" Test for expanding file names source shared.vim func Test_with_directories() call mkdir('Xdir1') call mkdir('Xdir2') call mkdir('Xdir3') cd Xdir3 call mkdir('Xdir4') cd .. split Xdir1/file call setline(1, ['a', 'b']) w w Xdir3/Xdir4/file close next Xdir?/*/file call assert_equal('Xdir3/Xdir4/file', expand('%')) if has('unix') next! Xdir?/*/nofile call assert_equal('Xdir?/*/nofile', expand('%')) endif " Edit another file, on MS-Windows the swap file would be in use and can't " be deleted. edit foo call assert_equal(0, delete('Xdir1', 'rf')) call assert_equal(0, delete('Xdir2', 'rf')) call assert_equal(0, delete('Xdir3', 'rf')) endfunc func Test_with_tilde() let dir = getcwd() call mkdir('Xdir ~ dir') call assert_true(isdirectory('Xdir ~ dir')) cd Xdir\ ~\ dir call assert_true(getcwd() =~ 'Xdir \~ dir') call chdir(dir) call delete('Xdir ~ dir', 'd') call assert_false(isdirectory('Xdir ~ dir')) endfunc func Test_expand_tilde_filename() split ~ call assert_equal('~', expand('%')) call assert_notequal(expand('%:p'), expand('~/')) call assert_match('\~', expand('%:p')) bwipe! endfunc func Test_expandcmd() let $FOO = 'Test' call assert_equal('e x/Test/y', expandcmd('e x/$FOO/y')) unlet $FOO new edit Xfile1 call assert_equal('e Xfile1', expandcmd('e %')) edit Xfile2 edit Xfile1 call assert_equal('e Xfile2', 'e #'->expandcmd()) edit Xfile2 edit Xfile3 edit Xfile4 let bnum = bufnr('Xfile2') call assert_equal('e Xfile2', expandcmd('e #' . bnum)) call setline('.', 'Vim!@#') call assert_equal('e Vim', expandcmd('e ')) call assert_equal('e Vim!@#', expandcmd('e ')) enew! edit Xfile.java call assert_equal('e Xfile.py', expandcmd('e %:r.py')) call assert_equal('make abc.java', expandcmd('make abc.%:e')) call assert_equal('make Xabc.java', expandcmd('make %:s?file?abc?')) edit a1a2a3.rb call assert_equal('make b1b2b3.rb a1a2a3 Xfile.o', expandcmd('make %:gs?a?b? %< #<.o')) call assert_fails('call expandcmd("make ")', 'E495:') call assert_fails('call expandcmd("make ")', 'E495:') enew call assert_fails('call expandcmd("make %")', 'E499:') let $FOO="blue\tsky" call setline(1, "$FOO") call assert_equal("grep pat blue\tsky", expandcmd('grep pat ')) " Test for expression expansion `= let $FOO= "blue" call assert_equal("blue sky", expandcmd("`=$FOO .. ' sky'`")) " Test for env variable with spaces let $FOO= "foo bar baz" call assert_equal("e foo bar baz", expandcmd("e $FOO")) unlet $FOO close! endfunc " Test for expanding , and outside of sourcing a script func Test_source_sfile() let lines =<< trim [SCRIPT] :call assert_fails('echo expandcmd("")', 'E498:') :call assert_fails('echo expandcmd("")', 'E842:') :call assert_fails('echo expandcmd("")', 'E961:') :call assert_fails('call expandcmd("edit ")', 'E446:') :call assert_fails('call expandcmd("edit #")', 'E194:') :call assert_fails('call expandcmd("edit #<2")', 'E684:') :call assert_fails('call expandcmd("edit ")', 'E348:') :call assert_fails('call expandcmd("edit ")', 'E348:') :call assert_fails('autocmd User MyCmd echo ""', 'E498:') :call writefile(v:errors, 'Xresult') :qall! [SCRIPT] call writefile(lines, 'Xscript') if RunVim([], [], '--clean -s Xscript') call assert_equal([], readfile('Xresult')) endif call delete('Xscript') call delete('Xresult') endfunc " Test for expanding filenames multiple times in a command line func Test_expand_filename_multicmd() edit foo call setline(1, 'foo!') new call setline(1, 'foo!') new | new call assert_equal(4, winnr('$')) call assert_equal('foo!', bufname(winbufnr(1))) call assert_equal('foo', bufname(winbufnr(2))) call assert_fails('e %:s/.*//', 'E500:') %bwipe! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab