_files(f1, f2, destfile) let b1 = readfile(a:f1, 'B') let b2 = readfile(a:f2, 'B') let b3 = b1 + b2 call writefile(b3, a:destfile, 'B') endfun " Test for a lot of variations of the 'fileformats' option func Test_fileformats() " create three test files, one in each format call writefile(['unix', 'unix'], 'XXUnix') call writefile(["dos\r", "dos\r"], 'XXDos') call writefile(["mac\rmac\r"], 'XXMac', 'b') " create a file with no End Of Line call writefile(["noeol"], 'XXEol', 'b') " create mixed format files call s:concat_files('XXUnix', 'XXDos', 'XXUxDs') call s:concat_files('XXUnix', 'XXMac', 'XXUxMac') call s:concat_files('XXDos', 'XXMac', 'XXDosMac') call s:concat_files('XXMac', 'XXEol', 'XXMacEol') call s:concat_files('XXUxDs', 'XXMac', 'XXUxDsMc') new " Test 1: try reading and writing with 'fileformats' empty set fileformats= " try with 'fileformat' set to 'unix' set fileformat=unix e! XXUnix w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) e! XXDos w! Xtest call assert_equal("dos\r\ndos\r\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) e! XXMac w! Xtest call assert_equal("mac\rmac\r\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUnix XXDos XXMac " try with 'fileformat' set to 'dos' set fileformat=dos e! XXUnix w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\r\nunix\r\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) e! XXDos w! Xtest call assert_equal("dos\r\ndos\r\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) e! XXMac w! Xtest call assert_equal("mac\rmac\r\r\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUnix XXDos XXMac " try with 'fileformat' set to 'mac' set fileformat=mac e! XXUnix w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\n\r", s:file2str('Xtest')) e! XXDos w! Xtest call assert_equal("dos\r\ndos\r\n\r", s:file2str('Xtest')) e! XXMac w! Xtest call assert_equal("mac\rmac\r", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUnix XXDos XXMac " Test 2: try reading and writing with 'fileformats' set to one format " try with 'fileformats' set to 'unix' set fileformats=unix e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r\n", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc " try with 'fileformats' set to 'dos' set fileformats=dos e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\r\nunix\r\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r\r\n", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc " try with 'fileformats' set to 'mac' set fileformats=mac e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc " Test 3: try reading and writing with 'fileformats' set to two formats " try with 'fileformats' set to 'unix,dos' set fileformats=unix,dos e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r\n", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc e! XXUxMac w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\nmac\rmac\r\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxMac e! XXDosMac w! Xtest call assert_equal("dos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r\r\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXDosMac " try with 'fileformats' set to 'unix,mac' set fileformats=unix,mac e! XXUxDs w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDs e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r\n", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc e! XXDosMac w! Xtest call assert_equal("dos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXDosMac e! XXEol exe "normal ggO\=&ffs\:\=&ff\" w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix,mac:unix\nnoeol\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe! XXEol " try with 'fileformats' set to 'dos,mac' set fileformats=dos,mac e! XXUxDs w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\r\nunix\r\ndos\r\ndos\r\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDs e! XXUxMac exe "normal ggO\=&ffs\:\=&ff\" w! Xtest call assert_equal("dos,mac:dos\r\nunix\r\nunix\r\nmac\rmac\r\r\n", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe! XXUxMac e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\r\nunix\r\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r\r\n", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc e! XXMacEol exe "normal ggO\=&ffs\:\=&ff\" w! Xtest call assert_equal("dos,mac:mac\rmac\rmac\rnoeol\r", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe! XXMacEol " Test 4: try reading and writing with 'fileformats' set to three formats set fileformats=unix,dos,mac e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r\n", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc e! XXEol exe "normal ggO\=&ffs\:\=&ff\" w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix,dos,mac:unix\nnoeol\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe! XXEol set fileformats=mac,dos,unix e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r\n", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc e! XXEol exe "normal ggO\=&ffs\:\=&ff\" w! Xtest call assert_equal("mac,dos,unix:mac\rnoeol\r", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe! XXEol " Test 5: try with 'binary' set set fileformats=mac,unix,dos set binary e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc set fileformats=mac e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc set fileformats=dos e! XXUxDsMc w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\ndos\r\ndos\r\nmac\rmac\r", \ s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe XXUxDsMc e! XXUnix w! Xtest call assert_equal("unix\nunix\n", s:file2str('Xtest')) bwipe! XXUnix set nobinary ff& ffs& " cleanup only %bwipe! call delete('XXUnix') call delete('XXDos') call delete('XXMac') call delete('XXEol') call delete('XXUxDs') call delete('XXUxMac') call delete('XXDosMac') call delete('XXMacEol') call delete('XXUxDsMc') call delete('Xtest') endfunc " Test for changing the fileformat using ++read func Test_fileformat_plusplus_read() new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) w ++ff=dos Xfile1 enew! set ff=unix " A :read doesn't change the fileformat, but does apply to the read lines. r ++fileformat=unix Xfile1 call assert_equal('unix', &fileformat) call assert_equal("three\r", getline('$')) 3r ++edit Xfile1 call assert_equal('dos', &fileformat) close! call delete('Xfile1') set fileformat& call assert_fails('e ++fileformat Xfile1', 'E474:') call assert_fails('e ++ff=abc Xfile1', 'E474:') call assert_fails('e ++abc1 Xfile1', 'E474:') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab